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I wish every country in the world would reciprocate Thailand's kind hospitality and ridiculous price gouging / double pricing.

what - like every country/city that hosts eg Olympic games and gouges the prices - make the most money they can over a short duration?

Take the Rugby World Cup being hosted by NZ as an example - plenty of media coverage about accommodation costs at hotels being increased to ten times or more the normal rate. And here's one at 15x:

RWC: Hotel price 15 times usual rate

Is this racism too?

Edited by Atmos
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In Australia there is often a more subtle form of discrimination.

For instance Asians are particularly targeted along with black people by customs and immigration.

In the workplace minority ethnic groups are often denied jobs even if they better qualified than white Australians.

Racism and xenophobia is rampant in Thailand along with dual pricing,scams and rip offs.

Is it right? No. But given the education level of most Thais and the endemic corruption in all levels of society it is hardly surprising.

Do I care? On an individual level no I don't because I understand the reasons why.

Of course sometimes it gets a bit much if you are dealing with it all the time. And that is one of the reasons why I will never live in Thailand permanently.

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Of course sometimes it gets a bit much if you are dealing with it all the time. And that is one of the reasons why I will never live in Thailand permanently.

Now there is a sensible attitude. Know one's limits and if they are exceeded, get out.

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I wish every country in the world would reciprocate Thailand's kind hospitality and ridiculous price gouging / double pricing.

what - like every country/city that hosts eg Olympic games and gouges the prices - make the most money they can over a short duration?

Take the Rugby World Cup being hosted by NZ as an example - plenty of media coverage about accommodation costs at hotels being increased to ten times or more the normal rate. And here's one at 15x:

RWC: Hotel price 15 times usual rate

Is this racism too?

No because it applies to every person. Racism is selective based on perceived (and I think false) notions about mental and physical traits. Actually, we all evolved from the same "mother" and that means we are all related--same blood, same organs, same DNA. It is the surface stuff that tends to divide us: food, songs, language, skin color, eye shape/color, hair, height, religion, etc. Go deeper and we are all one: Homo sapiens sapiens.

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In this case, yes racism, no doubt. It's the part about the ASIANS, not the Thai part. If only differential for Thais, one can defend with the BS arguments, it's just a discount for Thais!, it's nationalism!, it's a socialist sentiment!, yadda yadda yadda.

Add the ASIAN part and that all goes out the window. Asian? Japanese, Singaporean? So poor. They can't afford the higher price. Asian? Burmese. So rich! They don't deserve the prize if they win. This can't be argued. It smells and stop trying to make excuses for it

For once I agree with you.. Its been going on in Thailand for a long time & its getting worse.

Can you imagine going to Disneyland in the states and the sign says Admission $25. Thai $50.. They would have Disney in the courts so fast it would make their head spin.... Just look at the recent case in Germany about the 737 ;)

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I wish every country in the world would reciprocate Thailand's kind hospitality and ridiculous price gouging / double pricing.

And apply it to Thailand's highest gov officials traveling abroad and to the lowest paid labor worker and everyone in between.

That would be fair.

"Welcome to Universal Studios - $10 for Americans and all other nationalities / $300 for Thais"

"Would you like to rent a room? It's $75 a night for all nationalities except Thailand. For Thais it's $400 a night."

Yea, I like the sound of that.

As an American when I come to Thailand I get to stay 30 days free. When a Thai applies to come to America it costs $100 (over 3000 baht) with no guaranteed acceptance. So who is gouging who?

When I use our National Parks, local zoos, libraries, parks, etc. it is free but everyone else pays. We charge tourists more for hotels (tax), cable cars, etc. Perks for citizens, and double pricing exists everywhere so get over it.

I don't think you'll make a good argument for yourself getting into visa fees...

Where in the US do we charge more based on nationality/race?

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I wish every country in the world would reciprocate Thailand's kind hospitality and ridiculous price gouging / double pricing.

And apply it to Thailand's highest gov officials traveling abroad and to the lowest paid labor worker and everyone in between.

That would be fair.

"Welcome to Universal Studios - $10 for Americans and all other nationalities / $300 for Thais"

"Would you like to rent a room? It's $75 a night for all nationalities except Thailand. For Thais it's $400 a night."

Yea, I like the sound of that.

