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Condo Versus House

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Am recently married to a beautiful Thai woman but its my third time so need to be smart for once. Should I look into buying a Condo in a tourist strip or near by for ownership rights or seek a long mortgage and buy a house in my wifes name with no quick repay on the mortgage for future security for myself?

Secondly Is there anyone who knows of a new development with Vendor financing of either a condo or housing estate in and around Pattaya .

Kindest regards

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How many April Fools days are there in this country?

The poster says he is on his third Thai wife and he wants to be smart for once and buy a house and put it in her name!

Another lamb to the slaughter. They never ever learn. Thais love them for it.Easy money.

Surely this is a hoax post?

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You have already made a major mistake. Had you bought a condo in your name BEFORE you were married, it would still be yours if the marriage goes pear shaped.

Bank financing will be difficult if not impossible to get. If your wife is credit worthy, the best way would be for her to buy whatever and have the mortgage in her name. That way if worse comes to worse, you will not have totally paid for HER property.

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How many April Fools days are there in this country?

The poster says he is on his third Thai wife and he wants to be smart for once and buy a house and put it in her name!

Another lamb to the slaughter. They never ever learn. Thais love them for it.Easy money.

Surely this is a hoax post?

I hope so, too. Experience is the best teacher.

I have a friend who's just like the OP, but as for me, I actually didn't think I'd be able to stay and live alone this long, so until I meet a decent farang lady, I'm going to continue living alone.

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How many April Fools days are there in this country?

The poster says he is on his third Thai wife and he wants to be smart for once and buy a house and put it in her name!

Another lamb to the slaughter. They never ever learn. Thais love them for it.Easy money.

Surely this is a hoax post?

Nah not a hoax is real and its forum's like this that keep us on the right path. There are many more details involved but had to make it look as bad as possible for the right response. Am definately eyes wide open. Secondly not my third Thai wife. My first. Have alot of knowledge on the Thais but very little on buying property there.

Am hoping some guys who have simillar history may be able to save me some pain.

Am just concerned as my wife is pushing for house and thats my first wake up call Ive had so just want some no BS responses. Thanks for yours it does keep me thinking

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You have already made a major mistake. Had you bought a condo in your name BEFORE you were married, it would still be yours if the marriage goes pear shaped.

Bank financing will be difficult if not impossible to get. If your wife is credit worthy, the best way would be for her to buy whatever and have the mortgage in her name. That way if worse comes to worse, you will not have totally paid for HER property.

The condo idea is nice thought but am apprehensive just because its limited by the people you live next door to and coming from Australia I find it difficult to be squashed up into a 100 m2 apartment The up side is I can still have some ownership rights for future.

To clarify also I have complete faith in my wife and should not be presenting her as an evil type and would gladly buy a place in her name but am unsure as to the ownership issue if she ever died or became gravely ill and was unable to reside there then what are the ramifications in keeping the property or does it need to be sold at that point because of Farang ownership restrictions

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You have already made a major mistake. Had you bought a condo in your name BEFORE you were married, it would still be yours if the marriage goes pear shaped.

Bank financing will be difficult if not impossible to get. If your wife is credit worthy, the best way would be for her to buy whatever and have the mortgage in her name. That way if worse comes to worse, you will not have totally paid for HER property.

The condo idea is nice thought but am apprehensive just because its limited by the people you live next door to and coming from Australia I find it difficult to be squashed up into a 100 m2 apartment The up side is I can still have some ownership rights for future.

To clarify also I have complete faith in my wife and should not be presenting her as an evil type and would gladly buy a place in her name but am unsure as to the ownership issue if she ever died or became gravely ill and was unable to reside there then what are the ramifications in keeping the property or does it need to be sold at that point because of Farang ownership restrictions

Just like to add lets face it what you can buy for 100K in Thailand wont get you a good deposit in Australia and is still cheap living but the financing is still something I think is a better option for longevity

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Yep I will finance you.

30% down. Balance over 20 years @ 5.7% per annum. Sound ok?

Thats good because in 12 months time I will get together with your missus and tell her to stop the payments on the mortgage. I will repossess for being in default and take possession of the property. The property will be sold off at 80% of what you paid for it as it will be have to be a quick sale. You missus will get half of the proceeds as she is the registered owner and I will get half. so that is 5% of what you paid for it roughly. Say around 225 000 baht each. More if the place can be sold for closer to what you paid for it. hmmm 225 000 baht would be a tidy sum for a maiden of Isaan, wonder if she would resist the temptation.

