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Falang Threatening Falang


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My friend has told me that he is being threatened by another falang and has asked me for advice, he said that he started to receive nasty messages/emails and they are not stopping. He does know the other party and has assured me that he has done nothing to anger this person although I do suspect the other party is jealous due to my friends financial situation as it is very secure. He has received credible threats of violence and is a little concerned now as he does have a family. My friend is engaged to a Thai lady with family.

Can he go to the police to help resolve this or will they just take him for a ride? Has anyone else been through this? My friend is considering returning to the UK for a while but I have said that the issue will be here when you return.

Can anyone offer any advice on what he can do?



Edited by Scooby2
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'Scooby2' do I read this right……."Your friend is seeing the same girl as this alleged aggressor. Until you clear this point up for me……..It's as clear as mud mate.

More info please.

Edited by Tonto21
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Don't automatically think that the police will do nothing. I have gone to them twice, in two different provinces, on matters that were not as serious as yours. I was not accompanied by a Thai person on either occasion. (I speak Thai.) In both cases, they gave me immediate, polite attention, and accompanied my immediately to the site of the problem, and rectified it for me in my favour.

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Taking you story at face value I can only say I have pounded what I would do if someone got it in there head I had wronged them, maybe I had more money, better looking or I was simply a better lover, (it's been known….justnot in that order) and they had a score to settle……..What would I do. First thing to do is leave the old way of thinking, back where I come from, (he) is now inthe Wild West. If you friend can't deal with this guy on his own terms, no shame in that, then maybe you need to talk to the BIB, and offer a small fee for personal protection, or pay a one off fee for the BIB to visit said guy, and have the' fear' handed to him, (no violence) just a warning delivered with the right tempo to back off. I think 2 or 3k would do it. If not up for this, well just tell him to go home.

Best of luck to your friend, I don't like bully's!

Note….I can't believe it! This is my 1000 post…<deleted>-me!

Edited by Tonto21
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Taking you story at face value I can only say I have pounded what I would do if someone got it in there head I had wronged them, maybe I had more money, better looking or I was simply a better lover, (it's been known….justnot in that order) and they had a score to settle……..What would I do. First thing to do is leave the old way of thinking, back where I come from, (he) is now inthe Wild West. If you friend can't deal with this guy on his own terms, no shame in that, then maybe you need to talk to the BIB, and offer a small fee for personal protection, or pay a one off fee for the BIB to visit said guy, and have the' fear' handed to him, (no violence) just a warning delivered with the right tempo to back off. I think 2 or 3k would do it. If not up for this, well just tell him to go home.

Best of luck to your friend, I don't like bully's!

Note….I can't believe it! This is my 1000 post…<deleted>-me!

Dee ma, Tonto21, <deleted> good stuff, 1000 :lol:, as for OP, come clean please. :huh:

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Taking you story at face value I can only say I have pounded what I would do if someone got it in there head I had wronged them, maybe I had more money, better looking or I was simply a better lover, (it's been known….justnot in that order) and they had a score to settle……..What would I do. First thing to do is leave the old way of thinking, back where I come from, (he) is now inthe Wild West. If you friend can't deal with this guy on his own terms, no shame in that, then maybe you need to talk to the BIB, and offer a small fee for personal protection, or pay a one off fee for the BIB to visit said guy, and have the' fear' handed to him, (no violence) just a warning delivered with the right tempo to back off. I think 2 or 3k would do it. If not up for this, well just tell him to go home.

Best of luck to your friend, I don't like bully's!

Note….I can't believe it! This is my 1000 post…<deleted>-me!

Dee ma, Tonto21, <deleted> good stuff, 1000 :lol:, as for OP, come clean please. :huh:

Thanks mate, I think a few where dubben posts, Ssssh, don't tell anyone a! :rolleyes:

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Taking you story at face value I can only say I have pounded what I would do if someone got it in there head I had wronged them, maybe I had more money, better looking or I was simply a better lover, (it's been known….justnot in that order) and they had a score to settle……..What would I do. First thing to do is leave the old way of thinking, back where I come from, (he) is now inthe Wild West. If you friend can't deal with this guy on his own terms, no shame in that, then maybe you need to talk to the BIB, and offer a small fee for personal protection, or pay a one off fee for the BIB to visit said guy, and have the' fear' handed to him, (no violence) just a warning delivered with the right tempo to back off. I think 2 or 3k would do it. If not up for this, well just tell him to go home.