As an American when I come to Thailand I get to stay 30 days free. When a Thai applies to come to America it costs $100 (over 3000 baht) with no guaranteed acceptance. So who is gouging who?

When I use our National Parks, local zoos, libraries, parks, etc. it is free but everyone else pays. We charge tourists more for hotels (tax), cable cars, etc. Perks for citizens, and double pricing exists everywhere so get over it.

What America do you live in?

I don't know details of Thais getting a visa, however EVERYONE has to play the same visa game. But all of the rest of the things you mentioned I've never seen.

I see perks for the elderly or university students, but that's about it.

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In all probability the Prizes come from the Entrance Fees,

All the more reason not to help pay for something that you are Barred from winning.

So give them the message,that you personally will not enter due to their obvious Racism,full stop.

Racism will never end,while some people can always find excuses for it.

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I wish every country in the world would reciprocate Thailand's kind hospitality and ridiculous price gouging / double pricing.

what - like every country/city that hosts eg Olympic games and gouges the prices - make the most money they can over a short duration?

Take the Rugby World Cup being hosted by NZ as an example - plenty of media coverage about accommodation costs at hotels being increased to ten times or more the normal rate. And here's one at 15x:

RWC: Hotel price 15 times usual rate

Is this racism too?

No,just cashing in on the huge demand!

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I signed up for the quarter marathon today. I got a list of all prizes on offer.


International Thai

Men Women Men Women

200000 200000 70000 70000

However there was only a Thai category for the Half and Quarter marathon. So, they are giving a bigger prize for the full marathon to International runners and nothing for internationals in the other races. It seems they expect a none Thai to win the marathon.

Also, they let me pay Thai entrance rate since I'm married to a Thai. 300 baht entrance for the quarter marathon.

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In all probability the Prizes come from the Entrance Fees,

All the more reason not to help pay for something that you are Barred from winning.

So give them the message,that you personally will not enter due to their obvious Racism,full stop.

Racism will never end,while some people can always find excuses for it.

Feeling screwed? Maybe you could also cry rape! Period.

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When people on TV slag off Russians, Arabs, Indians, Japs, is that also racism?

Yes. And also when they slag off Thais.

I read more racism on TV in one day than I have personally been subject to after more than ten years living here. For sure the Thais give me more of a welcome than they would get if they went to my home country.

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I wish every country in the world would reciprocate Thailand's kind hospitality and ridiculous price gouging / double pricing.

what - like every country/city that hosts eg Olympic games and gouges the prices - make the most money they can over a short duration?

Take the Rugby World Cup being hosted by NZ as an example - plenty of media coverage about accommodation costs at hotels being increased to ten times or more the normal rate. And here's one at 15x:

RWC: Hotel price 15 times usual rate

Is this racism too?

No because it applies to every person. Racism is selective based on perceived (and I think false) notions about mental and physical traits. Actually, we all evolved from the same "mother" and that means we are all related--same blood, same organs, same DNA. It is the surface stuff that tends to divide us: food, songs, language, skin color, eye shape/color, hair, height, religion, etc. Go deeper and we are all one: Homo sapiens sapiens.

What we're dealing with here are perceived notions about how wealthy tourists are. Stop trying to make it more than it actually is.

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In all probability the Prizes come from the Entrance Fees,

All the more reason not to help pay for something that you are Barred from winning.

So give them the message,that you personally will not enter due to their obvious Racism,full stop.

Racism will never end,while some people can always find excuses for it.

Feeling screwed? Maybe you could also cry rape! Period.

No neither of those,even if I wanted to enter,I wouldn't even consider it until the Racialism element was sorted out,


but don't let me stop you from being screwed!

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I wish every country in the world would reciprocate Thailand's kind hospitality and ridiculous price gouging / double pricing.

what - like every country/city that hosts eg Olympic games and gouges the prices - make the most money they can over a short duration?

Take the Rugby World Cup being hosted by NZ as an example - plenty of media coverage about accommodation costs at hotels being increased to ten times or more the normal rate. And here's one at 15x:

RWC: Hotel price 15 times usual rate

Is this racism too?

No because it applies to every person. Racism is selective based on perceived (and I think false) notions about mental and physical traits. Actually, we all evolved from the same "mother" and that means we are all related--same blood, same organs, same DNA. It is the surface stuff that tends to divide us: food, songs, language, skin color, eye shape/color, hair, height, religion, etc. Go deeper and we are all one: Homo sapiens sapiens.

