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URGENT -- Gunman kills 'at least' 80 at youth camp near Oslo


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My wife couldn't understand why they didn't just shoot him.

When I told her he was facing only 21 years she was astounded.

Hard to explain the bullshit of left wing liberal democracy to her.

I'm sure he will be sentenced to 21 years "forvaring" which in reality means life in prison as it can be extended

indefinitely if court find him to still be a danger to society.


I see in the news papers quite a few experts is puzzled he did not shoot himself, but let himself be caught.

At least one can try to find out why , how, etc, now.

He's a first rate, attention seeking, coward and knows he'll live a nice long cushy life under the care of liberal jails systems he so despises and the potential for a future release so why should he?

It's another slap in the face of the system and people he's so against.. On occasion he'll pop back in to the media spotlight and get his 5 more minutes of fame for his 'cause'...

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I'm a Norwegian and this happens in the city I grew up in Oslo , I lived only 2 km from the place where the bomb exploded and killed 7.

I think its just unbelieveable, one of the most peaceful places on earth and then this tragedy happens. I feel for all the victims and their families and friends.

I guess Norway will never be the same after this. The only good thing about this is it looks like one crazy gunman work, not a terrorist organization behind it.

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What is it with Europeans, guns and mass shooting? These are becoming a monthly event. And why do Europeans love to target children? Is it because children are the future of humanity?

No, but there is no risk that children have guns and might shoot back. The police said that the shooter faces 21 years in jail. And with the legal system there, he might be out after 10. For good behaviour inside. Provided he is not found insane and cannot be put in jail but in a psychological institution. Where a doctor may find him sane after a couple of years and release him. Wether he then has to serve the jail sentence, I don't know. A few years ago, this was not the case and he would be free. Maybe they have changed the law.

Say what you want about capitol punishment, but I for one am 100% behind the death penalty for this guy.

This man should be studied, like a lab specimen, by all types of experts.

Maybe we can learn something.

We all know too well, this will happen again.

But maybe, maybe by studying this human, it can help us prevent one of the future cases like this.

And when he passes away, open up his brain and do some more studying.

Agree. He and his case should be studied. He should also be entitled to a fair trail. But if found guilty he should not be allowed to benefit from the generosity of a democratic and humane system of western-liberal government that he so ostentatiously acted against.

Sending this type of emotional monsters to reasonably comfortable jails and feeding them for years at the cost of society they totally disrespected doesn't seem to be fair. As much as I'm against capital punishment for "common crimes", obvious mass murderers and terrorists of this kind truly deserve more spectacular punishment, one that would fit their spectacular crimes. I'd like to see him not only executed but IMPALED slowly and die in horrible agony. This would surely bring back the respect for the society and work as a determent for other sickening and ultimately selfish individuals but who very much care about themselves. That such punishments are not allowed is unfortunately the reason that we see the rise of crimes like of this kind.

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I watched some early news reports online that stated "this feels like Al Qaeda" but now I am reading the nut job that went on a shooting rampage was from the "far right" and anti-Muslim.

The "us" vs. "them" mentality won't take humanity very far. Anyone the kills and hates should be denounced no matter what their view.

How horrible, RIP.

The far right are just as obnoxious as Islamic radicals, but they are opposite sides of the same coin. This is a terrible tragedy and I'm sure some introspection is in order as to what lessons can be learned. Personally I think open border immigration policies are a contributing factor, indeed very recently the Norwegians increased the number of police patrolling their land borders.

And what have you to say regarding the "FAR LEFT?"

Far, anything in my book should be looked at in the same way - insane.

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the early reporting was set to default for most, speculating on either jihadist groups or ghadaffi's well publicised threat on europe. both wrong. this act of terrorism underlines what we already knew - there is an active nexus of neo-fascist groups throughout europe and they deserve at least some degree of scrutiny. if an islamist group been responsible `expert` opinions on threat levels and the dangers of `homegrown islamic extremists` would be filling airwaves. can you imagine what this site would have looked like ?

lets look at the BNP, EDL etc. lets break out the thesaurus and hyperventilate as usually reserved for muslim groups. are our neo-fascists tolerated because their anti-immigration bias is now mainstream political discourse ? the mainstream media are already seeking to isolate these terrorist attacks the work of a `lone madman`. neo-fascist groups throughout europe that are tolerated because their racist views are an extension of the anti-immigration propaganda adopted by european political elites and the right wing gutter press. they are both playing a dangerous game where racist rhetoric fuels concrete terror.

