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I am a midl-class thai woman living in northern province

1. Thai women don't like Thai men

I like them as long as they are taller, smarter, richer than I am

2. Thai women are not concerned about a man's age

I am very concerned about the age of my spouse, He must not age over 35 and not younger than 25

3. Thai women aren't concerned how a guy looks

I am very concerned about their looks. As I mentioned above, I like taller guy he must be 185-190 in height, neither bald or fat

4. Thai women allow their husband to fool around

Once I know that he fool around, divorce will happen next day. Using dirty man with another woman is unacceptable

5. Thai women working as prostitutes in Thailand are sold into the industry by their family and are indentured slaves

I don't know , I am not prostitute and still virgin because I haven't met the guy who deserves it.

6. A foreign man marrying a Thai woman has to pay a sin sot (dowry) and support her family forever

Not only for foreign men but thai men also and thai men accept it as it is tredition.

8. All Thai women are available for a price

I am not available for a price, because I accept only long-lease contract ( marriage-certificate )

9. Thai women don't have the same employment opportunities as men in Thailand

Yes, We don't have that opportunities in specific career such as millitary or something machinary but now we have female priminiter, who cares?

If you are a Thai woman for real, please be advised that the point of this thread is that the author of this list is trying to educate the farang male populace in Thailand that these misconceptions are in fact, not true. And the reason he's doing it is because many farang males in Thailand believes this nonsense. Unless, of course, you're trying to be humorous and good-natured about it.

I am one of thai women who been trying to educate foreign men. I know there are many foreign men who see it nonsense but I am still insulted, gossip behind etc.

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So little time.


That only partially describes this thread. There's other words like: Stupid, BS, Misguided, etc. However, I would agree, once more, that stereotyping does save time.

"The most urgent misconception to dispel is that beautiful ladies are women."

Good point. I was told that if they're too beautiful, they're Lady-Boys.

"Another Stick Flame.."

Here's another one. Stickman should try sticking his head up his arse, and see if it fits.

"Anyone is only one step away from prostitution;..."

My wish is to be reincarnated as a beautiful Thai woman (or Lady-Boy for that matter).

How Long is a Chinaman.



So I haven't been to Thailand Yet,( I will Hop a Plane in 12 Days) ph34r.gif

This is my oppinon before I head to Thailand , (this is the oppinion of a Sixteen year old boy) I am going to Live in Thailand for Rayong, Rayong for 10 months

U guys can agree or dissagree :PP this is just my oppinion :)

dry.gif-------Just a summary 5555--------------unsure.gif

Not all these girls aren't like the girls in some of your opinions(most of them aren't like that, the ones i have met) Many Thai girls are just like regular people, smart, strive to improve, not sick minded, and just great people that work hard at what they do.

SOME PEOPLE JUST NEED TO LEAVE THE Tourist BARS AND CITIES(where such stereotypes exist) .


( And people can find the authentic Thailand even in the touristy cities with all this stuff, sometimes u just have to dig a little harder)(that's just what i heard)

People need to stop labeling each other!

-There are good Thais

-There are Bad Thais

-There are Good Foreigners

-There are Bad Foreigners

Bar girls and regular girls are SO different from each other!

I feel bad for all these wonderful people(Thais, and foreigners) that get such stereotypes due to these people that ruin it for

the people that don't do these things...

some people just need to stop labeling people due to just what other people say ..and drop the Nationality thing 2 :)

- There are people that do such bad guys and women in many girls...in several countries! :(

From listening to all these opinions from all over... I have learned that =

- Everyone has a stereotype :(

- Just see as much Thailand as possible

- Stay away from some Touristy areas/meeting places as (Some) are where these things ruin the reputation of wonderful people and a wonderful country.

- Develop your own opinion from what you see from ALL of the Different places we go through out Thailand.

- Keep an Open Mind before I arrive in Thailand

There are more but I dont wanna Ramble whistling.gif

This is just what i think (before landing in Thailand




"Bar girls and regular girls are SO different from each other!"

