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Further to my post above. I posted the following on another thread. I contacted the Embassy to query the fact that A1 test applicants are required ( with at least one of the 3 approved testers in Thailand) to take a four-part test in order to get the the required two parts of the A1 test ( listening and speaking). This is what I posted :

I queried, with the British Embassy Visa Section, the fact that A1 English applicants have to take a four part test ( with at least one approved tester in Thailand ) in order to qualify in only two parts. I received this reply earlier this week :

I have forwarded your question to policy colleagues in the UK, who have given details of some providers who offer testing in the two components we require. They have cited The TOEIC test at Level A1 from Educational Testing Service and Spoken English at Level A1 fromTrinity College London as examples. If the applicant is not able to undertake one of these tests, it will mean testing in all four components as most tests are only available in this format. As I am sure you are aware UKBA are not qualified to set and assess their own tests and therefore most applicants will need to sit all four components. To reiterate, though, the applicants will not be assessed on the reading and writing components. The ECO will only assess the application on speaking and listening as required by the Immigration Rules.

I hope that this clarifies matters for you.

So, it looks like, until a new approved tester comes along, with a test tailored for settlement visas, applicants will have to carry on with the current limited choice of testers. Also remember that the current government propsals on Family Migration recommend rasing the level of English required to pass the test to B1 level CEFR.

We had this scenario our client had passed the Speaking & Listening but failed the writing part of the test, good information Tony.

hi visasplus

can i confirm that what you have posted means that when my wife takes her A1 test with BULATS that she will have to take all 4 components, but only needs to get passes on speaking and listening for her settlement visa. i have been really worried about the reading and especially the writing as i know she will never pass that. but if she can get just passes in the speaking and listening and a cert to show this then that would be a big relief

. is this the definite case?


Yes that's correct information.

brilliant.... that is a massive relief as she is good at talking (arn't they all LOL) and i'm sure she will have no problems, but her reading and writing is pretty poor. but if her BULATS cert will show the pass marks in the mandatory 2 components then all should be ok then

my next worry is will the ECO be alert or interested enough to recognise this on the cert and not just discard it because of not passing all 4 components! i think it is pay ya money, and take your chance with the ECO's in regent house!

anyhow thanks again, i really appreciate your help etc


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hi visasplus

can i confirm that what you have posted means that when my wife takes her A1 test with BULATS that she will have to take all 4 components, but only needs to get passes on speaking and listening for her settlement visa. i have been really worried about the reading and especially the writing as i know she will never pass that. but if she can get just passes in the speaking and listening and a cert to show this then that would be a big relief

. is this the definite case?


Yes that's correct information.

brilliant.... that is a massive relief as she is good at talking (arn't they all LOL) and i'm sure she will have no problems, but her reading and writing is pretty poor. but if her BULATS cert will show the pass marks in the mandatory 2 components then all should be ok then

my next worry is will the ECO be alert or interested enough to recognise this on the cert and not just discard it because of not passing all 4 components! i think it is pay ya money, and take your chance with the ECO's in regent house!

anyhow thanks again, i really appreciate your help etc


Don't worry about the ECO getting it wrong. If he/she should refuse the application because your wife/partner didn't pass all 4 components, then your wife/partner will have the right of appeal. Alternatively, contact me, and I will take it up with Embassy at no charge to you.

By the way, there are no ECOs at Regent House. That is the application centre only. The ECOs are at the British Embassy.


I might need your help Visas plus if my Wife's Speaking & Listening certificate is not accepted, The people at regent house panicked us by saying , is this the correct certificate!!!. but like 7by7 said, they might not have seen one before and not to worry.

BTW, We are staying next door to your office in the 5th hotel


I might need your help Visas plus if my Wife's Speaking & Listening certificate is not accepted, The people at regent house panicked us by saying , is this the correct certificate!!!. but like 7by7 said, they might not have seen one before and not to worry.

BTW, We are staying next door to your office in the 5th hotel

They should have seen more than a few by now ! There are only 3 testers in Bangkok, so VFS will not be seeing many different certificates. Doesn't give you much faith in the system, does it ?

The 5th looks nice. I have had lunch there a couple of times - the cheapo 110 baht deal. Do call in and say hello if you are passing. I'm not always in the office, but the girls will let you know when I am around.


Malct's wife took a GESE test in Preston with Trinity College (see here).