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Condolences to the families of the deceased

Its up to the individual countrys if they want keep allowing this sort of incident or not

In Australia after the PORT ARTHUR MASSACRE (1996) John Howard (a decisive and popular prime minister) recalled most firearms

From Wekepedia......................................................................................................................................................

Because the Australian Constitution prevents the taking of property without just compensation the Federal Government introduced the Medicare Levy Amendment Act 1996 that provided the revenue for the National Firearms Program through a one-off 0.2% increase in the Medicare levy. Known as the gun buy-back scheme, it started across the country on the 1 October 1996 and concluded on the 30 September 1997 [22] to purchase and destroy all semi-automatic rifles including .22 rimfires, semi-automatic shotguns and pump-action shotguns. The buyback was predicted to cost $A500 million and had wide community support.


while you were on Wikipedia, you might have looked up "Gun politics in Norway" which opens with "While having a large number of civilian owned guns, Norway had a low gun crime rate."

John Howard was a divisive and unpopular politician who made a knee jerk reaction to a situation similar to this, an act of mental illness, and deprived the small number of Australian sporting shooters of their guns so that the majority would feel better. His reasoning that it would save lives has been proven to be false, and during his time in office, mental health expenditure was savagely reduced in most states.

It was with a great sense of pleasure that I watched the mongrel lose his seat while PM. His Liberal mates were quite happy to drag 60,000+ young men into the army, train us to use a semi-auto rifle to kill people, and then tell us we weren't trustworthy enough to use it to kill a feral pig or a fox- bloody hypocrites!

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the early reporting was set to default for most, speculating on either jihadist groups or ghadaffi's well publicised threat on europe. both wrong. this act of terrorism underlines what we already knew - there is an active nexus of neo-fascist groups throughout europe and they deserve at least some degree of scrutiny. if an islamist group been responsible `expert` opinions on threat levels and the dangers of `homegrown islamic extremists` would be filling airwaves. can you imagine what this site would have looked like ?

lets look at the BNP, EDL etc. lets break out the thesaurus and hyperventilate as usually reserved for muslim groups. are our neo-fascists tolerated because their anti-immigration bias is now mainstream political discourse ? the mainstream media are already seeking to isolate these terrorist attacks the work of a `lone madman`. neo-fascist groups throughout europe that are tolerated because their racist views are an extension of the anti-immigration propaganda adopted by european political elites and the right wing gutter press. they are both playing a dangerous game where racist rhetoric fuels concrete terror.

I see your point, and it is interesting.

Since 1981, Norway in particular has spent a lot of resources in order to map the right wing organizations.

Norway is a small and very transparent country, and whatever we do or say, we are noticed.

In 2001, there were only 150 people in the entire nation who openly expressed their right wing feelings.

Modern communication within these domestic groups will easily be picked up these days.

No strong leaders have emerged in these small groups/factions either. So they keep themself alive by recruiting less educated (and knowlegdable) hooligans.

Naturally, this will not prevent one lunatic from these groups or any other type of groups to go on a rampage.

This particular case is special.

The man in custody has already expressed views on internet about his hatred towards the ruling party and their policy.

He seemed to hate them as much as multicultured societies.

Instead of a mosque (or other foreign focal points), he chose to attack his very own people.

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What strikes me as odd, is that it took 30 minutes for the police to get there, but according to reports he (or they) was shooting for 2 hours. Why did the police not intervene sooner?

I see very little mention of this fact in the Norwegian news.

Lack of proper procedure and a the island was not easily accessible. The incident shares some similarities to the Canadian Ecole Polytechnique massacre. In 1989 a crazed gunman went on a killing spree and murdered 14 women at the university. The police did not enter the premises, but instead followed the protocol at the time that said to wait until the perimeter was secure and reinforcements arrived. The same approach was used at the Columbine school massacre in 1999 that saw 12 kids killed. Fast forward to 2006 and the Dawson College shootings in the same Canadian city as saw the Polytech killings. This time around, the Montreal police responded immediately wth police officers going after the shooter and not waiting. The result was that there was only 1 student fatality. Againa and again, the strategy of immediate intervention has played out in the west and the results have been a containment of fatalities. In 2007 32. people died in a rampage at Virginia Tech in the USA. Errors were made again, particularly because the University treated it as a "domestic" dispute and waited 2 hours before activating its SMS warning plan that most North American schools put into place following the investigation of the Polytech massacre. Who would have expected a big university in a big country to have bungled the response. It happens because events are overwhelming.

