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I noticed a few earlier posts on this website about Bumrungrad and plastic surgery. Has anyone had plastic surgery ( a face lift, eyes, etc) with Dr. Armorn Poomee ?

Has anyone had any skin laser treatment (what kind) or injectable filler treatment and if so which dermatologist did you use ?

I noticed a few earlier posts on this website about Bumrungrad and plastic surgery.  Has anyone had plastic surgery ( a face lift, eyes, etc) with Dr. Armorn Poomee ?

Has anyone had any skin laser treatment (what kind) or injectable filler treatment and if so which dermatologist did you use ?

Marcia reported very good results from a facelift with him, I'm scheduled for 7 December so check with me again in 2 months....re derm see my PM


Yes, I was just browsing today and saw your post. I had a facelift and neck lift with Dr. Amorn Poomee in July. I was very pleased with his experience and my results. I was in Bangkok for 14 days. I would definately go back to him in the future if I ever wanted another procedure.


I noticed a few earlier posts on this website about Bumrungrad and plastic surgery.  Has anyone had plastic surgery ( a face lift, eyes, etc) with Dr. Armorn Poomee ?

Has anyone had any skin laser treatment (what kind) or injectable filler treatment and if so which dermatologist did you use ?

Marcia reported very good results from a facelift with him, I'm scheduled for 7 December so check with me again in 2 months....re derm see my PM

Mahalo Nui Loa (Khawp khun kha) to both of you Sheryl and Marcia for your helpful comments.

living with aloha

the coconut wireless


Although your specific question had one doctor named (and that was not the one I used) I have had skin laser treatments at both Bumrungrad (50% unsuccessful) and now Vejthani for removal of pre cancer growths on arms and neck. The equipment/facility/doctor/results have been far better at Vejthani. Perhaps it is just because everything is a year newer; but I don't really think so.

  • 2 months later...

I have been going to Bumrungrad for a while now for skin laser treatment with Dr Pravit which is going great.

I also had botox at Bumrungrad with another doctor (don't remember his name) and am not at all pleased: 1) No sedation at all, only ice cold ice against your face which made me almost pass out, 2) Not keeping track of injections on a chart for further consultation, 3) more expensive than other place even though claiming it's the 'real' botox', 4) no complimentary check up consultation. 5) results were unsatisfactory. Never doing botox there again (Will check which doctor it was)

Doing most botox at apex emporium. Good prices, good services but also a bit in a hurry so little sedation (first time I got some).... probably depending upon the amount of clients waiting. But with check up results.

Best experience so far is in Pattay at Aesthica on 2nd road. Great staff, they take time, know what they are doing, excellent results, follow-up, sedation... Too bad it's a 3 hours drive but when I live there I was a regular customer. Say hi from chris suksabai ;-) and he may even throw in a discount :-D

Yes, I was just browsing today and saw your post. I had a facelift and neck lift with Dr. Amorn Poomee in July. I was very pleased with his experience and my results. I was in Bangkok for 14 days. I would definately go back to him in the future if I ever wanted another procedure.


Glad you had a good experience and results. How much did they charge you for the facelift and neck lift with Dr. Amorn Poomee.

  • 1 month later...


As to the doctor who gave you the unsatisfactory Botox treatment - Could it possible have been Dr. Niyom at Bumrungrad? I went there a few weeks ago to have what were called "externalized fat cells" burned off of my face by CO2 laser. I had an 11:30 appointment with Dr. Niyom. He and his nurse quickly put some numbing cream on the places to be burned off and took me to a secluded waiting room. At 12:30, the nurse took me up to sit outside of the laser room. While I was sitting there, Dr. Niyom gave two other patients laser treatments and went up and downstairs two times. He finally came to do my treatment at 2:20 - after I had been waiting for a total of two hours and forty minutes. The cream only needed to be on for 45 minutes to be effective. He offfered no explanation- just did the procedure and left. Afterward, the nurse just showed me the chart on which she had scheduled the laser room for me at 12:30. I wasn't about to show any anger toward a man who would be burning my face with a laser and I had to pay in advance of the procedure, but I wasn't happy. It seemed irresponsible to make me wait for so long without explanation or apology. I didn't complain to anyone, but I certainly won't be going back to see Dr. Niyom. I wonder if he is in fact the doctor who handled the Botox treatment poorly or if somebody else has experience with him.

