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On small hillside farm in Wales, a farmer raised beef cattle. His son, Huw, want't the shiniest tool in the box, but is father was reliant on him for keeping tabs on what was happening within the herd.

One day, whilst entertaing guests, the son burst in and said "Dad, the bull just ######ed the brown cow".

Furious at being shown up in this way, the father belted his son in the mouth and told him to get out.

Later, the father tried to explain to the son about the use of language in front of strangers They came to an agreement that, in future, he would use the term 'surprised' as in 'The bull has just surprised the brown cow'.

Some weeks later, the family had a visit from the local Gweunidog (Vicar). Everything was laid out, the bread and butter, tea, fruit cake etc. They were just getting down to a convivial tea when the door burst open to reveal Huw.

'Dad, Dad, the bull just surprised the brown cow' he shouted.

The father, feeling pleased at this coded message, replied 'Very good, Huw'.

To which the son replied 'Yes, Dad, he ran straight past her and ######ed the black one"!

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