Perhaps, you could elaborate on this.

"Many Thai girls are just like regular people, smart, strive to improve, not sick minded, and just great people that work hard at what they do."

So are bargirls. Your stereotyping here, but what can you expect from a 16 year old whatever,


"Bar girls and regular girls are SO different from each other!"

Perhaps, you could elaborate on this.

"Many Thai girls are just like regular people, smart, strive to improve, not sick minded, and just great people that work hard at what they do."

So are bargirls. Your stereotyping here, but what can you expect from a 16 year old whatever,

Sorry I had trouble trying to think of the write ways to word those sentences, I try not to stereotype :P

I didnt try to say that Bar girls are not regular people and that they dont try to improve, and yes i know not all bar girls do some stuff that others do blink.gif

Heyy what does being sixteen have to do with stereotyping 5555??? wink.gif


How long is a piece of string?

If you are referring to a string of replies from a wannabe moderator/commentator/judge, apparently endless. :whistling:

Nah, just another rhetorical question, much like those posed in the sticks column and in the OP.

Women are women the world over, the same as men. They are a product of their environment and ancestral customs. Thai women, whether bar girl, hi so and average office working are not much different than their counterparts in other cultures. Bar girls are bar girls in New York, Singapore, Bangkok, or Tokyo. The only variant is their modus operandi. A lady will always be a lady, no matter where she hails from.


Heyy what does being sixteen have to do with stereotyping 5555??? wink.gif

At that age you still have an innate ability to use both hands for any given task, later you will discover that most tasks can be performed with one hand only, and you can still type with the other.


These threads are akin to comparing the performance statistics of different cars.

Do Thai women come with their own Haines manual as well?

Its Haynes mate, used to have the Cortina one!smile.gif

With you on this , Stickman must be thin on material, tends to regurgitate the same ol <deleted> every now & again.



So little time.


That only partially describes this thread. There's other words like: Stupid, BS, Misguided, etc. However, I would agree, once more, that stereotyping does save time.

"The most urgent misconception to dispel is that beautiful ladies are women."

Good point. I was told that if they're too beautiful, they're Lady-Boys.

"Another Stick Flame.."

Here's another one. Stickman should try sticking his head up his arse, and see if it fits.

"Anyone is only one step away from prostitution;..."

My wish is to be reincarnated as a beautiful Thai woman (or Lady-Boy for that matter).

How Long is a Chinaman.

"They only come up to your knees"


This is just what i think (before landing in Thailand



I know many bar girl come from Rayong.

You will meet plenty.

Don't buy them a house, car or m/c.


and hahaha noo i wont buy em a house or anything hahaha...and yeah even if i wanted to id be 2 poooor laugh.gif


1. Thai women don't like Thai men Some do, some don't

2. Thai women are not concerned about a man's age Some are, some aren't

3. Thai women aren't concerned how a guy looks Most white men look exotic to Thai lady

4. Thai women allow their husband to fool around Thai lady have little choice

5. Thai women working as prostitutes in Thailand are sold into the industry by their family and are indentured slaves I know 1

6. A foreign man marrying a Thai woman has to pay a sin sot (dowry) and support her family forever Sinsot no,Mother and children yes

7. You pay for it with Thai women one way or the other Remove Thai

8. All Thai women are available for a price Remove Thai, replace 'all' with 'many', raise price

9. Thai women don't have the same employment opportunities as men in Thailand One of few country where woman have equality

10. I know my Thai girlfriend / wife loves me because she told me Person can never know have love from other, just hope

Olaf, I see your point, but it's not particularly constructive. Using your rational, I can say that "some" women like tall African bushmen with a large appendage, but that doesn't really mean anything. What if I were to change the first one to "Thai women hate farang men." Would you still say "some do, some don't?" It'd be true, wouldn't it? The whole point of this exercise is to dispel some myths that many westerners have about Thai women.


