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Good Day Guys,

I had Windows '7 Ultimate' installed recently and am going insane with the Desktop. In XP a left click (and hold down) on a desktop icon would enable me to move that icon anywhere on the desktop. Windows 7 ugh!!!! Program etc. icons are placed on the left hand side, no problem; however, the positioning of icons seem to be preset. They start in top left hand corner and run down in a column. When that column is full the next icon will start the next column, at the top, alongside the first. No problem there! The problem arises when icon positions are needed to be changed. Yes! you can move an icon within the columns but if you are requiring to, say, make a grouping of four, most of the others will change positions also; some jumping from the middle to the top for instance making a complete hash of your order. Icons can also NOT be taken out of a column and placed elsewhere on the desktop. I am not sure if all Ultimate 7 users have this problem but I surely do. Any advice as to how I can change this would be appreciated.

I also downloaded the update to Firefox (now 5) with the result that the scroll arrow in the bottom right hand corner is now sharing that space with the small triangular icon that alters the size of the viewed page. Scrolling down can be achieved in the normal manner, by clicking on top right hand arrow but to scroll up I have to click on the right hand bar etc.. To click on the bottom arrow only results in the page reducer taking over with the scroll arrow obsolete. Any ideas without telling me to reinstate Firefox 4 ??? I mourn the loss of Google toolbar!!! Mick


I thank you Tywais; you certainly are a Star Member. I can now let my hair grow back.

I have tried to read that article, BB1950, however cannot find the web page. But I thank you non-the-less.



I thank you Tywais; you certainly are a Star Member. I can now let my hair grow back.

I have tried to read that article, BB1950, however cannot find the web page. But I thank you non-the-less.


Sorry. Something happened when posting. Probably due to the space in the link. I didn't test it before posting.

Here it is again:

Installing a previous version of Firefox

I tested this link this time and it works!


Thanks BB1950.


I thank you Tywais; you certainly are a Star Member. I can now let my hair grow back.

I have tried to read that article, BB1950, however cannot find the web page. But I thank you non-the-less.


Sorry. Something happened when posting. Probably due to the space in the link. I didn't test it before posting.

Here it is again:

Installing a previous version of Firefox

I tested this link this time and it works!


I can understand how you feel. My new computer came with Windows 7....I just couldnt get the hang of it....probably senile dementia!! but I just couldnt bear the damm system. I had read that Windows 7 often does what IT wants and not what YOU want.........too true in my case....so I uninstalled it and installed XP.

I am now happy. I am sure that Windows 7 is a fine product, but !!!

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