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Ok - having switched back to Tot internet at our office 2 months ago, one should assume that they would get the package right ?

We have been paying for a 6mb package - however they only provide a 4mb package ( data rate downstream 4096 upstream 512 )

Despite calling and reporting this problem 4 times ( in both Thai and English ) during the past 2 months, still only getting the 4mb package.

And making the person on the other end, in the call center repeat what the problem is in each case, as they always assume that I am complaining about the actual speed I am getting.

So I assume the problem is not making the call center understand, I think its when the call center now contacts the daft technician here in Phuket.

That technician would automatically then assume the complaint is about the actual speed we are getting and thus checks the line and sees no fault.

He then reports back - problem solved.

And I still have my 4mb package paying for a 6mb package.

So seriously ToT - wake up !!



Same thing happened to me but in Nonthaburi, I have the 9mb package but for about 1 week was getting about 4 mb download speed. I checked the router settings and it showed the down rate at 4025 kbs. I asked them why it changed because before the down rate was 11025 kbs, and they said it was an accident.

My TOT has been a hit and miss, for one month I was getting 8-9 mbs all day and night, then it would go down to 2-4 mbs. Problem is they keep switching ports on me so now it's never consistent!!


So just pay for the 4mb package.....I am sure they will then wake up and address the problem.

But then again....as a foreigner complaining they do not prolly give a rats as they have 50,000 thais for every one of you and none of them complain about nuttin cos they would not want to upset the other party


TOT//////////////Totally Obsolite Telecomunications, We have so many issues with this company over the past two years, but in our location there is no other option,


true Thais rarely complain, Its staggering , They pay for a service that is lousy and when it falls short its just a shrug of the shoulders, Thats Thailand in a nutshell involving 90% of any problems and why Customer service sucks right across the board


Reading this reminds me of a similar experience with my True connection. Maybe my experience is relevant to other users.

When I first started off with True it was on a 1024/512 plan. Over time it got upgraded automatically by True a few times. At one point, before it got to 4MB I replaced the free True modem with my own wi-fi router/modem, all worked well. The free upgrades continued even though I eventually was paying a much higher price than the advertised specials I'd sometimes see, but if it aint broke then why fix it. However when I was still paying 1200 baht a month for 5MBs that True advertised at 599 baht I decided it was time to do something. I went to the local True office and asked to downgrade to a cheaper plan because I was being billed for 10MB but rarely getting more than 5MB down .40 up, even though that was okay for most of my needs. The likely answer I thought was 10MBs wasn't available in my location. The girl I spoke to checked and told me I could get 16MBs no problem so would I like her to book a service call. Don't really need that much so I still changed to 8MB/1MB because I could use the higher upload speed. After a couple of days the change went through and when I did some tests I was getting 6.5/.55. Okay I thought, still not quite what I'm paying for but a little faster and cheaper than before.

A week later I was doing some more speed testing and on one site there was a list of the maximum speeds you should get for various connection types e.g. dial-up, satellite, cable etc. and I noticed ADSL was 8MB and ADSL2 was up to 16MB which got me thinking. Checked the router settings and it was on auto... never changed since I set it up. Changed it to ADSL2 and the settings when I rebooted showed the line as now being able to do 7700/1000. Some more speedtests showed 7.5/.70. All of these speedtests were reflected when downloading torrents so accurate. The next thing I thought of was to see if there were any firmware updates for my router. Yes there were, quite a few in fact so I flashed it to the latest stable version. Checked the settings again and I now had an option of ADSL2+... end result is I was getting 8MB/1MB as paid for and with the latest automatic upgrade from True I'm now getting 9MB/1MB, all reflected in speed tests and torrent speeds. Setting in the router now shows 10600/1198. So just goes to show, the problem isn't always at the ISP end, it can be a user problem.


Ok - what we did, was print a copy of the posted page showing the lower speed along with a copy of the invoice to the TOT office in Phuket.

So two days later ( yesterday ) three technicians came to our office and tested our copper lines.

From the terminal where we are connected to our office is maybe 200 meters or so - and we have 2 telephone lines, where 1 also have that internet package.

They said, that at the terminal, the speed was the 6mbit, however the copper from there in that telephone line into our office, must be in a state, where it cannot handle more than 4mbit.

So they just switched the two lines at the terminal - and we then connected the router to the other line in the office and voila !! We now enjoy 6mbit connection.

Regarding other comments on how bad of a service TOT offer - let me shed some light on what we have tried.

About 2 years ago - we had 1 TOT and 1 Maxnet - after they went bust renamed to 3BB.

Then 1½ year ago TOT became unusable.

At the same time 3BB was promoting a 10mbit connection fairly cheap - so we then decided to have 2 x 10mbit 3BB lines and canned the TOT internet.

That was all fine and humming along until maybe 5 months ago.

Then it became worse and worse and in the end unusable.

Then True Ultra came along and we got that as soon as it was available and wanted to give TOT another go - with the philosophy - that 3BB was crap due to all of TOT's former customers must now all be on 3BB.

So we canned the 2 x 10mbit 3BB and now have 1 x True Ultra 10mbit and 1 x TOT 6mbit.

And so far both are fairly stable and alot better than what 3BB could offer.

I would go out on a limb and say the TOT is slightly better than the True Ultra one, as the True Ultra one have outages ever so often - however speedwise True Ultra is faster when working.

Our office is in Rawai, Phuket.


Makes me laugh with people complaining their only getting 4 or 6 Mgbs via TOT (and pisses me off slightly)

I get 0.5 most of the time via TOT and would love to be getting these speeds you guys are complaning of.....

Surely at 5 Mgbs you can view/do anything ??


Makes me laugh with people complaining their only getting 4 or 6 Mgbs via TOT (and pisses me off slightly)

I get 0.5 most of the time via TOT and would love to be getting these speeds you guys are complaning of.....

Surely at 5 Mgbs you can view/do anything ??

I am not sure why any of you are complaining.

I have been waiting 8 years for a phone line from TOT and during that period they have managed to extend the line about 4 1/2 km.

There are several of us here who would love a phone line and ADSL.

Last month my wife went to their office in Khampaeng Phet to be told that TOT need 15 more subscribers to extend the line and that they actually have no idea if ADSL will work or at what speeds.

I use DTAC or AIS on EDGE which works for me though it doesn't really work at warp factor speeds.


Makes me laugh with people complaining their only getting 4 or 6 Mgbs via TOT (and pisses me off slightly)

I get 0.5 most of the time via TOT and would love to be getting these speeds you guys are complaning of.....

Surely at 5 Mgbs you can view/do anything ??

I am not sure why any of you are complaining.

I have been waiting 8 years for a phone line from TOT and during that period they have managed to extend the line about 4 1/2 km.

There are several of us here who would love a phone line and ADSL.

Last month my wife went to their office in Khampaeng Phet to be told that TOT need 15 more subscribers to extend the line and that they actually have no idea if ADSL will work or at what speeds.

I use DTAC or AIS on EDGE which works for me though it doesn't really work at warp factor speeds.

This is what happens when you live in your airy castle in the foothills of Khampaeng Phet while polishing your trusty steed B)

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