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Hello everyone,

Using forums (including this one), Google, and other sites I came through I finally am able

to connect to the internet using my laptop, an IR adapter, and my mobile

phone (Samsung E700 with GPRS) :D

Good news this is, but it works in Holland for now, and since I'm going to

Thailand for a month and going to far away places from normal cities,

and also not willing to enter internetcafes (if I would find one) I still

want to be able to update my weblog in all hotels I visit during this month,

so people can travel with me (in a certain way, lol!), and ofcourse check

my hotmail and stuff.

I've been gathering more kinds of info, and so far I came to the conclusion

that I need a Thai simcard ofcourse, and the one most people use is

a prepaid card from AIS.

But some other people use something called 12call, or both.. anyone can explain

that to me? What does those two have to do with eachother?

Are they both prepaid simcard providers you can buy already on Don Muang airport?

Or do I only have to use 1 simcard?

The website www.one-2-call.com doesnt provide me any good information,

since it's mostly written in Thai sadly :o

To make my questions really short now:

- What kind of or type of prepaid simcard I have to buy @ Don Muang airport?

(speed isn't important since its slow anyway)

- Will an European version of the Samsung E700 work for using gprs in Thailand?

(Samsung website doesn't has the answer, or I must have been looking wrong)

Thanks in advance for the answers, and sorry for my poor English :D



[email protected]


Hi Hansje,

One2call is how the pre-paid card from AIS is called :o

Buy one at your arrival in Bangkok and pop it in your phone.

I assume your phone is unlocked (meaning you can use it with any provider/sim card)

If the phone happens to be locked, you'll have to make a trip to the MBK shopping mall in Bangkok where they can unlock it for you for a small fee (less the 10 Euro's)

Once you have the simcard, you have to activate the cheap gprs hours by dialling *138, and following the choices you get.

Hi Hansje,

One2call is how the pre-paid card from AIS is called :D

Buy one at your arrival in Bangkok and pop it in your phone.

I assume your phone is unlocked (meaning you can use it with any provider/sim card)

If the phone happens to be locked, you'll have to make a trip to the MBK shopping mall in Bangkok where they can unlock it for you for a small fee (less the 10 Euro's)

Once you have the simcard, you have to activate the cheap gprs hours by dialling *138, and following the choices you get.

Haha I didn't know that :D

Ok.. so just buy a 12call sim and it will work I guess, since my phone is unlocked,

although I'm curious about the fact if my phone will work in Thailand,

phones from Europe don't use the same roaming/band as in Asia (I think),

but I guess I need to find the answer for that somewhere else on the web.

At least thanks for letting me know, it's the same card, I was really confused :o




What do you want to update while in Thailand? Your weblog? Are you going to ftp it? You might find that you can't ftp anything with your phone here. Your phone connects to a WAN first, and certain ports are simply blocked - you can't run a webcam, for example.

If you are going to submit your entries like any other visitor though, it will work, assuming your weblog has wap interface, or your phone works with www. I don't know what Samsung e700 is capable of - has it got www browser?

Internet cafes are NOT very few far and between in Thailand - they are everywhere, but they usually don't have any ftp tools installed.

Gprs here works better with Dtac than with Ais. Dtac's prepaid cards are called Happy.

There might be a big NO - prepaid card users are usually restricted from doing anything except texting and downloading porn and ringtones.

Porn was my idea. I hope people can still download it on theit phones.


What do you want to update while in Thailand?  Your weblog? Are you going to ftp it? You might find that you can't ftp anything with your phone here. Your phone connects to a WAN first, and certain ports are simply blocked -  you can't run a webcam, for example. 

If you are going to submit your entries like any other visitor though, it will work, assuming  your weblog has wap interface, or your phone works with www. I don't know what Samsung e700 is capable of - has it got www browser?

Internet cafes are NOT very few far and between  in Thailand - they are everywhere, but they usually don't have any ftp tools installed.

Gprs here works better with Dtac than with Ais. Dtac's prepaid cards are called Happy.

There might be a big NO - prepaid card users are usually restricted from doing anything except texting and downloading porn and ringtones.

Porn was my idea. I hope people can still download it on theit phones.


Hi Plus,

My weblog uses Pivot system for updating news and stuff ( www.pivotlog.net ),

it works great, and you can simply login using your browser with a user+pass :D

So no need for ftp :o

About www/wap stuff for my phone, I already tested it overhere instead of testing

it in Thailand, and it works great, it uses a GPRS connection, not fast, but good

enough for checking hotmail and updating my weblog with images turned off

in Internet Explorer for faster browsing :D

You kinda scare me with this stuff about only able to download ringtones..

if they AIS/DTAC would do that, they block www by purpose,

I hope this is only the case for phones without GPRS and stuff.

Thanks for mentioning the card called 'happy' :D



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