Hence my comment in that topic that the staff at the UKVAC in Bangkok had probaly not seen one before as neither Trinity College nor the GESE test are on the list of approved providers in Thailand.

With respect, Malct, please remember that not everyone will have read all your posts, so when posting about something in a different topic to that containing your original question on the matter I'd advise giving a few more details or a link back to the original question. Then such confusion can hopefully be avoided.


The UKBA say (if you go the BULATS route, in accordance with the test format), you must take all 4 parts of the test, you also must score in all 4 parts of the test, you must also submit a test report form for all 4 parts of the test (or you fail).

Where do they say this?

Both the Immigration Rules and Entry Clearance Guidance say that only speaking and listening are required.

the UKBA ECO,s will disregard this information, (providing it has been supplied correctly as above) and interpret the Immigration rules in a different way from their policy making section at the UKBA and Immigration, and allow you to "pass" with just Speaking and Listening.

They wont disregard the rules, they wont interpret them in a different way to "their policy making section"; see the links to the rules and guidance above.

The government have said that only tests from approved providers are acceptable, and I can fully understand why.

The providers in Thailand get most of their work from those applying for study or work visas, and reading and writing are required for both of those.

In an ideal world these providers would allow partner applicants to take just the speaking and listening parts; but they have decided not to provide this, and make all candidates take all four parts. That's the test providers who say this; not the UKBA nor the government.

However, as VisaPlus has said, and had confirmed by the embassy, even though an applicant has sat all 4 parts, only passes in speaking and listening are required; it matters not what the result of the reading and writing element were.


Sorry about adding to the confusion 7by7. will be more careful when taking part in a topic

Reading the different threads, I find it amazing that when the UKBA are saying that you only need speaking and listening tests, The testers in Thailand are not offering the simple 6 minute tests that my wife took in the UK and this is adding more stress to the people having to sit these tests.



The grade required shown for each area on the providers list is the grade required to obtain a pass in that area. Yes, this can be confusing.

But one does not need to obtain a pass in reading and writing for a partner visa; only speaking and listening.

This is stated very clearly in the rules, the ECGs and confirmed in the letter VisaPlus has received.

The ECOs in Bangkok are neither disregarding the rules and guidance nor interpreting them any differently.

Individual errors excepted, of course.


well my t/g took the test at 1pm yesterday and the lady who worked for bulats told her she had too pass the writing as well for the ukba

and just a moan really why would questions about companys and conferances got to do with basic english ? cause these was the question my g/f was asked

There are question about companies and conferences because the BULATS (Business Language Testing Service) is a business language test designed for business users not specifically for the UKBA. It just happens to be one of the tests which the UKBA accept


The grade required shown for each area on the providers list is the grade required to obtain a pass in that area. Yes, this can be confusing.

Yes, I agree it is confussing, if you look at the UKBA VFS website (link attached in previous post) you will also see that it states that this is the level and requirement to achieve the level of "A1" (not A2, B1 etc") but A1. A1 is the required level for a UKBA acceptable English Pass. This is contained in the defining list published on the UKBA VFS website, not the "test providers" website. Ergo, The UKBA states the requirements.... Black & White!

But one does not need to obtain a pass in reading and writing for a partner visa; only speaking and listening.

OK, If this is true, then the statement above at the UKBA VFS website is wrong.... Can't have it both ways!

This is stated very clearly in the rules, the ECGs and confirmed in the letter VisaPlus has received.

The ECOs in Bangkok are neither disregarding the rules and guidance nor interpreting them any differently.

What version of the requirements are they not wrongly interpereting? The Imigration rules, The Entry Clerance Guidence or the Stated requirements as what is acceptable for a A1 Pass (BULATS) on the UKBA VFS website.... See above.... Again, and I reiterate.... They can't have it both ways!.....

I rest my case!


You are correct; the requirement for a BULATS A1 pass in reading, writing, speaking and listening are each as listed on the document (as I have already said).

You are also correct; the (current) minimum pass level required for a partner visa application is A1.


I'm sorry to shout, but I don't see how I can make it any clearer.

Have you read the relevant part of the immigration rules and ECGs I linked to earlier?

Have you read the information VP obtained from the embassy?

If you have read both you must be able to see that there is absolutely no contradiction between the two.

I'm sorry to shout, but I don't see how I can make it any clearer.

Shouting does not make it any clearer, or make it correct!

Have you read the relevant part of the immigration rules and ECGs I linked to earlier?