Thats a quick nice little earner. Got any other mates who are looking for loans too?

You ain't in Kansas anymore Dorothy.

ooohh yeah I get to keep the deposit too. will sling your missus half just to clinch the deal with her

Edited by hagler
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Yep I will finance you.

30% down. Balance over 20 years @ 5.7% per annum. Sound ok?

Thats good because in 12 months time I will get together with your missus and tell her to stop the payments on the mortgage. I will repossess for being in default and take possession of the property. The property will be sold off at 80% of what you paid for it as it will be have to be a quick sale. You missus will get half of the proceeds as she is the registered owner and I will get half. so that is 5% of what you paid for it roughly. Say around 225 000 baht each. More if the place can be sold for closer to what you paid for it. hmmm 225 000 baht would be a tidy sum for a maiden of Isaan, wonder if she would resist the temptation.

Thats a quick nice little earner. Got any other mates who are looking for loans too?

You ain't in Kansas anymore Dorothy.

ooohh yeah I get to keep the deposit too. will sling your missus half just to clinch the deal with her

If the Mrs had any income to pay the mortgage in the first place even at 12 months then I can see your point and not that naive. She relies solely on my income and my income is from a life pension that is in effect along time before she came along and she has no influence over so if the property was to be defaulted then it would be my fault. The mortgage contract would have me as a signatory and contributor to with the aspect of not paying the property off in any hurry so if my wife wishes to leave me as you seem to think they all do, I have had cheap rent in the short term in a not so tourist location for the duration and kept my wife happy believing she has a home to live. Surely you can see that I am looking for long term mortgage on my conditions not a loan shark type that believes I can be manipulated like a simple school boy with no wordly knowledge.

As for the Isaan looking for a quick fix then most people I know in Isaan all have their own land and no debt. In fact many now have plantations of rubber and Jatropha performing very well with the prospect of a good future so she has a source of income when I drop off the perch but as most know the land cant be sold and if they want money they have to earn it. Its sad that so many have been so easily manipulated and so many are now tarnished with a broad brush.

There are some truly wonderful women to every one I hear bad stories about.

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Yep I will finance you.

30% down. Balance over 20 years @ 5.7% per annum. Sound ok?

Thats good because in 12 months time I will get together with your missus and tell her to stop the payments on the mortgage. I will repossess for being in default and take possession of the property. The property will be sold off at 80% of what you paid for it as it will be have to be a quick sale. You missus will get half of the proceeds as she is the registered owner and I will get half. so that is 5% of what you paid for it roughly. Say around 225 000 baht each. More if the place can be sold for closer to what you paid for it. hmmm 225 000 baht would be a tidy sum for a maiden of Isaan, wonder if she would resist the temptation.

Thats a quick nice little earner. Got any other mates who are looking for loans too?

You ain't in Kansas anymore Dorothy.

ooohh yeah I get to keep the deposit too. will sling your missus half just to clinch the deal with her

If the Mrs had any income to pay the mortgage in the first place even at 12 months then I can see your point and not that naive. She relies solely on my income and my income is from a life pension that is in effect along time before she came along and she has no influence over so if the property was to be defaulted then it would be my fault. The mortgage contract would have me as a signatory and contributor to with the aspect of not paying the property off in any hurry so if my wife wishes to leave me as you seem to think they all do, I have had cheap rent in the short term in a not so tourist location for the duration and kept my wife happy believing she has a home to live. Surely you can see that I am looking for long term mortgage on my conditions not a loan shark type that believes I can be manipulated like a simple school boy with no wordly knowledge.

As for the Isaan looking for a quick fix then most people I know in Isaan all have their own land and no debt. In fact many now have plantations of rubber and Jatropha performing very well with the prospect of a good future so she has a source of income when I drop off the perch but as most know the land cant be sold and if they want money they have to earn it. Its sad that so many have been so easily manipulated and so many are now tarnished with a broad brush.

There are some truly wonderful women to every one I hear bad stories about.

