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Marriage Visa to Switzerland

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Dear All,

Maybe you all used to get this kind of experience, so please let me know your suggestions.

I have just got passport with Marriage Visa back from travel agency . I asked for this kind of visa and it took about 2 months to get approved. It is the Visa to Switzerland.

I would like to ask some information, relating to the Ait Ticket. As the embassy didn't require to show air ticket while the agent went to pick up the passport. I called to check with Embassy, the officer said ticket didn't need as the visa is Single Entry and duration of stay is leave blank ( /// ). I tried to ask some more questions, however, she seemed to be busy and tried to stop conversation on phone. This seems to happend even I had a face talk with them. :D I don't really understand.

Pls take a look on following details; they are being stated on this visa .

Valid from 15 Dec 03 until 10 Mar 04. <I have amended date >

No of Entry :1

Type of Visa : Ordinaire

Duration of Stay : ///

Sorry there are too many details I have written above. I hope that all I wrote above is related to ticket matter & visa matter.

1. As I will buy round trip ticket, please advise do I need to specify return date. Can I open date of return to BKK ( so ticket will show only departure date)? Will I have the problem when enter to Swiss side?

2. Suppose I enter to Swiss, what shall I do next? My future husband said we have to get married then we would know next step. He said he never gets married before, so he said he didn't know either.. He said we would go check together there when I'll be with him there .. However, I would like to know roughly process there before leaving TH. Can anyone tell me something about that?

3. As my visa is SINGLE entry ; if I want to go back to BKK, I need to ask for Visa at BKK again to re-enter SWISS ( I am afraid of time consuming anyway)???? Can I ask for visa extension at Swiss before returning to BKK? My furture husband said it might be easier to get visa extension in Swiss than Bkk side. However, he just guessed! B):o I want more firm information.

Your information would be highly appreciated. Please kindly advise.

thanks in advance.


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Only someone who has gone through this under Swiss law will be able to answer all your questions but basic is that you are leaving Thailand to marry. After marriage your status will probably change and then you will have other rules to follow for later visits home to Thailand.

1. An open round trip ticket should be ok. This is the official requirement:


Passport and visa required.

Visitor must hold:

- all documents required for return or onward journey; and

- sufficient funds.

Non-compliance with entry regulations can lead to refusal of

entry upon arrival and difficulties and costs as well for the

transporting airline as for the visitor.

2. Getting married would be the next step. He should already have found out the requirements as you may need some papers/translations proving you are single etc. Are you very sure about your future husband? Can't believe he has not checked and told you exactly what is required if he is serious about marriage.

3. Again; he should be getting you this information. Believe he should be able to answer your questions if he is planning to marry you.

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Dear Lopburi3,

Thanks so much for your prompt reply & useful information. :o

1. Well noted with thanks. So I can buy air ticket then..

2 & 3 Papers & necessary documents: During the process of asking for this visa ( about 2-3 months back), I sent all required papers to embassy. Finally he got them from his side to proceed.That's reason I have got visa. If he didn't do about visa process in his side, I wouldn't get the visa. It took his time to go contact several offices there.. He told me that there are no further required for papers. We just need to go to contact office there to make our marriage legally...

About our relationship, i know & think that he is serious about marrying to me. As I have been in touched with him several yrs before deciding to get married. Better to say, I have trusted in his words. Even we sometimes have little arguments , perhaps because of culture difference & distance. I do love him as well as he does. That's what we believe now.

However, certainty is uncertainty. I keep that in my mind. Some couples got breakup even they had been together more than 10 yrs... So I can't predict my future though. I just really hope that this will not happend to ours.



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As you have a visa and hold a return-ticket, no problem to enter Switzerland.

I quote you below part of airline - rules, lobburi3 sent me before. (Lop you clicked on Sweden :o

Immigration officer might ask you for your contact address. Sure you have your fiancee's address.

Your visa is an ordinary one, which allows you to arrive at Switzerland between the dates shown and to stay until ///.

Means the immigration officer will decide, how long stay he(she) gives to you. Tell openly you come to get married and would like to stay as long as possible, after wedding will change papers. This should be enough to grant you 3 months' stay.

For marriage the web-site is not too clear as mainly referring to Swiss who want to get married abroad, but try this link in English. Evtl. contact them and ask for the brochure. (There is space for message, click on the order forms)


Yo said you submitted documents and your fiancee contacted 'many ofices'. Looks to me as if he sponsored your visa, which is quite common, he guarantees for you while you stay in CH. Take along whatever documents you gave to the embassy. I am sure they will ask for birth certificate, passport of course, certificate that you are able to marry (not married already).

