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Agency Warns Of Tropical Storms, Heavy Downpour In Thailand


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Agency warns of tropical storms, heavy downpour

By The Nation

Nakhon Ratchasima was hit briefly by flash floods due to heavy rains brought on by tropical storm Nock Ten, which was travelling from the Philippines where it wreaked havoc and caused a number of deaths.

Four northern provinces of Chiang Rai, Phayao, Phrae and Nan have also been warned to brace for heavy downpours influenced by Nock Ten over the next few days, according to a report from regional disaster relief agency.

Nock Ten will bring heavy rains to Thailand from today to Monday, while tropical storm Moei Fa is also likely to bring torrential rains to the Northeast, relief agency officials said.

Urban areas in Nakhon Ratchasima's Muang district were inundated briefly after it rained heavily through Thursday night, leaving the City Hall under 50 centimetres of water. The flooding was eased after a fivehourlong draining effort.

Relief agency officials said the province should not have widespread flooding because the Lam Takhong and Lam Phra Phloeng dams are still capable of holding water. However, the floodalert level has been set at an abovenormal grade so residents are always prepared for evacuation.

The officials said the reservoirs and dams in Nakhon Ratchasima and other provinces in the Northeast still had enough capacity to trap water in case storms bring heavy rains in addition to the seasonal downpours.

Relief agencies and provincial authorities are taking extra steps to cope with flash floods that might possibly come with heavy rains when other storms hit Thailand in the wake of Nock Ten.

In the southern province of Phang Nga on Andaman Sea side, storms hit a coastal village in Takua Pa district, damaging 10 homes but caused no casualties. Route 401 was blocked for a brief period due to trees knocked over by the force of the storm.

In neighbouring Ranong, residents in the lowlying districts of Kapoe and Suk Samran have been told to be ready for floods. Residents have been advised to keep an eye on the water in rivers and canals, and be prepared to move to high ground or evacuate when the water gets murky.

In Nakhon Sawan, which has been partially inundated by seasonal flooding, farmers are harvesting their crops early and selling it at a cheaper rate to avoid losses. Farmer Sumol Chomnit said she had not found any buyers willing to pay even Bt3,000 per tonne of rice because it is 25 per cent damp. The regular price of paddy stands at between Bt7,500 and Bt8,000.

Many farmers have been taking their rice to different mills to find buyers, but the mill owners are waiting for the opportunity to push the price even lower.


-- The Nation 2011-07-30

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Didn't Yingluck promise the farmers 20000 bht per tonne of rice?

I have seen since the election that it was 15,000 for paddy rice and 20,000 for 'hom mali'.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! the wifes family are struggling with the false promises and hopes of yet another official CON/SCAM of the the common everyday man who is struggling to make ends meet

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Didn't Yingluck promise the farmers 20000 bht per tonne of rice?

I have seen since the election that it was 15,000 for paddy rice and 20,000 for 'hom mali'.

Lets see how Yingluck deals with her first bout of floods/natural disasters - I thought that Abhisit did an excellent job in difficult circumstances when he was faced with this problem!!!

She has certainly made life difficult for her government with those ill-advised election sweeteners (that she simply cannot let her people down with) now she has gained her prize - interesting to see how she is going to tackle this without upsetting people such as her misguided followers or business and you might as well throw the army into the equation!!!!!:lol:

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Didn't Yingluck promise the farmers 20000 bht per tonne of rice?

I have seen since the election that it was 15,000 for paddy rice and 20,000 for 'hom mali'.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! the wifes family are struggling with the false promises and hopes of yet another official CON/SCAM of the the common everyday man who is struggling to make ends meet

Well time to live up to your name "RICH" and help them out,that's why you got married,not just to your wife but also to her family.HA HA HA .

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Didn't Yingluck promise the farmers 20000 bht per tonne of rice?

I have seen since the election that it was 15,000 for paddy rice and 20,000 for 'hom mali'.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! the wifes family are struggling with the false promises and hopes of yet another official CON/SCAM of the the common everyday man who is struggling to make ends meet

Yes - they should learn to vote with their mind and NOT their heart (having said that they were indoctrinated, fooled and deceived ) - Pheu Thai are going to be an an absolute nightmare in government and it won't be long in coming, believe me!!!

I'm afraid that when it comes to running a country it pays to have educated people at the helm (call them elitist if you like) as they understand business and the workings of, and can help the poor people indirectly by making the country more prosperous with the economy kept well under control. Shame that they cannot see that this is better than empty promises that were supposedly going to put a few more baht in their hand which will hit industry and business and result in unemployment, inflation and a higher cost of living (for the poor especially as rice, fuel and other foods will inevitably rise and this is a high proportion of their household budget) with the economy spiralling out of control and all that brings with it!!!!