Just a quick note, you talk about 225000 being a good little earner, makes me wonder as most western countries we pay more than that for stamp duty on a property so we consider it gone at the drop of the hammer. Means we do our research and yours has helped a little, thanks again

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Unless this is going to cost you less than 5% of your total assets I can only advise

1. Don't buy.post-4641-1156693976.gif

2. Don't buy.post-4641-1156693976.gif

3. Don't buy.post-4641-1156693976.gif

Rent a nice house, plead poverty or that "your funds are tied up for a while, longer than expected".

Never let a woman know the true state of your finances.whistling.gif Thai or otherwise, it gives them IDEAScheesy.gif sometimes BIG IDEAS.cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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Yep I will finance you.

30% down. Balance over 20 years @ 5.7% per annum. Sound ok?

Thats good because in 12 months time I will get together with your missus and tell her to stop the payments on the mortgage. I will repossess for being in default and take possession of the property. The property will be sold off at 80% of what you paid for it as it will be have to be a quick sale. You missus will get half of the proceeds as she is the registered owner and I will get half. so that is 5% of what you paid for it roughly. Say around 225 000 baht each. More if the place can be sold for closer to what you paid for it. hmmm 225 000 baht would be a tidy sum for a maiden of Isaan, wonder if she would resist the temptation.

Thats a quick nice little earner. Got any other mates who are looking for loans too?

You ain't in Kansas anymore Dorothy.

ooohh yeah I get to keep the deposit too. will sling your missus half just to clinch the deal with her

OK hagler, I'll take that deal. When can I go shopping?

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If you had a house and then she died and you are her beneficiary (husband and kids are equal beneficiaries in the case there is no will), then you as a foreigner, would be required to sell within 12 months. A condo has no issue, so in terms of maintaining a place to live over the long term, a condo is much better.

If you are the guarantor to a mortgage in her name, you will need to be under 60 or 65 by the end of the term of the loan. 65 is usually applied to entrepreneurs, 60 to regularly salaried workers. If you are already older than that, getting loan finance will be extremely difficult through the bank channels.

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I have to tell you, I think Thai ladies must be the shrewdest women around. They land a guy with a pension (ie guaranteed income) with their beautiful smiles and petit flawless bodies. With no income of their own, they manage to get the guy to buy them a house in their names. This is in a country where foreigners cannot own the land the house sits on. The guy is basically at the mercy of the whims of this beautiful lady. That is POWER! LOL I imagine your wife wants security, as most women do. The odds that you will outlive her are not all that great for a variety of reasons. Since you have just recently married, I would hold off on the house buying until those rose-colored glasses have turned a more realistic shade. Rent for awhile and see how stable the marriage is. Just my opinion.

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How many April Fools days are there in this country?

The poster says he is on his third Thai wife and he wants to be smart for once and buy a house and put it in her name!

Another lamb to the slaughter. They never ever learn. Thais love them for it.Easy money.

Surely this is a hoax post?

Nah not a hoax is real and its forum's like this that keep us on the right path. There are many more details involved but had to make it look as bad as possible for the right response. Am definately eyes wide open. Secondly not my third Thai wife. My first. Have alot of knowledge on the Thais but very little on buying property there.

Am hoping some guys who have simillar history may be able to save me some pain.

Am just concerned as my wife is pushing for house and thats my first wake up call Ive had so just want some no BS responses. Thanks for yours it does keep me thinking

She's pushing? YOU call it pushing. She just wants a house on her name. Are you sure your eyes are wide open. Just keep it clear for yourself is my advice. Just ask yourself: Do i really want to buy her a house? If you do you have have to do it. If you don't, but you still choose to remain together you will sink into a relation that will whirlpool into your similar past.

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I have to tell you, I think Thai ladies must be the shrewdest women around. They land a guy with a pension (ie guaranteed income) with their beautiful smiles and petit flawless bodies. With no income of their own, they manage to get the guy to buy them a house in their names. This is in a country where foreigners cannot own the land the house sits on. The guy is basically at the mercy of the whims of this beautiful lady. That is POWER! LOL I imagine your wife wants security, as most women do. The odds that you will outlive her are not all that great for a variety of reasons. Since you have just recently married, I would hold off on the house buying until those rose-colored glasses have turned a more realistic shade. Rent for awhile and see how stable the marriage is. Just my opinion.

