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Many Thais Say Corruption Is Acceptable If Country Prospers, Poll Finds


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I find it amusing all the morally superior replies by farangs on here.

Why are YOU here?

Sex, whores, come on....you exist here because the place is corrupt....if you want to really solve the corruption, get on a plane and fly out of here forever.

You, I, we are here for the very reason the Thais are ok with corruption....

We are here because:-

1) We are more intelligent than you are

2) Without us you economy is dead

3) your women folk find us more attractive

Why don't you fly out on one of your piss poor airlines? What? No money? Get a hair cut and get a job!

1. We were stupid and blind thinking that most Thais were honest

2. with us your economy is dying

3. Your women find our visa cards more attractive

4. We didn't realise that our 10 year passports would only last 3 years with all the visa runs (90 days up to 3 pages)

5. wouldn't have thought that from 80 bht to the pound sterling-it would fall to 47.

6. Honda jazz 5 years ago was 8 thou/pound and now 13 thou/pound

7. pleased I built a house up north-and bought a condo on the coast long time ago.

6 and 7.... were the bonuses

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Right, our own society produced Max Mosley. What does it say about our society ? And our society produced the News of the World, and what does that say about our society ?

And yet, we as a community of people, we want to lecture and criticise Thai people for their moral bankruptcy ? I think we do look a bit silly !! And remember, stacks of people back home would buy this newspaper every Sunday. The News of the World sold far more than the Sunday Times. And yes. the media is a reflection or mirror image of the society that produced it. Nobody was forced to buy that newspaper, people bought it because they wanted to read it !!!

And we musn't forget, Max Mosley sued the News of the World. But he sued on the grounds that there was no Nazi theme in the sex orgy. Basically, he admitted/accepted that the sex orgy with the five prostitutes did actually take place. He sued on the grounds that the newspaper claimed there was a Nazi theme to the orgy. And this thing about printing stories that are in 'the public interest'. Is it in the interest of the general public to reveal and print this story ? Yes, the general public finds this story very in interesting, because of the titilation and sexual imagery that this story creates.


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I have lived here for a little more than 5 years now. For me the rot set in about 2 years ago.Living in Phuket you get the all worst of Thailand all in one place. I just can no longer live in a country where corruption is the norm and not the exception. As a foreigner living i Thailand, I feel very much like a second class citizen, we no rights here. I understand a little bit of Thai now and it is quite shocking to overhear Thais talking about you in a derogatory manner when they think that you don't know the lingo. LOS my ass. What do you show when you smile? YOUR TEETH! I will not renew my contract here in the next couple of months. I've had enough! There is more to life than making money, which seems to be the number on priority here, regardless of how it's done.

Most people on the Phuket forum will be happy to see me go. All I do is complain about Thailand, but lately I haven't had anything good to post about this place. Sorry but's that's my take on it and my opinion. We are still allowed to have our own opinions aren't we?

Like most people they look around them--consciously or unconsciously--and get an idea from others what "works." In Thailand, it is clear that corruption is the way to "get rich." I agree with PMGthailand, the country is "morally bankrupt." That is one reason I would never trust a Thai for any reason, especially business. The moral bankruptcy really took off about eleven years ago. There is no rule of law, no honor, no moral base; it is a dying society/culture. Unfortunately, for expats living here, the future does not look good.

I thoroughly understand your frustration. Thailand could be a nice country but everyone has a need to make a living and, as in many countries, they don't always pursue the most ethical and honest way.

Farangs are the most easily identified group and easily shorn. No Thai law is written for the benefit or to protect the farang. Unfortunately you chose one of the most corrupt places in Thailand. Personally, I advise everyone to avoid Phuket if possible. Good luck....

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All this self-righteousness that we see from the posts is a bit silly isn't it ? So we love to criticise the Thais for being corrupt, morally bankrupt, they don't know the difference between right and wrong, their religion is not as good as ours, etc.