Yes, in depth. Have you read the relevant part of the UKBA VFS List of providers A1 requirements for BULATS?

Have you read the information VP obtained from the embassy?

Yes, in depth. Have you read the relevant part of the UKBA VFS List of providers A1 requirements for BULATS?

If you have read both you must be able to see that there is absolutely no contradiction between the two.

As I have already said, there is a difference between the requirement listed in these two documents and the stated requirement listed in the UKBA VFS List of providers, A1 requirements for BULATS, on the UKBA VFS Website.

However, this is getting nowhere, I think we will have to just agree to dissagree on this, as we both have differing points of view (and I say that without shouting).


The confusion may be because:

1. UKBA require a test pass in listening and speaking

2. BULATS don't do a test in listening and speaking only. They do a two-part test, one part in listening and reading, and one part in speaking and writing. Therefore, in order to fulfill the UKBA requirement BULATS insist on all four areas being tested, but UKBA will only be interested in the listening and speaking bits.

Does that make sense ?


It makes sense to me, VP, don't know about Frogster.

Frogster, this is more important than a mere disagreement; people who read this topic need to be confident that they have the correct minimum qualification. So for their benefit I will repeat.

Yes, I have read the list of test providers in Thailand and yes, I do know that this lists a minimum pass mark for reading and writing for BULATS. You seem to be confusing a BULATS requirement with a UKBA one. These pass marks are set by BULATS; not by the UKBA. It is BULATS who insist that their customers take all four elements, not the UKBA.

As VP says, BULATS don't do just a speaking and listening test; they do a four part test and have arranged it so that you must take all four parts to get the speaking and listening parts. This may be because most of their business comes from student or business applicants, where reading and writing is required.

The immigration rules say that for a spouse, partner or fiance visa the requirement is in speaking and listening only.

Therefore, as the ECGs say and has been confirmed by the embassy to VP, if applying for a spouse, partner or fiance visa then the ECOs will only be interested in the speaking and listening elements. They will ignore the reading and writing elements, no matter what the applicant scored; reading and writing are irrelevant in spouse, partner and fiance applications.

Hope this is clear.


7 by 7,

I am not confusing anything, and I will try again to explain my point again, in a different way, as you seem to be missing the level totally.

1) As you say, and I quote "I do know that this lists a minimum pass mark for reading and writing for BULATS" OK let's make sure this is clear. Just looking at BULATS for the moment. An A1 level in the BULATS test can only be achieved by scoring as per their criteria. Their criteria is very clear and is detailed on the website, all 4 areas need to be submitted and the required scores need to be achieved in all 4 areas. So, to Clarify If you do not score in, or do not submit all 4 areas, you do not achieve an "A1 Level Pass" at the Common European Framework. So, lets assume you dont complete the writting part or fail to score on the reading part. You will however still get a report indicating your scores and levels and the individual area pass or fails. And yes, the UKBA may accept this as "satisfying the English requirement" but it is not in any shape or form an A1 Pass.

2) Again as you say, and I quote "The immigration rules say that for a spouse, partner or fiancé visa the requirement is in speaking and listening only". You also go on to say that the UKBA ECO's, "ignore the reading and writing elements, no matter what the applicant scored; reading and writing are irrelevant in spouse, partner and fiancé applications according to them".

3) Now lets look at the Immigration rules, where it states, "281 (ii) the applicant provides an original English language test certificate in speaking and listening from an English language test provider approved by the Secretary of State for these purposes, which clearly shows the applicant's name and the qualification obtained (which must meet or exceed level A1 of the Common European Framework)" The same wording is used in the Entry Clearance Officers Guidance.

4) The point I am making is this….. By definition, and as I have demonstrated above, the UKBA is accepting a level that is not at "A1 of the Common European Framework" by stating that they will ignore the reading and writing elements, no matter what the applicant scored.

5) Finally I would like to quote you from a previous post where you state "They wont disregard the rules, they wont interpret them in a different way to "their policy making section"; The government have said that only tests from approved providers are acceptable, and I can fully understand why." Well, sorry, but I think I have just blown you right out of the water on that statement. They are obviously interpreting what an A1 Pass level is, as they see fit.

6) Again I am going to quote you "BUT AN APPLICANT FOR A PARTNER VISA DOES NOT NEED A PASS AT ANY LEVEL IN READING AND WRITING; ONLY A MINIMUM A1 PASS IN SPEAKING AND LISTENING!" By the above defenition, I think I have clearly demonstrated, more than once, It is not an "A1 pass" without all four elements having been achieved. It is just "part of a test".

