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Rubber Farming Near Route 24.


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Having read James Collister's great "RUBBER 101 FOR BEGINNERS, a rough guide" in which he says that rubber is planted along the Cambodia, Laos border......... and also Khonitoy's awful story of the devoustation he suffered from storm damage, it made me wonder how many expats/wives do farm rubber near Route 24?

We live/rubber farm near the 24 in Surin. If several expats do farm in the 24 region, it might be a nice idea to say have a gathering every couple of months so at a suitable venue to discuss any good ideas or problems which may help each other as well as having a get together.

How many of us are there and any thoughts?

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Consider being "flexible" enough to include the Route 24 pig farmers? Why not just all farmers?

I for one would welcome to opportunity to meet my farming cohorts more often. On site visits at each property would be a great benefit to everyone IMHO. Of course nothing wrong with a BBQ either.

Isaan Aussie

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Good idea!! With or without pigfarmers.Or other kinds of farming..I would wellcome them all.! But why only "route 24" ?? Could be a more or less countrywide thing,or at least all of Isaan,for instans.The get to gethers could be hosted at different locations each time,and the people who had time and not to far to go,could join. There could be some kind of report,available to everyone.I am,for various reasons,not able to organize something like that (as if anyone would want me to...) but I am sure,there must be many out there who would be perfect for that role.Some more input,please!

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Sorry for delay in replying as not only was CAT down over a large area yesterday having had a bust cable but my computer is running VERY slow. Whether connected I don't know.

Anyway here I am again.

Let me deal with the 3 of you in reverse order as seems to make better sense.

Bosse 137. The reason I used Highway 24 (I stand corrected afarang!) is (okay selfishly!) because that is near where I live!!

Isaan as you will know is a very large area but the vast majority of rubber trees are/can only be grown round the perimeter of it where there are hills or slightly undulating countryside this basically means along the Cambodian border, all the way up the Mekong round the Laos border and maybe between Isaan and North/Central Thailand but I don't know that area. What I was doing was trying to suggest was the area mostly along the Cambodian border, say between Korat and Ubon, as the Highway 24 runs, nearly, between the two and would not be too far to travel. No reason at all why a sort of 'club' should not be formed covering those from anywhere in Thailand with occassional meetings where we could see say other people's plantations plus BBQ/beer and learn from each other. BIG problem is who would you get to run such a thing!!!!!

Isaan Aussie. Why did I limit to Rubber? Because that is what we grow! BUT no reason why it should be limited to that. It would be both fun and interesting to come over and look round your pig farm sometime having read a fair bit about it in the Farming Forum. I don't it can be too far from a village called "White Rabbit" (but obviously in Thai!!) where quite a few of my wife's relations live. Any non rubber farmers - Do let us know.

Best wishes to you and may they grow BIG - I'm talking about Rubber trees and Pigs NOT wives!!!!!!!!

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Surprisingly low interest from the expat-farming community.Guess most of them did miss to read your post AA1.Of course a thing like this would have to be "handled with care",so as not to upset the authorities......In my case,I do not live near any borders.If you start from Khon Kaen and travel west along nr. 12 you will pass Chumpae after 80 km. and soon,after another 25 km,you will reach Khon Sahn.Then to the North uphills and that`s where I live.Not of much interest to anyone of course;I mention it because around here are a LOT of rubbertrees! Almost everybody has taken away whatever they had growing on their land and planted rubbertrees instead.To state that it completely dominates this area,is an understatement..! As it stands for the moment,2-3 rubberfarmers, 1 pigfarmer and some big (?) wives,not much of a club he,he!

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I'd be interested in seeing anyone's operation, pigs,rubber, rice, you name it.

I'm also into the rubber maze but it looks like I'm the far northern cousin. I've found HWY 24 and its a long long way from where I am.

If you look at a map of thailand, find Vientiene Laos. Now go to the right there is a little piece of Thailand that extends north into Laos. That's where I am. On google earth I'm exactaly the same latitude as Vientiene


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No white rabbits around here I am afraid. I am about 40 kms south of Sisaket Muang, off the 220.

If 2 is company then 3 or 4 is a crowd already. AA1 you have a core group already well done.

The thing that appeals to me is the opportunity to get first hand information on things that I would like to try or had not thought of, that are complimentary to what I'm doing already. For those TV farmers that have small land holdings it is extremely difficult to make a profit from any one thing. At large scale this should be easier to do, but IMHO for the small guys the most important thing is to cut external expenditure by integrating the farm as much as possible. So any new idea or improvement tip I can get is always welcome. Equally anyone interested in visiting me is more than welcome to any information I have. I am at such a small scale there is no fear of competition and really only a novel way of doing things, nothing ground breaking. Often it is the small tips that make a difference.

One more suggestion is perhaps the topic should be renamed to something a little more obvious?

Isaan Aussie

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If you're looking at this, we've developed further!

Move on to thread - "Isaan, Farmers Idea Exchange".

We much look forward to hearing from you there.

You fooled me as I started searching Google for something other than Thai Visa but this is it and also in the topics section so anyhow here is a thread to it

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