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Feckless Briton Deported From Thailand


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Feckless Briton deported from Thailand


A British computer engineer, who was left to languish in a Thai jail, naked, emaciated, chained to the bars and close to death after suffering a mental breakdown, was deported to Britain early Saturday.


Richard Hewitt, 49, had been arrested wandering incoherently in the Thai resort of Pattaya last November after falling victim to its offerings of sex, drugs, and alcohol. He said before his departure that he had been asked by British Embassy officials not to talk to the media about his plight.

One of those who found him said it looked like he had been ‘left to die’. But the Foreign Office said he had been afforded full ‘consular assistance’.

On taking up his post as the new Ambassador to Thailand Asif Ahmad announced that more funds were available for Britons in trouble abroad. But that may not include what he described as ‘feckless Brits’. The Embassy has not confirmed Hewitt fitted that category.

But they may have been given false information about his background.

Hewitt, in his punk days a guitarist with 'Isobell Barnett and the Shoplifters' had been chained for two weeks without even being brought to court. What food he had was consumed by other inmates who had also attacked him. But he did not care, as he admitted later, he has long since lost any grasp on reality.


After (but not necessarily as a result of) a furor on expatriate forums in Thailand caused by publication of the pictures of Hewitt on andrew-drummond.com the British Embassy sent its Honorary Consul in Pattaya, Howard Miller, back to the police station.


But Hewitt had already been saved by a British expatriate charity worker Tracy Cosgrove, of the Melissa Cosgrove Foundation, who had rushed to the police station as soon as she heard the news and had Hewitt washed, dressed, fed and clothed [more...]

Full story: http://www.andrew-drummond.com/view-story.php?sid=424

-- andrew-drummond.com 2011-08-01


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the treatment of *any* prisoner like this is appalling. but in this case is even worse since he evidently did not commit a crime other than being destitute and disoriented.

I would have thought that the Thai police would contact the relevant embassy if a foreign national were taken into custody and held (without charges), at the very least just to reduce their burden of housing/feeding another inmate.

it is also disturbing that the Thai police cannot recognize when psychological and medical treatment are needed.

a very sad case... and one that could happen to anyone who might get slipped a drug in their beer and are wandering the streets in an incoherent drugged state...

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the treatment of *any* prisoner like this is appalling. but in this case is even worse since he evidently did not commit a crime other than being destitute and disoriented.

it is also disturbing that the Thai police cannot recognize when psychological and medical treatment are needed.

a very sad case... and one that could happen to anyone who might get slipped a drug in their beer and are wandering the streets in an incoherent drugged state...

Yes....and just how does the new British Ambassador to Thailand_ Asif Ahmad_ tell whether someone is feckless or has had a drug put in his drink ? Especially from the comfort of his well-appointed office, after having had a good lunch and a nice glass of wine ?

Relies on second-hand information ? From the local police ?

Edited by Latindancer
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More funds for Brits in trouble abroad ! I wouldn't give those lovesick gullible Pom anything or atleast red flag their passport on returning home to the UK. Charge them interest on any rescue funds received as well.

i would not give fa to all you aussies either,i hope the guy gets home sells his story to the gutter press over there

makes even more money than has left from his will and shames the uk embassey and the worthless service mr howard gave the poor guy,i remember howard from many years ago selling t-shirts in the clubs in pattaya,to super cop,now counslar what a joke even worse than mr asif ahmed what a loverly english name.

thank god for people like tracy

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This story sprang up last November when I think he'd already been in jail for sometime.

However, it said that he'd not been charged at that time, or he'd not been brought to court yet.

In Thai law a person must be charged after 7 days. An extension of another 7 days is permissable in some circumstances and only terrorism or les majeste is unspecified, however, he wasn't suspected of these.

What was the embassy doing while this man was in jail rotting away without charge, without hospital treatment or waiting for a drawn out court case for a minor offence which I understand was along the lines of behaving like a beggar? Why couldn't they lodge a complaint with the Foreign ministry, Interior ministry and human rights groups?

