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Fortune Teller Predicts Obstacles For Yingluck, Joy For Thaksin


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Fortune Teller Predicts Obstacles for Yingluck, Joy for Thaksin

A fortune teller predicts that the PM to-be will face obstacles, but says that Thaksin Shinnawatra is entering an auspicious life-cycle.

Yesterday, after a huge bash to celebrate the 62nd birthday of Thaksin Shinnawatra, core red-shirt supporter, Lieutenant General Pattrasilp Sudsa-ngaun, who is considered the 'army fortune teller' predicted that Yingluck Shinnawatra, the PM-elect would form the next government and govern the country smoothly.

However, he believes that Yingluck will face some obstacles beginning on December 6.

He said that Yingluck would find it difficult to deal with the Trade Union.

In addition, after 2 years into her term, she will be harmed by an ill-intentioned group.

On the other hand, he pointed out that the ousted former PM Thaksin Shinnawatra would be joyous throughout the year.

It is likely that he will be back on or after December 6.

Meanwhile, Kaew Fah Temple abbot, Phra kroo Palad Sarn foretasted that for Thaksin Shinnawatra, this life-cycle would be far better than previous cycles.


-- Tan Network 2011-07-27


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However, he believes that Yingluck will face some obstacles beginning on December 6.

I remember when Santa Claus came on the 6th of December stuffing my boots full with goodies.

But isn't this guy just going to good guys? Sometimes I'm just wondering, is it possible that Santa has got Alzheimer? :lol::jap:

It is likely that he will be back on or after December 6.

HTF can he come back without his reindeer, well his red shirt will fit him well....HO,HO HO....:o

Edited by sirchai
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The Abbot at Wat Youdontsay predticts that

This next year the Baht will rise and then fall

Yingluck will make many speeches but some will have more meaning than others

The Red shirts will face some dissapointments

The farmers will not always be happy but sometimes they will

Thaksin will get something that he wants

The tourist season will be better then before

and the Germans will have a new jet.

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The implication of harm to Yingluck might be construed as a threat in some circles. Statements like that, left untended, should indeed be held accountable in the event it does in fact occur. They tend to incite bad events to happen, and there are enough crazies out there to think this is an open opportunity.

It is my belief that this article is more fertilizer from the media compost pile; used to stir chaos where it is not needed.

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I can't believe crap like this actually makes the news.

Instead of letting all this Thaksin rubbish slowly sink into the background someone is pushing these stories onto forum every chance they get. For the good of all lets have what we have and get on with it-right or wrong, but for hells sake fade him out, don't give him the pleasure of getting a bigger head than he already has. he has some earned penalties to serve, so why the (promotion)

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Please allow me to have a try at my own fortune teller skills:

Yingluck Shinawatra will face a big obstacle in the form of her elder brother who will triumphantly return to Thailand from self-imposed exile to make sure that his auspicious life cycle turns out really, really happy - and profitable.

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Please allow me to have a try at my own fortune teller skills:

Yingluck Shinawatra will face a big obstacle in the form of her elder brother who will triumphantly return to Thailand from self-imposed exile to make sure that his auspicious life cycle turns out really, really happy - and profitable.

This is such a rubbish topic..................for those with short memories, when Thaksin was P.M. remember he was following the star signs for guidance many times. 5555555555 Ha Ha, hope Yingluck doesn't start the same thing. (says a lot about the man)

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However, he believes that Yingluck will face some obstacles beginning on December 6.

On the other hand, he pointed out that the ousted former PM Thaksin Shinnawatra would be joyous throughout the year.

It is likely that he will be back on or after December 6.

Imho he is a very good fortune teller,since he not only names the date the obstacles will occur but even oints out the obstacles .In other words after 6 december Yingluck will be put on a side track as the one with the square head will take power back.

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The implication of harm to Yingluck might be construed as a threat in some circles. Statements like that, left untended, should indeed be held accountable in the event it does in fact occur. They tend to incite bad events to happen, and there are enough crazies out there to think this is an open opportunity.

It is my belief that this article is more fertilizer from the media compost pile; used to stir chaos where it is not needed.

You mean you think media should block news reports put out by red shirts?

