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Thanks Aua.


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On July 4th last year I attended the American 4th July celebrations here in Chiang Mai, during the prize drawing I won the prize offered by AUA for a thirty hour coarse in English, being a native English speaker it wasn't much good to me [although there are people that would dissagree] it was transferable so I gave it to my wife. A couple of weeks later we presented ourselves at AUA and they agreed it could be used by my wife and duly arranged a test for her to determine her level. They said they would contact us as soon as there was a coarse of pupils at a similar level. Her English is not bad but like most Thais could use some improvement. Several weeks later we had heard nothing and visited AUA to find out how things were going, they said they did not yet have enough pupils at her level and they would call when they had, another couple of trips to AUA with the same excuse, today I payed them a visit to find out what was going on and they say they have nothing on file in my wifes name.

To date I have travelled to their office about six times all to no avail. This prize has actually finished up costing me about a thousand Baht.

If a company is going to give a prize then honour it, after all they had the free publicity that went with it. Shame on you AUA.

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Thanks for reporting. There are a number of language institutes here in Chiang Mai, and therefore it is quite foolish for one such organization to distinguish itself by failing to honor a commitment.

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AUA is viable, but not the premiere Thai language source in the Kingdom. Twenty years ago I spent innumerable hours in AUA's natural method. Basically it was the thesis of a Dr. A. Marvin Brown. A university level course (I still have the books), but useless to a student of colloquial Thai. There are only one or two really effective Thai language schools in Bangkok, but you must seek them out on your own. Thai Visa site rules prohibit me from naming these no nonsense schools of Thai. But one hint here: Start ... as soon as possible to learn written Thai. Once achieving this, the language will open like a rose.

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This does not sound like the AUA I know and Love :)

I studied there 25 years ago, and I had the best teachers in my life. We used the J. Marvin Brown books too, and I thought they were great.

The previous poster was right about reading and writing. Once you know it, the Thai language really opens up to you. :)

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The course the OP won at the 4th of July party was for learning English, not Thai.

And in Chiang Mai, not Bangkok. Don't you wish people would read a thread before thay post... :rolleyes:

/ Priceless

Edited by Priceless
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Did you talk to John or his secretary?

John should be able to sort this out for you but if he does not, it would be good if you could let us know.

Good question. What does John (Director) have to say?

He has been the Director there for 30 years, so he basically knows what's going on.

Please contact him and let us know if you still have a problem :)

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I had been thinking of sending my TW to AUA to bring up her English skills but if they have a double standard of not treating Thai students fairly by not honoring their advertisements such as this free course was suppose to be I think I will look elsewhere. I hope the OP keeps us updated if there is any change in the attitude of AUA in this matter. Meanwhile can anyone suggest another school for adult Thais to sharpen their English skills? Shame on AUA

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Thanks for all the replies, I was not aware of John and perhaps I should contact him. NancyL and Piceless are both correct in what they say. In fact both NancyL and Barnicle Bob were at the 4th July event I refer to.

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