I get so conflicted by these continuous discussions based on generalizations - usually bar girl / non bar girl related.

Every human being is unique. Every human being has their own story to tell. Generalizations always have elements of fact / truth but never can reflect a personal story.

My Thai experience is based on only living in Thailand for a mere nine months and I live in the oft referred to, tourist cesspool of Patong Beach. I also have a flat in an area where a lot of bar girls live and have met many outside of the bar scene which is not really my scene. Almost without exception (here's my generalization), quite normal people just wanting a happy life. After living for 67 years, I do know that we all need to display respect for each person's uniqueness and personal story. I also know that we need to be a lot less judgmental and a lot more respectful of others - bar girl or not. Also having lived for reasonably extended periods around the world, I believe human expectations about life are pretty much the same regardless of culture, etc. And of course, everyone's opinion is shaped by their own personal experiences. Mine just happen to have been good one's.

This is rich. I'm sure you realize that every time a farang opens his mouth to talk about a Thai, he's "generalizing." Happens every day of the week on TV, twice on Sundays. Do you go on every thread and accuse people of generalizing? I think not.


I am one of thai women who been trying to educate foreign men. I know there are many foreign men who see it nonsense but I am still insulted, gossip behind etc.

You're right and you should feel insulted. I'm constantly trying to educate my fellow westerners as well. But most of the time, it's like talking to a wall.


How long is a piece of string?

If you are referring to a string of replies from a wannabe moderator/commentator/judge, apparently endless. :whistling:

Nah, just another rhetorical question, much like those posed in the sticks column and in the OP.

Women are women the world over, the same as men. They are a product of their environment and ancestral customs. Thai women, whether bar girl, hi so and average office working are not much different than their counterparts in other cultures. Bar girls are bar girls in New York, Singapore, Bangkok, or Tokyo. The only variant is their modus operandi. A lady will always be a lady, no matter where she hails from.

And you have this opinion because you speak Thai? How many meaningful relationships have you had with Thai women? How many not meaningful relationships?

I realize you are repeating some universal truth your mom told you but she was wrong. Thai women are much different.


I am one of thai women who been trying to educate foreign men. I know there are many foreign men who see it nonsense but I am still insulted, gossip behind etc.

You're right and you should feel insulted. I'm constantly trying to educate my fellow westerners as well. But most of the time, it's like talking to a wall.

There a lot of blind spots in both cultures and within both cultures. Anyone who points them out is in for a rough ride. It has been that way for a long time. Hans Christian Andersen pointed that out a long time ago. I think that is why this forum gets so Zen so much.


I don't know , I am not prostitute and still virgin because I haven't met the guy who deserves it.

One of the great failure of mankind over the past couple decades is the white knight men putting women on such a fking pedestal that now they think they are better than god itself with their vaginas.

"a guy that deserves it"

A lot of chances that it's just no average man ever wanted her.

Sex isnt a heavenly blessed gift. Stop kidding yourself and put yourself down the ladder with every mortal creature and you might find someone then.

In my book prostitutes and women who think they are gods themselves are as bad.. it's like those fat girls on dating site with a list of 20 things that guys need to have to only message them. i mean lol.. have fun staying lonely for the rest of your life, look at yourself first.

I always have fun of living because sex is not the main reason people live their life. I am a buddhist who has already chose a way. For buddhist, loneliness should not be avoided but we should learn from it. I have had boyfriends before but none of them is good enough to be eligible husband. ( both thais and foreigners ). เมื่อแผ่นดินสิ้นชายที่พึงเชย อย่ามีคู่เสียเลยจะดีกว่า.


One of the funniest things to come out of this thread is the lack of reading comprehension of many posters here.

People who thought they were disagreeing with Stickman were actually agreeing with him but didn't realise it!

