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Running Traffic Lights


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Has anyone else noticed that the common practice of continuing to drive through traffic light junctions, after the lights turns red has over the last few weeks all but stopped?

I don't read Thai very well, but if you look at most junctions in and around Chiangmai you will see police notices, warning of traffic cameras and subsequent fines for 'red light jumping'. Great, I have noticed a significant reduction at all major junctions.

Now althoughI commend the police for trying to deal with this dangerous practice, (light jumping) I have one small problem with the way they are doing this…..And I feel it's going to back fire on them, A bit like the boy calling wolf.

What do I mean? Well coming from the UK, I can spot a traffic camera a mile off….I can smell them, I have yet to see one at any traffic light junctions, (I have driven though) in and around Chiangmai, just the signs!

Now, will this turn sour for the police and traffic control when people realize there are no cameras……..Or is this a dastardly ploy to increase revenue once they do put in cameras……Think about it; first stage, put up signs, scare the crap out of the local, (having to pay out money) after a bit of time, the local say, horse shit there are not any cameras, and start jumping light again…………….Then they install the cameras………….Until the poor old local get a fine though the post they will not believe there's cameras. Talk about a revenue bonanza ……..Nobody can say they were not warned, can they.

OK, I may have been over thinking this………..Or have I?

Too long in Thailand me thinks.

Edited by Tonto21
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Not sure about your analysis, Tonto.

Today I was heading east on Huay Kaew Rd towards downtown area.

Saw one of those large silver Toyota passenger vans, completely blow through a red light, like 5 seconds after the fact, at Sirimangkalajarn.

The bozo had to swerve bigtime to avoid taking out green light traffic.

When I pulled up alongside the offender in front of KSK, I saw the colorful lettering on the side of the offending van:

Hana Kindergarten School.

Farking fabulous.....:redcard2:

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Have you physicaly seen the cameras and do they actually work? I can't comment within the moat but sure haven't seen any behavioral change out on the roads just outside proper. What you are saying is, Thais all of a sudden going to be highly compliant with regulations. There is no history to back it up and if this is the way Thai polce handle it, complaince will take a long time.

Thais don't really comply with regulations especially gov/authority ones so I don't see much progress in any short period of time . I think using the camera will be too complicated for them as many cycles /cars are even registered so where does the ticket get mailed to?

The first baby step needs to occur and that means the old-fashion way of cos hiding behind barriers or sitting at signals but that is not a cultural thing thing to do in this society. My belief is the cops themselves don't believe/practice with their own driving so why would they all of a sudden start enforcing red light runners?

I see a long process of years of changing this type of behavior if ever. It needs to happen on so many fronts to bring about human change (driving habits) so drastic as this. The mindset is not there...same same with any other driving habit that breaks universal driving regulations: going the wrong way, iillegal u-turns, speeding, tail-gating, passing w/o thought to consequences, driving slow in the fast lane, cutting across lanes to get into the right turn lane, ...

Start with getting drivers and the police knowledgeable about what the regulations are and how to drive within them. This needs to happen before any belief in regulatiory compliance thus behavioral change...


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Scare tactics do not work. Just look at the number of motor bikes with out helmets. They all know there is a financial penalty but choose to ignore it.

Just a thought

Perhaps it is because Thai's as a rule are less concerned with dying than Westerners are.

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'mcgriffith' yes, I can picture it now….Maybe he's not read the signs ate the traffic light!

"cardinalblue' I agree with everything you say the Thais are not going to change their driving habits overnight, I say only as I found on my infrequent visits to Chiangmai over the last two weeks. I too don't think it will work; the whole system is incapable or unable to enforce. It for me smacks of another sweeping policy by some minister,(has Thailand had a change of transport minister lately) maybe people are not noticing because there not looking to see if there is a behavior change. Keep a look out for the signs at the T/L, (yellow background, black writing and police logo at bottom) and over the next couple of day just check out the cars reaction to red lights.

Have to disagree with you on this 'hellodolly'; I think helmet use compared with just a year ago has significantly improved.

Edited by Tonto21
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Most of the signs I have seen are about wearing helmets.

I think it would take more than a sign to stop Thais jumping the lights, especially at the weekend at Rincome junction from what I saw tonight!

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Do I sit on m/c in rain at red traffic light when no other traffic?

or do I just drive through?

I not Thai either!

Many people not have register m/c or car, not tax, not insure, not have driving licence (Thai and foreigner)

how they fine anyone if police person not stand there?

Edited by OlafStapleton
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I have never seen an accident from signal jumping, maybe nobody else has either, so why change?

I would guess there are many things you haven't seen. Yes why change, just wait until you see one or get involved in one. :rolleyes:

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Biggest improvement l have seen is traffic lights with a large digital countdown clock attached to the light. In Phibun (In the N.E.sticks) they have put them at a nasty little junction and most are just staring at the countdown, works a treat. :)

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if you start fining motorbike drivers without a helmet 1000-3000b, you may see a drastic improvement in wearing helmets, if they don't have the cash, confiscate the bike, car drivers a total different ball game, you need cops stationed at all major traffic lights, with a motorbike cop prepared to chase the offender, fine them 10000b, or tow the car away.

will it happen, erm, probably not.

having hust come back from the uk, it gave me the opportunity to do the usual driving comparison, and although the difference is still enormous, i found the uk driving a lot more sloppy, and risk taking than it used to be 5yrs ago.

