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Public Warned Of A New Cult

Jai Dee

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Culture Minister URAIWAN THIENTONG (อุไรวรรณ เทียนทอง) said the Ministry of Culture will keep a close eye on RA ALIEN (ราเอลเลี่ยน) Cult, while insisting that the authority will certainly not endorse such ideology.

Mrs. URAIWAN revealed that RA ALIEN Cult has propagandized information about aliens through the internet and various documents. According to its belief, humans on Earth have been created by extraterrestrial beings. Moreover, the cult is persuading others to donate money.

The Culture Minister said personally, she does not accept this cult and their beliefs, particularly concerning adoption and abortion. She has assigned the Religious Affairs Department and the Culture Monitoring Center (ศูนย์เฝ้าระวังทางวัฒนธรรม) to keep a close eye on this group of people.

She has also warned the general public to use good judgment before accepting this cult.

Source: thaisnews.com ประจำวันพุธที่ 26 ตุลาคม 2548

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Culture Minister URAIWAN THIENTONG (อุไรวรรณ เทียนทอง) said the Ministry of Culture will keep a close eye on RA ALIEN (ราเอลเลี่ยน) Cult, while insisting that the authority will certainly not endorse such ideology.

Mrs. URAIWAN revealed that RA ALIEN Cult has propagandized information about aliens through the internet and various documents. According to its belief, humans on Earth have been created by extraterrestrial beings. Moreover, the cult is persuading others to donate money.

The Culture Minister said personally, she does not accept this cult and their beliefs, particularly concerning adoption and abortion. She has assigned the Religious Affairs Department and the Culture Monitoring Center (ศูนย์เฝ้าระวังทางวัฒนธรรม) to keep a close eye on this group of people.

She has also warned the general public to use good judgment before accepting this cult.

Source: thaisnews.com ประจำวันพุธที่ 26 ตุลาคม 2548

What gives the the Culture Minister (or anyone else, for that matter) the right to decide what people can or can not believe in? Either a case of a stupid politician or a journalist who wasn't capable of reporting.

Most likely a combination of both - TIT..... :o

Edited by WhiteShiva
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Is there proof that there is god?

There is plenty of proof that human beings are both stupid and arrogant and desperatly, pathetically desperatly need, not want - NEED to know what happens when they die because they can't comprehend anything beyond their comprehension.

We are also good storytellers. :o

Well some of us are. Hey Scampy, how about an update on the Bible? "Jesus and the Temptations of Shanghai"...

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Well some of us are. Hey Scampy, how about an update on the Bible? "Jesus and the Temptations of Shanghai"...

Who's 'us'?

I can't give you an update on The Bible because I didn't read much of it, I couldn't get in to it, it was rubbish.

Just finished American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis which is a much more riveting read.

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This is funny, it's definatley no more crazy to think we were created by 'GOD' than to believe we were created by Aliens.

I'm agnostic (hedging my bets) and a real sceptic, but from the belief side of things I see little difference from this to most other religions, it's tragic that so many lives have been lost in wars fighting over things that probobally arn't even true.

Religion is often good in the sense that it gives moral guides, and usually teaches people to act in certain ways that are positive for communities. Unless of course people twist the ideologies.

Is it that different giving money to Ra-aliens than to giving it to the Vatican, Vatican is seriously corrupt, we all know that. :o

From an agnostic point of view Budhism is definatley the best religion as it teaches people how to live in Harmony, it's also much less rigid than other religions and can be flexible to suit each and every person. Many other religions are simply too strict.

I thought Budhism was supposed to tolerate other religions?

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What is the difference between a Cult and a Religion, the only difference I see is the size.

Size, tradition, good public relations work and a high body count.

Yes, Organized Religions tend to have much higher body counts than Cults. Not all cults are of the Jim Jones (poisoned kool-aid) variety.

Many just want you to fork over all your possessions and wages "for the good of the church" (i.e. the Scientology Church that seems to be especially popular in Hollywood). They realize that having all their followers commit mass suicide will cut into their profits.

Other cults are just an excuse for drunken debauchery in the name of some mythical entity.

Besides, everyone knows that the Aliens are not going to visit earth until we finally develop the warp engine (or an equivalent variation) !

(oops, I've said too much already. Please look into this shiny light for a sec.......)

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What is the difference between a Cult and a Religion, the only difference I see is the size.

Cults are newer and so not accepted, many religions were viewed similary to cults when they first started out, look how christians were treated by the romans.