The other thing is that whenever Stickmans name is mentioned there seems to be a bunch of posters here who can't wait to spurt out their vitriol about what a loser he is and he only knows about BGs and doesn't know the real Thailand etc

His column is mainly centred on the night life area and given that is the demographics of a lot of his readers his observations about the fallacies and myths regarding Thai women in the main seem pretty accurate to me.


I don't know , I am not prostitute and still virgin because I haven't met the guy who deserves it.

One of the great failure of mankind over the past couple decades is the white knight men putting women on such a fking pedestal that now they think they are better than god itself with their vaginas.

"a guy that deserves it"

A lot of chances that it's just no average man ever wanted her.

Sex isnt a heavenly blessed gift. Stop kidding yourself and put yourself down the ladder with every mortal creature and you might find someone then.

In my book prostitutes and women who think they are gods themselves are as bad.. it's like those fat girls on dating site with a list of 20 things that guys need to have to only message them. i mean lol.. have fun staying lonely for the rest of your life, look at yourself first.

I always have fun of living because sex is not the main reason people live their life. I am a buddhist who has already chose a way. For buddhist, loneliness should not be avoided but we should learn from it. I have had boyfriends before but none of them is good enough to be eligible husband. ( both thais and foreigners ). เมื่อแผ่นดินสิ้นชายที่พึงเชย อย่ามีคู่เสียเลยจะดีกว่า.

Aurer, this is exactly what I mean when I say not to take the comments on this site as gospel. In the west, there are still many farang women who prefer to remain virgins until they're married. Young teenage girls are applauded for retaining their virtues and not succumbing to peer pressure to have sex. And I would bet that if Mr. Serious' daughter were to come to him and say that she wished to keep her virginity until she was married, he would not say to her "Sex isnt a heavenly blessed gift. Stop kidding yourself and put yourself down the ladder with every mortal creature and you might find someone then." At least I would hope he wouldn't.


Thai women, western woment, women from anywhere in the world are all the same....because each one of them is different. Generally speaking. :D


People who thought they were disagreeing with Stickman were actually agreeing with him but didn't realise it!

The other thing is that whenever Stickmans name is mentioned there seems to be a bunch of posters here who can't wait to spurt out their vitriol about what a loser he is and he only knows about BGs and doesn't know the real Thailand etc

I wonder about that myself. Even just a cursory mention of the Stickman's name and some folks get completely bent-out-of-shape. Are they former bar owners who got a bad review? Didn't agree with some of his opinions? Who knows. I tend to think it's a jealousy sort of thing. A farang makes good in Thailand by actually learning the language and culture. Evil!


How long is a piece of string?

If you are referring to a string of replies from a wannabe moderator/commentator/judge, apparently endless. :whistling:

Nah, just another rhetorical question, much like those posed in the sticks column and in the OP.

Women are women the world over, the same as men. They are a product of their environment and ancestral customs. Thai women, whether bar girl, hi so and average office working are not much different than their counterparts in other cultures. Bar girls are bar girls in New York, Singapore, Bangkok, or Tokyo. The only variant is their modus operandi. A lady will always be a lady, no matter where she hails from.

And you have this opinion because you speak Thai? How many meaningful relationships have you had with Thai women? How many not meaningful relationships?

I realize you are repeating some universal truth your mom told you but she was wrong. Thai women are much different.

Endless. I rest my case.


Thai women, western woment, women from anywhere in the world are all the same....because each one of them is different. Generally speaking. :D

I don't know if I should be the one to tell you this but Thai women are not the same as Western women. 1. They are shorter. 2. They use deodorant with skin whitening bleach in it. 3. They pluck the hair under their arms. 4. They don't use tampons. 5. Their hair is different. 6. They have a different tolerance for heat and hot peppers. 7. They believe in ghosts. 8. They have a different tolerance for cold. 9. They take more showers. 10. They have different shaped eyes and noses. 11. They like the smell of old crabs and fish. 12. They eat more rice. 13. They have darker skin. 14. They have less hair on their legs. 15. They wash clothes by hand. 16. They like to eat different vegetables. 17. They buy fish with the heads on and eat the eyes. 18. They eat bugs. 19. They eat the feet of chicken. I could keep going on for an hour but sooner or later we would get to the Hans Christian Andersen thing and you would get angry because I got into non PC areas. I could give you a thousand examples of Thai women being different than Western woman. Outside of the posters on Thai Visa who came to Thailand for, employment, food and culture the rest of us are here because Thai women are different than Western women. Your father should have told you this but maybe he never visited Thailand. I first read Kipling when I was a child. He told it true. This is not a recent phenomenon.