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I have never seen an accident from signal jumping, maybe nobody else has either, so why change?

I would guess there are many things you haven't seen. Yes why change, just wait until you see one or get involved in one. :rolleyes:

Well I have to agree with you on that Semper, doubtless the young lad whose bike ended wheels up in the middle of the Hangdong cross roads by Big C agreed with you as well as he got carted off a few months ago. Unfortunately it is not just those that jump lights that suffer it is the innocent that gets dragged into it as well, their life can be ruined by someone elses selfish stupidity. Then of course there is the one that is totally oblivious, riding one handed talking on their mobile phone, feet up on the top of the engine becuase of puddles and going through the red light but thats ok as they are going up the side of the road, the bit cars never use. ........................mostly!

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I have never seen an accident from signal jumping, maybe nobody else has either, so why change?

I would guess there are many things you haven't seen. Yes why change, just wait until you see one or get involved in one. :rolleyes:

You are thinking like a farang in farangland..

I am talking like a Thai in Thailand :)

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I have never seen an accident from signal jumping, maybe nobody else has either, so why change?

I would guess there are many things you haven't seen. Yes why change, just wait until you see one or get involved in one. :rolleyes:

You are thinking like a farang in farangland..

I am talking like a Thai in Thailand :)


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I have never seen an accident from signal jumping, maybe nobody else has either, so why change?

Oh yes i have. Daylight. One motorcyclist blatantly starting off though a red at the lights on the east side of Nakhon Ping (cycle track) bridge, tee-boned by a woman coming off the bridge through the green at a reasonable speed.

He joined her, through the windscreen of her Caribean, slid back off the bonnet on to the road, and miraculously staggered all the way to the kerb. She just sat there in shock.

Not a pretty sight, and I'd be amazed if he survived. A late middle aged Thai who was old enough to know better, but maybe not bright enough.

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they dont send out fines,when you go to tax your car,you will find you have a fine,so some one mentioned on tv??

They DO send out fines, a Thai friend had one sent to their address last year.....it was from a mobile speed gun trap (policeman pointing the thing at speeding cars) on the superhighway...have seen them myself under the bridge on the superhighway just down from Big C.

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Scare tactics do not work. Just look at the number of motor bikes with out helmets. They all know there is a financial penalty but choose to ignore it.

Just a thought

Perhaps it is because Thai's as a rule are less concerned with dying than Westerners are.

Maybe. And perhaps it has to do with the fact that the cops all go home from work on their motorbikes at 5PM sporting their nifty police hats rather than helmets.

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I JUST RENEWED MY 5 YEAR LICENCE here had to sit and watch a video which shows a lot of things not to do but once watched i am sure most thai"s forget.

Only way to stop many things dome wromg here is take what ever they are driving off them for say 1 week and if they do again 1 month and so on,or much bigger fines

hurt them in their pockets.Sorry to say some people will never learn though.

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Maybe you haven't lived here long enough...

Or maybe it's the opposite, as you have never seen an accident caused by "running traffic lights". Do you drive around a lot? :rolleyes:

Well, I have lived here for 27 years, and I drive about 500 km per week. :)

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All you need to do is drive over the Thai border from Malaysia,

where everyone on a motorcycle wears a helmet,and the majority.

of drivers obey the rules of the road, 50 yards into Thailand and

the difference is like day and night, its all down to Thai people

not liking rules and no enforcement in the law in Thailand

Thailand the Wild West of the East !

Take care Worgeordie

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Maybe you haven't lived here long enough...

Or maybe it's the opposite, as you have never seen an accident caused by "running traffic lights". Do you drive around a lot? :rolleyes:

Well, I have lived here for 27 years, and I drive about 500 km per week. :)

And never seen an accident. Impressive. :blink:

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Maybe you haven't lived here long enough...

Or maybe it's the opposite, as you have never seen an accident caused by "running traffic lights". Do you drive around a lot? :rolleyes:

Well, I have lived here for 27 years, and I drive about 500 km per week. :)

And never seen an accident. Impressive. :blink:

I wonder if they notice the multitudes of painted markings in/near intersections by the police to document accidents.

It's not graffiti and they are plentiful.

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Yeah, i like to keep my eyes closed too as I drive these streets.....:)

Its is amazingly remarkable that you've been here that long and have never seen an accident!!!

If you need a shocking wake-up call, try spending the day at vehicle registration office. They have show a video in lounge that is comprised of accidents caught on the traffic cameras. I first thought the video was on loop, but it turns out that there are just that many accidents happening all around us.

Maybe you haven't lived here long enough...

Or maybe it's the opposite, as you have never seen an accident caused by "running traffic lights". Do you drive around a lot? :rolleyes:

Well, I have lived here for 27 years, and I drive about 500 km per week. :)

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Maybe you haven't lived here long enough...

Or maybe it's the opposite, as you have never seen an accident caused by "running traffic lights". Do you drive around a lot? :rolleyes:

Well, I have lived here for 27 years, and I drive about 500 km per week. :)

And never seen an accident. Impressive. :blink:

I have seen accidets, but none caused by running lights.

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