ThanksEJW have been thinking that is the way also and believe me your just saying it out load for me. Thanks again is great advise

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If you had a house and then she died and you are her beneficiary (husband and kids are equal beneficiaries in the case there is no will), then you as a foreigner, would be required to sell within 12 months. A condo has no issue, so in terms of maintaining a place to live over the long term, a condo is much better.

If you are the guarantor to a mortgage in her name, you will need to be under 60 or 65 by the end of the term of the loan. 65 is usually applied to entrepreneurs, 60 to regularly salaried workers. If you are already older than that, getting loan finance will be extremely difficult through the bank channels.

More great words of wisdom thank you I knew there were some people much smarter than me

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How many April Fools days are there in this country?

The poster says he is on his third Thai wife and he wants to be smart for once and buy a house and put it in her name!

Another lamb to the slaughter. They never ever learn. Thais love them for it.Easy money.

Surely this is a hoax post?

Nah not a hoax is real and its forum's like this that keep us on the right path. There are many more details involved but had to make it look as bad as possible for the right response. Am definately eyes wide open. Secondly not my third Thai wife. My first. Have alot of knowledge on the Thais but very little on buying property there.

Am hoping some guys who have simillar history may be able to save me some pain.

Am just concerned as my wife is pushing for house and thats my first wake up call Ive had so just want some no BS responses. Thanks for yours it does keep me thinking

She's pushing? YOU call it pushing. She just wants a house on her name. Are you sure your eyes are wide open. Just keep it clear for yourself is my advice. Just ask yourself: Do i really want to buy her a house? If you do you have have to do it. If you don't, but you still choose to remain together you will sink into a relation that will whirlpool into your similar past.

Yeah I guess what your saying is right, but once bitten nah cant say twice shy so will say three times shy and would love dearly to buy a place to start fresh from in a fabulous country and have half decided but then she throws me a curve ball and says she now wants to work in Brissie for a few years to save money to buy a place outright. Gotta love her

Edited by kirkieb
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How many April Fools days are there in this country?

The poster says he is on his third Thai wife and he wants to be smart for once and buy a house and put it in her name!

Another lamb to the slaughter. They never ever learn. Thais love them for it.Easy money.

Surely this is a hoax post?

Nah not a hoax is real and its forum's like this that keep us on the right path. There are many more details involved but had to make it look as bad as possible for the right response. Am definately eyes wide open. Secondly not my third Thai wife. My first. Have alot of knowledge on the Thais but very little on buying property there.

Am hoping some guys who have simillar history may be able to save me some pain.

Am just concerned as my wife is pushing for house and thats my first wake up call Ive had so just want some no BS responses. Thanks for yours it does keep me thinking

She's pushing? YOU call it pushing. She just wants a house on her name. Are you sure your eyes are wide open. Just keep it clear for yourself is my advice. Just ask yourself: Do i really want to buy her a house? If you do you have have to do it. If you don't, but you still choose to remain together you will sink into a relation that will whirlpool into your similar past.

Yeah I guess what your saying is right, but once bitten nah cant say twice shy so will say three times shy and would love dearly to buy a place to start fresh from in a fabulous country and have half decided but then she throws me a curve ball and says she now wants to work in Brissie for a few years to save money to buy a place outright. Gotta love her

So she's already dictating to you where you are both going to live?

And can you tell me what type of job she expects to get in Australia?

Be very careful mate. Alarm bells going off all over this one.



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Dont want to start a new life with alarm bells but have seen the signs and am I being too analytical or just concerned by being led by the nose while the rose coloured glasses wear off. Why do we become so bitter and look for the wrong in what should be a special time. Must be life experience.

Thanks Will is good having strangers seeing the signs with only limited knowledge and stressing it to me. Must be something to it so will tread carefully. Like clearing a mine field TAP TAP BANG

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Since the OP has two failed marriages under belt and not not knowing which side (or both sides) were predominately responsible for the failed marriages, I would recommend the OP consider renting for a few years. Flat-out tell the new wife that you are gun-shy with two previous marriages going south. I know this won't be easy to say to the new wife, but it should help protect you financially until you are more sure about the latest marriage. And her reaction to waiting a while before considering buying a home may give some insight as to her true feelings about you.

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Dont want to start a new life with alarm bells but have seen the signs and am I being too analytical or just concerned by being led by the nose while the rose coloured glasses wear off. Why do we become so bitter and look for the wrong in what should be a special time. Must be life experience.