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Please allow me to have a try at my own fortune teller skills:

Yingluck Shinawatra will face a big obstacle in the form of her elder brother who will triumphantly return to Thailand from self-imposed exile to make sure that his auspicious life cycle turns out really, really happy - and profitable.

This is such a rubbish topic..................for those with short memories, when Thaksin was P.M. remember he was following the star signs for guidance many times. 5555555555 Ha Ha, hope Yingluck doesn't start the same thing. (says a lot about the man)

Of course it's a rubbish topic. I even remember Thaksin attending some mambo-jambo Thai 'voodoo' ceremonies in his day. Even the coup leaders of 2006 allegedly visited a 'famous' charlatan fortune teller in Chiang Mai before making their move. The only reason why this sort of humbug reporting is appearing in the 'news' is because so many people in this country subscribe to that sort of b**sh**. The worst time is when they're all making their run for the latest lottery numbers because some animal or tree trunk somewhere in the boonies displays 'patterns'. And if all those monks, who are in the entirely un-Buddhist habit of predicting lottery numbers were right, we'd need no populist policies in this country any longer, because everybody would be so flithy rich that they could drive a Porsche or worse.

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Please allow me to have a try at my own fortune teller skills:

Yingluck Shinawatra will face a big obstacle in the form of her elder brother who will triumphantly return to Thailand from self-imposed exile to make sure that his auspicious life cycle turns out really, really happy - and profitable.

This is such a rubbish topic..................for those with short memories, when Thaksin was P.M. remember he was following the star signs for guidance many times. 5555555555 Ha Ha, hope Yingluck doesn't start the same thing. (says a lot about the man)

Of course it's a rubbish topic. I even remember Thaksin attending some mambo-jambo Thai 'voodoo' ceremonies in his day. Even the coup leaders of 2006 allegedly visited a 'famous' charlatan fortune teller in Chiang Mai before making their move. The only reason why this sort of humbug reporting is appearing in the 'news' is because so many people in this country subscribe to that sort of b**sh**. The worst time is when they're all making their run for the latest lottery numbers because some animal or tree trunk somewhere in the boonies displays 'patterns'. And if all those monks, who are in the entirely un-Buddhist habit of predicting lottery numbers were right, we'd need no populist policies in this country any longer, because everybody would be so flithy rich that they could drive a Porsche or worse.

555555555555555555 HaHa I have 7 dogs and a Thai said add up their ages and give him the total for the lottery. and also how many kilom-my car had done.

A line of customers (paying) at the temple for their gambling numbers. Their lottery is very expensive compared to U.K. here about 100 bht-U.K. 48 bht here you win top prize 4 million bht----in U.K.250 mill approx.

Where does the prize money here go ??????????????????/ ask a fortune teller. Did Thaksin start this lottery in his day I have forgotten ?????????????????????

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The implication of harm to Yingluck might be construed as a threat in some circles. Statements like that, left untended, should indeed be held accountable in the event it does in fact occur. They tend to incite bad events to happen, and there are enough crazies out there to think this is an open opportunity.

It is my belief that this article is more fertilizer from the media compost pile; used to stir chaos where it is not needed.

It will be sad when Thaksin has to 'take Yingluck out' because she is not following orders. His vast access to black shirt snipers will know what to do.

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The implication of harm to Yingluck might be construed as a threat in some circles. Statements like that, left untended, should indeed be held accountable in the event it does in fact occur. They tend to incite bad events to happen, and there are enough crazies out there to think this is an open opportunity.

It is my belief that this article is more fertilizer from the media compost pile; used to stir chaos where it is not needed.

It will be sad when Thaksin has to 'take Yingluck out' because she is not following orders. His vast access to black shirt snipers will know what to do.

cup-O-coffee sounds like Thaksin back in the day when he worked to crush the free press by saying criticizing the government is the same as criticizing Thailand. He should look up McCarthyism, because he might as well the black art he is practicing.

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Where does the prize money here go ??????????????????/ ask a fortune teller.

I often wondered why Mystic Meg never won the UK lottery.

Predictions are so easy, after the event, or when stating the bleedin' obvious.

