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2 Dutch Tourists Assaulted By Tuk-Tuk Drivers In Phuket


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Patong beach is just a dump,its just a place to rip tourists off.I lived there for 12 years and bailed out at the right time,i could write a book on the amount of things ive seen with the tuk tuks and jet-ski scams,timeshare and countless others.I was there from 93 on wards when it was still a nice place and the tuk tuk drivers wouldn't take you up na nai road after midnight because they were scared as they used to get held up and robbed up there.now all they do is rob any fool stupid enough to get in one or beat them up if they question the price.

What bullshit, I lived in Patong back on Na Nai road when it was partial dirt, ( past the Hideaway) from '85--'94 when i moved over to Kamala. There were never any tuk tuk's or Tourists robbed. (homes broken into, yea but after all its Thailand.......

NOTE: its says MINI BUS not Tuk Tuk

Two Dutch tourists were reported to have been assaulted by minibus drivers after they refused to pay 1,000 baht

To all of u, Patong IS NOT Phuket, said it before. Plenty of great places and great people still here on the island

I lived up in ban kanchana in 93 and not many tuk tuks or motorbike taxis would go up there after dark as they said it was dangerous and it wasn't tourists getting robbed it was Thias robbing each other.

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What was it i was reading on here the other day about the TAT wanting to get Thailand, in particular the tourist resorts, to conform with certain standards in order to get onto a recognised list of top tourist destinations in SE Asia. ?????????????

Are they having a laugh.

I have never been to Phuket and to be honest doubt that i ever shall while shit like this is so rampant. Shame really because it could be so good from what i can see of it in publications.

The funniest thing is that the people who want it to be on that list of SE ASIAN destinations, aren't even making the scams and all the other shit that seems to be going on there a Priority. CALS OF WAKE UP THAILAND AE BEGINNING TO ECHO YET AGAIN.

You have never been but are ready to condemn Phuket. I have been 3 times with no problems whatsover, so is your opinion worth more than mine?

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When I go to phuket it is for water sports and not at patong although admittly when the surf is not up there are alternate water sports such as the sudsy tubs at some girly bars.

Last time I tried to enter a go go bar the guy at the door told me in broken english "you buy drink" in a very pushy way.

I responded to him in very polite high level clear Thai ; "no thank you" written in english transliteration would be " mai pen rai kapom" at which point that guy suddenly became very humbled, lowered his head with hands together welcoming me to go inside. Mood already ruined by his initial attitude. Am sure he deals with some foreign a-holes but should know that not everybody is like that.

I guess the expressio0n about shooting oneself in the foot also comes into play. One must simply accept the educational system and how it impacts socity.

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It would be interesting to see the video from the CCTV on this. I wonder if we will ever hear the outcome now that we know the Dutch tourists did not show up at the police station to give their statements. If the video shows assault, these drivers should still be prosecuted as well as having to pay compensation, although I seriously doubt either will happen.

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i wonder how they were parked? half on the walkway and the drivers laying down on the other half,the same as they park on the centre rd off karon beach,you either walk over them or the middle of the road.

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Blood is corrosive to paintwork. Hence the damage.


Absolutely lawless.

Deadwood is alive and well and thriving in Phuket.

Can you ever imagine such a scene taking place in a civilised country? One where people left the trees some long time ago.

And a policeman has to fire his gun. But exactly why? To enforce the law? To protect himself? To disperse the taxi mafia? To rescue the two visitors from assault. Tomorrow's account will tell us it was merely to call a taxi!

An assault that can be described as grievous bodily harm; the cut eye requiring 10 stitches.

Nice holiday souvenir by the way.

Along with the holiday snaps. 'And this is one of me being beaten up by a dozen taxi drivers.'

'Here's Jarni lying in the road bleading and unconscious.'

'Is that a real base ball bat?' asks Auny Sylvi.

'Yes' replies Jan, ' And it's got nails in too. The Thais are very keen on baseball bats. One tambon one Product.'

Then, to cap it all, the police remain unsure as to whether any law was broken. When the officer got on the phone to his Boss he explained he'd got two tourists half beaten to death and a raging mob of angry taxi drivers. His Boss asked if anybody was riding without a helmet. He was then told it was no problem and to let them go. Oh, and to warn them not to ride too fast.

Now I'm no lawyer but you've got a multitude of offences, not least two assaults, breach of the peace, causing a disturbance, fracas, resisting a police officer in the execution of his duties, civil disorder, unlawful protest.

And yet [again] in Thailand the police are powerless even when not corrupt. Even when holding a gun; you have to shoot these raging nutters in order to stop them.

Tourists are not safe from the simmering explosive rage of grievance ridden taxi mafia. Clearly they hate foreigners. They envy the wealth, the freedom, the attitude. They resnt their own Thai society and the low place in it that they occupy. hence, the forign guest becomes the target. And all in order to extort money.


At least the two Dutch tourists weren't murdered in the street.

That was last week. A Swede. 12 Thai men. About the same number as yesterday. Maybe the same men. The disappeared. As it was really more bad foreigners wot dun it.

I expect this time tomorrow we'll be reading how the police have charged the two men with attacking each other. It was them wot dun it. That is unless they can find another Dutch toruist to blame it on. Concerned as they are about the clean safe reputation that thailand enjoys world wide.

And the taxi mafia?

They were never there.




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At least the two Dutch tourists weren't murdered in the street.

That was last week. A Swede. 12 Thai men. About the same number as yesterday. Maybe the same men. The disappeared. As it was really more bad foreigners wot dun it.

I expect this time tomorrow we'll be reading how the police have charged the two men with attacking each other. It was them wot dun it. That is unless they can find another Dutch toruist to blame it on. Concerned as they are about the clean safe reputation that thailand enjoys world wide.

And the taxi mafia?

They were never there.




If you're going to constantly bash Phuket, at least read up and get your facts correct. The Swede was murdered by other Swedes. See link: Swedish Slashers Confess

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