What we're dealing with here are perceived notions about how wealthy tourists are. Stop trying to make it more than it actually is.

What we are dealing with is a valid question about racism that I answered. Please stop trying to divert attention away from the subject and let people talk.

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What we're dealing with here are perceived notions about how wealthy tourists are. Stop trying to make it more than it actually is.

What we are dealing with is a valid question about racism that I answered. Please stop trying to divert attention away from the subject and let people talk.

Nobody is stopping you from talking. That would be impossible.

I'm opposing your view that this is racism. That is not diverting attention away from the subject - that is the subject.

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No neither of those,even if I wanted to enter,I wouldn't even consider it until the Racialism element was sorted out,


but don't let me stop you from being screwed!

Despite what you type here, if you were an athlete who enjoyed running marathons I very much doubt you'd pull out because of this.

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Dual pricing exists everywhere, even in the EU.

Arriva has taken over public transport in Malta; they post one fare schedule, then post a second schedule with fares cut in half for holders of Maltese ID cards.

It is relatively straightforward for EU citizens from other countries to obtain an ID card and thus qualify, but it takes more time than an occasional visitor would have, so they would pay the non-Maltese fares.

For non-EU citizens, it is worse: to obtain an ID card, one must show 350,000 Euros in liquid assets, pay an annual minimum tax of about 6,000 Euros (for a couple), and show proof of private medical insurance, which runs about 1,200 Euros annually.

And it is just as common here for shopkeepers to charge foreigners more than Maltese. The newspapers routinely print stories documenting the practice.

Racism? No, just simple greed....

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What we're dealing with here are perceived notions about how wealthy tourists are. Stop trying to make it more than it actually is.

What we are dealing with is a valid question about racism that I answered. Please stop trying to divert attention away from the subject and let people talk.

Nobody is stopping you from talking. That would be impossible.

I'm opposing your view that this is racism. That is not diverting attention away from the subject - that is the subject.

You just have to ask yourself if the question was reversed, is it acceptable? Is it racist? Are you a racist apologist?

"Cash reward in overall age group rewards presented to British and European nationality only"

Is that not Black and White - the fact that they are excluded. lol

It's only insult to injury that we non Asians are paying double to provide some of the prize money!!

Edited by twix38
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back to the first post on this thread and the marathon

King's Cup Asian and Pattaya Marathon

it is also the 20th Asian Marathon Championships, with 29 runners including 15 men from 12 countries - China, India, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Burma, Qatar, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Vietnam and hosts Thailand - vying for the top honour.

Cash prizes of Bt200,000 will go to the Open winners in the men's and women's full marathon, while runners-up will take home Bt75,000, Bt50,000, Bt30,000, Bt20,000 and Bt10,000. The top six Thais in the men's and women's category will also receive additional cash prizes, with the winners claiming Bt70,000 each.


Should non-Asians be able to compete in the Asian Marathon Championships?

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back to the first post on this thread and the marathon

King's Cup Asian and Pattaya Marathon

it is also the 20th Asian Marathon Championships, with 29 runners including 15 men from 12 countries - China, India, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Burma, Qatar, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Vietnam and hosts Thailand - vying for the top honour.

Cash prizes of Bt200,000 will go to the Open winners in the men's and women's full marathon, while runners-up will take home Bt75,000, Bt50,000, Bt30,000, Bt20,000 and Bt10,000. The top six Thais in the men's and women's category will also receive additional cash prizes, with the winners claiming Bt70,000 each


Should non-Asians be able to compete in the Asian Marathon Championships?

That is an interesting question. But the sponsors have answered it with a "yes." .The problem seems to be that non-Asians are being charged far more to enter the race. The sponsors could, of course, limit the race participants to people who can prove that they are Asians. Many of these races are "international" races. Is there are race for South Americans only? Central Americans only? Pacific-Islanders only? North Americans only? Pygmies only? :)

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Well put Rustic.

I have/had been training for the half marathon this Sunday.

Early in the month I went down to pick up an application form.

After I read the application form and question the part on Asian's

I got a "no reply" from the Thai kid down at Central. I could see he

was a little embarrassed so I did'nt push the point.

