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Converting Non-Ed To Non-O?

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Cheers in advance,

Right I'm 30, British, and have been in Bangkok for 10 years, iv been studying at university.

I have been married for some time to a Thai.

So here is what I'm hoping to do, I will finish my studies in about a month and my visa will run out in early October, can I convert it to a non-o marriage visa when the time comes to get an extension of stay?

I have read a few descriptions of how to do it but have not been able to fine anyone who managed.

With regards to the non-o requirements (400k for two months and relevant docs) I believe I'm sorted. I am hoping to avoid a trip abroad.



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At next extension time you can apply for an extension on the basis of being married to a Thai national.

Assuming you are male:

(6) In case of marriage with a Thai lady, the husband who is an alien must have an average annual income of not less than 40,000 baht per month or a money deposit in a local Thai bank of not less than 400,000 baht for the past 2 months for expenses within a year.

Letter from Thai Bank showing balance and up to date bank book.


Letter from your Embassy showing income.

Marriage Certificate

Marriage Registry entry.

Wife's Tabbien Baan and ID Card.

Your Passport.

Copies of everything.

Photos of you and your Wife in and around the house.

A map showing the way to your house.

Passport size photos and 1,900 Baht fee.

Take your Wife to be interviewed.

You will be given a 30 day under consideration stamp.

Go back in a month and get the remainder.

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You can do it during the last 30 days of your permission to stay. Do it early, as your new permissio to stay will start when your current permission to stay ends. So you don't lose any days and will have the comfort of extra days in case you are missing some documents.

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Within the last month.

Paperwork needed:

1. Application form T.M. 7 with one photograph size 4x6 cm. and Visa Fee 1900.-Baht

2. Copy Marriage Certificate

3. Copy Kor Ror 2 from amphur office (not older than six months)

4. Child's birth certificate (if any)

5. Copy wife’s house registration

6. Copy wife’s identity card

7. Copy passport, non-Im visa, arrival card.

8. Interview the husband and wife for confirming status of husband and wife

9. Map to residency

10. Picture of house and family, in house and outside showing house number.

With money in bank option.

1. Letter from bank same day or day before stating bank records, make a transaction just before to get it up to date.

2. Bank account must be in Husbands name, joint accounts will not qualify.

With Income in Thailand option

1. A copy of work permit

2. Personal Corporation income Tax (PND.1) in latest 3 months and personal income tax for previous year with receipt

With Income from abroad.

1. Embassy letter stating your income.

All of the above in two copies, if not

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I went through this process when I was getting ready to graduate from University here and also did the switch to extension for Thai Wife....

You will need to make sure that you apply for your extension BEFORE you finish at the University. This is because you will also need confirmation from the University that you are still currently a student. Just as an fyi... it took my University about one week to process this once I turned in the Form, so do not wait to long to request this.

As the immigration officer explained to me at the time.... before they will switch the reason for the extension, they wanted to confirm that the original extension was still valid. She advised that if I was was no longer a student at the University, then technically my current extension would end the day I finished my studies and was no longer a student.

Based on your advised time line above, you may actually be perfectly timed to switch over. You can go for next extension up to 30 days before your extension expires and you advise that you still have more than a month left until you graduate.

Just go down to your University and fill out the form to request your student status and bring that with you along with everything required for Thai Wife extension when you go to immigration.

When I did it, the process was as follows.... go to the section for extension for Thai Wife and explain the situation to them and advise that you need to switch the reason for extension because you are getting ready to graduate. They will then look over all of your documents to ensure that you have everything needed to extend for Thai Wife.

Once they confirm that you have everything needed, they will tell you to go to the section for Ed Visa to "Release you" from your Ed Extension. This is where you will need to submit your letter confirming that your status as a student is still valid. Once this is done, the ED sections will "release you from ED Extension" and then you go back to the section for extension for Thai Wife.

Once you turn over the docs from ED Visa section to them, they will then go ahead and accept your papers for request of extension. Give you the 30 day stamp and then you come back in a month to pick up your visa.

Try to go in as soon as possible, to give your self time in case any of your paperwork is not in order. Also I am sure you may already realize this, but if you are missing something in your paperwork for the Thai wife extension, do not go to Ed Visa section and ask them to release you from ED Extension until you have received confirmation from Immigration officer in the Thai Wife section that you have everything needed for Thai Wife extension.

Edited by CWMcMurray
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