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Dual Enterance Tickets


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Now it's 9 months in Thailand. As I see around my first impression was it is country of freedom, people are easy going (mypenlai..), people are nice exchange greetings very politely, smiling and etc....All GOOD!! not all very ture but acceptable because I choose to live here and no one invited me to.But, this dual price SUCKs!!! When going with family paying double of price just unacceptable. Can not complaint anywhere because no one listen to you. And choice is to pay and enter... you shout, request that you work here and have workpermit.. nothing works.Last weekend visited to Bangkok Safari paid 800 THB. Then you expect to have good services inside..... difficult to understand signs, no control over In and exit, childern safety...We checked Aqueriam price 900 THB and decided not to go. And now I have decided to not to go to these public entertainment places with dual price, my wife is agree too. We keep going due to kids... but not anymore!!! It is ridiculous, everytime when visit with visitors we have to pay this high price. So far about 4 families visited to us and each time we have to pay this big amount.I think all Foreigners should stop going to all places with dual price!!!STOP GOING TO DUAL ENTERANCE PRICE PLACES!!!What do you think?

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if you can prove you reside in Thailand, i.e a driving license then you get the thai prices

TIT and that is they way they do it, same in Hong Kong too with dual prices.

Added - Siam Ocean World will give you the Thai prices if you prove it with WP, this is a fact as I know the staff there personally. Buy the dual ticket with Madame Tussauds at the Thai price too.

Edited by beano2274
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It is illegal and you can complain to the consumer protection agency.

Even the temples have dual pricing, will not work at the Consumer Protection Agency.

Also the OP checked the prices maybe using the internet, but did not go personally to the Aquarium.

If you visit Madame Tussauds they give you the price for Foreigners residing in Thailand,

and it is printed on their promotions with other attractions in Bangkok such at SOW and

Siam Park.

If you go carry your work permit you will get the prices, it is common knowledge that you can get the Thai prices if you prove you live here permanently

Edited by beano2274
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If you are driving within Thailand for three months or more you must have a Thai Driving Licence (Police checks will accept an international or must national licences but if you look at the details of the insurance polices you will see that that you are technically illegal), so get a Thai licence and show that when you are in "tourist" mode visiting such places.

The use of a driving licence or Work Permit to get the lower entrance price has been covered in these forums a few times before.

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If you want tickets for Siam Ocean World they have dual tickets with Madame Tussauds, cannot remember the prices but take your Work Permit with you.

Madame Tussauds also do dual tickets with Siam park (although I would think twice of going there).

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There is something like a fair bussiness act, not to mention that there are some international treaties that prohibites making a distinction based on nationality/race.

But there was a few years back an article in one of the newspapers, where a government official said it was illegal but they never received any complaints.

As to illegal, it might not be a criminal act in Thailand, but seems against the civil code. Tourist Police have confirmed that to me.

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Dual pricing is a thing in most parts of Asia, in Hong Kong as well.

Temples in Thailand charge you entrance fees too, it has been going on for years and will continue to do so, nothing that you or I can do about it, TIT.

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Talk of boycotts? Lawsuits? I do not see why this keeps coming up with emotions bordering on rage. In my personal experience:

· Growing up in the USA, where even a hint of discrimination would result in a million dollar lawsuit, I always paid the "in-state" rate for state parks camping sites, fishing licences, hunting licences, hunting tags, etc. In some cases, the out of state rates were 3 times (or more) the "in-state" rate, especially for camping and hunting, but even for simple admittance to a park........after all, what seems like a big amount to a local is not much to someone who is a "tourist" paying for a vacation away from home. Furthermore, it was all subsidized by my (and my parent's) taxes. Funny, I do not seem to remember any park guests bellowing like a wounded elephant that "they are racist here, they charge Californians triple".

· When I went to a University that was part of my state system, I enjoyed a tuition that was a fraction of the "out-of state" rate charged to residents of other states or foreigners. They continued to pay that rate until they gained local state residency. After all, that university was funded in part by my taxes, so why should non-locals enjoy a local benefit? Funny, I do not remember any protests or demonstrations by the out of state/foreign kids (even the slanty eyed non-farang looking ones) who paid the discriminatory/racist rate.

· When I worked in Thailand I would show my driving licence and I always paid the local rate. Even if it is not posted in English, it is easy enough to make out the local rate on the sign by the Baht symbol or the odd-looking Thai language numerals. Just point at the local price and show your driving licence and it is done. They assume that if you have a DL you are on the radar, paying taxes, etc, which is only fair. If foreigners w/o work permits or tourists got in at the local rate, the only one protesting would be me. I paid so much in taxes I would like to they have named a tree after me in some national park.