I am sure that once the investigations are complete some Norwegian public safety officials in the island district will be held responsible. On the other hand, the response to the Oslo bombing was immediate and well organized considering the situation. Public safety officials in Oslo were obviously well trained and prepared.

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It happens because events are overwhelming.

On the other hand, the response to the Oslo bombing was immediate and well organized considering the situation.

The delay for getting to the island could be that all available personnel were sent to the bombing site. Trying to reorganize the distribution of forces had to be quite complex and confusing.

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The Far Right is big enough to include radical Islamists, neo-Nazis, extremist Jews, the Burmese junta and plenty of other whackos.

Associated Press reports as follows;

He didn't belong to any known factions in Norway's small and splintered extreme right movement, and had no criminal record except for some minor offenses, the

police official told AP.

This event may be the result of a madman only.

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I dont remember how to attach a picture here, so the following link is to an article in a Norwgian newspaper.

It is the picture which is important.


The picture is from a video a Norwegian Broadcasting Union (NRK) reporter took from a helicopter.

He did not know he was filming the gunman in action, before he looked at it in the NRK studio. The pixeled images are killed youngsters.

The reporter tells us in the article that he also saw the police on the island before he filmed this, moving in close formation.

The police were already searching the island while the man was still shooting at the youngsters.

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It happens because events are overwhelming.

On the other hand, the response to the Oslo bombing was immediate and well organized considering the situation.

The delay for getting to the island could be that all available personnel were sent to the bombing site. Trying to reorganize the distribution of forces had to be quite complex and confusing.


Also, I believe this special Police force (SWAT?) is not always present at the station, but will come from their respective homes.

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^^ Well in the US SWAT teams are on shifts and always prepared, most of them are also uniformed officers and work normal shifts on call so they have all of their equipment readily available in their car trunks and are in contact and readily available for action with lights and sirens to get to any location necessary where they usually then form up as a unit on scene or in this case a predetermined command location when they have to chopper to a remote location..

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^^ Well in the US SWAT teams are on shifts and always prepared, most of them are also uniformed officers and work normal shifts on call so they have all of their equipment readily available in their car trunks and are in contact and readily available for action with lights and sirens to get to any location necessary where they usually then form up as a unit on scene or in this case a predetermined command location..

Im following a live press conference by the police chief now.

He confirms the team was already in action, but in Oslo city, due to the blast there.

The chief again states the team was dispatched very quickly as soon as their were requested by the local police.

See post # 104.

The gunman laid down his weapons immediately when the police made contact with him.

Not one single shot was fired by the police during the arrest on the island.

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This is where our world has been going for a long time .. centuries in fact .... and is still unfortunately going at a rapid increased speed..... Anybody ever read "Crime & Punishment" by Dostoevsky ...."?? A very very old book but tells a lot about why individual people do these kind of abominable things..... If an individual kills A Human Being he is put in prison for life or executed ... However when a "Man of Figure" commits mass murder as we have seen so much of all over the world for centuries then and now, he is considered a hero and walks away Scott free.... Or ... is maybe tried 30 -40 years later and luckily only lives about 2-3 years throughout his lifetime sentence / imprisonment punishment cause he /she is too old by then... as we have seen with many dictators or crazy country rulers over the past centuries ... so it's the same reasoning ... I'll be a hero !! And do what is good for my cause and will not get punished and the very sad part is that it is true and they do get away with it ...one way or the other ... As I said it's just increasing now but has always been there and it is becoming a lot more scary cause one never ever knows when or where it's going to hit / us ... we live in a very scary world right now ..:-((((.. So sad !!! and so despicable

All I can say after looking at the photos is that it is truly amazing that one single individual could be responsible for so much damage and carnage. What a sad day in history. How could someone be so evil???


I sit here thinking how it is possible.

We read about these maniacs that goes on a rampage killing many people.

But shooting 84??

I have the same feeling I had in Sep 2001.

It is kind of unreal in some way.

