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Iranian Arrested At Suvarnabhumi Airport With 15 Kilos Of 'ice'


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While I am not advocating drug use or drug commerce, we must not forget that drug prices are kept artificially high by the ' big boys' ( usually the ones who happen to ' fight' drugs...) in order to make huge profits.Legalize ALL drugs, and the problem will be solved on the spot.Maybe the problem are the ones who try to fight the' problem'...

"Time for a good ole' fashion hangin' boys..." said the sheriff as he tilted his hat back, wiping his face in the hot Nevada desert sun. Perched on their horses next to the only tree for miles, the posse, looking at the accused on his horse with his hands tied behind his back, were all thinking the same thing...We need to get rid of this scum once and for all.

Legalizing meth, heroin, angel dust etc. truly is not a good idea...that will serve no purpose what so ever...What do you mean by "artificially high"...? not clear on that one...Who are the "big boys"...? FBI, CIA, DEA, ATF...?

in the case of heroin it would definitely make sense to legalize it because it would be a lot cleaner and cheaper and therefore people wouldn't have to sell their asses or rob old people or whatever to get enough cash to buy their daily rations!

in zurich, switzerland there's a park called platspitz which used to be filled with junkies and other dubious people. it was basically a huge waste dump back then until zurich introduced the "fixerstuben" which is a place where one can go, buy clean stuff (heroin) get clean needles and there's a nurse supervising the whole thing. since then platzspitz is the beautiful park again it used to be b4 the junkies took over because they're all at the fixerstuben now. the criminality rate went way down as well and a lot of the addicts got jobs and apartments again. they just show up twice to get their daily rations and that's it. no more hustling, no more hassle. it's all good now. that's the way it should be everywhere!

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While I am not advocating drug use or drug commerce, we must not forget that drug prices are kept artificially high by the ' big boys' ( usually the ones who happen to ' fight' drugs...) in order to make huge profits.Legalize ALL drugs, and the problem will be solved on the spot.Maybe the problem are the ones who try to fight the' problem'...

"Time for a good ole' fashion hangin' boys..." said the sheriff as he tilted his hat back, wiping his face in the hot Nevada desert sun. Perched on their horses next to the only tree for miles, the posse, looking at the accused on his horse with his hands tied behind his back, were all thinking the same thing...We need to get rid of this scum once and for all.

Legalizing meth, heroin, angel dust etc. truly is not a good idea...that will serve no purpose what so ever...What do you mean by "artificially high"...? not clear on that one...Who are the "big boys"...? FBI, CIA, DEA, ATF...?

in the case of heroin it would definitely make sense to legalize it because it would be a lot cleaner and cheaper and therefore people wouldn't have to sell their asses or rob old people or whatever to get enough cash to buy their daily rations!

in zurich, switzerland there's a park called platspitz which used to be filled with junkies and other dubious people. it was basically a huge waste dump back then until zurich introduced the "fixerstuben" which is a place where one can go, buy clean stuff (heroin) get clean needles and there's a nurse supervising the whole thing. since then platzspitz is the beautiful park again it used to be b4 the junkies took over because they're all at the fixerstuben now. the criminality rate went way down as well and a lot of the addicts got jobs and apartments again. they just show up twice to get their daily rations and that's it. no more hustling, no more hassle. it's all good now. that's the way it should be everywhere!

god yeah. if you made ice cheap, you'd have a generation of paranoid dangerous untreatable zombie ice-heads in Bangkok within a year. Might work for other stuff, but not for meth.

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"Time for a good ole' fashion hangin' boys..." said the sheriff as he tilted his hat back, wiping his face in the hot Nevada desert sun. Perched on their horses next to the only tree for miles, the posse, looking at the accused on his horse with his hands tied behind his back, were all thinking the same thing...We need to get rid of this scum once and for all.

That's the way, bring as much of America with you when you move to Thailand or is it Cambodia.