· Now I work in Malaysia and I always pay the local rate. It may come as a shock to some Thai Visa curmudgeons that Malaysia has also has duel price system for tourist destinations (KL Bird Park, Aquaria KLCC, Zoo's, etc). Some are tax supported and some are private. For the private ones, the "local-rate" is important to fill the attraction with locals on school holidays or with multiple/return visits. It is a different pricing model for a different market.

As it so happens, last month my Thai wife took her mom to KL Bird Park. My wife paid the local rate as she has a Malaysian employment visa. Her mom (Thai resident) paid the much higher tourist/non-local rate. Funny, my mother-in-law never thought to be irritated, after all, she is a tourist and she knows it (I guess she could read her passport stamp). If she worked here or was a documented retiree(MM2H), she would get the local rate. Anyway, if she was offended, I am sure she could rush back home and enjoy any number of local priced benefits in her home country.

So, what is the problem with the Thai duel price system again?

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if you can prove you reside in Thailand, i.e a driving license then you get the thai prices

TIT and that is they way they do it, same in Hong Kong too with dual prices.

Added - Siam Ocean World will give you the Thai prices if you prove it with WP, this is a fact as I know the staff there personally. Buy the dual ticket with Madame Tussauds at the Thai price too.

no wp required, even a thai credit card will suffice at ocean world.

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If it is illegal, then it should be challenged. Let's put our money where our mouths are for a change. Maybe Sunbelt could provide legal support. It would certainly bring them plenty of free publicity once the media got a hold of it.

I'll throw in a few thousand baht too.

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"If you go carry your work permit you will get the prices, it is common knowledge that you can get the Thai prices if you prove you live here permanently"

I suspect very few foreigners could prove they live here permanently. A WP or DL doesn't prove that.

Once you know of a place that has dual pricing, and won't give you a Thai price, don't go there.

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Added - Siam Ocean World will give you the Thai prices if you prove it with WP, this is a fact as I know the staff there personally.

At Siam Ocean World you only need to show Driving License, no need to bring WP. Great place btw - recommended!
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He doesn't mean literally permantly forever -- just that you are here on a long-term, settled basis. Ie, not a tourist.

A lot of places will still not accept that. Koh Samet for instance.

Koh Samet accept my Thai DL last month for local rate.

Tout on boat or ticket office not accept DL, park warden on beach accept, no problem.

Be firm, say only pay warden.

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Added - Siam Ocean World will give you the Thai prices if you prove it with WP, this is a fact as I know the staff there personally.

At Siam Ocean World you only need to show Driving License, no need to bring WP. Great place btw - recommended!

From Siam Ocean World Web Site

Platinum M Card

- Present card to get 20% discount off normal admission (Thai & Expat) One card for a maximum of 4 guests

Muang Thai Smile Club

Present card to get 30% discount off normal admission (Thai & Expat) One card for a maximum of 4 guests

KTC Credit Card – All TYPE

Pay by KTC card - get10% discount on admission (Thai & Expat)

Admission for 2 attractions (Siam Ocean World & Madame Tussauds)

-Thai /Expat : 600/400 baht (adult/child)

-Tourist : 1,360/1,040 baht (adult/child)

Extended to 30 Sep 11

Ticket is valid until 31 October 2011

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He doesn't mean literally permantly forever -- just that you are here on a long-term, settled basis. Ie, not a tourist.

A lot of places will still not accept that. Koh Samet for instance.

if you take a speedboat to koh samet you don't pay anything

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He doesn't mean literally permantly forever -- just that you are here on a long-term, settled basis. Ie, not a tourist.

A lot of places will still not accept that. Koh Samet for instance.

if you take a speedboat to koh samet you don't pay anything

Free speedboat trips? :whistling:

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Talk of boycotts? Lawsuits? I do not see why this keeps coming up with emotions bordering on rage. In my personal experience:

· Growing up in the USA, where even a hint of discrimination would result in a million dollar lawsuit, I always paid the "in-state" rate for state parks camping sites, fishing licences, hunting licences, hunting tags, etc. In some cases, the out of state rates were 3 times (or more) the "in-state" rate, especially for camping and hunting, but even for simple admittance to a park........after all, what seems like a big amount to a local is not much to someone who is a "tourist" paying for a vacation away from home. Furthermore, it was all subsidized by my (and my parent's) taxes. Funny, I do not seem to remember any park guests bellowing like a wounded elephant that "they are racist here, they charge Californians triple".