Best of luck to your friend, I don't like bully's!

Note….I can't believe it! This is my 1000 post…<deleted>-me!

Dee ma, Tonto21, <deleted> good stuff, 1000 :lol:, as for OP, come clean please. :huh:

Thanks mate, I think a few where dubben posts, Ssssh, don't tell anyone a! :rolleyes:

I won't, stum :ph34r::)

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I have some more info on this, it looks like the 3rd party asked my friend for a loan to finance a new business venture and my friend declined. I have seen some of the messages and they are not pleasant at all. I do not want to break forum rules saying exactly what the violent threats are but they do mean extreme violence. I am pretty broad and strong minded and even I was put out by them.

He wants to get this sorted without violence and to stay in this great country.

What is the BIB?

Can the police visit the 3rd party to advice they are aware of his actions and to back off if they are informed?



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I have some more info on this, it looks like the 3rd party asked my friend for a loan to finance a new business venture and my friend declined. I have seen some of the messages and they are not pleasant at all. I do not want to break forum rules saying exactly what the violent threats are but they do mean extreme violence. I am pretty broad and strong minded and even I was put out by them.

He wants to get this sorted without violence and to stay in this great country.

What is the BIB?

Can the police visit the 3rd party to advice they are aware of his actions and to back off if they are informed?



Figured there had to be a reason. If true, this is something that makes me really careful about new "friends." Seems to occur frequently in Thailand in the farang community, "friends" asking to borrow money. You find out real quick who your real friends are when these beggars no longer want to be your friend after a refusal. "Neither a borrower nor a lender be." And to answer your question regarding the police, the answer is "yes." Should bring with him a knowledgeable, respected Thai guy.

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in my experience if he is putting it in writing what he is going to do then probably won't actually carry it out....

absolute vermin none the same though....

if he feels that worried then them emails shown to the right BIB and a small drink would be in order, just by the bully knowing that someone else knows what he has threatened and has seen the evidence might make him shrink back into his hole!

also what you need to be careful about is getting to this guy first and dealing with him as I think it has been advised on here already....bad move as if something happens to him and he's got witnesses then he could be playing the game of get beat up and get compensated...yes there sadly are people out there ready to take a beating so they can do that as I have witnessed before, they become that desperate :(

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BIB are the Boys in Blue (or Brown as in Thailand. In other words the police.

Another option is to report his actions to the investigative branch of Immigration. They investigate criminal activities by foreigners and can expell someone.

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in my experience if he is putting it in writing what he is going to do then probably won't actually carry it out....

absolute vermin none the same though....

if he feels that worried then them emails shown to the right BIB and a small drink would be in order, just by the bully knowing that someone else knows what he has threatened and has seen the evidence might make him shrink back into his hole!

also what you need to be careful about is getting to this guy first and dealing with him as I think it has been advised on here already....bad move as if something happens to him and he's got witnesses then he could be playing the game of get beat up and get compensated...yes there sadly are people out there ready to take a beating so they can do that as I have witnessed before, they become that desperate :(

He won't?? I'd say not so much experience as you think. What a blind and potentially fatal assumption on your part in light of this very recent event..

Breivik Manifesto

Edited by WarpSpeed
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in my experience if he is putting it in writing what he is going to do then probably won't actually carry it out....

absolute vermin none the same though....

if he feels that worried then them emails shown to the right BIB and a small drink would be in order, just by the bully knowing that someone else knows what he has threatened and has seen the evidence might make him shrink back into his hole!

also what you need to be careful about is getting to this guy first and dealing with him as I think it has been advised on here already....bad move as if something happens to him and he's got witnesses then he could be playing the game of get beat up and get compensated...yes there sadly are people out there ready to take a beating so they can do that as I have witnessed before, they become that desperate :(

He won't?? I'd say not so much experience as you think. What a blind and potentially fatal assumption on your part in light of this very recent event..

