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Yingluck To Chair Meeting On Policies

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Yingluck to chair meeting on policies

By Praphan Jindalertudomdee,

Jeerapong Prasertpolkrang

The Nation on Sunday


Prime Minister-to-be Yingluck Shinawatra will chair a meeting on drafting the government's policies tomorrow, a Pheu Thai source, who asked not to be named, said.

Over the past week, the Pheu Thai Party used its connections and invited senior officials from many ministries to brief the party's teams working on drafting the policies to be announced in Parliament, the source said. The officials had to spend the weekend preparing documents for a meeting to be chaired by Yingluck at 10am on Monday. The policies include those on the economy, social issues, education, national security, foreign affairs, energy and agriculture.

They will also discuss the action plan and the schedules for implementing each policy, besides amendment of laws that would obstruct the implementation of policies promoted during the election campaign, the source said.

Yingluck yesterday told reporters that the visits to Dubai of many politicians to meet her brother Thaksin had nothing to do with the Cabinet allocation. "People worked together. It's common to visit each other if they are not together," she said.

She also denied reports that Thaksin is scheduled to hold discussions with the politicians in Hong Kong.

"That might be only normal visits. I assure you that the Cabinet line-up allocation is going on in Thailand together with the [party's] executives. We haven't really started, actually. We will do it step by step," she said.

Thaksin's legal adviser Noppadon Pattama also denied Thaksin's participation in forming the Cabinet.

"My advice to those visiting Thaksin is, please only take local Thai food such as Namprik [chilli paste] and Sai Ua [northern traditional sausages] for him. I don't want him to be regarded as taking part in forming the Cabinet. Yingluck has said clearly the ministers would be appointed taking into account the people's feelings and the keys are the tasks and the policies," he said.

Pheu Thai legal adviser Chusak Sirinil said the party had appointed seven to eight legal experts to be in charge of cases related to the July 3 election.

The party is confident it can defend Yingluck who has been accused of buying votes by distributing noodles she cooked during her election campaign in Nakhon Ratchasima. "The Korat Noodle cooking was a gimmick in the election campaign, not a free party or vote-buying," he said, adding that other parties' leaders also cooked during the election campaign.

Chusak said the Election Commission has not made it clear enough on what the banned politicians can or cannot do. "Isn't banned politicians taking part in forming the government actually worse than helping create policies or run the election campaign?" he said. The Democrat Party on Friday filed a complaint against Pheu Thai, claiming banned politicians had acted as if they were Pheu Thai executives.


-- The Nation 2011-07-10

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I have looked at 3 events which seemed controversial, added them together and come up with a theory. Like any other theory, I will stand by it only until events or produced facts prove me wrong.

1/ Thaksin openly is associated with PTP's campaign. At first I put it down to hubris, the nature of the beast, but it seems that problems have been expected as a new party is already registered and steps to minimise the damage of banning taken. As must have been expected, the Democrats have filed a complaint with the EC and the case has to be considered pretty solid. Yingluk's denials sound like a crock, even with the lovely smile, compared to reports of wanna-bees flying out to Dubai and reports of Thaksin calling the would-be coalition leaders. Would they lie under oath? Possibly, but it was a risk.

2/ Yingluk's cooking show. It seems innocuous at first glance, but it was well-documented and photographed and is definitely an infringement of electoral law. At first I put this down to (her) inexperience and (her minder's) stupidity. But are they really that inexperienced or stupid? This is coupled with the picture of Abhisit cooking - and I am as sure as possible that his minders would have kept him from stepping over the line.

3/ All the in-country UDD leaders being included on the PTP party list with high enough positions to ensure seats. A slap in the face for the people of BKK, and hardly a step towards reconciliation, but I put it down to rewards for past dirty work. But why was Arisman omitted, and the seat given to his wife? Possibly because if he returned in time to vote, he would have been arrested on sight and as a flight risk, definitely not given bail. Jatuporn might get (may already have) his seat, but the fat boy was too risky.

OK, so a month or two down the track, the EC or court decide that both these well-documented cases have merit, probably not at the same time but within a reasonable time frame. Strangely enough, both have resonance with previous cases. PTP is disbanded and Yingluk disqualified - photo op emerging from the court in tears. How will this be perceived in PTP heartland, and elsewhere for that matter? How is bringing the cases before the EC perceived on TVF? With a lot of ill-informed and illogical response. Dirty politics, sour grapes, trying to hold onto power are the prevalent cries when it is obvious that this is not true. Truth has nothing to do with it.