I suggest, go there. Your fiancee than can take you to the required offices and Foreign police (Fremdenpolizei) who further can proceed/change your visa after married.

I once was married in Switzerland, it is a lot of papers. But from what you write I think everything will be ok with you.

Good luck and all the best.

Here the airline rules:

National THAILAND (TH) /Destination SWITZERLAND (CH) []


Passport (must be valid at least 3 months beyond period of intended stay) and visa required.

Visitor must hold all documents required for next destination.

If entering on one-way ticket, see For details, 0- Item 4 below for further information.

If on business visit exceeding 8 days within a consecutive

period of 3 months, passenger should contact the local Police dept., Foreign Control. Passenger is under no circumstances allowed to take up paid employment.


1. Refugees and stateless persons must hold visas in all circumstances, except those mentioned under 2. Visa

3. 2. Changes of onward reservations at the transit station

(i.e. once the passenger has arrived in Switzerland) are not allowed. 3. Members of armed forces, except nationals of Switzerland

must hold a special permit (green card) issued by the Swiss military authorities, otherwise leaving the transit

area will not be allowed. 4. Passengers entering Switzerland on a one-way ticket

may be considered persons entering the country with the purpose of taking up employment and therefore need visa or proof that they will be granted residence permit on arrival. Unless: a. holding sufficient funds for holiday maintenance and to buy a return ticket, or

b. being able to give address of acquaintance in Switzerland (which is checked by immigration authorities)

who will guarantee for them. They will be returned to point of origin by next possibility at the expense of the carrier which brought them into Switzerland. This regulation applies to all holders of one-way tickets,

even though not required to hold visas. 5. Visitors must hold all documents required for their next destination.

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Dear Axel,

Really thanks for your details and very useful information. I have well noted all..

One more question, immigration will ask me about working in SWISS?? My fiancee will be interviewed also ? He will be with me while the immigration officer asks me questions???.just curioused. My fiancee said if I would like to work maybe I could find job there. I finished BBA from international university in BKK. If so, I have to ask for work permit or not.

Thanks again for your kind advices.



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Dear Axel,

Really thanks for your details and very useful information. I have well noted all..

One more question, immigration will ask me about working in SWISS?? My fiancee will be interviewed also ? He will be with me while the immigration officer asks me questions???.just curioused. My fiancee said if I would like to work maybe I could find job there. I finished BBA from international university in BKK. If so, I have to ask for work permit or not.

Thanks again for your kind advices.



Hi Zozo,

I understand from your mail that you will be travelling on your own and your fiancee picks you up at the airport (Zurich I guess)

If so, you must pass immigration by yourself. Just follow the signs for 'Arrival'

and you come automatically to the immigration booth where you have to show your passport. Most likely the officer will question you about your stay. Just 'what are you going to do here? How long you stay?' Tell him, you came to see your fiancee and preparing to get married in Switzerland and on this trip to prepare all the documents to get married. Ask how long you can stay, as you would like to stay as long as possible to prepare all documents. Don't worry, these guys do speak some English.

Work? No, don't mention it. This time only get married.

Later, after married, if you live in CH you can get a right of abode (to stay) and after some time living there might have a right to become Swiss resp. get a Swiss passport. Time depends on Canton, town or city. This your fiance can explain.

All the best to both of you

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Dear zozo

If a valid visa issued the immigration at the airport there shouldn't be any problem to enter. If there are questions just answer it truly.

To marry in Switzerland there are the following steps:

Make a tel. appointment with the Zivilstandsamt (goverment) and then present the following documents:



*Birth Certificate

*Housebook (Tabienban)


* The documents have to be translated and cerified to German (or French or Italian). It could be done (by post) with:

http://www.thai-consulate.ch Zurich

http://www.thai-consulatebasel.ch Basel

http://www.thaiconsulate.ch Geneva




You have then to fill in some forms (if not done at the embassy)

- Application for marriage preparation

- Declaration preconcerning conditions for entering into marriage

- Declaration of choosen last name (pls see factsheet below)




You will then appoint the day of marriage (10 days later) and a small ceremony will be held.

Please make sure the civil servant speak some english otherwise a translator will be required.

* The documents have to be translated and cerified to German (or French or Italian). It could be done (by post) with:

http://www.thai-consulate.ch Zurich

http://www.thai-consulatebasel.ch Basel

http://www.thaiconsulate.ch Geneva

So now you are legally married and a marriage certificate will be issued.