I doubt if I'll be going to Bumrungrad Dermatology in the future, though I would like to have facial hair removed from around my lips because of periodic bouts of herpes which make shaving uncomfortable. Does laser facial hair removal really work? My one try at S-Spa near the Nai Lert Park Hotel was completely unsuccessful. I'd appreciat :o e any suggestions.


As to the doctor who gave you the unsatisfactory Botox treatment - Could it possible have been Dr. Niyom at Bumrungrad? I went there a few weeks ago to have what were called "externalized fat cells" burned off of my face by CO2 laser. I had an 11:30 appointment with Dr. Niyom. He and his nurse quickly put some numbing cream on the places to be burned off and took me to a secluded waiting room. At 12:30, the nurse took me up to sit outside of the laser room. While I was sitting there, Dr. Niyom gave two other patients laser treatments and went up and downstairs two times. He finally came to do my treatment at 2:20 - after I had been waiting for a total of two hours and forty minutes. The cream only needed to be on for 45 minutes to be effective. He offfered no explanation- just did the procedure and left. Afterward, the nurse just showed me the chart on which she had scheduled the laser room for me at 12:30. I wasn't about to show any anger toward a man who would be burning my face with a laser and I had to pay in advance of the procedure, but I wasn't happy. It seemed irresponsible to make me wait for so long without explanation or apology. I didn't complain to anyone, but I certainly won't be going back to see Dr. Niyom. I wonder if he is in fact the doctor who handled the Botox treatment poorly or if somebody else has experience with him.

I doubt if I'll be going to Bumrungrad Dermatology in the future, though I would like to have facial hair removed from around my lips because of periodic bouts of herpes which make shaving uncomfortable. Does laser facial hair removal really work? My one try at S-Spa near the Nai Lert Park Hotel was completely unsuccessful. I'd appreciat :o e any suggestions.

Laser hair removal does work, but it usually takes about 5 treatments. Can do it at many places, including Apex clinics and most hospitals.

  • 2 weeks later...

As I write this I am watching a story on "This Day Tonight", a news digest program on Oz television, about a botched breast augmentation job done at Bumrungrad.

The girl ended up with one C cup and one DD cup. The breast also sagged and the nipples were low.

She said the staff were very nice during her time there, but didn't want to know her when the problems became obvious later on.

She is undergoing corrective surgery in Australia.

Doctors interviewed are making statements like "Russian roulette when you go overseas for this type of surgery." (They, of course, have an agenda of protection of their high cost local industry)

All in all not a good wrap for Bumrungrad on national television here.



If facial hair can be removed in five laser treatments, how long does it stay gone? How much does a course of five treatments cost at Apex and those other places? At S-Spa, I paid a lot of money to have the hair removed from my back. Now, five weeks later, it's growing back. It seems as though there should be a more cost-effective way to have hair removed from your back. Do you have any suggestions? I'm now in Tokyo but hope to be back in LOS later this month. :o


It stays gone forever, but the sessions have to be spaced out pretty far apart, I think 6-8 weeks but don't remenber exactly. The rerason is that hair grows from the follicles in cycles; the hair you have now and the hair you will have in 2 months time is actually totally different hair from different follicles. When you have a treatment it will destroy hair growth in the follicles that were active at that time only. So it takes on average 5 treatments before they've all been zapped . You'll see a decrease in hair volume by 3 treatments but it won't be really hair free until 5, even after 5, there may be a stray hair or two here and there but very few.

I don't offhand know the cost -- it waries with the area to be done -- but you can call Apex and ask, usually they have packages of 5 treatments. They have branches in both Siam Center and E,porium. SIam Center branch is 02-658-1196, Emporium branch is 02-664-8613.

by the way, they'll put (or should -- ask for it if they don't) an anesthetic cream on first. The longer the cream is on the more numb it becomes. So if you find that the first treatment is painful, have them keep the cream on longer next time. I had to have the cream on for 1 1/2 hours when I did my legs, but of course it varies with the individual and also the sensitivity of the area being zapped.

I've sent a few of my patients to this doctor. Each patient is very happy with him. Card toting members of his fan club now.

drbones - Do I understand that you send patients to Dr. Niyom? :D Are there really many happy patients of his. Forgive me for being incredulous. :o

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