In Isaan, the response will be much stronger. The message that this was normal legal process carrying out long-existing laws, and that there will be no change of government, will be drowned out by Thaksin's propaganda machine, UDD, most of whom would/should be in gaol or at least restricted by bail conditions, but are now free to spew out hate speech, untouchable as MPs.

Massive amounts of anger being stirred to hate, just as every minimum wage earner is getting a massive pay rise, and before inflation can eat the benefits away, and uni graduates are looking forward to a well-paying job. Minimum wage earners are the least educated in a society - if you want to start a revolution, who do you need? The great unwashed who will believe anything, and uni students who think that they know everything.

Why would Thaksin want to incite a revolution? What does a billionaire want? More money when he has more than he can spend, and is smart enough to know he can't match Bill Gates. How about power; enough so that no-one can tell him to take a hike again. IMHO k. Thaksin has aspirations to be dictator; his last days as (resigned caretaker) PM were spent trying to stack the military and courts with family and cronies, so that he could not be removed. But his timing was a little off. If we are getting closer to an inevitable day, 2011 might be right for him.

Living down south, I don't feel insecure even though I fear this is coming. if however, I was living in BKK, I would be keeping a close eye on the social pages. If the Shinawatra becomes noticeable by their absence, I would make sure the fuel tank was full and a bag packed. Good luck!

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I especaly liked this part

""My advice to those visiting Thaksin is, please only take local Thai food such as Namprik [chilli paste] and Sai Ua [northern traditional sausages] for him. I don't want him to be regarded as taking part in forming the Cabinet. Yingluck has said clearly the ministers would be appointed taking into account the people's feelings and the keys are the tasks and the policies," he said."

As she well knows the peoples feelings are that Thaksin can do no wrong.

What is this he said stuff my understanding of Yingluck was that she was a women.

they might want to rewrite that as it is a little confusing.

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1) Without Thaksin, Yingluck wouldn't have been the PM candidate. Without Thaksin and/or Yingluck, the PTP wouldn't have won the election. Banning of the PTP for this will still leave the new-PTP in power and Yingluck will still be PM. She is not on the party executive, so she won't be banned. The risk of being banned was outweighed by the popularity of Thaksin and Yingluck.

2) I doubt that some cooking (actually, it's the feeding that is breaking the electoral laws, not the cooking itself) will lead to banning. Did they give away food to feed thousands? Or did they just give away a few bowls?

3) Having someone on the run on their party list would have been a new low, even for the PTP. They got around this (not quite getting so low) by putting his wife on the list.

If banning the PTP led to a change of government, there would be protests ... worse than last year. And as shown in the other thread, "They won. Who cares if they broke the law."

But the banning of the PTP is VERY UNLIKELY to lead to a change in government.

I certainly hope it doesn't. The PTP now has enough rope. Let's see if they can hang themselves.

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They will also discuss the action plan and the schedules for implementing each policy, besides amendment of laws that would obstruct the implementation of policies promoted during the election campaign, the source said.

Interesting comment, one can but only presume from the comment that it is the intention to change the law to benefit certain interested parties as promised in private talks and somewhat vaguely in election campaigns.

Indeed it will be interesting to see and hear the excuses offered regarding minimum wage levels of 300 baht a day, 20,000 baht a ton rice prices and P.C. tablets for the P.1 grades. No doubt though that the big ticket price jobs will of course remain untouched as they are the money pits for the politicians as per usual

Lies and deceit. 1: Truth. 0:

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1) Without Thaksin, Yingluck wouldn't have been the PM candidate. Without Thaksin and/or Yingluck, the PTP wouldn't have won the election. Banning of the PTP for this will still leave the new-PTP in power and Yingluck will still be PM. She is not on the party executive, so she won't be banned. The risk of being banned was outweighed by the popularity of Thaksin and Yingluck.

2) I doubt that some cooking (actually, it's the feeding that is breaking the electoral laws, not the cooking itself) will lead to banning. Did they give away food to feed thousands? Or did they just give away a few bowls?

3) Having someone on the run on their party list would have been a new low, even for the PTP. They got around this (not quite getting so low) by putting his wife on the list.