I would say that the British Embassy in Thailand is probably one of the worst in terms of helping its citizens. They actually prefer to help the Thai police and support their unfair treatments.

Edited by Junglejumbo
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the treatment of *any* prisoner like this is appalling. but in this case is even worse since he evidently did not commit a crime other than being destitute and disoriented.

it is also disturbing that the Thai police cannot recognize when psychological and medical treatment are needed.

a very sad case... and one that could happen to anyone who might get slipped a drug in their beer and are wandering the streets in an incoherent drugged state...

Yes....and just how does the new British Ambassador to Thailand_ Asif Ahmad_ tell whether someone is feckless or has had a drug put in his drink ? Especially from the comfort of his well-appointed office, after having had a good lunch and a nice glass of wine ?

Relies on second-hand information ? From the local police ?

By all accounts he can well be described as feckelss himself if his poetry reading at last years remembrance day parade at the embassy is anything to go by.

I do hear though Tracy having to be dragged away while giving him a piece of her mind at the Christmas dinner was a sight to behold :D

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This story sprang up last November when I think he'd already been in jail for sometime.

However, it said that he'd not been charged at that time, or he'd not been brought to court yet.

In Thai law a person must be charged after 7 days. An extension of another 7 days is permissable in some circumstances and only terrorism or les majeste is unspecified, however, he wasn't suspected of these.

What was the embassy doing while this man was in jail rotting away without charge, without hospital treatment or waiting for a drawn out court case for a minor offence which I understand was along the lines of behaving like a beggar? Why couldn't they lodge a complaint with the Foreign ministry, Interior ministry and human rights groups?

I would say that the British Embassy in Thailand is probably one of the worst in terms of helping its citizens. They actually prefer to help the Thai police and support their unfair treatments.

You really should distinguish between the Embassy / Ambassador - who represents the British Government to whichever host government they are sent to - and the Consulate(s) who carry out the day-to-day relationships between citizens of the host country and provide British citizens with necessary assistance.

The two main duties of consular officials - visa application approval and assisting distressed nationals of their own country - are often contentious and are the focus of the man-in-the-street.

Ambassadorial duties are on a government-to-government basis and are conducted in a totally different way to consular actions. In most countries now Britain seems to have sub-contracted the consular duties to private companies (or at least one private company). For instance, here in Vietnam I cannot renew my passport any longer - I have to go to Hong Kong. Must be because it's a more pleasant life for the HM Government consular staff in Honkers. Watch out in Thailand - you may be next! And don't send passports by post or courier - too likely to get lost.

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This story sprang up last November when I think he'd already been in jail for sometime.

However, it said that he'd not been charged at that time, or he'd not been brought to court yet.

In Thai law a person must be charged after 7 days. An extension of another 7 days is permissable in some circumstances and only terrorism or les majeste is unspecified, however, he wasn't suspected of these.

What was the embassy doing while this man was in jail rotting away without charge, without hospital treatment or waiting for a drawn out court case for a minor offence which I understand was along the lines of behaving like a beggar? Why couldn't they lodge a complaint with the Foreign ministry, Interior ministry and human rights groups?

I would say that the British Embassy in Thailand is probably one of the worst in terms of helping its citizens. They actually prefer to help the Thai police and support their unfair treatments.

You really should distinguish between the Embassy / Ambassador - who represents the British Government to whichever host government they are sent to - and the Consulate(s) who carry out the day-to-day relationships between citizens of the host country and provide British citizens with necessary assistance.

The two main duties of consular officials - visa application approval and assisting distressed nationals of their own country - are often contentious and are the focus of the man-in-the-street.

Ambassadorial duties are on a government-to-government basis and are conducted in a totally different way to consular actions. In most countries now Britain seems to have sub-contracted the consular duties to private companies (or at least one private company). For instance, here in Vietnam I cannot renew my passport any longer - I have to go to Hong Kong. Must be because it's a more pleasant life for the HM Government consular staff in Honkers. Watch out in Thailand - you may be next! And don't send passports by post or courier - too likely to get lost.