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^^ Well in the US SWAT teams are on shifts and always prepared, most of them are also uniformed officers and work normal shifts on call so they have all of their equipment readily available in their car trunks and are in contact and readily available for action with lights and sirens to get to any location necessary where they usually then form up as a unit on scene or in this case a predetermined command location..

Im following a live press conference by the police chief now.

He confirms the team was already in action, but in Oslo city, due to the blast there.

The chief again states the team was dispatched very quickly as soon as their were requested by the local police.

See post # 104.

The gunman laid down his weapons immediately when the police made contact with him.

Not one single shot was fired by the police during the arrest on the island.

Yes and I'm certain that was by design which is why I said he was mad like a cowardly, cunning fox planning this very carefully for maximum casualties based on confusion...

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The guy is a neo-Nazi christian fundamentalist and also a mason

Hardly someone al qaeda would be able to recruit

We don't actually know that he is a Mason. We know that he dresses like a Mason. We also know that he dresses like a Policeman.


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Wow! A cogent and well-organized bit of writing here that is not filled with just opinion. There are also such groups in Russia and Ukraine. The ones in Ukraine killed a low-level diplomat from the US a few years ago. He was Black. That is the only reason they could ponder that he was the ONLY one who was even targeted in this attack. There are even videos of a Moscow group and where they "train" for their "operations": in outlying abandoned office/apartment buildings/complexes. I went online once to investigate these groups, thinking that I may even join to find out more. However, I felt quite differently as my stomach retched and my heart sank so heavily from the rhetoric alone.

Again, thank you for this information. Are you originally from Germany or the Nordic counties?

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Perhaps we ought not rush to judgement what with so many neo-nazis and elusive 'spooks' running amuck.

Just watched a documentary: THE SHOCK DOCTRINE and earnestly suggest that others do the same.

Kind regards

Naomi Kline's "The Shock Doctrine" is an essential must-see and read in our times. She is intelligent, clear-thinking and extremely erudite. I love her work! She documents everything well as is not subborned to "opinion," which is hard to find these days.

ALSO, if anyone can tell me, the perpetrator was wearing a sort of a suit with silky blue along the coat closing as well as a square white and blue thing about his stomach or waist. What outfit is this? Mason's, gov, what? Thank you for passing on this information if you do so.

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Lawyer says Norway suspect admits attacks

Oslo - The Norwegian man charged with two attacks in Norway that claimed 92 lives has "admitted the circumstances," his lawyer said late Saturday.

The suspect has been charged with the Friday shooting spree that claimed at least 85 lives, as well the bombing hours earlier in central Oslo that killed seven people.

The shooting spree took place at a youth camp on Utoya island outside of Oslo, organized by the youth league of the Labour Party. Geir Lippestad told broadcaster NRK that his client would offer more information on Monday at a custody hearing.

The online edition of newspaper VG quoted the lawyer as saying the 32-year-old had said the acts were "terrible, but in his mind they were necessary."

Lippestad, appointed Saturday to represent the suspect, spoke outside the Oslo police station where his client was being held.

Police were continuing to try to chart the man's background, and he has been linked with far-right views.

He apparently posted a manifesto and video on the internet prior to the deadly acts, media reported late Saturday. In addition to a 12-minute video uploaded on video-sharing site YouTube, the 32-year-old also published a 1,500-page manuscript titled "Declaration of Independence of Europe," where he outlined his views, broadcaster TV2 reported.


-- The Nation 2011-07-24

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Norway attacks suspect admits responsibility

Anders Behring Breivik "confesses" to firing weapons, after 92 killed in youth camp shooting and Oslo bomb attack.

The man suspected of a gun and bomb attack in Norway has called his deeds atrocious yet necessary, his defence lawyer said.

"He has said that he believed the actions were atrocious, but that in his head they were necessary," defence lawyer Geir Lippestad told TV2 news on Saturday.

Lippestad said his client had said he was willing to explain himself in a court hearing on Monday. The court will decide at the hearing whether to keep the suspect in detention pending trial.

Earlier on Saturday, officials in Norway had charged a 32-year-old Norwegian man with killing at least 92 people in a gun and bomb attack described as the worst act of violence in the country since World War II.

Police confirmed to Al Jazeera on Saturday that the suspect had been named as Anders Behring Breivik.

Breivik, who confessed to firing weapons during questioning on Saturday, belonged to right-wing political groups. But officials said they are not jumping to conclusions about his motives.