If banning the PTP led to a change of government, there would be protests ... worse than last year. And as shown in the other thread, "They won. Who cares if they broke the law."

But the banning of the PTP is VERY UNLIKELY to lead to a change in government.

I certainly hope it doesn't. The PTP now has enough rope. Let's see if they can hang themselves.

1/ fully agree

2/ Is there any wording in the law re volume/amount? This was a political rally where she is pictured cooking, and the PTP mouthpiece denied ANY noodles were handed out. My point is why do it at all. Even if she is not disqualified, it raises a lot of ill-feeling. IMHO this is what was intended.

3/ agree - but isn't having nearly all the UDD leadership free and untouchable a great start to rabble-rousing?

I understand that neither action could cause a change in govt. But how mant so-called informed TVF posters have not. If the reaction can be that strong here, what will it be like in Isaan, to both moves, whether they succeed or not, and the likes of Jatuporn screaming "They're doing it again!"

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I especaly liked this part

""My advice to those visiting Thaksin is, please only take local Thai food such as Namprik [chilli paste] and Sai Ua [northern traditional sausages] for him. I don't want him to be regarded as taking part in forming the Cabinet. Yingluck has said clearly the ministers would be appointed taking into account the people's feelings and the keys are the tasks and the policies," he said."

As she well knows the peoples feelings are that Thaksin can do no wrong.

What is this he said stuff my understanding of Yingluck was that she was a women.

they might want to rewrite that as it is a little confusing.

"My advice to those visiting Thaksin is, please only take local Thai food such as Namprik [chilli paste] and Sai Ua [northern traditional sausages] for him.

Which gives NAM PRICK a completeley different meaning....................NAM PRICK for pricks.....................:jap:

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personally i think the kid in the picture would make a great PM....Well at least better than the one that's going to get the job :bah::D

PS. unless he's the son of Yingluck in which case clone number 2.

Edited by thaicbr
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personally i think the kid in the picture would make a great PM....Well at least better than the one that's going to get the job :bah::D

PS. unless he's the son of Yingluck in which case clone number 2.

Maybe it's her policy adviser.

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Does Yingluck have a husband or did she have her son out of wedlock? I've never seen her husband anywhere.....

She is not legally married. Her "husband" and son were present at a couple of rallies.

Chuvit is already asking if she will submit an assets statement for her "common law husband". I take it from that, that she doesn't actually have to.

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Does Yingluck have a husband or did she have her son out of wedlock? I've never seen her husband anywhere.....

She has a common-law husband, but little is known about their relationship, whether they remain a couple, whether they live together, why they have never officially married. It's an area of her life that she has been quite secretive about. Some would say she has that right, others would say that as possible leader of a nation, she has to expect people to want to know these details and should offer them if she has nothing to hide.

P.S. The kid in the photo is i believe Nong Pipe, her son.

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"My advice to those visiting Thaksin is, please only take local Thai food such as Namprik [chilli paste] and Sai Ua [northern traditional sausages] for him. I don't want him to be regarded as taking part in forming the Cabinet. Yingluck has said clearly the ministers would be appointed taking into account the people's feelings and the keys are the tasks and the policies," he said.

Good advise! Make it look like visiting a friend who hasn't been in Thailand for awhile. Don't be too obvious or people may catch on. It's a social thing, old colleagues visiting, just happen to be in the neighbourhood, that sort of thing.

In the mean time keep hammering on Ms. Yingluck will decide, 'when it's sorted out' , 'in due time', 'too early to say', "We haven't really started, actually." ;)

(PS "besides amendment of laws" must be a slip of the tongue, soon to be denied or downplayed. I mean we haven't really started, so how do we know :D )

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As to font and colour, posting guidelines for this is to ensure easy readability for all members. Using non-standard fonts, sizes and colours means I have to keep multiple pairs of glasses next to the computer monitor and a box of Tylenol. This is why we encourage standard font and colour.

As to a heading, it is exactly that, and therefore I don't really see a problem with a different colour.

Please try to remain sensible on this issue.

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I especaly liked this part

""My advice to those visiting Thaksin is, please only take local Thai food such as Namprik [chilli paste] and Sai Ua [northern traditional sausages] for him. I don't want him to be regarded as taking part in forming the Cabinet. Yingluck has said clearly the ministers would be appointed taking into account the people's feelings and the keys are the tasks and the policies," he said."

