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Until England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland become sovereign, independent states -- with their own passports, diplomatic corps, etc., etc., then your argument is little more than an academic/pedantic one. To the rest of the world, you're all British, mate.

You really should go to google before you go any further.

No need...I'll stop by the Welsh Embassy tomorrow on my way to the office and inquire further.

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Christ on a bike.

Is somebody really trying to tell me that I am not of English nationality. That I've got it wrong all along all this time. Well thanks for enlightening me Richard, thanks for letting me know what nationality I am.

Jesus wept.


We are of different countries here in the UK but, we have British citizenship.

I have British citizenship, which is something that can be obtained by anyone who meets the requirements. What can not be obtained is to become English, or Scottish, Welsh, Irish (the UK part of Ireland that is!) you're either born English or you aren't English.

Explaining this to people from outside of the UK is a) difficult and b ) pointless. Especially if that person is an immigration official of another country. You have a British passport, you're British.

That person probably has a Thai passport, they may be from Isaan, or another state within the Kingdom, and speak a different language, have a different culture etc. If they were to try to explain that to the UKBA they would get a similar response, maybe a smile, maybe not..."so..Thai then right?"



The fact that I'm British and English makes you believe that I speak like someone from the BBC in the 1930's does it? And yes, it's foggy here all the time, and we stop everything at 3pm for tea, all wear flat caps and keep ferrets. saai.gif


Obviously I am not.

But if you all have the same passport, your "sanchart" (nationality) is all the same.

You are all nationals of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland -- a sovereign state whose passport holders all share the same nationality.

We all share the same nationality yet we also share DIFFERENT nationalities. They are nationalities within nationalities.

England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Southern Ireland are all individual COUNTRIES.

I thought Wales was a Principality?


The Thais understand very well the concept of nationality (sanchart) versus ethnicity (cheuachart).

The OP confuses the two.

He is "sanchart" British but "cheuachart" English.

Thai immigration couldn't care less what your "cheuachart" is...it's all about the passport you hold.

Except that British, Irish, Scottish and Welsh are not ethnicities (sp) but nationalities.

So there is such thing as an English, Welsh, and Scottish passport? You can't call it a nationality unless it is an independent nation with its own passport.

The English, the Welsh, the Scottish and the Northern& Southern Irish are ALL nationalities in their own right. We just also happen to use a single passport

You're not a Brit are you?

hey mate. i from the republic of ireland and i hava a irish passport.we have no conection to great britan at all and and northen ireland residence are also entitled to apply for a irish passport since about 2000 which i believe most are doing..some people need to cop on


hey mate. i from the republic of ireland and i hava a irish passport.we have no conection to great britan at all and and northen ireland residence are also entitled to apply for a irish passport since about 2000 which i believe most are doing..some people need to cop on

hey mate. I didn't say there was a connection. some people need to cop on.

Interesting about the N. Irish getting Irish passports though, I never knew that.


Bahh to the naysayers.

Though worlds may change and go awry

While there is still one voice to cry

There'll always be an England

This YouTube video brought a tear to my eye and I'm not even British or English or whatever the heck it is you're fighting about.


Christ on a bike.

Is somebody really trying to tell me that I am not of English nationality. That I've got it wrong all along all this time. Well thanks for enlightening me Richard, thanks for letting me know what nationality I am.

Jesus wept.

All of them, just remote islands so who cares... all the same and not much intelligent life judging from these posts...


hey mate. i from the republic of ireland and i hava a irish passport.we have no conection to great britan at all and and northen ireland residence are also entitled to apply for a irish passport since about 2000 which i believe most are doing..some people need to cop on

hey mate. I didn't say there was a connection. some people need to cop on.

Interesting about the N. Irish getting Irish passports though, I never knew that.

ok,just letting people know as its already been posted. yeah since the troubles stopped up in the north they can now gain irish citizenship. i don't know if its automatic or there are some guidelines to it. although it has allowed people to claim benefits from both uk and rep of ireland which has been a big mess up


Christ on a bike.

Is somebody really trying to tell me that I am not of English nationality. That I've got it wrong all along all this time. Well thanks for enlightening me Richard, thanks for letting me know what nationality I am.

Jesus wept.

All of them, just remote islands so who cares... all the same and not much intelligent life judging from these posts...

None of them are Islands.

What was that about intelligent life?


Christ on a bike.

Is somebody really trying to tell me that I am not of English nationality. That I've got it wrong all along all this time. Well thanks for enlightening me Richard, thanks for letting me know what nationality I am.

Jesus wept.

All of them, just remote islands so who cares... all the same and not much intelligent life judging from these posts...