Reports suggest he belonged to an anti-immigration party, wrote blogs attacking multi-culturalism and was a member of a neo-Nazi online forum.

But Norwegian authorities said Breivik, detained by police after 85 people were gunned down at a youth camp and another 7 killed in an Oslo bomb attack on Friday, was previously unknown to them and his internet activity traced so far included no calls to violence.

Breivik bought six tonnes of fertiliser before the massacre, a supplier said on Saturday, as police investigated witness accounts of a second shooter in the attack on Utoya.

If convicted on terrorism charges, he would face a maximum of 21 years in jail, police have said.

Norway's royal family and prime minister led the nation in mourning, visiting grieving relatives of the scores of youth gunned down at an island retreat, as the shell-shocked Nordic nation was gripped by reports that the gunman may not have acted alone.

The shooting spree began just hours after a massive explosion that ripped through an Oslo high-rise building housing the prime minister's office.

"This is beyond comprehension. It's a nightmare. It's a nightmare for those who have been killed, for their mothers and fathers, family and friends," Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg told reporters on Saturday.

Though the prime minister cautioned against jumping to conclusions about the gunman's motives, both attacks were in areas connected to the left-leaning Labour Party, which leads a coalition government.

The youth camp, about 35km northwest of Oslo, is organised by the party's youth wing, and the prime minister had been scheduled to speak there on Saturday.

'Christian fundamentalist' views

The blond-haired Behring Breivik described himself on his Facebook page as "conservative", "Christian", and interested in hunting and computer games like World of Warcraft and Modern Warfare 2, reports say.

On his Twitter account, he posted only one message, dated July 17, in English based on a quote from British philosopher John Stuart Mill: "One person with a belief is equal to a force of 100,000 who have only interests".

The suspect was reportedly also a member of a Swedish neo-Nazi internet forum, a group monitoring far-right activity said on Saturday.

Nordisk, a 22,000-member web forum founded in 2007, describes itself as a portal on the theme of "the Nordic identity, culture and traditions."

In comments from 2009-2010 to other people's articles on another website, Document, which calls itself critical of Islam, Breivik criticised European policies of trying to accommodate the cultures of different ethnic groups.

"When did multi-culturalism cease to be an ideology designed to deconstruct European culture, traditions, identity and nation-states?" said one his entries, posted on February 2, 2010.

Breivik wrote he was a backer of the "Vienna School of Thought", which was against multi-culturalism and the spread of Islam.

He also wrote he admired Geert Wilders, the populist anti-Islam Dutch politician, for following that school. Wilders said in a statement on Saturday: "I despise everything he stands for and everything he did".

Nina Hjerpset-Ostlie, a contributing journalist to the right-wing website, said she had met Breivik at a meeting in late 2009.

"The only thing we noticed about him is that he seemed like anyone else and that he had some very high-flying, unrealistic, ideas about marketing of our website," she said.

Police searched an apartment in an Oslo suburb on Friday, which neighbours said belonged to Breivik's mother.

"It is the mother who lives there. She is a very polite lady, pleasant and very friendly," said Hemet Noaman, 27, an accounting consultant who lives in the same building in a wealthy part of town. "He often came to visit his mother but did not live here."

Oslo Deputy Police Chief Roger Andresen would not speculate on the motives for what was believed to be the deadliest attack by a lone gunman anywhere in modern times.

"He has never been under surveillance and he has never been arrested," Andresen told a news conference on Saturday.

Populist party member

Breivik, who attended a middle class high school called Handelsgym in central Oslo, had also been a member of the Progress Party, the second-largest in parliament, the party's head of communications Fredrik Farber said.

He was a member from 2004 to 2006 and in its youth party from 1997 to 2007.

The Progress Party - conservative but within the political mainstream - wants far tighter restrictions on immigration, whereas the centre-left government backs multi-culturalism. The party leads some public opinion polls.

A politician who met Breivik in 2002-2003, when he was apparently interested in local Oslo politics, said he did not attract attention.

"I got the impression that he was a modest person ... he was well dressed, it seemed like he was well educated," Joeran Kallmyr, 33, an Oslo municipality politician representing the Progress Party, told the Reuters news agency.

Progress leader Siv Jensen stressed he had left the party.

Breivik was also a freemason, said a spokesman for the organization.