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So this guy is a Lieutenant General? How comforting for the squaddies up at the pointed end with a rifle in their hands knowing that this guy might be directing operations. Do the Staff Colleges of the Armed Forces of first world countries devote much time to ju-ju and reading palms and tarot cards?

Now what was that post about I.Q's and the education system in Thailand all about?

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The implication of harm to Yingluck might be construed as a threat in some circles. Statements like that, left untended, should indeed be held accountable in the event it does in fact occur. They tend to incite bad events to happen, and there are enough crazies out there to think this is an open opportunity.

It is my belief that this article is more fertilizer from the media compost pile; used to stir chaos where it is not needed.

You mean you think media should block news reports put out by red shirts?

I don't understand what you are on about. Where did you get this information? Red shirts? Sorry!

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The implication of harm to Yingluck might be construed as a threat in some circles. Statements like that, left untended, should indeed be held accountable in the event it does in fact occur. They tend to incite bad events to happen, and there are enough crazies out there to think this is an open opportunity.

It is my belief that this article is more fertilizer from the media compost pile; used to stir chaos where it is not needed.

It will be sad when Thaksin has to 'take Yingluck out' because she is not following orders. His vast access to black shirt snipers will know what to do.

It is my opinion that this is a sick thought. What kind of thoughts must haunt your mind on a daily basis of much smaller proportions.

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The implication of harm to Yingluck might be construed as a threat in some circles. Statements like that, left untended, should indeed be held accountable in the event it does in fact occur. They tend to incite bad events to happen, and there are enough crazies out there to think this is an open opportunity.

It is my belief that this article is more fertilizer from the media compost pile; used to stir chaos where it is not needed.

It will be sad when Thaksin has to 'take Yingluck out' because she is not following orders. His vast access to black shirt snipers will know what to do.

cup-O-coffee sounds like Thaksin back in the day when he worked to crush the free press by saying criticizing the government is the same as criticizing Thailand. He should look up McCarthyism, because he might as well the black art he is practicing.

Jingthing, I made my statement on the basis of a high military official making a statement of certainty; leaving no room for doubt:

Lieutenant General Pattrasilp Sudsa-ngaun said, "In addition, after 2 years into her term, she will be harmed by an ill-intentioned group."

Now, I don't know about you, but were anyone under my command to make a statement as such, I would haul their ass in front of me and demand an explanation.

Am I wrong to think this way? Would you allow someone close to you, amidst such political turmoil, to make such a statement towards your person, and not look over your shoulder when walking down the street?

Sorry, Jingthing, but I couldn't allow that. Please don't judge me too harshly over a direct threat to me or someone I love. I'm gonna be all over that like white on rice.

EDIT: Incidentally, were I to make the same statement, in that same tone and grammar, I would have my ass hauled before a tribunal. Same to you. You would even be banned from TV, and so would I.

Edited by cup-O-coffee
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Dude, OVER THE TOP, doesn't begin to describe how totally whacked out your last post was. I suspect you are just playing a game here for dramatic effect, but if I were you I consider drinking a little less or perhaps a little more of the proverbial coffee.

The OP referred to a FORTUNE TELLER.

Surely you understand fortune tellers tell you what they see in the tea leaves, or whatever silly superstitious tool they are using. So the fortune teller wasn't threatening anyone; he was merely voicing what his method showed to him.

Also you make very silly presumptions about what he meant by the word harm. First, consider the translation issues between Thai and English. They are massive. Secondly, please be clear that "harm" to a politician can be any kind of harm. Quite typically, it is POLITICAL harm, as in loss of popularity, being implicated in some kind scandal, found out to be a lawbreaker as her big boss has, etc.

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The implication of harm to Yingluck might be construed as a threat in some circles. Statements like that, left untended, should indeed be held accountable in the event it does in fact occur. They tend to incite bad events to happen, and there are enough crazies out there to think this is an open opportunity.

It is my belief that this article is more fertilizer from the media compost pile; used to stir chaos where it is not needed.

You mean you think media should block news reports put out by red shirts?

I don't understand what you are on about. Where did you get this information? Red shirts? Sorry!

Red shirts and Thaksin often use[d] fortune tellers and news-reports are generated from their predictions.

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