Breivik Manifesto

that weirdo was keeping a log which has only been found after the event as far as I know...

as I said if this cretin is making threats directly by SMS-email and down the phone then it's more than probably likely he isn't going to carry them out....can I be any clearer than that for you?

out of all the people making threats all over the world and putting them in writing how many of them actually carry them out then?

please educate me :blink:

and the rest of my post doesn't make senese though or you looking for some keyboard action to fill your day up or something...

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I have some more info on this, it looks like the 3rd party asked my friend for a loan to finance a new business venture and my friend declined. I have seen some of the messages and they are not pleasant at all. I do not want to break forum rules saying exactly what the violent threats are but they do mean extreme violence. I am pretty broad and strong minded and even I was put out by them.

He wants to get this sorted without violence and to stay in this great country.

What is the BIB?

Can the police visit the 3rd party to advice they are aware of his actions and to back off if they are informed?



BIB ..tell your friend to get himself a BIB just incase things get nasty..and if the other fa lang decideds to punch him in the nose then he might get blood on is shirt..whistling.gif

Edited by welsh1
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I would simply report it to the police and give them the evidence of threats and send a copy to a friend or 2 . Then call the guy who was threatening me and tell him he better hire me a bodyquard because if anything happens to me he will be the first person they investigate.

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I would simply report it to the police and give them the evidence of threats and send a copy to a friend or 2 . Then call the guy who was threatening me and tell him he better hire me a bodyquard because if anything happens to me he will be the first person they investigate.

couldn't have put it better....when people are desperate for cash or facing having to leave a place they been residing for a bit with the only option of going back to do a bit of honest work with their tails between their legs they'll resort to anything!

bullying scum :annoyed:

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BIB are the Boys in Blue (or Brown as in Thailand. In other words the police.

Another option is to report his actions to the investigative branch of Immigration. They investigate criminal activities by foreigners and can expell someone.

I don't know for sure, but I would say probably the best piece of advice so far. Also as extra security let the police know that you have contacted Immigration.


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This is an interesting post. I have had some experience in very similar situstions like this. I was formly a practicing UK lawyer and saw this very probable tactic being used when the plantiff is trying his or her hardest to deflect attention away from the root issue(s) and try to convience everyone that they are the victim. I have sat in your friend/employers/bosses position before, and denied until the cows come home that "it" wasnt my fault and that it was instigated by "The Third Party". In the short term it usually works but in the longer term the house of cards comes tumbling down. These types of people as I was one,usually have inferiorirty complexes. What we usually do to avoid dectection amongst our friends and colleagues for our mistakes is to go on the offensive when our stories regarding the event in question are queried or questioned. We will stop at nothing to defend our sinking ship. We will fabricate any possible lead and twist it around so as it makes the third party look guilty. To live in denial is a horrible way to live! (I know)

The reson I say the above is that recently I seeked professional help for this very weakness or trait I had. I feel better now but are still working on this personality flaw,but I will get there in time. Honesty at the end of the day is always the best way.

My suggestion to the OP is that if indeed your third party friend/boss/empolyer is telling the truth,to follow some of the recommendations mentioned in this thread and seek police help here. But why stop there,I would also go to Interpol/ UK Police/your local embassy(assumming UK) if indeed it is that serious,Why not? Also advise your friend to make sure that his house in order prior to going this route,becaue if what he is claiming is not true or found to be false he himself maybe looking at a whole new set of issue in the eyes of the law,weather it be in thailand or UK or wherever.

The second suggestion if indeed the claim is true is to meet this person and talk about the issue if there is one. But to practice avoidance and make up false stories just re inforces the denial factor to be true. If this person is not Hannibal Lector,Im sure you can find a middle ground to compromise. All the best.

BIB are the Boys in Blue (or Brown as in Thailand. In other words the police.

Another option is to report his actions to the investigative branch of Immigration. They investigate criminal activities by foreigners and can expell someone.

