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Thai Election Promises Evaporate In Cold Light Of Reality: Watchdog


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Election promises evaporate in cold light of reality

By Nophakhun Limsamarnphun

At least two major Pheu Thai policies have already been backtracked upon by the party's top executives, including Yingluck Shinawatra, who is expected to be the country's next prime minister.

During the July 1 election rally, Yingluck, Pheu Thai's No 1 party-list MP candidate, told supporters that her party would scrap the Oil Fund so that the prices of gasoline and diesel would be reduced immediately by Bt2.2 and Bt7.5 per litre, respectively.

At present, premium gasoline with an octane level of 95 is subject to an Oil Fund levy of Bt7.5 per litre, while a litre of diesel is subject to a Bt2.2 levy.

Yingluck said back then that the Fund would be scrapped so that there would be no levies any longer, making the retail prices of premium gasoline and diesel much cheaper.

However, on July 7, after her party had won 265 of the 500 House seats in the July 3 polls, Yingluck told reporters that the new government had no plans to scrap the Oil Fund, but would only suspend gasoline and diesel levies temporarily.

The Oil Fund is a mechanism set up more than two decades ago to stabilise domestic oil prices by imposing levies on oil products and other fuels.

When world oil prices are in an up-trend, levies collected earlier are used to minimise upward price adjustments.

On the other hand, certain levies are still imposed when world oil prices are on the decline, so that there are surplus funds when oil prices are in the up-trend again.

Scrapping the Oil Fund would also mean that subsidies on biofuels such as gasohol (a blend of gasoline and ethanol) and biodiesel (a blend of palm oil and diesel) would also be hurt, affecting the government's promotion of alternative energies.

In addition, subsidies for liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) used for cooking and vehicles would be hit.

Hence, the new government will find it difficult to deliver on its election promise, even though some Pheu Thai officials have suggested that royalties on petroleum concessions amounting to more than Bt40 billion annually could also be tapped to cover some of the energy subsidies.

Another vulnerable election pledge is the nationwide Bt300-per-day minimum wage that helped the party win the July 3 polls.

This has also been backtracked upon, with Plodprasop Surasawadee, the deputy party leader, saying this week that such a hefty hike, up from the current Bt150-Bt220 per day depending on the province and the cost of living, could not be implemented in every province immediately as promised during the election campaign.

He even admitted that the election campaign rhetoric was one thing, and what the new government could do in the real world another.

Suchart Thadathamrongvej, a former finance minister and key Pheu Thai party member, said during the election campaign that the party would immediately raise the daily minimum wage to Bt300, topping the rival Democrat Party's promise to raise the minimum wage by 25 per cent over a two-year period.

In return for the wage hike, the Pheu Thai party would cut the corporate income tax rate from 30 per cent to 23 per cent in their first year in government and to 20 per cent in the second year.

Following Pheu Thai's win in the July 3 polls, this policy has been sharply criticised by the private sector, who are worried their labour costs will jump as a result of the hefty hike.

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have asked the new government to provide subsidies on electricity and other utility bills if the minimum wage is raised to Bt300 per day, or else they will go out of business because most SMEs do not make big profits and therefore will not gain much from the tax cut.


-- The Nation 2011-07-16

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Let's calculate. 16 July from 3 July = 13 days...

It took only 13 days for the PTP = UDD to backtrack on 2 electoral promises, and they even don't sit as a government yet!!!

I guess that their voters will soon be very deluded when they find out that most of the other electoral promises were just that! Electoral promises.

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To quote the old football chants for PTP

"You don't know what you're doing. You don't know what you're doing"

Once again the poor have been bent over a barrel, properly shafted and told to smile for the cameras. Nice one Yingluck! It's very <deleted>**ing obvious now why you didn't want to take part in a televised debate - you're policies are hollow and empty.

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"Read my lips, no new taxes." George H W Bush

"Never ever, it's dead." John Howard on the goods and services tax in Australia.

"there will be no carbon tax under the government I lead" Julia Gillard

If their lips are moving they are lying.<_<

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"Read my lips, no new taxes." George H W Bush

"Never ever, it's dead." John Howard on the goods and services tax in Australia.

"there will be no carbon tax under the government I lead" Julia Gillard

If their lips are moving they are lying.<_<

You could add "peace in our time" probably many more - Chamberlain.

It's what politicians do in every country, nothing new!

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The Oil Fund is a mechanism set up more than two decades ago to stabilise domestic oil prices by imposing levies on oil products and other fuels.<BR sab="364"><BR sab="365">When world oil prices are in an up-trend, levies collected earlier are used to minimise upward price adjustments.<BR sab="366">

I'm not so much into Thai politics,or other politics for that matter,but I clearly recall Thaksin proudly saying during an interview for an international tv-channel that he invented those policies.So are the dates wrong or was this just another lie from Thaksin to make an impression on the international press.

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This has also been backtracked upon, with Plodprasop Surasawadee, the deputy party leader, saying this week that such a hefty hike, up from the current Bt150-Bt220 per day depending on the province and the cost of living, could not be implemented in every province immediately as promised during the election campaign.