I hear a bitter tone...I hate drug dealers bud...Will be living in Cambodia and starting a boat building bizz...Traveling to Thailand alot also...

You must hate all the alcohol companies, tobacco companies, and prescription drug companies also , if you truely hate all drug dealers. I feel sorry for my Cambodian friends. People with low intellect give US citizens a 'bad name' in LOS, Cambodia, etc. . Pradel Serey/Kun Khmer/Bokator/ Lethwei/ Muay Chaiya for life...Bud.

Edited by MUYTHAI
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I agree with the Government selling and taxing drugs, much like the cigarette model.

Drugs like cannabis, meth, LSD, PCP should all be available at 7/11 only from behind the counter to anyone older than 18 years of age, or with a note from a parent or legal guardian if under 18. Heroin should probably require a Doctors prescription.

The benefits would be tax revenue, removing illegal drug manufacturing, no drugs mules, cleaner drugs which means fewer problems for drug users. I can see another revenue opportunity for drug paraphernalia, syringes and alcohol swabs. There may be some licensing and sponsorship opportunities as well.

I having trouble spotting a flaw in my argument.

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"Time for a good ole' fashion hangin' boys..." said the sheriff as he tilted his hat back, wiping his face in the hot Nevada desert sun. Perched on their horses next to the only tree for miles, the posse, looking at the accused on his horse with his hands tied behind his back, were all thinking the same thing...We need to get rid of this scum once and for all.

That's the way, bring as much of America with you when you move to Thailand or is it Cambodia.

I hear a bitter tone...I hate drug dealers bud...Will be living in Cambodia and starting a boat building bizz...Traveling to Thailand alot also...

Yea sounds like someone doesnt like any farangs

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"Time for a good ole' fashion hangin' boys..." said the sheriff as he tilted his hat back, wiping his face in the hot Nevada desert sun. Perched on their horses next to the only tree for miles, the posse, looking at the accused on his horse with his hands tied behind his back, were all thinking the same thing...We need to get rid of this scum once and for all.

That's the way, bring as much of America with you when you move to Thailand or is it Cambodia.

I hear a bitter tone...I hate drug dealers bud...Will be living in Cambodia and starting a boat building bizz...Traveling to Thailand alot also...

You must hate all the alcohol companies, tobacco companies, and prescription drug companies also , if you truely hate all drug dealers. I feel sorry for my Cambodian friends. People with low intellect give US citizens a 'bad name' in LOS, Cambodia, etc. . Pradel Serey/Kun Khmer/Bokator/ Lethwei/ Muay Chaiya for life...Bud.

Your logic is as impeccable as your spelling.

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<br /> My own thoughts are that "the authorities" should parade some of the worst cases - the really sick ones I mean - through all the school class rooms for all kids from the age of 10 or 12 years upwards, to let them have a really good look at what the results of using this shit will do to you. They all need to be shocked - really scared - and just maybe, that could save a few of them. Just telling kids "DON'T DO IT" never worked back in my time, it even gave some an incentive to try whatever it was out - and I'm sure that has not changed in the time since! If I had been forced back then, to watch a guy screaming his heart out, while peeing pus into a bowl, I would have had "good cause" to use condoms a lot more often too...........<br />
<br /><br /><br />


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but what if you have 3 babies,one sick need operation,but no money for the operation....

then a friend offers a quick money job....

and all friends couldn't borow money ...

Would you do it or not??

Respect and peace.

Its a shame that rather than ask the question 'Why?' this board is full of moronic lemmings shouting 'hang them' as they jump off the cliff.

Anyone even considering doing a 'job' like this will at the very least understand the basics of the punishment involved if caught but they still do it. It means, to me anyway that the situation they are in is worse than the one they could be in if caught.

I remember reading of a young mother in Pattaya caught nicking baby milk and food from a 7-11. The police were called and she was arrested. Not quite the same league but possibly a similar style crime.

