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Dog Doo Blues


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I have a problem.... A big problem!!

just outside our house in the gate entrance we have a concrete ramp to get up to the raised drive... Almost every house in the moo bahn has the same setup.

We used to have a small grassy area at the end of the street, where the local canines used to dump their loads. But seeing as now this doggy bog is having houses put on it. There is nowhere for them to 'relax'.

So where to go now?.. How about the farang's gate entrance. As good a place as any.

However, there seems to be a bit of a power struggle going on and a territory war. because every dog in the vicinity appears to be wanting to claim our drive as their personal toilet. It's actually not only me suffering, a selection of neighbors who don't own dogs are being dumped on. the owners of the dogs never have to put up with it... (never sh1t on your own doorstep).

It drives me nuts, Thai people just could not give a rat's ass about their neighbors, they even stand there chatting while their pooch unloads outside their next door neighbor's gate. In a "It's your now... you deal with it" attitude. They all open their gates so that the dog can go and defaecate on someone else's property.

I went outside today and caught one in mid-dump, so I threw my shoe at it, and I glared at the neighbor who just smiled at me... That was the third load of the day.

I am seriously thinking about moving now. No.... I AM moving.

The only other alternative I can think of is to sit out the front with a shotgun. But that would be a little extreme.

Our beautiful home is being turned into a sh*thole.

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Get a big dog the others will stay away.

But this is Thailand i let my dogs walk free too.. others do too. Thank god there is grass and green around here where the dogs go. But what are the dogs to do if there is no place like that.

Its not only the dogs fault, the Thais should have kept a place for it. Owners don't walk with their dogs here.

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Get a big dog the others will stay away.

But this is Thailand i let my dogs walk free too.. others do too. Thank god there is grass and green around here where the dogs go. But what are the dogs to do if there is no place like that.

Its not only the dogs fault, the Thais should have kept a place for it. Owners don't walk with their dogs here.

Oh... there is no question of blaming the dogs. It is the uncaring thais.. P**ses me off big time when they just smile at what they are doing to other people's property.

There should be controls in place. If you got a garden, and everyone here has one here, then keep your dog in there or walk it or pay tea money.

Anyway. How do i stop it?

I don't want a dog, i have an alarm system, and i don't have to feed that, and it won't have lots of little alarm systems running around the place and we don't have to worry about treading in alarm system sh*t.

Someone said pepper, and i heard washing the entrance with water and washing powder?.. seems a bit odd to me.

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Get a big dog the others will stay away.

But this is Thailand i let my dogs walk free too.. others do too. Thank god there is grass and green around here where the dogs go. But what are the dogs to do if there is no place like that.

Its not only the dogs fault, the Thais should have kept a place for it. Owners don't walk with their dogs here.

Oh... there is no question of blaming the dogs. It is the uncaring thais.. P**ses me off big time when they just smile at what they are doing to other people's property.

There should be controls in place. If you got a garden, and everyone here has one here, then keep your dog in there or walk it or pay tea money.

Anyway. How do i stop it?

I don't want a dog, i have an alarm system, and i don't have to feed that, and it won't have lots of little alarm systems running around the place and we don't have to worry about treading in alarm system sh*t.

Someone said pepper, and i heard washing the entrance with water and washing powder?.. seems a bit odd to me.

Your not in Kansas anymore. I used to walk with my dogs all the time.. Thais never did it so in the end i just opened the gate just like they do.

I have heard using bleach help because once a dog pees somewhere it will come back there. I see dogs peeing against my cars wheels. Cant say im really bothered about it. Its just part of Thailand.

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This is Thailand and things here are not all prim and proper as in the West.

In my area there are dogs, cats and chickens all roaming about. They sleep, crap, pee, fight each other, do whatever they please and this does not bother anyone including me.

Some time ago I had similar problems with dogs crapping on and near our property front entrance. I just poured some mild bleach around the area everyday. This kept the dogs at bay and after a couple of weeks the dogs got the hint and stayed away from our main gate completely.

I have dogs that bark, my neighbors have dogs that bark, we use our neighbors land as a short cut to the main road, they walk across our land to get to places, everybody's happy, we all get on, no stress, a nice peaceful life and that's why I love living here in Thailand.

