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Is There A Real It Shortage In Thailand?

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You are all so negative, hey I left Thailand, because of the education standards, but I arrived with about 10 years IT experience, found a job within 3 months at 60k, within a year I was saving, yes saving 100K a month. I did work long hours tho, and with the traffic wasn't getting home till 10 at night. I brought home work at the weekend too. I am not recommending this, but it can be done. However as my in my previous post, you have to be a manager, and work for a foreign company, Thai's generally don't think farangs are worth more than Thai's, and won't pay more. And one more point, you have to be here to get that job. Firefox, think long and hard before you take the plunge, being poor in the UK is a lot better than being poor in Thailand. Specialy if you have a family, no wellfare state in LOS, even for the locals. If you can line up freelance work, and work remotely, then thats a good bet, I never managed, but I knew a Java programmer who did just that, he was charging 1000 baht an hour to UK employers, they were happy, and so was he, but freelance Java programmers working on site get 30 - 50 GBP per hour, so he was cheap to them, which made up the inconvenience of working remotely. He did have the advantage of being a known to his employers beforehand tho, else he would have found it much harder to get anything.

Just suggestions, good luck whatever you decide

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Here's another thought.

Companies here are more willing to hire you if you work for free.

I.e No 'wages' as such, but you do a project and then split the revenue. This of course is risk free for them.

I personally don't like it and don't go for this kind of thing, having been burnt already, but if you're desperate its a possibility.

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Here's another thought.

Companies here are more willing to hire you if you work for free.

I.e No 'wages' as such, but you do a project and then split the revenue. This of course is risk free for them.

I personally don't like it and don't go for this kind of thing, having been burnt already, but if you're desperate its a possibility.


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£1550 take home pay,

That's awful money for IT , I was earning that about 15 years ago, Why not knock the perm job on the head , do contracting for a few years and establish contacts whilst you are at it? I can put you in touch with some decent accountants that will make you IR35 proof and hopefully help your present situation before you make the leap.


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Cant for the life of me think why you would want to bring wife and kid to live in Thailand??

Why?is she Thai??

£1550 take home pay,

That's awful money for IT , I was earning that about 15 years ago, Why not knock the perm job on the head , do contracting for a few years and establish contacts whilst you are at it? I can put you in touch with some decent accountants that will make you IR35 proof and hopefully help your present situation before you make the leap.


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£1550 take home pay,

That's awful money for IT , I was earning that about 15 years ago, Why not knock the perm job on the head , do contracting for a few years and establish contacts whilst you are at it? I can put you in touch with some decent accountants that will make you IR35 proof and hopefully help your present situation before you make the leap.


I made my only serious money contracting, but that was pre IR35, as I understand it it s the nature of your company and your contact with your client that decides if your IR35 or not, would love to hear more tho, seems you know more than me, been out the freelance market for while.

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