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Is there any institute or Hospital specialized in Thailand in diagnostic levels of Autism?

Reason me asking is that I have stronger and stronger reasons to believe my son of 10 years old has a certain level of Autism.

I have done quit some research about the topic and he might have some of the symptoms related to Autism but then again almost any strange regular childhood behavior could be linked to symptoms or Autism?

He is 10 years old now. He was born with some grave complications as he was pre-mature which did effect his lungs at young age making him asmatic and very sensitive to colds and pneumonia. Though now at the later age the lungs starts to get stronger and things on that front seem to clear.

Though now his mental capabilities as now at 10 they start to show more and more.

He has some serious language difficulties as well in English as in his Thai mother tongue having serious difficulties recognizing past, present and future tenses? Also he seem to be having difficulties to talk in regular sentences and seem to be going on and on and on at times.

Also when being spoken to (not by me or his mother) he seem to have some serious issues to have any sort of eye contact and acts extremely shy and refuses to talk at all at times? No he doesnt sit around for hours staring in front of him self but I believe this is a wrong stereo type of Autism as there are lots of different levels of Autism?

Anyway all symptoms to me that again could be recognized by a to overly worried parent? So am I?

Or is there, as in the original question stated, some sort of center or institute where he could be tested for this or anything else related or not?



maybe any specialized people on the forum could educate us or me on the subject a little more too?

As again all I researched on it seem very complex as it all relates to a very complex subject I believe?


I will put a word in here because I know a little of how these things are perceived educationally in the Thai system. At the LOW to MIDDLE income end of families: There is very little awareness of a huge spectrum of children's (and consequently adults') learning disabilities or other mentality-impacting diseases, even something as commonly identified and dealt with in English-speaking countries as dyslexia. Students who would be regarded as 'special-needs' in very particular ways are generally lumped together with the lowest level class groups in the public school systems and just allowed to muddle through if they can function without disturbance in the school, or else they drop out early. There is nearly no distinction between students who are actually rather low IQ and students who may have problems that can be addressed through therapy, medicine, or counselling.

For families who have money, the problems are possibly even worse, as for some reason doctors seem to have taken it on themselves to experiment with all manner of quackish prescriptions in the name of getting kids to grow more quickly, be calmer (ADHD is a faddish disorder for a child to have), or otherwise control their mentality or body. Frequently these doctors are even family members.

For either group, if any true mental or emotional disorder exists, the stigma is huge. At the low income level it might be considered better by some Thais simply to be thought 'a bit slow'. At the upper income level, there are actually some hidden clinics for children masked as art and music teaching centres but staffed by psychologists to prevent any official diagnosis from going on the record while providing therapy.

I'm sorry this doesn't give much reassurance but I wanted you to know the cultural context as I've seen it educationally. There ARE Thai psychologists and doctors out there and some would also speak enough English to talk with you. Maybe this is something you should have a personal meeting with a doctor (or his office staff) about when you have called around a bit and found someone you trust. Also, check the pinned resource list; you may find a private expert who can give you a good referral.


Autism is not a single disease but rather a spectrum of disorders, there are mild to severe forms and some variants. Children with autism spectrum disorder do not usually have problems with language or academic performance, in fact some greatly excel academically,. their limitations are in the sphere of social interaction.

One important thing to know would be the duration of the "shyness" and lack of eye contact. Autism starts early in life. If this is something that started only in recent years, it is not from that cause.

Also the difficulties with language -- new or old? In other words when he was young, were his language abilities normal for his age?

In addition your description brings to my mind several other possible conditions (various learning disabilities, or some degree of mental retardation, or pyschological problems etc etc.). What you need, obviously, is a thorough evaluation by an appropriately trained specialist.

I suggest you take him to one of the following places for assessment:

Reed institute http://www.reed-institute.com/diagnostics.html

Village International Educational Centre http://village-education.com/site/site2/assessments/

Acorn to Oaks Children Center http://www.atocbkk.com/assessments.php

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