So, not to put to fine a point on it, you are misguided! The UKBA say on one hand you Must have a minimum of A1 level, but then they accept less than an A1. Ergo: they are inconsistant and wrong in their interpritation and definition of the requirement!

I am not saying they should increase their requirement to a minimum of all four levels (for BULATS).. But they should change the wording in the Guidelines and Immigration Rules where they reference it. As this is clearly (from a legal point of view) WRONG INFORMATION! And they would get discredited and their rear end kicked all over the place should this be challenged in law.

I can't think of any way of making it simpler to understand! - They say one thing and accept another!


For the benefit of those yet to take a test or submit a settlement visa application, do not panic. Only speaking and listening are required for the visa.

I repeat the following:-

I queried, with the British Embassy Visa Section, the fact that A1 English applicants have to take a four part test ( with at least one approved tester in Thailand ) in order to qualify in only two parts. I received this reply earlier this week :

I have forwarded your question to policy colleagues in the UK, who have given details of some providers who offer testing in the two components we require. They have cited The TOEIC test at Level A1 from Educational Testing Service and Spoken English at Level A1 fromTrinity College London as examples. If the applicant is not able to undertake one of these tests, it will mean testing in all four components as most tests are only available in this format. As I am sure you are aware UKBA are not qualified to set and assess their own tests and therefore most applicants will need to sit all four components. To reiterate, though, the applicants will not be assessed on the reading and writing components. The ECO will only assess the application on speaking and listening as required by the Immigration Rules.*

I hope that this clarifies matters for you.

*My emphasis.


There is no need to change the wording of the rules; they make it clear that only speaking and listening are required. No mention is made of reading and writing as these are not required. The immigration rules are long enough already; imagine what they would be like if they not only listed what was required but all the things that weren't!

The embassy have confirmed, after checking with their superiors in the UK, that taking a four part test and passing the speaking and listening parts is acceptable; regardless of the result achieved in reading and writing. If the candidate fails reading and writing but passes speaking and listening then they will have acheived an A1 pass in those two elements and that is all they need.

I simply cannot understand the difficulty you are having in comprehending this and why you are making such a big issue of it. The only result of doing so is to cause unnecessary concern for those yet to take any test.


Trust me, I have no difficulty comprehending anything you say.....

But you fail to understand at the level I refer to.... and ignore all my references out of hand....

For example....

Your Quote:- "If the candidate fails reading and writing but passes speaking and listening then they will have acheived an A1 pass in those two elements and that is all they need."

Yes, Yes, Yes, the UKBA will accept a pass in these two elements, I have never said otherwise....... What I have said is that it can not be called an "A1 pass" it is just a "Pass in 2 sections of the BULATS test" (It can not be called an A1 Pass unless all 4 levels are passed at the grade required, and equivelent level of the Common European Framework), Is it so hard to understand???

It should not cause concern for those yet to take any test, the UKBA are clearly accepting people who just show a "2 section pass in Speaking and listening"....

As I said before, let's just agree to disagree, as there are obviously different levels of legal understanding here, either that or you seem to have a problem admitting when your wrong.


If you can show me anything from any government agency that says reading and writing are required, then I will admit that I am wrong.

But you can't, because it isn't.

Maybe your confusion is because you keep saying 'A1 pass' (and I've fallen into that trap myself a couple of times) when in fact the requirement is that the qualification obtained "must meet or exceed level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference." (Immigration Rules, Para 281 (i)(a)(ii))

In other words, it does not have to be an A1 pass, simply a pass from an approved provider that is of the same, or higher, standard.

Clearly a high enough score in the speaking and listening elements of a BULATS test meets this requirement.


Yes, Yes, Yes, the UKBA will accept a pass in these two elements, I have never said otherwise....... What I have said is that it can not be called an "A1 pass" it is just a "Pass in 2 sections of the BULATS test" (It can not be called an A1 Pass unless all 4 levels are passed at the grade required, and equivelent level of the Common European Framework), Is it so hard to understand???

Without getting too bogged down in semantics, I will offer the following:

My wife took all 4 parts of the test (not BULATS). Her certificate did not say "A1 pass" or anything similar - it just gave the scores, but the staff at the test centre kept referring to her only needing an "A1 pass" in the 2 relevant subjects.