I don't know , I am not prostitute and still virgin because I haven't met the guy who deserves it.

One of the great failure of mankind over the past couple decades is the white knight men putting women on such a fking pedestal that now they think they are better than god itself with their vaginas.

"a guy that deserves it"

A lot of chances that it's just no average man ever wanted her.

Sex isnt a heavenly blessed gift. Stop kidding yourself and put yourself down the ladder with every mortal creature and you might find someone then.

In my book prostitutes and women who think they are gods themselves are as bad.. it's like those fat girls on dating site with a list of 20 things that guys need to have to only message them. i mean lol.. have fun staying lonely for the rest of your life, look at yourself first.

I always have fun of living because sex is not the main reason people live their life. I am a buddhist who has already chose a way. For buddhist, loneliness should not be avoided but we should learn from it. I have had boyfriends before but none of them is good enough to be eligible husband. ( both thais and foreigners ). เมื่อแผ่นดินสิ้นชายที่พึงเชย อย่ามีคู่เสียเลยจะดีกว่า.

Aurer, this is exactly what I mean when I say not to take the comments on this site as gospel. In the west, there are still many farang women who prefer to remain virgins until they're married. Young teenage girls are applauded for retaining their virtues and not succumbing to peer pressure to have sex. And I would bet that if Mr. Serious' daughter were to come to him and say that she wished to keep her virginity until she was married, he would not say to her "Sex isnt a heavenly blessed gift. Stop kidding yourself and put yourself down the ladder with every mortal creature and you might find someone then." At least I would hope he wouldn't.

aurer has had many boyfriends so she's definitely above 30.. she's not a young girl anymore.

How can she know if a guy is worth it or not if she does not even know what IT is.


"Heyy what does being sixteen have to do with stereotyping 5555???"

Really not that much. It has more to do with the "whatever" part, and I'm beginning to get some insight as to what that might be.

Generalizations, also, save a lot of time.

I have very limited knowledge of who Stickman is, and, generally speaking, I don't really care.

Here's to Thai women, in general.


LOL, please Louise not another newbie quoting slick man.

My Buddah, actually if that guy would have taken his own advice maybe he would not have spent the most productive years of his working life wasting away as an English teacher wannabe and private detective hack ratting on bar girls. Sad really.

But I do hope he tricks ... I mean finds some buyer for that outdated website so he can finally escape the bar scene which he writes that he so loathes but cannot somehow break free. Maybe it is an addiction like Any Winehouse but then again slick man is far past the 27-years old club.

I was reading some topics about thai girls on another website. livingthai.org. You should read the crap that has been written on there.

For instance - How to get your girlfriend into bed with another girl. Why get to know a girl and manipulate them so much, as to get them into bed with another girl. What a complete head f%cker he is to do that to a person. Then go's out of his way to write about it, so someone else can do it or a visitor to Thailand can have the impression that Thai girls are just pieces of meat, that you can do what you like to them.

No wonder falangs have a bad name in Thailand, if thats the kind of sh_t that is floating around.

Sorry if i wasn't supposed to name the website. Not sure of the rules on that. But just makes me angry at the way some people think they can treat someone, just because they need money.

very interesting thank you for the tip i will look into it. i think this should be written to all nationalities though as i would not mind to read how to get two swedish girls into same bed also. the answer might be as simple as bottle of absolut but for the sake of mankind this should be translated to all cultures we are lucky that it was started from thais!

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