Okay, let's look at our own society, and what do we see ? I prefer to look at the failings of my own people rather than mock and ridicule other people ! We all know in Britain, the media (and it's not just the Sun newspaper and News of the World newspaper) seems to constantly go on about the private sex lives of the rich and famous. There also seems to be this bizzare fascination about 'celebrities' like Cheryl Cole. We must remember that nobody forces people to buy such silly newspapers, people buy the stuff because they like it, and the media in Britain and the USA is a reflection of the society as a whole. What I'm trying to say, is, is that people want to go on about how 'morally bankrupt' Thai society is, well, I'd like to ask if our own societies are that much better ? Remember, the News of the World newspaper closing down is still only part of the problem. Some of the guys involved in that newspaper were linked to senior members of the present government in Britain. I think we are only seeing the beginning of the revelations, and time will reveal the scale of the hacking, and other problems too (yes, British police officers took bribes and gave information to journalists).

I can go on all day about how some youngsters growing up in Britain show almost zero respect for the society they live in, how they hang around in groups and mock and ridicuke old people, how they are a general nuisance (more serious than being a general nuisance) in the housing estates they live in. Things like cars being stolen by youngsters (because they think it's funny) and vandalising British Telecom public phone boxes are just two of many of the problems youngsters do.

What I'm trying to say, is, what does it say about our own society, when our own countries produce such youngsters ? And we want to criticise Thailand for being 'morally bankrupt' !! Does Thailand produce vast numbers of youngsters (yobs) who hang around in groups, causing all kinds of problems to society ? I must admit, I feel safer walking around at night (or day !) here in Thailand than I do when back home in England !

And this talk about our religion being different and better than theirs. How many of us are actually Christian people ? Most people back home ridicule the Bible, we do actually live in a 'secular' society in Britain, it's a society that mainly no longer has a religion !! If we are to teach Christianity (or Christian values) to the Thais, well, surely, we have to believe in the faith ourselves ??!!

Well, needless to say, the terrifying and disgusting riots we have seen back home during the last few days really does show that we have major problems in our own society. I don't think I'ill bother to jump onto the bandwagon by saying things like "bring back hanging, and they should have shot the rioters at a very early stage of the disturbances". However, I do understand how a lot of people feel that very strong action has got to be taken against those who looted and burnt shops.

All I'm trying to say, is, is that we should sort out our own house first, and then we can criticise foreigners and other countries. Yes, Thailand might have bad corruption, but it's a bit silly for us to ridicule Thailand as 'morally bankrupt, etc' when the riots back home is hard evidence for our own society becoming a 'failed society'. We should look at our own people, and ask why it is that large numbers of youngsters are part of a 'lost generation', what is it that causes the young thugs to smash shop windows, loot and then burn the building. And it's no good making comments like 'deport them, send them back to Africa/ the Carribean'. The vast bulk of the rioters were born and raised in Britain, and a fair number of them are 'white youngsters'. Does Thailand produce lots of youngsters who are thugs that need to be locked up (or even hanged) ?

Yes, no matter how we see it, we must educate our own youngsters first, teach them to respect all of the following :society, the law, police, elders, government, etc. We must look out ourselves first, and then we can teach foreigners (as in Thais) as to how to build a better society. After all, charity or order starts at home. And if it is such that we are actually ridiculing and mocking the Thais for being 'morally bankrupt and wrong', well, we do look silly when our own youngsters are torching our cities back home.

I've made Thailand my home, and I hope to God that Thailand does not produce a lost generation of youngsters who are going to loot and burn shops in Bangkok, Chang Mai, Pattaya, Udon Thani etc. And I sincerely hope that proper education back home in Britain will mean that we never again see the terrifying descent into chaos and anarchy that we have seen in the last few days. Our nation might of had proud and proper values back in the 1950s, but today, our nation certainly does not. Our youngsters knew about the difference between right and wrong back in the 1950s, but today, obviously, a lot of youngsters seem to not care.

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