I have no problems with the Thai pricing system. Their country their rules..

But to widen that group to Asian's really got my back up.

I thought the best means of protest would be not to enter. Stuff them!!

im in asia to 1. work and make money (not thailand) and 2. enjoy the weather, girls, food (thailand)

racism is asia wide, i find there is a strong underlying and over arching anti-white bias in many asian countries (as well as a genberal xenophobia, asian hating other asian, asian hating african etc). but i was never under the impression the region was culturally or intellectually advanced, quite the opposite, it is in fact often hypocritical, primitive, racist, nasty, greedy and stupid.

but, i find myself happier if i focus on the positives and not dwell on the negatives. so, i hate the raciscm but i try to not let it get to me.

in the case of the marathon don't do it. in fact, it is better to always try to play on a level playing field and give everything else, where possible, a wide berth.

The best means of protest would be to run it anyway but as a non-entrant.

what may be sensible would be to write to the organsisers, explain their racism is nothinmg but disgusting and that you will niot be participating. yes, they wont care, but you'll have made a point. a letter ot two to the Western meadis would also be worthwhile, i imagine even the Daily Mail would be interested as this Asian vs "foreign" thing is quite blatant and i nthink a lot of people are getting sick and tired of being the hypocricy and racism of Asia.

And a lot of people come to Thailand because they are sick and tired of being called racists if they don't 'embrace' the multiculturalism that is being forced down their throats in Falangland.. The Thais put their own first and admit it, that's not hypocrisy. It's a shame the UK does not do the same.

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Surely for our home countries to treat asians/thais accordingly they would have to let them in first???

I just suggest some form of addressing the situation has surely arrived, finally?

I also suspect as stated - which was just an off the cuff suggestion - that non sponsored Student and Tourist visa applications might be one area to send a message. It would hit the wealthier Thais who have the power in Thailand and have the ability to send kids on student visas etc. Just the type who need to be targetted, though small in number.

Otherwise, I am certain there are many areas where an appropriate response could be mustered and perhaps on an EU wide basis, as it's all foreigners.

So your idea is stop Thai students from learning overseas in countries where they will be taught about racisim? All becasue you have to pay more to run a race? Not very forward thinking.

As an aside, Ramkamheng university in Bangkok offers English speaking degree programs for Thais and forigners of all nationalities for the same enrollment fee. Most if not all Western unviversites would charge a Thai more to study as an international student. The foreigners that study in Bangkok can go on to work and earn much more than what the Thais earn at jobs like teaching. Fair?

Please lets make it easier for Thais to study overseas if we want to see this problem eventually solved..

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still think alot of the PC countries like the UK who have made such a hash of it and made people racist by being pro black or asian, lowering entry standards to police, fire brigade etc have a lot to learn from how Thailand deals with racism. simple this is the way it is dont like it theres the door. overall the Thai system deals with what has to be one of the worlds biggest melting pots and genereally we all get on forigners and Thai alike. Britain, has made a right hash as has many european countries, and now far right parties are going from strenght to stenghth. then goverments tell us we are ignorant of the facts and should not do it. whilst they live in ivory towers well away from the mixing pots they have stirred up. i take the Thai system every time.Its a Buddist country period!!! other religions tolerated.

Good sensible post. The accusation 'racist' now means very little to the much put upon, hard working class Britisher.

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Dual pricing exist in the US also, University for residents and non residents as well as tourist attractions. Its just that your probably white and never experienced racism before while being in your home country, but now that your abroad you are no longer special.

As far as the marathon, most caucasions are twice the size as asians, so thats probable the reason. So does a farang with almost twice the stride length a fair competitor compared to asians.? Think about it.

Its just like when you here a farang complaining about getting into a fight with a thai male and the whole moo ban jumps in to help, the farang is twice the size, i guess they never take that into consideration.

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Dual pricing exist in the US also, University for residents and non residents as well as tourist attractions. Its just that your probably white and never experienced racism before while being in your home country, but now that your abroad you are no longer special.

As far as the marathon, most caucasions are twice the size as asians, so thats probable the reason. So does a farang with almost twice the stride length a fair competitor compared to asians.? Think about it.

Its just like when you here a farang complaining about getting into a fight with a thai male and the whole moo ban jumps in to help, the farang is twice the size, i guess they never take that into consideration.