My understanding is that if the scores are high enough in speaking and listening, then the Embassy considers it an "A1 pass", as it meets the criteria they set, whatever the test centre calls it.

I take your point, but I have to say I find <7 by 7>'s interpretation more pragmatic in terms of getting the appropriate visa.


P.S. Well done and congrats to <marksm>'s gf.

  • 3 months later...

I have had the same problem and my wife was just rejected for this same reason. We applied at the end of September and have just been refused. Would it be possible to send me the e mail from the embassy saying that its to use the BULATS after july . My e- mail address is (removed, see below) we have tried everything by the book and now have been refused it does seem like they cant make up there minds but we were told to use that BULATS course.

"In response to the first point, I can confirm where an application was received prior to 17/7/2011, BULATS were acceptable, but only where the tests were taken in the UK"

I know of two for certain and heard of others where the BULATS taken through Vantage Siam (NOT in the UK) prior to this date have been accepted by the Embassy. I know this for certain because I met another English guy at Vantage Siam whilst I was there with my wife in May. His wife submitted her application in June and two days ago I received a text from him saying that she had been issued with her visa. Heard similar on another forum too.

The Embassies statement above also does not make sense because Vantage Siam WERE DEFO on the previous list on the VFS website. In March I emailed the contact on the list for centers based in Thailand on the VFS list. Under BULATS it listed Corporate English Consulting as the BULATS agent. I emailed them and recieved a response from Kevin @ Vantage explaining that Vantage Siam was their new corporate name but nothing else had changed, they were still the authorised agents for BULATS in Thailand. Shortly after this, but well before the new list was produced, Kevins details and Vantage Siams address was amended and included on the VFS Thailand list of test providers. Why would they be on the VFS Thailand list if only tests taken in the UK were to be accepted?

As my wife did her BULATS in May,but will not be submitting her application until next month, I also became concerned after reading Phomchobs refusal notice. I emailed the VFS helpline and asked them to confirm whether as my wife took her test in May, and that Vantage Siam were on both the previous AND new list would be accepted. I had a response which basically said something like "I can confirm that BULATS is acceptable from the new list"....doesn't really answer the question!

This is another example of where conflicting info is coming from all angles. To sum up I am aware of three, including Chronos where a BULATS taken through Vantage Siam in Thailand and submitted before 17/07/11 have been successful in obtaining visas. Only heard of one refusal which was Phomchob. All I can say for certain is that Vantage Siam were on defo on the previous list of test providers within Thailand as detailed on the VFS Thailand website. It appears to be the but only where tests were taken in the UK which needs clarification as I can't understand why Vantage would be on the VFS list of test providers if only tests taken in the UK were acceptable?

So is the statement in the Embassies email incorrect, or have ECO's that issued the visas mentioned above made a mistake on at least three seperate ocassions? Now I'm confued all over again.

As my wife did her test through Vantage Siam in May, but has not yet submitted her application, will her test be accepted by the Embassy? Who's answer do we follow, the embassy response above? the fact that visas have already been issued with the same test taken in May? the VFS websites previous list? Grrrrr!!!!


Valid questions, toddmeister. And exactly what I have asked the Embassy to clarify. I hope they will let me know quickly as we, and TV, have clients waiting for decisions, and clients also waiting to submit to submit applications, Part of the problem is that, as you know, it is virtually impossible to get to contact anyone in the Embassy. I recently ( just a couple of days ago) sent an email to their "old" address, which actually went to the section I wanted it to go to. Instead of dealing with it, or passing it to right person, they returned it to me with an instruction to re-send it to the correct address ! What a waste of their own time, as well as mine.

Should it transpire that the Embassy, although taking the stance that BULATS certificates taken before 17th July 2011 with Vantage-Siam in Bangkok are invalid, has actually issued to some applicants who have presented similar certificates, then I will be asking the Embassy to issue visas to all such applicants as an act of public faith. To do otherwise, ie not issue when they have already done so to some, would be a breach of public faith. It may be that I am reading the response from the Embassy completely wrongly, and if so, then I await confirmation of that from them. I will post anything that I receive.


I have had the same problem and my wife was just rejected for this same reason. We applied at the end of September and have just been refused. Would it be possible to send me the e mail from the embassy saying that its to use the BULATS after july . My e- mail address is (removed, see below) we have tried everything by the book and now have been refused it does seem like they cant make up there minds but we were told to use that BULATS course.