Of course not in the Isan, where most people are starving................:jap:

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This has also been backtracked upon, with Plodprasop Surasawadee, the deputy party leader, saying this week that such a hefty hike, up from the current Bt150-Bt220 per day depending on the province and the cost of living, could not be implemented in every province immediately as promised during the election campaign.

Of course not in the Isan, where most people are starving................:jap:

Most people are starving in Isaan, are you sure about that?????

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Does this mean debt forgiveness, credit cards for farmers, taxi, and tuk tuk drivers may not be forthcoming? Wonder if the Thai voters will display the same patience as my wife when I tell her to wait a hour or so, as the next good restaurant is about 60 kilometer up the road?

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Does this mean debt forgiveness, credit cards for farmers, taxi, and tuk tuk drivers may not be forthcoming? Wonder if the Thai voters will display the same patience as my wife when I tell her to wait a hour or so, as the next good restaurant is about 60 kilometer up the road?

It was mentioned that the 15,000 baht for rice paddy (20,000 for hom mali) was only available to farmers that were issued with government credit cards. I imagine there will be a lot of restrictions on getting the credit cards, just so that there is no need to pay the rice subsidies.

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This has also been backtracked upon, with Plodprasop Surasawadee, the deputy party leader, saying this week that such a hefty hike, up from the current Bt150-Bt220 per day depending on the province and the cost of living, could not be implemented in every province immediately as promised during the election campaign.

Of course not in the Isan, where most people are starving................:jap:

Most people are starving in Isaan, are you sure about that?????

The point is they are economically deprived, both in relative and absolute terms, and they have been lied to (thanks for voting!). Actually, there is a fair bit of malnutrition in Thailand and guess where its concentrated.

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What do you expect from a party that has been dissolved twice for electoral fraud, scores of politicians banned for cheating, a leader who's on the run from corruption and power-abuse charges and sons who murder in broad daylight?

Get what they deserve!

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Grounds for declaring the election null and void on false promises?

Well that would invalidate EVERY election ever held for a government leader.

In this case it is not that they lied at some point,

but the number and grandiose size of the lies,

and how fast they have backtracked on these obviously unworkable false promises.

I have been saying since before the election that

Thaksin and the old TRT guys, were way too far forward in this election campaign.

Before after and during, and that may be enough to remove their closest associates

from the PTP win.

Not to mention the obvious connection of terrorist charged Reds on the party list,

being seen as a win for violent intimidation of the country to take back power.

Not to mention the inherent LM leanings of several Red factions.

Not saying the PTP will not form a government, but that

WHO is in PTP to do it might be different than originally planned

simply because they got arrogant and over reached or expected

the EC to just roll over like a puppy to get it's belly scratched

if the win was large enough.

If the law is used to cut down on Thaksin's levers of control,

but stil leave PTP as the government, this might be a middle ground.

But certainly the lies to their voters are going to enrage segments of them,

and if certain players don't get their ways, this may touch off a new round of violence, whether the EC removes certain of the other players or not.

Edited by animatic
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Grounds for declaring the election null and void on false promises?

Well that would invalidate EVERY election ever held for a government leader.

In this case it is not that they lied at some point,

but the number and grandiose size of the lies,

and how fast they have backtracked on these obviously unworkable false promises.

I have been saying since before the election that

Thaksin and the old TRT guys, were way too far forward in this election campaign.

Before after and during, and that may be enough to remove their closest associates

from the PTP win.

Not to mention the obvious connection of terrorist charged Reds on the party list,

being seen as a win for violent intimidation of the country to take back power.

Not to mention the inherent LM leanings of several Red factions.

Not saying the PTP will not form a government, but that

WHO is in PTP to do it might be different than originally planned

simply because they got arrogant and over reached or expected

the EC to just roll over like a puppy to get it's belly scratched

if the win was large enough.

If the law is used to cut down on Thaksin's levers of control,

but stil leave PTP as the government, this might be a middle ground.

But certainly the lies to their voters are going to enrage segments of them,

and if certain players don't get their ways, this may touch off a new round of violence, whether the EC removes certain of the other players or not.

Ii think this kinda shows just how out of touch Taksin actually is. A lot has changed, especially as the army and to a certain degree the dems have found out to their cost, people are felling more empowered politically and are not the fools they are often mistaken for. There are interesting times ahead.

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"Read my lips, no new taxes." George H W Bush

"Never ever, it's dead." John Howard on the goods and services tax in Australia.

"there will be no carbon tax under the government I lead" Julia Gillard

If their lips are moving they are lying.<_<

You could add "peace in our time" probably many more - Chamberlain.

It's what politicians do in every country, nothing new!

And so to you that makes it acceptable??!

As my Mother taught me, "No lier should go unpunished. And if you lie again, the second time the consequences will be worse!" A lie is still a lie in every country. And liars rate there in my book next to thieves and cheaters. And when are the poor, oblivious fools who wasted their vote putting them in power going to see that Puah Thai and the Thaksin clan are all three.