That is already the way in Thailand and has been for about 2 years, passport renewals must be sent to Hong Kong

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I am assuming my post are not the only one being removed on this disturbing story.

can sombody confirm that the British Embassy did something to help this man.

The nastiest soi dog should not have been treated this way.

Thank god for the woman that saved him. This poor bastard would have starved to death chained to jail bars.

I am not a Brit, but that does not matter, this could happen to anybody.

If I ever go back to Pattaya, I will not be there long and I will not be doing anything to get myself in this position.

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Regardless of the circumstances of his detainment Howeard should have ensured he was treated with respect and demanded regular meetings with him to ensure he was okay.

Sadly the Thai police aren't capable of determing if a man is bad or is going through mental instability.

What people fail to grasp is Thai Police are not there on merit they buy their way into the job because although the pay is poor the rewards are tremendous.

This means that the consulars here must be extra vigilant to make sure their citizens were treated fairly.

Now if he was a British Asian then Howard would have pulled strings etc (He'd have been told to) and he'd have been out a lot quicker. It is a very sad fact that as a white male he is a 3rd class citizen according to his own country.

And the Aussie here who enjoys Pommee bashing wind your neck in we are perfectly capable to bash ourselves thank you very much.

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The man's been treated badly by the Thais and, possibly, by his embassy, though without seeing something slightly better than Andrew Drummond, it's hard to be sure. However, I wouldn't be so quick to condemn the Thai police for their lack of insight into mental health problems; they're bad but increasingly prisons in Britain and America are used to house the mentally ill. In both countries, and others besides, the mentally ill are incarcerated at a rate vastly above that of the general population - it's a general problem, not a Thai one.

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where were the grounds for his deportation ?

Visa Overstay apparently - more info and confusing press stories in ADs report here:


In all fairness to our current British Ambassador he only arrived in Bangkok in November 2010 so how much involvement he had in this is unclear.

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More funds for Brits in trouble abroad ! I wouldn't give those lovesick gullible Pom anything or atleast red flag their passport on returning home to the UK. Charge them interest on any rescue funds received as well.

Well aint you a Jai dee kinda guy, lets hope you never need any help cause with an attitude like that you will get none.

He happened to be suffering from mental illness and when treated properly, fed and bathed like any CIVILIZED country would of done , then treated for his Illness they would of found out as in this case, he was not vagrant and happened to be LOADED and had tons of money so was not a lovesick gullible Pom as you call him, and as for charging anyone, then the pictures posted here show very clearly who should really be charged for treating a sick person like an animal with no respect or dignity.


Makes me sick

rant over.


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the treatment of *any* prisoner like this is appalling. but in this case is even worse since he evidently did not commit a crime other than being destitute and disoriented.

it is also disturbing that the Thai police cannot recognize when psychological and medical treatment are needed.

a very sad case... and one that could happen to anyone who might get slipped a drug in their beer and are wandering the streets in an incoherent drugged state...

Yes....and just how does the new British Ambassador to Thailand_ Asif Ahmad_ tell whether someone is feckless or has had a drug put in his drink ? Especially from the comfort of his well-appointed office, after having had a good lunch and a nice glass of wine ?

Relies on second-hand information ? From the local police ?

I doubt the new Ambassador, with a name like Asif Ahmad, has a glass of wine with his meal.

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I would say that the British Embassy in Thailand is probably one of the worst in terms of helping its citizens. They actually prefer to help the Thai police and support their unfair treatments.

They like to help Thai businessmen like the owner of Beer Chang buy distilleries in the UK!

The previous British ambassador was working for him - before he went working for him!

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This may be a bit off-topic, but do I understand it right, that the British Ambassador in Thailand is someone with the name: Asif Ahmad?

