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Saving Downloads


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My new desktop runs on Windows 7 and has 3 hard disks, C,D and E.

C is the default disk and anything downloaded is automatically saved there. It's 60 GB so fills up quickly and I have to send/copy files to D or E and then delete the original from C.

What I would like is to be asked which disk I want to save the download in so I can choose.

Small down loads are fine but any thing large... B) I would prefer to go directly into the larger disks which are well over 300GB each.

Edited by sceadugenga
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Although you didn't ask; you will probably be interested in how to move your My Documents, My Music, My Videos and My Pictures folders from your C: drive to another drive. I just went through this with a new computer formatted to the same drives as yours. It is really quite easy. Tip: Don't move the My Desktop folder.


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In uTorrent go to Options - Preferences - Directories.

There you can set your downloads to go where you want.

I have two folders on "Drive E" - "New Downloads" and 'Completed Downloads" all my uTorrent stuff goes there automatically


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This MS idea of saving everything on the C: drive is

as stupid as the idea of the desk top for everything,

utter lunacy, and showing a total lack of business sense.

All my data is saved in a logical system, just like finding files

in a filing cabinet........... organised. :D

Make a folder for torrents and save the files there.

Make another folder(s) for other kinds of downloads.

All my installation programmes are in a folder and can be used to

rebuild my system when/if the need arises ----- all backed up of course.

I shall need it soon when my new computer arrives and I start with Windows 7

instead of XP.

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This MS idea of saving everything on the C: drive is

as stupid as the idea of the desk top for everything,

utter lunacy, and showing a total lack of business sense.

Yes and no.

A default save location has to be set somewhere, so it's only logical that drive c: is chosen initially. Even Firefox 5 defaults to %USERPROFILE%\Downloads.

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This MS idea of saving everything on the C: drive is

as stupid as the idea of the desk top for everything,

utter lunacy, and showing a total lack of business sense.

Nearly all retail computers start out with only a C: drive and that's the way that the vast majority of them stay - also true for laptops.

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I'm sitting here biting my tongue trying not to blurt this out but I just can't resist ... Get a Mac and you want have those silly illogical problems! lol

That's true. On the other hand we'll pay twice as much for the same hardware and be in thrall to what Jobsy allows us to do on machinery that we've paid over the odds for.

If I buy a Windows machine at least I can <deleted> it up and replace parts that fail from the local PC store.

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Good comeback there Endure.

Actually I have probably spent more time going blind in front of a PC than most people on this earth, as a Graphic Illustrator, armed with a Dell work station, 8 to 10 hours a day for 10 or so years at the space center.

And here at home for a long time I ran a Dell PC right along side my Macs. Then one day I woke up and realized I had "fixed' the PC about five time for every time I had to fix one of the macs. I finally gave the Dell PC to a friend and let him worry about keeping it out of Safe Mode.

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Good comeback there Endure.

Actually I have probably spent more time going blind in front of a PC than most people on this earth, as a Graphic Illustrator, armed with a Dell work station, 8 to 10 hours a day for 10 or so years at the space center.

And here at home for a long time I ran a Dell PC right along side my Macs. Then one day I woke up and realized I had "fixed' the PC about five time for every time I had to fix one of the macs. I finally gave the Dell PC to a friend and let him worry about keeping it out of Safe Mode.

You're a Graphic Illustrator. A Mac makes sense as most of the community of graphic designers is using those too... but this is not a Universal truth and it always makes me cringe when a Mac user can't help telling you "buy a Mac" as soon as they hear someone having a problem with their computer. In this case, 2 clicks were enought to solve the "problem". Is it really worth buying a new computer and all the needed software just for that?

Go have a look at Mac forums, you'll see they have their silly problems too.

There's a good reason why there are several OS and brands in this world: not everyone is the same.

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As endure says, if something goes wrong with a Windows machine I can usually fix it myself by asking around.

My neighbours Mac has been in the shop for weeks now.

I had an iPad2 in my hot little hand last month while I reached for my wallet... and thought no, wait for a better Windows tablet.

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