Meth/ICE can be made anywhere even in your kitchen so why the massive influx of of from other countries? Army funding may well be a reason but I wonder how much is to do with the Thai Army/Police distribution system. The price of ICE costs nothing to make but I have heard the quality on the streets in Thailand is very poor maybe that's another factor.

Also your BKK HiSo have never really been into yabba because of the way its taken, chasing it off tin foil sorry that is for smack heads. ICE on the other hand is cleaner and less stigmatized so possibly a new market that needs supplying?

There is an obvious drug problem/culture here but show me a country where there isn't? Take a look at the UK with its coke/crack problems they are IMO a lot worse than the yabba/ice problems here.

Bottom line is only the mule knows why they are doing it and only they live with the consequence when arrested.

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All drugs will cause brain damage if abused enough - in most cases over long time - but usually ones body will recover and depending on which drug is being used/abused, it can be after a relatively short period - like heroin or coke - and longer for some - like LSD, ketamine, amphetamine. But why is it that the people using this "ICE" don't realize/or even care if they do know, that even after a short time of use, this one in particular, starts to cause irreversible/irreparable brain damage and if really abused over a long time, a user can never get back to living any sort of normal life. ICE is one of the most damaging of all drugs out there. Maybe "because it is totally synthetic" - I'm no chemist so I don't pretend to know the reasons for this, but you sure don't have to be a chemist to see all the "brain fried results" walking(barely in some cases) around out there. ICE completely destroys the pleasure center part of our brain too. Many of the few, who do manage to recover to a relatively normal life, still suffer the loss of their pleasure center, so can never feel complete again. There seems to be an inexhaustible supply of these Iranian couriers though. Hardly a week goes by, without an arrest. As some here speculate and I have to agree with them, how much in reality, of this poison still gets through the system and on to the streets? A lot more than is being seized by Customs and Police, that's for sure. Another thing I can't understand, is how can it be che My own thoughts are that "the authorities" should parade some of the worst cases - the really sick ones I mean - through all the school class rooms for all kids from the age of 10 or 12 years upwards, to let them have a really good look at what the results of using this shit will do to you. They all need to be shocked - really scared - and just maybe, that could save a few of them. Just telling kids "DON'T DO IT" never worked back in my time, it even gave some an incentive to try whatever it was out - and I'm sure that has not changed in the time since! If I had been forced back then, to watch a guy screaming his heart out, while peeing pus into a bowl, I would have had "good cause" to use condoms a lot more often too...........

Thing is, in Thailand this is pretty much a "hiso" drug. It costs way way more than yaa baa. An average user would be very well-off student or person with good job. I don't think showing people messed up with ICE would help 10-12 year olds. And besides, lots of Thai police appear to make money from it in one way or another. The margins are very high. They only ever seem to arrest Iranians at the airport. Nearly every other part of the supply chain gets away with it ........ I would also add that Thai newspapers and TV are filled with what crazy people have done whilst on "yaa baa" - but it doesn't appear to do anything to stop the next generation.

Just to add. I used to live in same apartment block as a few lads who worked at a very famous department store in the middle of Bangkok. They all did yaa baa in the apartment toilets and often brought their work friends round as well to do it. It was before work, sometimes during dinner-hour, and after work as well. Totally "part of the culture" to make work "easy" and still have energy to party later. And how could they afford it on department store wages? Because it was dirt cheap. There must be 50 or 100 yaa baa users in Thailand for every ice user. And if ice really is much worse than yaa baa, thank god it is expensive here.