Anyway, to get back to the thread - I hope that these imminent floods are not going to be too severe as I can just picture it, Yingluck and her incompetent bunch of prats standing around scratching their heads, mouths wide open in despair, looking at each other and thinking HELP!!! what do we do now???? Mr Abhisit!! where are you????

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Didn't Yingluck promise the farmers 20000 bht per tonne of rice?

I have seen since the election that it was 15,000 for paddy rice and 20,000 for 'hom mali'.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! the wifes family are struggling with the false promises and hopes of yet another official CON/SCAM of the the common everyday man who is struggling to make ends meet

Well time to live up to your name "RICH" and help them out,that's why you got married,not just to your wife but also to her family.HA HA HA .

PATHETIC and BORING post!!!!

Having read it I just can't stop yawning!!!:jap:

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Didn't Yingluck promise the farmers 20000 bht per tonne of rice?

I have seen since the election that it was 15,000 for paddy rice and 20,000 for 'hom mali'.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! the wifes family are struggling with the false promises and hopes of yet another official CON/SCAM of the the common everyday man who is struggling to make ends meet

Yes - they should learn to vote with their mind and NOT their heart (having said that they were indoctrinated, fooled and deceived ) - Pheu Thai are going to be an an absolute nightmare in government and it won't be long in coming, believe me!!!

I'm afraid that when it comes to running a country it pays to have educated people at the helm (call them elitist if you like) as they understand business and the workings of, and can help the poor people indirectly by making the country more prosperous with the economy kept well under control. Shame that they cannot see that this is better than empty promises that were supposedly going to put a few more baht in their hand which will hit industry and business and result in unemployment, inflation and a higher cost of living (for the poor especially as rice, fuel and other foods will inevitably rise and this is a high proportion of their household budget) with the economy spiralling out of control and all that brings with it!!!!

Anyway, to get back to the thread - I hope that these imminent floods are not going to be too severe as I can just picture it, Yingluck and her incompetent bunch of prats standing around scratching their heads, mouths wide open in despair, looking at each other and thinking HELP!!! what do we do now???? Mr Abhisit!! where are you????

This is one of the most ignorant pieces of merde I have seen on here in a long time (and that's saying something).

Full of a really abominable schadenfreude.

What do Abhisit or Yingluck or any other politician have to do with the state of the weather?

And what do other governments, around the world, do in these circumstances?

In Canada (where I am writing this), the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta have for several weeks been going through endless rain, so that the wheat planting has been severely affected, with the probability that only a fraction of the usual wheat will be harvested. (With huge inflationary effects upon the price of flour next year, since Canada accounts for 20% or more of world wheat demand.)

Will the farmers be left to hang out to dry? No, the federal and provincial governments will come to their aid and provide "welfare" income to tide them through the next winter.

What will you do, with your savage bile, if the present govt of Thailand do exactly the same thing, namely, bail out the farmers?

Edited by metisdead
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Nothing to do with her yet, she hasn't even formed a government.

<br />Didn't Yingluck promise the farmers 20000 bht per tonne of rice?<br />
<br /><br /><br />

But it will be WHEN she forms her government - won't it, and then we can all have a good laugh at seeing her try to squirm her way out of it without losing face (you must know how much Thai's hate having to do this)!!!!!!:D

"You reap what you sow" which is rather ironic being that there's going to be plenty of Thai farmers out there who will be planting their rice crops and salivating at the thought of all that cash that they are expecting to get for their crops only to find that this, just the same as all of the other empty promises just ain't gonna materialise :ermm: .

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Another display of foreigners laughing at the misery of Thailand's farmers. Good job.

Mme. Yingluck has not been sworn in as PM and the government is still under the control of the Democrats. More specifically, the officials are for the most part leftovers from the Democrat and military junta rule. Yet, the demons of despair do their deceitful dance.

The mills that operate as a quasi monopoly with purchase price collusion are lowballing the farmers. What else is new? Those mills are supporters of the Democrats and are hardly fans of the PTP. And yet the goblins of gloom gloat and seek to blame the PTP leader that is not even PM.

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Another display of foreigners laughing at the misery of Thailand's farmers. Good job.

Mme. Yingluck has not been sworn in as PM and the government is still under the control of the Democrats. More specifically, the officials are for the most part leftovers from the Democrat and military junta rule. Yet, the demons of despair do their deceitful dance.

The mills that operate as a quasi monopoly with purchase price collusion are lowballing the farmers. What else is new? Those mills are supporters of the Democrats and are hardly fans of the PTP. And yet the goblins of gloom gloat and seek to blame the PTP leader that is not even PM.