What an astonishingly stupid load of old tripe.

Why would anyone think size would be an advantage in a marathon? First, the fastest runners have been small framed Ethiopians and other smallish Africans. Second, isn't it just obvious that size means more weight means quicker to tire?

As for "twice the size", please switch on your brain or don't bother posting. The average Thai male is probably about 65KG, the average falang is probably about 80KG, thats not double so why would it be be fair to suggest that of there is ever a physical confrontation that it is fair to mob a falang many to one, especially as the Thai's often use weapons and the falangs are often much older and drunk.

Really, if you have nothing intelligent to say, it really is better to say nothing.

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Dual pricing exist in the US also, University for residents and non residents as well as tourist attractions. Its just that your probably white and never experienced racism before while being in your home country, but now that your abroad you are no longer special.

As far as the marathon, most caucasions are twice the size as asians, so thats probable the reason. So does a farang with almost twice the stride length a fair competitor compared to asians.? Think about it.

Its just like when you here a farang complaining about getting into a fight with a thai male and the whole moo ban jumps in to help, the farang is twice the size, i guess they never take that into consideration.

What an astonishingly stupid load of old tripe.

Why would anyone think size would be an advantage in a marathon? First, the fastest runners have been small framed Ethiopians and other smallish Africans. Second, isn't it just obvious that size means more weight means quicker to tire?

As for "twice the size", please switch on your brain or don't bother posting. The average Thai male is probably about 65KG, the average falang is probably about 80KG, thats not double so why would it be be fair to suggest that of there is ever a physical confrontation that it is fair to mob a falang many to one, especially as the Thai's often use weapons and the falangs are often much older and drunk.

Really, if you have nothing intelligent to say, it really is better to say nothing.

Oh come on. Everyone knows the africans are better runners because they are taller with longer stride and don't carry as much body-weight. All Africans aren't pgymies. I've been to Kenya. Those runners are longed-limbed. Massive advantage. Also, the europeans should beat the Thais as I've never even seen a Thai run for a bus let alone a marathon. But the point is they have to win it because its on home turf.

As for how western vs Thai street fights got into this I have no idea..

Edited by Geekfreaklover
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What we're dealing with here are perceived notions about how wealthy tourists are. Stop trying to make it more than it actually is.

What we are dealing with is a valid question about racism that I answered. Please stop trying to divert attention away from the subject and let people talk.

Nobody is stopping you from talking. That would be impossible.

I'm opposing your view that this is racism. That is not diverting attention away from the subject - that is the subject.

You just have to ask yourself if the question was reversed, is it acceptable? Is it racist? Are you a racist apologist?

"Cash reward in overall age group rewards presented to British and European nationality only"

Is that not Black and White - the fact that they are excluded. lol

It's only insult to injury that we non Asians are paying double to provide some of the prize money!!

Absolutely,and all the more reason to give them sod all,by not entering,

Personally I would rather give a donation to Charity,and then there would be something worthwhile for somebody, more needy.

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still think alot of the PC countries like the UK who have made such a hash of it and made people racist by being pro black or asian, lowering entry standards to police, fire brigade etc have a lot to learn from how Thailand deals with racism. simple this is the way it is dont like it theres the door. overall the Thai system deals with what has to be one of the worlds biggest melting pots and genereally we all get on forigners and Thai alike. Britain, has made a right hash as has many european countries, and now far right parties are going from strenght to stenghth. then goverments tell us we are ignorant of the facts and should not do it. whilst they live in ivory towers well away from the mixing pots they have stirred up. i take the Thai system every time.Its a Buddist country period!!! other religions tolerated.

Good sensible post. The accusation 'racist' now means very little to the much put upon, hard working class Britisher.

There is a vast difference between the UK and Thailand,the percieved difference is that Immigrants can get whatever they want out of the UK system,Free Housing,Money,Health Care etc,having paid nothing into the system,and thereby the resentment builds up,and fans the Flames of Racialism. And on top of that,we have to be Ultra PC,and allow our pockets to be picked (analogically ) with a smile.

In Thailand there are no giveaways to Foreigners,so it is purely Nationalistic Xenophobia, and no comparison to the UK situation,in fact if a comparison was to be drawn,the British would still probably be less Racialist,than their Thai counterparts.

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