-- Aljazeera 2011-07-24

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I'm a Norwegian and this happens in the city I grew up in Oslo , I lived only 2 km from the place where the bomb exploded and killed 7.

I think its just unbelieveable, one of the most peaceful places on earth and then this tragedy happens. I feel for all the victims and their families and friends.

I guess Norway will never be the same after this. The only good thing about this is it looks like one crazy gunman work, not a terrorist organization behind it.

My dear, saddened, Norwegian friend. I hope that Norway will always be the "same" and that Norwegians will not fall into the same hateful pattern of reaction that the US did after 9/11. This would be a true testament to the spririt of the people of Norway. I hope that you can also tell them the same in Norwegian as well. Life must continue as before. All cannot and should not permit one bad apple to spoil such a wonderful and peaceful society that Norway is! My heart goes out to you in all ways. I have been crying as I get deeper into this story. So sad. However, it is just one lone person (as far as we know) and no country or person should cower because of one person. Hugs, as I am sure that you can use a few right now.

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the early reporting was set to default for most, speculating on either jihadist groups or ghadaffi's well publicised threat on europe. both wrong. this act of terrorism underlines what we already knew - there is an active nexus of neo-fascist groups throughout europe and they deserve at least some degree of scrutiny. if an islamist group been responsible `expert` opinions on threat levels and the dangers of `homegrown islamic extremists` would be filling airwaves. can you imagine what this site would have looked like ?

lets look at the BNP, EDL etc. lets break out the thesaurus and hyperventilate as usually reserved for muslim groups. are our neo-fascists tolerated because their anti-immigration bias is now mainstream political discourse ? the mainstream media are already seeking to isolate these terrorist attacks the work of a `lone madman`. neo-fascist groups throughout europe that are tolerated because their racist views are an extension of the anti-immigration propaganda adopted by european political elites and the right wing gutter press. they are both playing a dangerous game where racist rhetoric fuels concrete terror.

I think the press jumped to conclusions which 99% of the time would be been bourne out, apart from the recent conviction of Russian right wing racists how many other murders by right wing extremists can you recall? As I wrote before now is a time for a bit of introspection whilst various questions are resolved. Was this an isolated madman a bit like the Hungerford massacre? If so the questions should concern gun control or the murderers psychiatric/criminal records. If on the other hand the murderer was not acting alone and was following an extreme right wing ideology we have broader questions as to whether this is increasing and if so why that may be? I don't think I want to comment or speculate further until more information comes to light about the motivations and possible affiliations of the murderer.

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"Witnesses described the gunman as tall, blonde and say he was dressed as a policeman."

"No group has claimed responsibility for the attack but the suspect is reported by local media to have had links with right-wing extremists." - BBC News I don't think this is your demographic anyway. This would point to this being the actions of the exact opposite given the location, local racial groups, etc.

Further reports coming in through Sky News and Press Association are starting to show this as a single man acting alone! It will certainly be embarrassing for everybody who immediately blamed Al Qaeda. This is where our Western governments want us, agreeing with ANY territorial gains in the Middle East as a "purge" against "terrorism". Makes me sick.

Well it's terrorism by any definition. But what a <deleted> coward shooting innocent, unarmed children camping on an island, they should cut this guys nads off and force feed them to him so he chokes :annoyed: ..

Edit: On second thought his nads are obviously too small for him to choke on anyways..

Up to you to be this upset, but I don't want people thinking that I would condone your suggested punishment. I am only upset to have such unrelated (bar the hijacked word "terrorism") vitriol including a quote from my post.

:unsure::blink::huh: I give people more credit for their own mind and ability to think and judge accordingly then you I guess.

Look at it from my point of view. You are describing torture and mutilation for another human being. After everything that is being described in the news my view is that this man needs to be locked away somewhere safe and not see the light of day again. Cutting off his testicles and choking him with them is the furthest thing from my mind. I realise that you feel this way and that is your view, but I can't see why you needed to quote my post at the top of yours.

Sorry if this offends you, but I don't want to be tarred with this violence you are describing. Remember that there are human being typing these posts, not avatars, and you have included me involuntarily and, I must add, much against my wishes.

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A crazy world makes "crazy people,Now we all can see what 1 man can do to a (un)"organised " society .

Really! hope that the "copycat syndrome will "stay away!

This would never had happened ,if people took care of 1 another!

My thoughts go to the relatives.

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