Another fine example of grabbing the wrong end of the stick.

P.S. The millers have always been in Khun T's pocket.

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Another display of foreigners laughing at the misery of Thailand's farmers. Good job.

Mme. Yingluck has not been sworn in as PM and the government is still under the control of the Democrats. More specifically, the officials are for the most part leftovers from the Democrat and military junta rule. Yet, the demons of despair do their deceitful dance.

The mills that operate as a quasi monopoly with purchase price collusion are lowballing the farmers. What else is new? Those mills are supporters of the Democrats and are hardly fans of the PTP. And yet the goblins of gloom gloat and seek to blame the PTP leader that is not even PM.

Lets face some facts and questions shall we:

Who is going to be the PM in a short while's time??

Who's responsibility is it to run the country and carry out all it's dealings??

When things go wrong who is going to get the blame (Abhisit or Yingluck)??

Who must deal with the problems (no matter why or how they've come about as that is completely irrelevant to the matter)??

Who is going to find it a tad more difficult to maintain that perma smile in the future??

Who wanted to take this on??

I think you will find that there is a single answer to the first half dozen questions and Thaksin can be added for the last.:D

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Another display of foreigners laughing at the misery of Thailand's farmers. Good job.

Mme. Yingluck has not been sworn in as PM and the government is still under the control of the Democrats. More specifically, the officials are for the most part leftovers from the Democrat and military junta rule. Yet, the demons of despair do their deceitful dance.

The mills that operate as a quasi monopoly with purchase price collusion are lowballing the farmers. What else is new? Those mills are supporters of the Democrats and are hardly fans of the PTP. And yet the goblins of gloom gloat and seek to blame the PTP leader that is not even PM.

"Those mills are supporters of the Democrats"

That would explain why the Democrats had the income guarantee that would assist the farmers directly, and PTP have the rice pledging scheme where the millers can get their cut before it gets to the farmers.

Me thinks you're making things up.

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Another display of foreigners laughing at the misery of Thailand's farmers. Good job.

Mme. Yingluck has not been sworn in as PM and the government is still under the control of the Democrats. More specifically, the officials are for the most part leftovers from the Democrat and military junta rule. Yet, the demons of despair do their deceitful dance.

The mills that operate as a quasi monopoly with purchase price collusion are lowballing the farmers. What else is new? Those mills are supporters of the Democrats and are hardly fans of the PTP. And yet the goblins of gloom gloat and seek to blame the PTP leader that is not even PM.

Another fine example of grabbing the wrong end of the stick.

P.S. The millers have always been in Khun T's pocket.

Please back up your allegation. I can refer you to several academic papers if you wish. It might not be as exciting as Nation Media, Look up people such as Aree Wiboonpongse andYaovarate Chaovanapoonphol. (No, they are not commies, but one is Associate Professor. Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Chiang Mai, University.and the other a Lecturer, Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Chiang Mai, University.

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Nothing to do with her yet, she hasn't even formed a government.

<br />Didn't Yingluck promise the farmers 20000 bht per tonne of rice?<br />
<br /><br /><br />

From the OP

...but the mill owners are waiting for the opportunity to push the price even lower.

Looks like the rice millers don't think her promises will come to anything though. These rice millers who, despite the characteristically incorrect statement made by geriatrickid, are firmly on the side of, and in many cases one and the same as, the up country "elite". The up country "elite" are firmly on the side of, and in many cases one and the same as, the political dynasties who weild the power in Isaan. The political dynasties who are for the most part firmly in the PTP camp. Inside information?

Edited by ballpoint
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Another display of foreigners laughing at the misery of Thailand's farmers. Good job.

Mme. Yingluck has not been sworn in as PM and the government is still under the control of the Democrats. More specifically, the officials are for the most part leftovers from the Democrat and military junta rule. Yet, the demons of despair do their deceitful dance.

The mills that operate as a quasi monopoly with purchase price collusion are lowballing the farmers. What else is new? Those mills are supporters of the Democrats and are hardly fans of the PTP. And yet the goblins of gloom gloat and seek to blame the PTP leader that is not even PM.

"Those mills are supporters of the Democrats"

That would explain why the Democrats had the income guarantee that would assist the farmers directly, and PTP have the rice pledging scheme where the millers can get their cut before it gets to the farmers.

Me thinks you're making things up.

Beat me to it !

And we're sympathising with (not laughing at) the Thai farmers, who will see the 20,00B/ton guaranteed-price go to the mills, rather than the 15,000B/ton Democrat promise (which was more reasonable/sensible) which would have gone to the farmers direct, under their campaign-promises.

