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In our Community events thread, you might have seen information about a Health information day held last Tuesday, and hosted by the local Health Authority.

One of the topics that came up was how we can contribute to CR. and the Dep. Director of CR Regional hospital - the big very busy one in town - made the excellent suggestion of blood donation.

Not only does this help other people, but - it may well be critical for us as incomers as well. Why? Simply because, well over 90% of the people in N.Thailand are Rhesus Positive. if you are an incomer, with Rh. negative blood and need a transfusion, the local blood bank may not have any and may have to send down to Bangkok to get a supply. Not what you want to happen in an emergency.

Whatever your blood group, you will be welcomed. All the local hospitals - private and public - share the blood bank facilities and supplies.

if you are Rhesus negative and able to give blood you can help even more by being willing to give your contact details so that the hospital can contact you in an emergency situation.

This is a tremendously worthwhile thing to do.

How to give blood.

  • If you have a known disease, or if you are over 60 years of age, you will have to get a letter of health from your own doctor prior to presenting yourself to give blood. Other than these circumstances, you just need to ring to make an appointment.
  • The Phone number for the regional hospital is 053-711300, and ask to be put through to the Blood Bank. When you go to the Blood bank, it has a parking area you can use.
  • The Thai Red Cross will give you an Honour Coin when you donate at 1,7,16,24,36 times!

If you know what blood group you are and want to be put on the emergency contact list, you could p.m. me and I will pass on your details to the Blood bank if you like, or , please, contact them directly.



Just want to say that it is a very good idea-I have done this for nearly one year now.

Only correction I want to tell you is-you need to be whitout medication to do-atleast that was the message I got when I started.

Hope they got alot respons to this-it can as you mention, be very important to some one.


I gave at least 8 gallons of blood thru my lifetime to the American Red Cross. Sadly they will not allow me to donate since i have been visiting Thailand.

I dont put my self in high-risk situations, so I would gladly donate to the thai red cross when I am visiting. My blood is AB+ as I understand it, about 3 percent of the population. I dont know if that is as important anymore as they use platelets or something (as explained and not understand by me :rolleyes: )


Hi anyone care to jot a few notes on how to start donating in Thailand, please? I've given 101 shots (that's 80 litres of prime O negative blood, don't know where it all came from 'cos me only 60kg), keen to get 'revamped'... should I just walk into local hospital (no Chumphon) or contact Red Cross?. Thanks, aarn


Hi anyone care to jot a few notes on how to start donating in Thailand, please? I've given 101 shots (that's 80 litres of prime O negative blood, don't know where it all came from 'cos me only 60kg), keen to get 'revamped'... should I just walk into local hospital (no Chumphon) or contact Red Cross?. Thanks, aarn

Hurrah! If you phone the local regional hospital on the number I gave in the original post, and ask to be put through to their Blood bank, they will give you the information you need.

If - however- you experience some language/communication difficulties, you can p.m me and I will pass on your name and phone number to Dr. Pichanu (Dep.Dir.)of the hospital who is trying to put together a list of Rh.Neg. donors for contact in an emergency.

  • 1 month later...

Hi anyone care to jot a few notes on how to start donating in Thailand, please? I've given 101 shots (that's 80 litres of prime O negative blood, don't know where it all came from 'cos me only 60kg), keen to get 'revamped'... should I just walk into local hospital (no Chumphon) or contact Red Cross?. Thanks, aarn

Hurrah! If you phone the local regional hospital on the number I gave in the original post, and ask to be put through to their Blood bank, they will give you the information you need.

If - however- you experience some language/communication difficulties, you can p.m me and I will pass on your name and phone number to Dr. Pichanu (Dep.Dir.)of the hospital who is trying to put together a list of Rh.Neg. donors for contact in an emergency.

You've got an hour left today to get down to Central plaza and donate blood. Go to the second floor near the food plaza, and you'll find a very efficient and friendly set-up - complete with complementary gifts and a small tub of Svenson's icecream for every donor.

We (3 of us) took 30 mins. to do our bit - they needed name/ address, weight and BP and age, took a little blood to test which blood group you are, and then a very brief wait for an empty recliner before donation. We all got badges and then some very nice people gave us drinks, and snacks. Excellent service - and a lot less cumbersome than many similar events in the UK. It was very busy but well organised.

Lokk out for similar events - it was so easy.


for those who were in Europe during the CJD time (Mad Cows disease), the nurses should ask you if you were in Europe or the UK at that time, if you answer yes, you might get turned away.


Since Negative blood is not a common blood type for Asian people, usually the hospitals in the area do not have this blood type in stock.

In the last 1,5 year I personally have donated (O-Neg) twice already for farang in distress. My name and phone number are registered at both Sriburin and CR Regional Hospital.

Members of the Chiang Rai Expats Club have made a list with the names and numbers of local farang willing to donate. It can be a life saver....

My entire family has O-Neg. / B-Neg so if ever something happens to one of us, we can donate for each other. Not everyone is that lucky; so you find all our names on this list as well.

Join any initiative; let people know about your blood type and willingness to donate, we have to help each other.

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