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Wongamat Beach Wallk


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Approximately 8 years ago, the city governement of Pattaya finished a big project of creating a state of the art beach walkway which started at the north side of the Dusit Hotel and continued for a a couple kilometers to the older apartment complex of Siam Penthouse. The 4 meter in width walkway include a couple look out points with seating areas and the walkway also had lights along the pathway. The brick walk was well constructed (unfortunately the high tide wasn't condidered...) and looked like something one would find in Singapore or in Europe. --BUT as soon as this multi-million baht project was finished, it was already being neglected. Some of the lights didn't work...and most were eventually vandalized. Next, the sand eventually covered many sections of the walk since there was no city cleaners to sweep the sand off. The sections that were not covered were looked after by the hotels or apartment owners. Now with the high waters of this winter, most of the walkway is ruined and an eyesore. Why does the city come up with such "great ideas" but never seems to think about maintaining anything. It thinks it is an "international city" with appropriate infrastructure; yet, its walkways, beach promenades, trash bin supply, water treatment all is inferior with other international cities that depends on tourism for its income. It seems that the city officials live in a bubble and don't walk around...

Yes, I feel that I have the right to complain since I do pay taxes ( I work here) and everytime all of us purchase something or go out to eat, there is a tax added on. It seems that a lot of this money is not directed the right way.

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the situation is horrible

Pattaya launched public hearings into proposals to rebuild Pattaya Beach and mitigate future erosion.

Mayor Itthiphol Kunplome said the June 20 session was the first of three planned to allow the public to hear and give feedback on the two proposals being considered to restore and enlarge Pattaya Beach, which experts say will disappear within five years if nothing is done to stop erosion.

The two proposals call for rebuilding the beach with sand from the Rayong Estuary. The first, which would be simply a refill of sand, would cost about 300 million baht and be good for about 10 years of use, Itthiphol said.

The second, estimated to cost 500 million baht, involves using sandbags to build an underwater breakwater to divert the currents and lessen the impact of high tides. Officials estimate it would last no less than a decade.

Residents pointed out that Pattaya Beach - particularly at the Dusit Curve - may be the hardest hit by erosion, but that Jomtien Beach is also suffering. Near the Poo Pen Restaurant at the far end of Jomtien, for example, all the sand is gone. Itthiphol said the initial projects target Pattaya only and Jomtien would be a second-phase project.

Lead engineer Supot Jarulakkana said the city has been scouting various areas to find sand most alike to that on Pattaya Beach. The leading candidate is from the Rayong Estuary. Pattaya’s sand granules are on average 0.5 mm thick and Rayong’s are 0.58 thick. There is a high probability the two are interchangeable, Supot said.

The engineer estimated 600,000 kg. of sand from Rayong will be needed. Initial plans call for it to be hauled via barge and laid into ten 300-meter spans from north to south Pattaya from 8 p.m. to 4 a.m. each night for 18 months.

Itthiphol noted, however, these are still early days for any beach-rescue effort and all plans must be approved by the National Office of Policy and Environment and the Marine Department.



another problem, the pollution of the sea

Edited by Rimmer
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-Mmmmmmmmm , Interesting the new condominiums mushrooming along the shores of Wongamat Beach (such as North Point,W Tower, The Palm, Wong Amat Tower,Club Royal,Laguna Heights, Ananya ) don't show the polluted beach or the eroded walkway in their promos--just acqua blue water with white sand!!!!

Edited by Rimmer
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To DisainaM: thanks for the video. It really is awful.

To the OP. I don't think it will change soon...last issue of Pattaya Mail, the authorities said Pattaya Beach is a priority. Then Jomtien. Nothing about Wongamat.

I hope this thread appears in a google search of Wongamat Beach....then potential investors can see the awful state of the beach and avoid. Already told a few people to avoid the hotels there; sort of my own way of spreading the word. I can only hope the hoteliers and developers (once their $$$ is affected) might rally together and pressure the authorities to clean up the beach.

To BugJackBaron: care to elaborate? I have never noticed anything particularly seedy there and am very curious now! :blink:

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Went for lunch at one of the shacks on the beach....lovely day. Unfortunately, ambience was wrecked by a mattress floating around in the sea. Why oh why would anyone chuck an unwanted matress into the sea?????????????????????

A few shocked tourist snapped a few pics...hopefully spread the word (and pics) to potential visitors about the terrible state of the beaches here.

Edited by doggie888888
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To DisainaM: thanks for the video. It really is awful.

To the OP. I don't think it will change soon...last issue of Pattaya Mail, the authorities said Pattaya Beach is a priority. Then Jomtien. Nothing about Wongamat.

I hope this thread appears in a google search of Wongamat Beach....then potential investors can see the awful state of the beach and avoid. Already told a few people to avoid the hotels there; sort of my own way of spreading the word. I can only hope the hoteliers and developers (once their $ is affected) might rally together and pressure the authorities to clean up the beach.

To BugJackBaron: care to elaborate? I have never noticed anything particularly seedy there and am very curious now! :blink:

Sure. It's been a couple of years since I strolled there but there would always be one or two Thais near an abandoned house a little way up from the beach(is it still there?) who asked me to "smoke" with them. I walked on. This happened a couple of times. The good point was that it was relatively quiet and free of (regular) toots.

Were they hunks...I might have to check out this new [to me] cruising zone :o

In reply to the op, there is more money to be skimmed from "pouring concrete" than maintaining anything :(

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Probably the same reason that so many pot holes exist in the UKs roads, hospitols throughout Europe have waiting lists upto 2 years and many many more examples that taxpayers could ponder over...in comparison is it really that important...as a taxpayer

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