yaba and ice are both meth, both the same thing, only ice is a bit purer....same damage, same effects

and i knew of a few thai guys who'd smoke both, they're not exclusive

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All drugs will cause brain damage if abused enough - in most cases over long time - but usually ones body will recover and depending on which drug is being used/abused, it can be after a relatively short period - like heroin or coke - and longer for some - like LSD, ketamine, amphetamine. But why is it that the people using this "ICE" don't realize/or even care if they do know, that even after a short time of use, this one in particular, starts to cause irreversible/irreparable brain damage and if really abused over a long time, a user can never get back to living any sort of normal life. ICE is one of the most damaging of all drugs out there. Maybe "because it is totally synthetic" - I'm no chemist so I don't pretend to know the reasons for this, but you sure don't have to be a chemist to see all the "brain fried results" walking(barely in some cases) around out there. ICE completely destroys the pleasure center part of our brain too. Many of the few, who do manage to recover to a relatively normal life, still suffer the loss of their pleasure center, so can never feel complete again. There seems to be an inexhaustible supply of these Iranian couriers though. Hardly a week goes by, without an arrest. As some here speculate and I have to agree with them, how much in reality, of this poison still gets through the system and on to the streets? A lot more than is being seized by Customs and Police, that's for sure. Another thing I can't understand, is how can it be che My own thoughts are that "the authorities" should parade some of the worst cases - the really sick ones I mean - through all the school class rooms for all kids from the age of 10 or 12 years upwards, to let them have a really good look at what the results of using this shit will do to you. They all need to be shocked - really scared - and just maybe, that could save a few of them. Just telling kids "DON'T DO IT" never worked back in my time, it even gave some an incentive to try whatever it was out - and I'm sure that has not changed in the time since! If I had been forced back then, to watch a guy screaming his heart out, while peeing pus into a bowl, I would have had "good cause" to use condoms a lot more often too...........

Thing is, in Thailand this is pretty much a "hiso" drug. It costs way way more than yaa baa. An average user would be very well-off student or person with good job. I don't think showing people messed up with ICE would help 10-12 year olds. And besides, lots of Thai police appear to make money from it in one way or another. The margins are very high. They only ever seem to arrest Iranians at the airport. Nearly every other part of the supply chain gets away with it ........ I would also add that Thai newspapers and TV are filled with what crazy people have done whilst on "yaa baa" - but it doesn't appear to do anything to stop the next generation.

Just to add. I used to live in same apartment block as a few lads who worked at a very famous department store in the middle of Bangkok. They all did yaa baa in the apartment toilets and often brought their work friends round as well to do it. It was before work, sometimes during dinner-hour, and after work as well. Totally "part of the culture" to make work "easy" and still have energy to party later. And how could they afford it on department store wages? Because it was dirt cheap. There must be 50 or 100 yaa baa users in Thailand for every ice user. And if ice really is much worse than yaa baa, thank god it is expensive here.

yaba and ice are both meth, both the same thing, only ice is a bit purer....same damage, same effects

and i knew of a few thai guys who'd smoke both, they're not exclusive

Sure, they don't have to be exclusive. Ice when you got money, yaa baa when you don't ...

But it is very interesting. They are chemically "much the same", and yaa baa is produced by the truckload "locally", in places like Burma if not in Thailand itself, yet ice appears to have to be imported via drug mules from relatively distant countries and ends up costing 10x as much on the street. Doesn't quite add up ..........

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does it cost 10x as much on the street, i dont think it does

they are the same, both methamphetamine....it's just the quality of ice seems to be more reliable whereas yaba quality varies greatly

they are both just as easy to make as eachother, so it's beyond me why it's not being manafactured in burma since it gets a higher price (but maybe it is)

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yeah as you say it doesn't add up, which is why i think it is probably being produced in burma and laos also but it's just that other outside countries also see the huge and unfortunate demand for it in thailand, so are cashing in themselves

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This happens nearly once a week.

Do they sell the stuff in the duty-free with a sign "special discount for Iranians" and get the guy's face on the CCTV when he pays for it, then bust him when he boards the plane?

Once I took the city bus to the airport, got into a conversation with the guy sitting next to me. Middle-aged Iranian guy wearing a beat-up cheap suit. Said he was staying around Kao San Rd, only been in the country a few days, now returning to Iran. I wonder if he made the papers that day.

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