Many religions have very sinister sides, personally I can't stand missionarys, I think the way they are giving people help in Phang Nga only if they go to church is very wrong. Helping people is cool, but it should come with no strings attached.

Similary the way they spread Christianity through the pacific islands is shameful, what they did to Hawaii in particular is shocking to say the least. They were ultimately responsible for the end of the monarchy there.

Some of the techniques used by missionarys isn't that different from many cults, a lot of these guys use simple brainwashing techniques.

The majority of people from all Major religions a good, and religion is definatley good for them as it gives guidelines, however in pretty much all of the major religions there are splinter groups which use the religion as excuses to achieve more sinaster aims.

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What is the difference between a Cult and a Religion, the only difference I see is the size.

a cult is simply a younger and hipper version of a religion, kind of a religion in the making.

cult status is almost always assigned by the establishment, instead of voluntarily assumed by its own members.

established religions will often try to discredit new cults with "my reality is better than yours" type of attacks.

sometimes, mainstream society (weaned on traditional religious mores), become the enforcers, a sort of built-in early defense mechanism that religions have to guard against any potential loss of market share to cults.

real murder and war will only be used on more deserving cults whose threat is more real and when market share really becomes an issue.

in any case, given the human nature for self-preservation, a cult that ultimately supports life, does not end up destroying itself, while surviving attacks by the establishment, should eventually become a religion, regardless of how it explains its own reality.

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This is funny, it's definatley no more crazy to think we were created by 'GOD' than to believe we were created by Aliens.

Well said Womble!

I'm agnostic (hedging my bets) and a real sceptic, but from the belief side of things I see little difference from this to most other religions, it's tragic that so many lives have been lost in wars fighting over things that probobally arn't even true.
True, and a fact which is nowhere near balanced by your next point below...
Religion is often good in the sense that it gives moral guides, and usually teaches people to act in certain ways that are positive for communities. Unless of course people twist the ideologies.

Sad is it not that some people need religion to be a good person or establish right from wrong.

Is it that different giving money to Ra-aliens than to giving it to the Vatican, Vatican is seriously corrupt, we all know that. wink.gif
Everyone wants money and is out to get it - it's in our nature as humans (animals).
From an agnostic point of view Budhism is definatley the best religion as it teaches people how to live in Harmony, it's also much less rigid than other religions and can be flexible to suit each and every person.

I agree.

Many other religions are simply too strict.
Strict? ...And the rest!
I thought Budhism was supposed to tolerate other religions?

It was my understanding that it did which is why Bhuddism is the only one which has my respect.

Good post Womble. :o

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"Religion is often good in the sense that it gives moral guides, and usually teaches people to act in certain ways that are positive for communities. Unless of course people twist the ideologies."

What I meant was guides such as the ten commandments are the basis of law and order, following the 10 commandments is beneficial to yourself and those around you.

I'm using generalisations, so whilst millions have dies from fighting in pointless wars, many lives have been spared and improved through religion.

It is one of those things that is both good and bad, it's bad in the sense that people twist religion to suit their own agendas, but good in the sense that it may teach you to become a good samaritan.

I wonder what the world would be like if it were religion free?

Would it be better or worse? :o

On the one hand we wouldn't have fought so many was over religion, but i'm sure we could have found other excuses, as often religion is an excuse not a cause.

Religion and trade were probobally the two things that started off globalisation. The crusades were in the name of religion, but that was an excuse, it's a fact that where they set up camps, brothels were established nearby.

Just before the sacking of constantinople one of the leaders had to have a crackdown on the shenanegans of the troops, this was so they felt clean before battle :D

Edited by womble
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Cults usually only murder or kill a small number of people. Organized religions kill millions. Christianity and Islam are perfect examples of this.

Any religion that would rail against homosexuality and sex before marriage while meanwhile covering up over many years for supposedly-celibate priests who are molesting young children - boys and girls - is evil by definition! :o

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Is it that different giving money to Ra-aliens than to giving it to the Vatican, Vatican is seriously corrupt, we all know that. wink.gif

Everyone wants money and is out to get it - it's in our nature as humans (animals).

Whats with the (animals)? Are you implying because people always want money, that makes us animals? Because i havent seen any monkeys fighting over a dollar bill lately :o

Wouldn't money be one of the things that seperates us from animals?

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What if this cult is true tho? Ive heard about ancient manuscripts from superior beings apparently saying make humans talk in different languages to make it difficult to communicate. Then theres the triangular shaped dots on the moon, which could be linked to the pyramids!

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