You have to register at the Amt fuer Migration (Police) and they will issue a residence permit B wich will be renewed ervery year. With this you are able to stay and living in Switzerland and should be able to work too (pls check there). for travel to Sitzerland there is no visa requested anymore.


After five years you will receive a settlementp permit C (resident) and you are also entiteld to apply for a swiss passport.



The next step is to change you name in the Thai Passport (Thai Embassy Bern) and to register Marriage in Thailand.

Further information will be given if requested.

Hope this is usefull for you.


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Axel....can the girl work there...on a short stay visa ? She may well do hereself a disservice by mentioning work before she is married and changes visa status

No work at the short stay visa Dr., only after married.

That's why I said: "Work? No, don't mention it. This time only get married."

Mean discribed it very well, which I am sure the fiancee as well knows by now.

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Dear K. Axel,

Really thanks for your kind explanation and information. I have well noted those information and also steps that I need to go through in Swiss. Also, I forwarded your information to my fiancee for reference.

Yes, your guess was right. I will go to Swiss ( Zurich) alone. It was my first time to go abroad alone. Even I used to go to other european countries before, those times I went with my exboss and those visits were for business purposes. This time to Swiss makes me quite worried and abit nervious :D I don't know how to explain either :o . Your information makes me feel better B)B) Khob khun mak mak ka.

I was very appreciated for your help& advice indeed. Thanks again for your kindness & all of useful information.

Wish you best luck,



Ps: I have got confirmed ticket ( open return date) just today.. B)

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It will be cold and miserable when you get to Switzerland. Do you have a warm winter coat?

And a pair of sturdy waterproof shoes? Your fiancé will have the umbrella against the rain and snow.

Forget about working for now. It will be very difficult to find a job. As you may know, neither English nor Thai are among the four Swiss national languages. So it will have to be a highly special gap that you can close with your knowledge, perhaps with an international company that you will have to find. The previous posts seem to be well documented; however from my son, whose wife is German, I seem to remember that a work permit does not come automatically with marriage to a Swiss. They had to form a company, a GmbH, to make it possible.

The Swiss are not known for their hospitality to non-rich foreigners, and not for being easy-going. I am a Swiss myself, and what some foreigners tell me who have become part of the establishment - we call it "integrated" - once they have been accepted they feel the friendships are as solid as a rock. But as an exotic woman you will first be considered you know what. This will take a lot of strength from your side and that of your fiancé. And don't forget that the Swiss don't know how to smile and need some help from someone like you.

We will be with you when you disembark in Kloten, and please send us a message from time to time.

Wishing you well.

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Hi Tchk,

Thanks for your advices about weather and need clothes. I think I have them all on hands now. What I just abit worried is how could I pack all things on luggage to comply with the limitation of allowed weights that TG has offered. :D:o

Well note with thank about work situation up there. My fiancee lives in french part actually. As I could not get ticket to Geneva Airport because of fully booked so I 've taken ticket to Zurich instead. Once I am there, I have to learn hard on French language in the beginning period so that I could communicate his family & local people. Even I used to take few courses in BKK, I hardly use in BKK so it is not much improved. It might take some yrs to be able to communicate with local people there. After that my chance for working might be more open, I guess & hope.

About hospitality, I understood what you told me . My fiancee have told me several times how hard to live and to deal with people there. He used to tell me how his friends said when he told them that he would come to TH (his 1st trip was in yr 2000) . His friends didn't believe when he told them that he wanted to just travel around and see how nice people were, how beautiful the beach was and many more positive issues . However, his friends just smiled and made strange face.What did they had in their heads, you could guess? . So what we ( I and my fiancee) believe is same as yours " Strength ". My fiancee suggested me to be clam & be strong, things will be better when I and other people get to know among other more.

Thanks for your advices& tips to deal with this tough situation. I hope I could cope this tough situation somehow.



Ps: I am now in Chiang Rai (CR), visiting & staying with my parents before leaving TH next week. Even I moved to live & study in BKK since I was young (I come to visit them as often as I could while I am in BKK), it is not easy still for (old) parents to let youngest daughter stay far away that 's what they told me. Hurr I could understand them. I still remembered that I felt homesick when I was out for working reasons, and my parents were very happy when they knew that I was back TH. Even those visits were only short stay ( 1-2 wks max). This time will be much different. So, I will also miss parents' complaints, their laughs, their concerns etc. :D:D This must be one more problem that I will have there.??? Anyway, I have promised them that I will contact them as often as possible even I 'll be far away.

Sorry PS is too long & kind of girl story , please don't get bored :D

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