No wonder the mills, rich rural middle-men getting richer off government-subsidies, are such firm TRT/PPP/PTP-supporters. :annoyed:

Someone must have done a good job of hoodwinking the farmers, to sell them on this deal, it surely wasn't the Red radio-stations & propaganda-machine, was it, I mean they're supposed to have the interests of the poor at heart, aren't they ? If only the Dems had done a better job of informing people, of what they were achieving & planning to help the poor, during their government, hope they learn from this.

Perhaps the farmers can use all the political 'hot-air' to dry-out their damp rice-crops, before they rot. :(

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Another display of foreigners laughing at the misery of Thailand's farmers. Good job.

Mme. Yingluck has not been sworn in as PM and the government is still under the control of the Democrats. More specifically, the officials are for the most part leftovers from the Democrat and military junta rule. Yet, the demons of despair do their deceitful dance.

The mills that operate as a quasi monopoly with purchase price collusion are lowballing the farmers. What else is new? Those mills are supporters of the Democrats and are hardly fans of the PTP. And yet the goblins of gloom gloat and seek to blame the PTP leader that is not even PM.

"Those mills are supporters of the Democrats"

That would explain why the Democrats had the income guarantee that would assist the farmers directly, and PTP have the rice pledging scheme where the millers can get their cut before it gets to the farmers.

Me thinks you're making things up.

Precisely!!!! They reckon that the millers will prosper more under Pheu Thai's rice pledging scheme and the farmers would have reaped the benefits of Abhisit's rice growers income guarantee!!! So his example is pure fantasy - just like all of their pre-election promises will turn out to be!!! It is disgraceful that they promised so much (stick a nought on here as that sounds good and is bound to fool the people into voting for us) when there is absolutely no means of paying for it.

The only people that are going to pay for it are the poor as it will hit them hardest - they will INSIST that the government keep their promises unaware that they are going to be the ones worse off on account of them being implemented. A sad state of affairs really but that is what the end result will be unfortunately!!!:(

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Another display of foreigners laughing at the misery of Thailand's farmers. Good job.

Mme. Yingluck has not been sworn in as PM and the government is still under the control of the Democrats. More specifically, the officials are for the most part leftovers from the Democrat and military junta rule. Yet, the demons of despair do their deceitful dance.

The mills that operate as a quasi monopoly with purchase price collusion are lowballing the farmers. What else is new? Those mills are supporters of the Democrats and are hardly fans of the PTP. And yet the goblins of gloom gloat and seek to blame the PTP leader that is not even PM.

Another fine example of grabbing the wrong end of the stick.

P.S. The millers have always been in Khun T's pocket.

Please back up your allegation.

Don't need to, I knew some other posters would do it for me, and quite nicely I may add.

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The election was proof that the democratic party is run by very small men, completely lacking in vlsion. Though I was once a supporter, I am now thrilled they lost. The aftermath is predictable, but nonetheless disappointing, from a group of half men, who cannot accept the fact that the status quo may be diminishing? One can only hope the Thai people can find the ways and means to toss them onto the street, where these mindless numskulls belong. Yingluck did not get elected only due to the promises. The fact is the democrats gave the common Thai people nothing. That party spent years fighting the universal health care that is currently in place, and it was Thaksin who got that passed, and allowed the Thai people access to medical care, which the elite denied them for decades. Do not be spouting facts, based on a lack of education on the issues. I am no fan of Thaksin, but he is as hugely popular as he is, due to some concrete policies he put into place, that helped the people. When is the last time you saw a democratic politician do that? Why not? The army does not want it.

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The election was proof that the democratic party is run by very small men, completely lacking in vlsion. Though I was once a supporter, I am now thrilled they lost. The aftermath is predictable, but nonetheless disappointing, from a group of half men, who cannot accept the fact that the status quo may be diminishing? One can only hope the Thai people can find the ways and means to toss them onto the street, where these mindless numskulls belong. Yingluck did not get elected only due to the promises. The fact is the democrats gave the common Thai people nothing. That party spent years fighting the universal health care that is currently in place, and it was Thaksin who got that passed, and allowed the Thai people access to medical care, which the elite denied them for decades. Do not be spouting facts, based on a lack of education on the issues. I am no fan of Thaksin, but he is as hugely popular as he is, due to some concrete policies he put into place, that helped the people. When is the last time you saw a democratic politician do that? Why not? The army does not want it.

" Do not be spouting facts"

Good to see you are taking your own advice to ignore the facts.

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Jeez, this thread might be a ThaiVisa record for off-topic posting!

It started raining in Roi-Et this morning. We usually only get night rains.