Is the UK at the point now, that they have to hire foreigners to do their filthy jobs abroad?

I thought that Holland was the worst, but this!

Asif Ahmad. Born and educated in the UK. His less than illustrious predecessor who went by the impeccably British moniker of Quinton Quayle wasn't exactly mourned by many here on TV when he departed I seem to recall. What's in a name ?

My link

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More funds for Brits in trouble abroad ! I wouldn't give those lovesick gullible Pom anything or atleast red flag their passport on returning home to the UK. Charge them interest on any rescue funds received as well.

Get a life ...and look how many other poor Farangs endure so many problems...including your own country and many others. You are obviously a person without compassion and look down on others. How about .."There but for the grace of God go I".

Don't post any thing unless you wish to be constructive...and not destructive ...there are too many of your type in Thailand and especially on Thai Visa.!!!

Amazing that your country is run by an egotistical Feminist Welsh woman? That says everything. Can't you find one of your own to run the country?

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Now if he was a British Asian then Howard would have pulled strings etc (He'd have been told to) and he'd have been out a lot quicker. It is a very sad fact that as a white male he is a 3rd class citizen according to his own country.

Is it really necessarily to introduce racist shit like this into the thread? No, I didn't think so, either.

Racist shit maybe it is, but also very true, working class white males have become 3rd class citizens of England despite being the ones who have been the soldiers, workers, and main tax payers of the country who have had their salaries undercut by planned MASS immigration by the British elite, who do not have to live next door to these new multi-ethnic "Britons". White English males have lost their rights to females and immigrants, all social engineering by BIG government and their bankster buddies

But it is all NOT real, of course, all the financial games have resulted in massive debt problems, and allowing feminism to control men has almost resulted in the collapse of society and a generation of feral kids

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More funds for Brits in trouble abroad ! I wouldn't give those lovesick gullible Pom anything or atleast red flag their passport on returning home to the UK. Charge them interest on any rescue funds received as well.

I love it.. only on TV can we see judge, jury and executioner in one fell swoop.

  1. 1. If you know nothing about the situation, and are only needing to see your name "in lights on Thaivisa" - shut up
  2. 2. If your comment is based on taking the mickey, also shut up, since your words are meaningless, due to item 1 above.
  3. 3. The one without any stain is the only one qualified to cast the first stone.
  4. 4. Remember - there but for the grace of The Lord Buddha, go you.

..end of annoyed rant aimed at anyone saying anything unhelpful.

... feckless is a state of mind, not a human condition.. so whoever said that was dribbling as well.

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More funds for Brits in trouble abroad ! I wouldn't give those lovesick gullible Pom anything or atleast red flag their passport on returning home to the UK. Charge them interest on any rescue funds received as well.

Get a life ...and look how many other poor Farangs endure so many problems...including your own country and many others. You are obviously a person without compassion and look down on others. How about .."There but for the grace of God go I".

Don't post any thing unless you wish to be constructive...and not destructive ...there are too many of your type in Thailand and especially on Thai Visa.!!!

Amazing that your country is run by an egotistical Feminist Welsh woman? That says everything. Can't you find one of your own to run the country?

Hear bloody hear...

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It is disgraceful that it takes andrew-drummond.com to get these FECKLESS diplomats to take any action. Mr Drummond has been instrumental in several such actions now, in Thailand, Laos and Philippines (where sleeping with a single mother can get you a LONG prison sentence for "adultery" since divorce is still illegal in Philippines).

Mr Drummond's work shamed the embassy into giving him and his wife, a visa (eventually, after roaming Manila for weeks)

Who are the REAL feckless ones ? What do these ambassadors do ? They seem to spend all day having parties, and scoffing chocolates, THIS IS WHERE ALL YOUR TAXES GO, UK tax payers. I would rather they went saving poor men like this than the MILLIONS that they certainly spend on expensive parties. More BIG BIG government abusing mostly hardworking MALE taxpayers

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