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Dear Khun Thaksin, Save Your Sister


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If he keeps on as he has started, he will inevitably cause her downfall.

The question is can he stifle his arrogance enough to let her continue,

or will he compromise her as PM so badly that it causes serious

intractable problems she is ill equipped to handle?

Or considering the current EC daly,

has he already done so during the campaign enough to invalidate her candidacy.?

It's not a question of who wears the kowtow pants in the family,

but who wears the pants when controlling Thailand?

The elected person, or someone not elected nor even in the country?

Which one has any legally and moral right to make the final decisions?

Why should The Nation ever stop making anti-Thaksin reports?

His minions in the past tried to close it down, and went so far as to invade and essentially kidnap the staff to try and silence them ( Caravan of the Poor). So why should they show any tolerance for this man? Why should the not point out any all discrepancies, inconsistencies and moral lapses in his game for all to see. They have every right to have an editorial position and espouse it on any day they go to press.

In addition they regularly took Abhisit to task for many things he did and didn't do, why should Thaksin suddenly get a free pass, because you personally don't like their editorial slant?

I would be disappointed if they stopped taking 'power' to task for it's indiscretions.

... banned from politics - full stop!

...a fugitve... power obsessed and I am afraid full to the rim with rancor!

I agree with all you both say apart from what I posted-and that was ANY mention of Thaksins name whether ==anti=or =pro= is bad, as I say he wants bad publicity as do newspapers for their sales and HIS ego, he thrives on it. Is Thai forum compelled to have his news pushed onto it by THE NATION newspaper???? Who needs it ????

Yes and no.

Reporting on him won't feed his ego any larger,

but NOT reporting on his peccadilloes will give him carte blanche to do what he wishes,

unobserved or at least uncommented on. And that is a non-starter.

He can't be left to just do as he please and no one says stop you've gone too far.

One of the many reasons a free press is invaluable to a Democracy, is because of the need to expose the malevolence of a large percentage of National Leaders.

We know absolute power corrupts absolutely, and this has not changed since man had to sit around campfires at night for light and heat and told tales of their great hunts and lied through their teeth about the one that got away..

Edited by animatic
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If he keeps on as he has started, he will inevitably cause her downfall.

The question is can he stifle his arrogance enough to let her continue,

or will he compromise her as PM so badly that it causes serious

intractable problems she is ill equipped to handle?

Or considering the current EC daly,

has he already done so during the campaign enough to invalidate her candidacy.?

It's not a question of who wears the kowtow pants in the family,

but who wears the pants when controlling Thailand?

The elected person, or someone not elected nor even in the country?

Which one has any legally and moral right to make the final decisions?

Why should The Nation ever stop making anti-Thaksin reports?

His minions in the past tried to close it down, and went so far as to invade and essentially kidnap the staff to try and silence them ( Caravan of the Poor). So why should they show any tolerance for this man? Why should the not point out any all discrepancies, inconsistencies and moral lapses in his game for all to see. They have every right to have an editorial position and espouse it on any day they go to press.

In addition they regularly took Abhisit to task for many things he did and didn't do, why should Thaksin suddenly get a free pass, because you personally don't like their editorial slant?

I would be disappointed if they stopped taking 'power' to task for it's indiscretions.

... banned from politics - full stop!

...a fugitve... power obsessed and I am afraid full to the rim with rancor!

I agree with all you both say apart from what I posted-and that was ANY mention of Thaksins name whether ==anti=or =pro= is bad, as I say he wants bad publicity as do newspapers for their sales and HIS ego, he thrives on it. Is Thai forum compelled to have his news pushed onto it by THE NATION newspaper???? Who needs it ????

Yes and no.

Reporting on him won't feed his ego any larger,

but NOT reporting on his peccadilloes will give him carte blanche to do what he wishes,

unobserved or at least uncommented on. And that is a non-starter.

He can't be left to just do as he please and no one says stop you've gone too far.

One of the many reasons a free press is invaluable to a Democracy, is because of the need to expose the malevolence of a large percentage of National Leaders.

We know absolute power corrupts absolutely, and this has not changed since man had to sit around campfires at night for light and heat and told tales of their great hunts and lied through their teeth about the one that got away..

With no limelight or not so much this man will go ballistic as he needs it. It's then he will make his biggest blunders. Good to have the free press but get an editor that feels for what is essential to print rather than near all the rubbish. As all this is passed straight on to TVF

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PLEASE can we stop with the constant anti-Thaksin stories from the super-biased so-called newspaper The Nation?!!?

Is is so very, very predictable. It is also insulting to anyone's intelligence to repeat these incessant diatribes.

Simple solution.

Don't read it!

Is that really the right way to deal with unethical behavior? Ya, I know, using "ethical" in connection with anything Thai is a non sequitur, but come on, enough is enough already.

Maybe you should read the article before you post. It spoke right to the point that many of us are concerned with. The last release from him was in language that left no room for doubt as to who was running the show.

The one point I would take a negative point of view on was that she is qualified. Not sure how the writer came up with that. But it makes no difference she will be the new PM and she deserves a chance.

Your hero so far has showed no signs of doing that.:(

Here is a article on a recent interview he had. To me it does not look like he is letting Yingluck run the show as she see's fit.

" New govt may spend two years to reconcile Thailand : Thaksin

By The Nation

Yingluck government may have to spend about two years before being able to bring back the national reconciliation, her brother, Thaksin Shinawatra said.

Thaksin said the first priorities of the government of Yingluck Shinawatra should be the reconciliation of all sides which should be done along with resolving the economy problems.

In what was believed to be an exclusive interview with Matichon newspaper and published on the paper's website today, Thaksin said by next year, all conflicting parties are expected to be able to "kiss" one another and united the country.

Thaksin was speaking from Dubai where he has been taking refuge after being sentenced to a two-year jail term in Thailand for corruption and abuse of power.

He has stepped up his interviews and role following his sister, Yingluck, and her Pheu Thai party's clear victory over Democrat Party of Abhisit Vejjajiva in the July 3 election.

"I already discussed with Pheu Thai's executives and we agree that the government should talk to all sides to restore the national reconciliation".

Apparently referring to investigation on the deaths during the May violence, Thaksin said what is necessary for now is that those who were guilty accepted the mistakes.

"It is not necessary that those who were guilty be punished. What is important to the national reconciliation is simply to find out who did wrong and that they accepted the mistakes. I believe Thai society is ready to forgive," he said.

Edited by hellodolly
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With no limelight or not so much this man will go ballistic as he needs it. It's then he will make his biggest blunders. Good to have the free press but get an editor that feels for what is essential to print rather than near all the rubbish. As all this is passed straight on to TVF

He can always get Noppadom to make a press statement and get him back in the news.


Historically he has made his worst blunders, misstatements and gross miscalculations when negative public pressure was applied and he saw his interests slipping and his ability to maintain control degrading. Calm work in the background is when he is the most Machiavellian, but when people get in his face, and he loses face, and is publicly shown up. Whoops the mistakes come out.

This is one of the reasons he has been so tough on the press, he can't stand people saying no to him, or worse making him look the fool. So his press releases are carefully crafted. Face is the combination of respect shown, how deep the wai, by whom and how many, money in the bank, and the power it brings. And then add on the megalomaniac compulsion to maintain total control, while not trusting subordinates, since the megalomaniac is the only one who can do things right. They are dead sure of that.

Edited by animatic
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