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The Thing ;-)


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well .. someone knows what is THAT (in the pictures below)

its hanging near a balkony .. in muang thong thani ...

(yes i know .. bad pictures (4th floor .. took with handy ;-) )




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It's the crysalis of the rare endangered species of bandy-legged permanently tumescent fruit bat... I'm not too sure of the Thai pronunciation or translation of that... extremely rare and nearly extinct... :D

Don't go near it... don't tell anyone else about it... keep it a secret!!!


The emerging adult will look something like this...


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It's the crysalis of the rare endangered species of bandy-legged permanently tumescent fruit bat... I'm not too sure of the Thai pronunciation or translation of that... extremely rare and nearly extinct...  :D

Don't go near it... don't tell anyone else about it... keep it a secret!!!


The emerging adult will look something like this...


Decided to not "Click to enlarge", saw more then I wanted already. :D

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It's the crysalis of the rare endangered species of bandy-legged permanently tumescent fruit bat... I'm not too sure of the Thai pronunciation or translation of that... extremely rare and nearly extinct...  :D

Don't go near it... don't tell anyone else about it... keep it a secret!!!


The emerging adult will look something like this...


Is that for real? Some size of a package! :D

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After discussing these photos with my missus tonight, she really thinks you should take some more photos.... maybe some closer ones.

Go up the stairs and take some shots... really, really, really close up... :D

But be careful... if it really is a bandy-legged permanently tumescent fruit bat, and the crysalis is ready to hatch, make sure you've got your back door covered.


BTW, I forgot to mention... bats can see in the dark. :o

So don't do it tonight.


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It's the crysalis of the rare endangered species of bandy-legged permanently tumescent fruit bat... I'm not too sure of the Thai pronunciation or translation of that... extremely rare and nearly extinct...  :D

Don't go near it... don't tell anyone else about it... keep it a secret!!!


The emerging adult will look something like this...



What a picture!

I always thought bats gave birth to live young though :D

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It's the crysalis of the rare endangered species of bandy-legged permanently tumescent fruit bat... I'm not too sure of the Thai pronunciation or translation of that... extremely rare and nearly extinct...  :D

Don't go near it... don't tell anyone else about it... keep it a secret!!!


The emerging adult will look something like this...


Is that for real? Some size of a package! :D

If you think thats something ............... :o

But really , I think I saw that movie . When it hatches it will look just like the person living there . STAY AWAY ! Run , move , get as far away as you can !

I warned you .

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The photos of the "thing" aren't clear enough to see what it is. Is that outside a hall or stairway? It looks like a giant slug hiding from the sun. Go up there and throw some salt on it. If that doesn't do it, then poke it with a stick and see if it moves. Be sure to take more photos, close up, and post them here so we can all see what ultimately happened.

Some other possibilities:

- Blob

- Fungus

- Smog mutant

- Odd light fixture

- Celing sculpture

- Tar oozing through a crack in the roof

- Tire of an airliner that fell through the crack

- Fabric holding laundry to dry

- A hammock


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I have one on my balcony, it is actually a parachute. See the white stripe? that is where the parachute emerges from. Obviously a Farang lives in that apartment.

Good guess. I'm guessing where the "thing" is hanging is made of concrete. But how is it attached? Is your parachute attached or hanging in the same way? Just curious.

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I have one on my balcony, it is actually a parachute. See the white stripe? that is where the parachute emerges from. Obviously a Farang lives in that apartment.

Why is it obvious that a farang lives in the apartment? Are Thai people not allowed to have parachutes? :o


Definately no - parachuting is one of the few professions/hobbies reserved for foreigners.

If a Thai want to parachute, he has to go abroad - and get a work permit - after two other farangs have been hired to jum with him.......

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I have one on my balcony, it is actually a parachute. See the white stripe? that is where the parachute emerges from. Obviously a Farang lives in that apartment.

Why is it obvious that a farang lives in the apartment? Are Thai people not allowed to have parachutes? :D


Definately no - parachuting is one of the few professions/hobbies reserved for foreigners.

If a Thai want to parachute, he has to go abroad - and get a work permit - after two other farangs have been hired to jum with him.......

Really? :o

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I have one on my balcony, it is actually a parachute. See the white stripe? that is where the parachute emerges from. Obviously a Farang lives in that apartment.

Sorry mate... gotta disagree with you on this one... it's only the 4th floor. :o

I wanna see more photographs for a conclusive scrutiny.


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I have one on my balcony, it is actually a parachute. See the white stripe? that is where the parachute emerges from. Obviously a Farang lives in that apartment.


I always thought that farangs jumping from balconies didnt need a parachute because they all thought they could fly :o

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I have one on my balcony, it is actually a parachute. See the white stripe? that is where the parachute emerges from. Obviously a Farang lives in that apartment.

Why is it obvious that a farang lives in the apartment? Are Thai people not allowed to have parachutes? :D


Definately no - parachuting is one of the few professions/hobbies reserved for foreigners.

If a Thai want to parachute, he has to go abroad - and get a work permit - after two other farangs have been hired to jump with him.......

Really? :o

Absolutely! Paragraph 555 in the Thai Criminal Code. Check it out, if you don't believe me.

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