· When I went to a University that was part of my state system, I enjoyed a tuition that was a fraction of the "out-of state" rate charged to residents of other states or foreigners. They continued to pay that rate until they gained local state residency. After all, that university was funded in part by my taxes, so why should non-locals enjoy a local benefit? Funny, I do not remember any protests or demonstrations by the out of state/foreign kids (even the slanty eyed non-farang looking ones) who paid the discriminatory/racist rate.

· When I worked in Thailand I would show my driving licence and I always paid the local rate. Even if it is not posted in English, it is easy enough to make out the local rate on the sign by the Baht symbol or the odd-looking Thai language numerals. Just point at the local price and show your driving licence and it is done. They assume that if you have a DL you are on the radar, paying taxes, etc, which is only fair. If foreigners w/o work permits or tourists got in at the local rate, the only one protesting would be me. I paid so much in taxes I would like to they have named a tree after me in some national park.

· Now I work in Malaysia and I always pay the local rate. It may come as a shock to some Thai Visa curmudgeons that Malaysia has also has duel price system for tourist destinations (KL Bird Park, Aquaria KLCC, Zoo's, etc). Some are tax supported and some are private. For the private ones, the "local-rate" is important to fill the attraction with locals on school holidays or with multiple/return visits. It is a different pricing model for a different market.

As it so happens, last month my Thai wife took her mom to KL Bird Park. My wife paid the local rate as she has a Malaysian employment visa. Her mom (Thai resident) paid the much higher tourist/non-local rate. Funny, my mother-in-law never thought to be irritated, after all, she is a tourist and she knows it (I guess she could read her passport stamp). If she worked here or was a documented retiree(MM2H), she would get the local rate. Anyway, if she was offended, I am sure she could rush back home and enjoy any number of local priced benefits in her home country.

So, what is the problem with the Thai duel price system again?

If the venue is tax supported, I agree. I have been many places outside of Thailand and Asia where out of state, out of county, out of city residents pay more to attend an attraction that is supported by government taxes. The locals pay the bulk of the taxes to support the sites and they get a break on the entrance/participation fees. In long-distance running events where entry fees are required, people who can demonstrate membership in running clubs often enjoy a discount over folks who cannot. I never get all the complaints here about this stuff. I can guarantee if a Thai goes to Brookfield Zoo in Chicago, he/she is going to pay a higher fee than the local standing in line in front of them. It isn't illegal there; it is done for a reason and purpose and it makes sense. Makes sense to do it here, too.

Now, if it is in a restaurant, buying groceries, renting, buying land, or attending a site that ISN"T funded by the members or taxpayers, then, yeah, I can see a complaint being legitimate.

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To me, the biggest problem with dual pricing is at private hospitals. While the tourist places may hit you for a few hundred baht, the hospitals will routinely charge double or more. I needed a simple surgery (is any really simple), so I had my Thai wife inquire as to the fees. She was told 37,000 bt to 40,000 bt. That seemed like a good price. I went to both hospitals and saw a doctor and suddenly the prices went to 75,000 to 95,000 for the same service. We are talking about a 30 minute procedure. To me, this makes complaints about 200 baht overcharges seem foolish. I finally had the procedure done for 50,000 bt in another hospital. While in some areas public hospitals offer an alternative, in my area there none are convenient (requires multiple visits)

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Added - Siam Ocean World will give you the Thai prices if you prove it with WP, this is a fact as I know the staff there personally.

At Siam Ocean World you only need to show Driving License, no need to bring WP. Great place btw - recommended!

The place is a scam. The Thai price is hidden.....

I took 2 Thai friends to Ocean World and they charged me the scam Farang price or the Thais too!

I pointed to the Thai price in Thai script to the cashier. The cashier claimed she didn't know my guests were Thai....


Then, before we even saw a fish, an aquarium photographer offered us a FREE photo.

Of course the photo was not free and they wanted money later....Turns out there was a charge for the photos. Taking the picture was free though.......

And the displays?

Terrible. Fish missing, lack of maintenance, crass advertising, noise.

I'm surprised all the fish don't commit suicide.

Scam, Scam, Scam.

Shame on Siam Paragon for allowing such rip of artists in their Mall.

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