Such rudeness!


Wales is a country


Part of Wales is the Principality of Wales.


Just to make things clearer


And as well as being a separate country containing a principality, it was part of England until 1948!


Again, just to make things even clearer! :D

I see that 1881 was a particularly bad year for the Welsh:

"Wales as part of England

For the period following 1689 and ending in 1948 there was no differentiation between the government of England and government in Wales. All laws relating to England included Wales and Wales was considered by the British Government as an indivisible part of England within the United Kingdom. The first piece of legislation to relate specifically to Wales was the Sunday Closing (Wales) Act 1881." :ph34r:


Wales is a country


Part of Wales is the Principality of Wales.


Just to make things clearer


And as well as being a separate country containing a principality, it was part of England until 1948!


Again, just to make things even clearer! :D

You've gotta feel sorry for the poor Cornish though.

They so much want to be a country, but nobody's having it.


My country, England, became a foreign land years ago.

Where I came from, today it is more pertaining to South East Asia rather than as a part of old England. This means that my roots have all gone anyway.

I always say I`m British at Immigration because that`s what they expect, so why create problems? Just get the stamp for another year and continue on with your business without any hassles.

I coiuldn`t give a rat`s behind if I had to tell Immigration that I am half Mohican Indian and half Zulu, providing I get my visa. Who cares?.

As the wise man says; anything for an easy life and also keeping in mind that the Immigration officers have long memories towards wiseguys and those that give them a hard time.

As for the OP, he should try waving his flags in areas like Southall or Brixton. I`m sure it would go down like a flag house on fire over there.


Wales is a country


Part of Wales is the Principality of Wales.


Just to make things clearer


And as well as being a separate country containing a principality, it was part of England until 1948!


Again, just to make things even clearer! :D

You've gotta feel sorry for the poor Cornish though.

They so much want to be a country, but nobody's having it.

:lol: Wessex is next :D


Wales is a country


Part of Wales is the Principality of Wales.


Just to make things clearer


And as well as being a separate country containing a principality, it was part of England until 1948!


Again, just to make things even clearer! :D

You've gotta feel sorry for the poor Cornish though.

They so much want to be a country, but nobody's having it.

Recent polls show more and more young Scots in favour of independence. Mind you I used to be in favour of social reform.

Could do a lot worse nowadays than build a wall and keep immigration down though...hehe....it seems half of Inverness is full of folk from Kent!


Ill always be English and never be british... Just because a passport says british which i have no control over it still will never make me say british when asked... I can remember an american in vegas saying hey ur british,, I said no im English,, he looked confused haha


Ill always be English and never be british... Just because a passport says british which i have no control over it still will never make me say british when asked... I can remember an american in vegas saying hey ur british,, I said no im English,, he looked confused haha

Go on accuse me of being Glaswegian...I dare you....


Ill always be English and never be british... Just because a passport says british which i have no control over it still will never make me say british when asked... I can remember an american in vegas saying hey ur british,, I said no im English,, he looked confused haha

Go on accuse me of being Glaswegian...I dare you....

I went to Glasgow once...


Ill always be English and never be british... Just because a passport says british which i have no control over it still will never make me say british when asked... I can remember an american in vegas saying hey ur british,, I said no im English,, he looked confused haha

The Scots are similar --- they describe themselves as Scottish and not British.

In my experience, the only people who describe themselves as British, are the English.



I understand how you feel,and I also understand the difference,being "English" myself,

but when we have "British Citizen"written in our passports as our Nationality,it's not the Thai Immigration Officers fault.

And correct me if i'm wrong?but i'm sure the Scottish and Welsh have "British Citizen" also in their Passports.

Like it or lump it (and I agree with you) it is the United Kingdom,after all.

It could be worse? we might one day be classed as: Euro Citizen? heaven forbid!


What about Briton ? You might be descended from the Britons instead or the Franks or Jutes or Angles or Saxons or god forbid some other Gemanic tribe . But you are probably just a mongrel, but an English mongrel no less .

And more to the point........................

Or the Romans= 400 years Colonisation of England

Or the Vikings = 267 years Colonisation of England

Or the French..............................

Not bad considering the English had Colonised nothing at that point in time,probably because we never had a Navy.

Mai Pen Rai.


Why split hairs. You're all a bunch of pikeys anyway. :whistling:

It's hard to refute that comment

Actually its not hard to refute ignorant comments,and silly point scoring,

although I know what you are refering to,in your wisdom the word "Pikeys" is not in any Dictionary that I know of,

so please explain the word for all of us to see,and by all means quote a Dictionary reference.

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