As she well knows the peoples feelings are that Thaksin can do no wrong.

What is this he said stuff my understanding of Yingluck was that she was a women.

they might want to rewrite that as it is a little confusing.

You need to work on your reading comprehension a bit there chief...wink.gif

Thaksin's legal adviser Noppadon Pattama also denied Thaksin's participation in forming the Cabinet.

"My advice to those visiting Thaksin is, please only take local Thai food such as Namprik [chilli paste] and Sai Ua [northern traditional sausages] for him. I don't want him to be regarded as taking part in forming the Cabinet. Yingluck has said clearly the ministers would be appointed taking into account the people's feelings and the keys are the tasks and the policies," he said.

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personally i think the kid in the picture would make a great PM....Well at least better than the one that's going to get the job :bah::D

PS. unless he's the son of Yingluck in which case clone number 2.

Maybe it's her policy adviser.

Video link from Dubai needs to be in place before any decisions are made, but one of the policies will certainly be to benefit the Shinawatra tribe.

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I especaly liked this part

""My advice to those visiting Thaksin is, please only take local Thai food such as Namprik [chilli paste] and Sai Ua [northern traditional sausages] for him. I don't want him to be regarded as taking part in forming the Cabinet. Yingluck has said clearly the ministers would be appointed taking into account the people's feelings and the keys are the tasks and the policies," he said."

As she well knows the peoples feelings are that Thaksin can do no wrong.

What is this he said stuff my understanding of Yingluck was that she was a women.

they might want to rewrite that as it is a little confusing.

"My advice to those visiting Thaksin is, please only take local Thai food such as Namprik [chilli paste] and Sai Ua [northern traditional sausages] for him.

Which gives NAM PRICK a completeley different meaning....................NAM PRICK for pricks.....................:jap:

NB: Rapier sharp wit on display!

Caution, laughing to excess may be injurious to health.

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Prime Minister-to-be Yingluck Shinawatra will chair a meeting on drafting the government's policies tomorrow, a Pheu Thai source, who asked not to be named, said.

Over the past week, the Pheu Thai Party used its connections and invited senior officials from many ministries to brief the party's teams working on drafting the policies to be announced in Parliament, the source said.

Interesting, the non-involved k. Thaksin who has no interesting in politics and really tries to stay away, even with uninvited visitors, this same selfless person who's not involved in cabinet formation or policy settings, this nice man has given an interview published in Matachon with

""I already discussed with Pheu Thai's executives and we agree that the government should talk to all sides to restore the national reconciliation"."

he Dem's have no need to fabricate evidence for their ruthless request to the EC to investigate a possible irregularity and breach of the Election Laws. K. Thaksin c.s. will gladly oblige it seems :D

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"My advice to those visiting Thaksin is, please only take local Thai food such as Namprik [chilli paste] and Sai Ua [northern traditional sausages] for him."

Dubai Customs regulations state:

Items prohibited in Dubai include narcotic drugs, goods from Israel or with an Israeli logo/trademark, crude ivory and rhinoceros horn, gambling equipment, tires, radioactive material, forged currency, cooked and home-made food, and prints, sculptures, and lithographs.blink.gif


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"A meeting" on policies. I'm sure it will be 30 minutes well spent :D

It's just painful to watch these amateurs. The most incompetent government in SE Asia.

Sad to say but that is the way they are shaping up.

I had hoped that they would take a about face in their policies.

But it would seem that is not the case business as usual only with different pigs at the trough.

They say they are for the poor yet they want to raise the minimum wage so that small business will not be able to afford all the help thereby raising the unemployment rate. If they have there way they will be able to chase big corporations out of Thailand to countries that appreciate the chance to put unemployed workers to work. And the cost of living will go up not as a result of world happenings but as a result of high wages.

I wonder who will be the owner of the company to supply computers to 1st graders probably at a inflated price.

Mom what did you learn today son

Son how to google and learn that 1 plus 1 is 2

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"Thaksin's legal adviser Noppadon Pattama also denied Thaksin's participation in forming the Cabinet." Really?


Nopaddon advises visiting MPs going to Dubai to visit the Master to take Namprik & Thai Sai Ua sausages containing pork.

Guess the locals might enjoy a few sausage snacks? :ermm: Bad advice.

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