Thanks Will is good having strangers seeing the signs with only limited knowledge and stressing it to me. Must be something to it so will tread carefully. Like clearing a mine field TAP TAP BANG

What are you doing mate?

You've said you're on 140 000 Baht per month which is enough

to live comfortably in Thailand, and now you've applied for a spouse

visa to Australia for her! So you've already shown her that she's

running the show.

You have said she wants to work in Australia but haven't said as what.

What does/did she do in Thailand?

If you're not careful we will be reading about another train wreck.

You have to show some balls and tell her you're going to rent

in Thailand for a few years.

I hope I'm wrong but you're starting to sound a bit like a troll.



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Yep I will finance you.

30% down. Balance over 20 years @ 5.7% per annum. Sound ok?

Thats good because in 12 months time I will get together with your missus and tell her to stop the payments on the mortgage. I will repossess for being in default and take possession of the property. The property will be sold off at 80% of what you paid for it as it will be have to be a quick sale. You missus will get half of the proceeds as she is the registered owner and I will get half. so that is 5% of what you paid for it roughly. Say around 225 000 baht each. More if the place can be sold for closer to what you paid for it. hmmm 225 000 baht would be a tidy sum for a maiden of Isaan, wonder if she would resist the temptation.

Thats a quick nice little earner. Got any other mates who are looking for loans too?

You ain't in Kansas anymore Dorothy.

ooohh yeah I get to keep the deposit too. will sling your missus half just to clinch the deal with her

OK hagler, I'll take that deal. When can I go shopping?

Sign me up too. I need about 10 million on those terms. If you think you can convince my wife to do a side deal with you I'll wish you luck and won't even try to stop it. When can we ink the agreement?

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I have to tell you, I think Thai ladies must be the shrewdest women around. They land a guy with a pension (ie guaranteed income) with their beautiful smiles and petit flawless bodies. With no income of their own, they manage to get the guy to buy them a house in their names. This is in a country where foreigners cannot own the land the house sits on. The guy is basically at the mercy of the whims of this beautiful lady. That is POWER! LOL I imagine your wife wants security, as most women do. The odds that you will outlive her are not all that great for a variety of reasons. Since you have just recently married, I would hold off on the house buying until those rose-colored glasses have turned a more realistic shade. Rent for awhile and see how stable the marriage is. Just my opinion.

I not agree

In west wife get house and pension and children easy, no matter who house name in, judge give wife.

Wife not need smile, have sex, tell you handsome man, you always at her mercy.

Here judge not give wife anything, only you do that.

Be smart

Just rent, own property anywhere in world not smart, just foolish.

Edited by OlafStapleton
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Be smart

Just rent, own property anywhere in world not smart, just foolish.

There's nothing wrong with owning property, within reason, just as long as it is in your sole name and no one on earth has any sort of claim on it.

What you dont want to do is pay for property that someone else could have a claim on (spouse, live-in GF/BF, government, nominee etc. etc.).

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Be smart

Just rent, own property anywhere in world not smart, just foolish.

There's nothing wrong with owning property, within reason, just as long as it is in your sole name and no one on earth has any sort of claim on it.

What you dont want to do is pay for property that someone else could have a claim on (spouse, live-in GF/BF, government, nominee etc. etc.).

Hard to live like that (if not gay)

Easy to rent

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I have to tell you, I think Thai ladies must be the shrewdest women around. They land a guy with a pension (ie guaranteed income) with their beautiful smiles and petit flawless bodies. With no income of their own, they manage to get the guy to buy them a house in their names. This is in a country where foreigners cannot own the land the house sits on. The guy is basically at the mercy of the whims of this beautiful lady. That is POWER! LOL I imagine your wife wants security, as most women do. The odds that you will outlive her are not all that great for a variety of reasons. Since you have just recently married, I would hold off on the house buying until those rose-colored glasses have turned a more realistic shade. Rent for awhile and see how stable the marriage is. Just my opinion.

I not agree

In west wife get house and pension and children easy, no matter who house name in, judge give wife.

Wife not need smile, have sex, tell you handsome man, you always at her mercy.

Here judge not give wife anything, only you do that.

Be smart

Just rent, own property anywhere in world not smart, just foolish.

Sounds like a good plan Olaf

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