What did the refusal notice actually say? I suspect the problem is that you have submitted the results slips issued by Vantage Siam, but they are not BULATS, and you need a certificate issued from the UK by BULATS. It is not that BULATS are unacceptable, but Vantage Siam are merely an agent for administering the test. You need to ask them about the certificate from BULATS UK and re-submit your application. I believe that there is no longer a list published by VFS, so no-one can now argue that Vantage-Siam are one of the approved test providers under the Immigration Rules. For a certificate issued by one of the approved test providers you have to go back to the list on the UKBA website.


Although not strictly relevant to the post, a certificate from BULATS is not necessary. The Vantage - Siam test results are sufficient.

There has been some confusion over this of late. One major problem is that BULATS in the UK will not issue a pass certificate unless all 4 parts of the test are passed. Obviously, this is no good when UKBA require passes in only two elements. As confirmation of this I have received the following from the Embassy in Bangkok just this week:

In response to your question, I can confirm that we only require the Blue BULATS reports sheets from Vantage Siam. As you have correctly stated the certificates from the UK can only be obtained when the applicant has passed all four components. As we only require the applicant to demonstrate proficiency in speaking and listening, the locally obtained report sheets are sufficient for the purposes of settlement applications.

I have had the same problem and my wife was just rejected for this same reason. We applied at the end of September and have just been refused. Would it be possible to send me the e mail from the embassy saying that its to use the BULATS after july . My e- mail address is (removed, see below) we have tried everything by the book and now have been refused it does seem like they cant make up there minds but we were told to use that BULATS course.

What did the refusal notice actually say? I suspect the problem is that you have submitted the results slips issued by Vantage Siam, but they are not BULATS, and you need a certificate issued from the UK by BULATS. It is not that BULATS are unacceptable, but Vantage Siam are merely an agent for administering the test. You need to ask them about the certificate from BULATS UK and re-submit your application. I believe that there is no longer a list published by VFS, so no-one can now argue that Vantage-Siam are one of the approved test providers under the Immigration Rules. For a certificate issued by one of the approved test providers you have to go back to the list on the UKBA website.


Just to clarify BULATS is the name of the course / test.

The BULATS test can be taken at vantage-Siam in Bangkok.

Vantage will issue test reports locally for each of the four segments. These are blue in colour and will show the numerical score. Which you can then equate to the pass level. Eg 0-10 A0 11-20 A1 21-31 A3 and so on.

At present these blue test results are sufficient for the embassy but they are reviewing this.

In addition you also get 1 yellow coloured certificate issued by the university of Cambridge in the uk. This certificate shows the overall score for the tests. A1 or A2

The problem is although the applicant may pass the speaking and listening parts which are required if the fail the writing and reading the overall score may drop below A1 therefor a certificate won't be issued.

The confusion is that on the embassy list of approved testers they say that the results and certificate are required for vantage-Siam.

I guess that's now why they are reviewing the situation.

My partner Submitted just the test results in November and the were accepted and sufficient for the visa application.


I read that the Bulats course + test is around 10,000+ (depending on the number of people) - A1.

Can anybody confirm, if this course + test is suitable for ultra low level (English) Thai citizens? And is a pass 100% certain?

Also, does one have to arrange the number of people for this course - or can one just want to be part of a group?

Or any other suggestions?


7000 baht

1 person can take the test

It is basic and taken on a pc. The test is adaptive so the questions are relevant to the answers. If answered correctly the next question is harder. If wrong then easier.

No. A pass is not guaranteed.


7000 baht

1 person can take the test

It is basic and taken on a pc. The test is adaptive so the questions are relevant to the answers. If answered correctly the next question is harder. If wrong then easier.

No. A pass is not guaranteed.

Thanks for that!

I meant the course + test - they do offer such (I think I read it on the website).

What level does a test taker have to be at? I know it is called A1 level, but as a guide, is this the level of a Thai worker in the 7-11, a Thai kindergarten student, or a Thai person with a degree and working in Bangkok, or the same + international type job (I do realize my own examples may be vague, but...)?


I am only going to say this once as I have no intention of being drawn into yet another useless argument with you.

The current level required is very basic; simple conversational English. If your Thai partner is capable of holding a basic conversation in English along the lines of "Hello, how are you?, What did you do today?" and similar with you then s/he is more than capable of achieving the required level without the need for any course; although some test providers may not let her/him take the test unless s/he sits their course first.

Having said that, the BULATS test is geared towards business users, so s/he may be asked questions about work etc.

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