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Ii think this kinda shows just how out of touch Taksin actually is. A lot has changed, especially as the army and to a certain degree the dems have found out to their cost, people are felling more empowered politically and are not the fools they are often mistaken for. There are interesting times ahead.

Turn on your voters too quickly and you will have a "JASMINE Rice Revolution".

I have no views about Thai Politics, as I am only a long term guest here, but I said 4 years ago "Taksin WILL be back." I will be proved right.

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This has also been backtracked upon, with Plodprasop Surasawadee, the deputy party leader, saying this week that such a hefty hike, up from the current Bt150-Bt220 per day depending on the province and the cost of living, could not be implemented in every province immediately as promised during the election campaign.

Of course not in the Isan, where most people are starving................:jap:

Most people are starving in Isaan, are you sure about that?????

Yes and at my gate I have a morning soup kitchen for the locals, they come on m/cycles and mobile, pickups, cars, farm tuk tuks, and thank me for helping with food they cannot afford. then they buy local Thai whiskey to swill the food down and light up a cig before going home to sleep :lol::lol: If you live in a rural village believe me they are not wealthy but certainly not starving.

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"Read my lips, no new taxes." George H W Bush

"Never ever, it's dead." John Howard on the goods and services tax in Australia.

"there will be no carbon tax under the government I lead" Julia Gillard

If their lips are moving they are lying.<_<

You could add "peace in our time" probably many more - Chamberlain.

It's what politicians do in every country, nothing new!

How about "Sadam Hussein has ...erm...Weapons of Mass Destruction"?

Able to hit London in 45 minutes. Tony Blair. Future Ambassador to Thailand, maybe?

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<br>"Read my lips, no new taxes."  George H W Bush<br><br>"Never ever, it's dead."   John Howard on the goods and services tax in Australia.<br><br>"there will be <i>no carbon tax</i> under the government I lead"  Julia Gillard <br><br>If their lips are moving they are lying.<img src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.gif" class="bbc_emoticon" alt="<_<"><br>
<br><br><br>You could add "peace in our time" probably many more - Chamberlain.<br><br>It's what politicians do in every country, nothing new!<br><p>
</p><p>I will solve Bangkok's traffic problems.<br></p><p>I will clear Beach Road of prostitutes and katoeys. I stake my reputation on it.</p><p>I have given unquestioning credence to only two statements by politicians:-</p><p>Even though large tracts of Europe and many old and famous States have fallen or may fall into the grip of the Gestapo and all the odious apparatus of Nazi rule, we shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender, and if, which I do not for a moment believe, this island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our Empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the British Fleet, would carry on the struggle, until, in God's good time, the new world, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old. (Winston Spencer Churchill)</p><p>Yoiu've never had it so good.  (Harold MacMillan)  </p><br><br>
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Unusual (in the West, the "home of democracy") to have an election promise reversed so quickly, but then the party (Pheu Thai) is new to the ways of democracy.

Of course, another way of telling lies in politics is to deny that such and such is going to happen, and then introduce SuchandSuch immediately after the election.

That happened in British Columbia after the last provincial election (2010), when the right wing government introduced, four weeks after the election, a new sales tax that they had ruled out during the election campaign.

It eventually cost the premier of the province his job.

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<br>"Read my lips, no new taxes."  George H W Bush<br><br>"Never ever, it's dead."   John Howard on the goods and services tax in Australia.<br><br>"there will be <i>no carbon tax</i> under the government I lead"  Julia Gillard <br><br>If their lips are moving they are lying.<img src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.gif" class="bbc_emoticon" alt="<_<"><br>
<br><br><br>You could add "peace in our time" probably many more - Chamberlain.<br><br>It's what politicians do in every country, nothing new!<br><p>
</p><p>I will solve Bangkok's traffic problems.<br></p><p>I will clear Beach Road of prostitutes and katoeys. I stake my reputation on it.</p><p>I have given unquestioning credence to only two statements by politicians:-</p><p>Even though large tracts of Europe and many old and famous States have fallen or may fall into the grip of the Gestapo and all the odious apparatus of Nazi rule, we shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender, and if, which I do not for a moment believe, this island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our Empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the British Fleet, would carry on the struggle, until, in God's good time, the new world, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old. (Winston Spencer Churchill)</p><p>Yoiu've never had it so good.  (Harold MacMillan)  </p><br><br>

It's not clear what the Churchill quote is doing here....proving or DISproving some point?

Btw, let us not forget that our Winnie, in 1940, differed from Neville Chamberlain only in the amount of time he was prepared to give the Americans to come to the aid of a bankrupt Britain. Chamberlain was ready to sue for peace in May 1940, whereas Churchill was prepared to wait till September before approaching Herr Hitler.

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I have no views about Thai Politics, as I am only a long term guest here, but I said 4 years ago "Taksin WILL be back." I will be proved right.

Considering the man is only in his 50s, i don't think making the prediction that at some point, he will return, is really sticking your neck out.

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