Ditto for here in Hua Hin. I didn't think the storm would be affecting us much down here, but maybe it will. At least it's still cool!

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Another display of foreigners laughing at the misery of Thailand's farmers. Good job.

Mme. Yingluck has not been sworn in as PM and the government is still under the control of the Democrats. More specifically, the officials are for the most part leftovers from the Democrat and military junta rule. Yet, the demons of despair do their deceitful dance.

The mills that operate as a quasi monopoly with purchase price collusion are lowballing the farmers. What else is new? Those mills are supporters of the Democrats and are hardly fans of the PTP. And yet the goblins of gloom gloat and seek to blame the PTP leader that is not even PM.

Here are some quotes from the "Thai rice exporters association":

As a quick response to the Pheu Thai party's promise to restore the rice price pledging scheme, domestic rice trading has ground to a halt, as millers are keeping their rice off the market on speculation that prices will shoot up.

Chookiat Ophaswongse honourable president of "the rice exporters association, said the suspension of sales by the rice millers has also created problems for the exporters, which cannot quote prices and therefore must also stop selling rice.

If the pledging scheme starts soon, millers will not sell rice to exporters because they can get a higher return from the higher pledged price by selling directly to the government under the programme.

Paddy white rice is currently quoted at Bt9,000-Bt9,500 a tonne, but under the pledging scheme, the pledged price would be Bt15,000 per tonne.

This means the export price of this type of rice would soar to $850 (about Bt26,000) a tonne, compared with Vietnamese rice at $450-$500.

If Thai rice prices are too high, it will also create difficulty for Thai rice exports.

The new government should delay the pledging scheme to let the market adjust, Chookiat said. Foreign buyers could panic at the skyrocketing price of Thai rice and shift to ordering from Vietnam and other countries.

After Thailand exported large volumes of rice during the first half of this year, shipments could drop from an average of 1 million tonnes a month to 200,000-300,000 a month, he added.

Charnchai Ratthananon, president of the Thai Rice Mills Association, said the rice price would be on the rise now that the market acknowledges that Pheu Thai has won the election.

"Foreign traders will rush to stock up on rice, as the pledging scheme will push prices up.

"Rice traders will have no urgent reason to release rice stocks, as rice prices will gradually rise," he said.

The new government will likely reinstate the pledging scheme this November for the main crop, Charnchai said.

Prasith Boonchuey, president of the Thai Rice Farmers Association, does not believe the scheme will cover every farmer. The new government cannot purchase every rice grain from farmers for warehousing. The pledging benefit will fall to a small group of farmers.

The pledging policy will not create any sustainable benefit for Thai farmers, while the credit cards promised for farmers will spoil them into overspending, he said.

The new government should find a new, sustainable policy to help farmers in the long run, Prasith said.

OK "geriatrickid" - still convinced!!!! Ha Ha Ha Ha :D.

I'm eagerly awaiting your response to this - please don't let me down!!!!

Pheu Thai were partly right but they didn't state that those to benefit would be the few "rich" farmers in Thailand and the Vietnamese farmers - Whoops!!!!!:o

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Yingluck will just raise taxes in an area that wont affect farmers to cover the cost, middle class prepare to get hit. There were no policies publicized during the election campaign aimed towards the middle class, no one finds this odd?...the victim is always the last one to know. The Thaksin regime has always been about gaining for himself and cronies who will give him a cut.

The best way to do this is by spending the least, by brainwashing the poor he is spending the least, who just happen to also be the largest majority.

As long as Yingluck and evil brother give the poor just enough to make them 'have to' come back for more they will always get the majority vote. Of course they could have set up free skill development workshops to teach them skills in order to provide for the future. But they just decided to hand out money in the past to buy their souls.

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Yingluck will just raise taxes in an area that wont affect farmers to cover the cost, middle class prepare to get hit. There were no policies publicized during the election campaign aimed towards the middle class, no one finds this odd?...the victim is always the last one to know. The Thaksin regime has always been about gaining for himself and cronies who will give him a cut.

The best way to do this is by spending the least, by brainwashing the poor he is spending the least, who just happen to also be the largest majority.

As long as Yingluck and evil brother give the poor just enough to make them 'have to' come back for more they will always get the majority vote. Of course they could have set up free skill development workshops to teach them skills in order to provide for the future. But they just decided to hand out money in the past to buy their souls.

Hitting business and industry with taxes will make matters worse as they run the companies that employ people so will be counter productive for Thailand.

You can only hoodwink them for so long as when their living standards drop through the floor they will soon lose their enthusiasm for Yingluck and her incompetent lot that will be masquerading as the government, so I just don't buy this!!!!

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