I don't know for sure, but I would say probably the best piece of advice so far. Also as extra security let the police know that you have contacted Immigration.


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in my experience if he is putting it in writing what he is going to do then probably won't actually carry it out....

absolute vermin none the same though....

if he feels that worried then them emails shown to the right BIB and a small drink would be in order, just by the bully knowing that someone else knows what he has threatened and has seen the evidence might make him shrink back into his hole!

also what you need to be careful about is getting to this guy first and dealing with him as I think it has been advised on here already....bad move as if something happens to him and he's got witnesses then he could be playing the game of get beat up and get compensated...yes there sadly are people out there ready to take a beating so they can do that as I have witnessed before, they become that desperate :(

He won't?? I'd say not so much experience as you think. What a blind and potentially fatal assumption on your part in light of this very recent event..

Breivik Manifesto

that weirdo was keeping a log which has only been found after the event as far as I know...

as I said if this cretin is making threats directly by SMS-email and down the phone then it's more than probably likely he isn't going to carry them out....can I be any clearer than that for you?

out of all the people making threats all over the world and putting them in writing how many of them actually carry them out then?

please educate me :blink:

and the rest of my post doesn't make senese though or you looking for some keyboard action to fill your day up or something...

I figured it was too perfect an example and you'd try to find some way to wriggle out of it.. No he didn't it was open and public just ignored as a "weirdo" making Internet threats..

Oh yes let me look at my personal log I've been keeping on all written threats carried out all over the world???? <deleted> :rolleyes: ... In the mean time why don't you "educate" me on your qualifications, empirical experience and figures on how many instances of written threats and how they relate to actual threats carried out world wide that you've experienced that resulted in a false alarm?? Really quite a senseless statement isn't it? Kind of like asking otherwise..

JFYI Does it have to be hundreds or even thousands of threats? How many is reason to take it seriously?? From my point of view it need only be just 1 when my family may be involved, better overly cautious then become a statistic...

Edited by WarpSpeed
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in my experience if he is putting it in writing what he is going to do then probably won't actually carry it out....

absolute vermin none the same though....

if he feels that worried then them emails shown to the right BIB and a small drink would be in order, just by the bully knowing that someone else knows what he has threatened and has seen the evidence might make him shrink back into his hole!

also what you need to be careful about is getting to this guy first and dealing with him as I think it has been advised on here already....bad move as if something happens to him and he's got witnesses then he could be playing the game of get beat up and get compensated...yes there sadly are people out there ready to take a beating so they can do that as I have witnessed before, they become that desperate :(

He won't?? I'd say not so much experience as you think. What a blind and potentially fatal assumption on your part in light of this very recent event..

Breivik Manifesto

that weirdo was keeping a log which has only been found after the event as far as I know...

as I said if this cretin is making threats directly by SMS-email and down the phone then it's more than probably likely he isn't going to carry them out....can I be any clearer than that for you?

out of all the people making threats all over the world and putting them in writing how many of them actually carry them out then?

please educate me :blink:

and the rest of my post doesn't make senese though or you looking for some keyboard action to fill your day up or something...

I figured it was too perfect an example and you'd try to find some way to wriggle out of it.. No he didn't it was open and public just ignored as a "weirdo" making Internet threats..

Oh yes let me look at my personal log I've been keeping on all written threats carried out all over the world???? <deleted> :rolleyes: ... In the mean time why don't you "educate" me on your qualifications, empirical experience and figures on how many instances of written threats and how they relate to actual threats carried out world wide that you've experienced that resulted in a false alarm?? Really quite a senseless statement isn't it? Kind of like asking otherwise..

JFYI Does it have to be hundreds or even thousands of threats? How many is reason to take it seriously?? From my point of view it need only be just 1 when my family may be involved, better overly cautious then become a statistic...

you sound like a curtain twitcher you paranoid weirdo :lol:

as for internet threats.....how many of them actually turn out to be carried out, you are using one freak case as your example...

again I will ask you, do you have anything to say about the rest of my post?

PROBABLY not :rolleyes:

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