As for you considering moving, that appears to be rather extreme just over a few dogs, so perhaps you need to ask yourself, is living among a close Thai packed community really for you?

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This is Thailand and things here are not all prim and proper as in the West.

In my area there are dogs, cats and chickens all roaming about. They sleep, crap, pee, fight each other, do whatever they please and this does not bother anyone including me.

Some time ago I had similar problems with dogs crapping on and near our property front entrance. I just poured some mild bleach around the area everyday. This kept the dogs at bay and after a couple of weeks the dogs got the hint and stayed away from our main gate completely.

I have dogs that bark, my neighbors have dogs that bark, we use our neighbors land as a short cut to the main road, they walk across our land to get to places, everybody's happy, we all get on, no stress, a nice peaceful life and that's why I love living here in Thailand.

As for you considering moving, that appears to be rather extreme just over a few dogs, so perhaps you need to ask yourself, is living among a close Thai packed community really for you?

Yes it is for me... The rose tinted specs come off long ago, I know what this place is all about.

I will give the bleach idea a go in the morning.

I don't care about the peeing on the wheels, that's fine. That is just scent marking. I don't mind the barking either. Its just the 3 turds a day and climbing thing.

Thanks for the advice. I knew westerner advice would be best.

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I see dogs peeing against my cars wheels.

Put some bottles of water next to the tires. Don't know if it is a myth or not but I see Thais in our area do it to keep the dogs off it. Something about the reflection I guess. :)

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This is Thailand and things here are not all prim and proper as in the West.

In my area there are dogs, cats and chickens all roaming about. They sleep, crap, pee, fight each other, do whatever they please and this does not bother anyone including me.

Some time ago I had similar problems with dogs crapping on and near our property front entrance. I just poured some mild bleach around the area everyday. This kept the dogs at bay and after a couple of weeks the dogs got the hint and stayed away from our main gate completely.

I have dogs that bark, my neighbors have dogs that bark, we use our neighbors land as a short cut to the main road, they walk across our land to get to places, everybody's happy, we all get on, no stress, a nice peaceful life and that's why I love living here in Thailand.

As for you considering moving, that appears to be rather extreme just over a few dogs, so perhaps you need to ask yourself, is living among a close Thai packed community really for you?

Yes it is for me... The rose tinted specs come off long ago, I know what this place is all about.

I will give the bleach idea a go in the morning.

I don't care about the peeing on the wheels, that's fine. That is just scent marking. I don't mind the barking either. Its just the 3 turds a day and climbing thing.

Thanks for the advice. I knew westerner advice would be best.

I have been in Thailand for some years and there are many things here that really irritate me. Sometimes I look at some of my neighbors and think to myself; what a load of bladdy peasants. In my case not especially because of the dogs, but rather the inconsiderate burning of rubbish stinking out our home.

Sometimes I come over feeling all Incredible Hulkish, feel like tearing my shirt off, turning green and smashing up the place from frustration.

But at the end of the day, I still have to live with my neighbors, because no one enjoys confrontations, so I try to compromise or turn a blind eye to much of what goes on in my neighborhood.

We are living in a foreign land, among a different culture and with people that have lived the same sort of lives, probably for hundreds of years. So who am I to tell them how to behave and try and change things? The same applies in my home country. You know the old saying; as in Rome?

We all have to try and adapt to whatever situations we are placed in or created by ourselves.

As I said; there are many things here that really irritate me, but at my age, all I want is a peaceful life with no stress or agro. Like the old song; smile and the world smiles with you.

Be happy, don't get stressed, stay healthy and enjoy your life, because there are worse troubles at sea.

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I see dogs peeing against my cars wheels.

Put some bottles of water next to the tires. Don't know if it is a myth or not but I see Thais in our area do it to keep the dogs off it. Something about the reflection I guess. :)

Its a myth, my dogs sometimes peed in the house at one spot. (if i was gone for too long so im too blame too). So i put bottles there.. did not help a bit they still peed there. So i stopped believing that.

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Firecrackers. Small ones will suffice.

Dogs learn based on the consequences of their actions.

Action+good result (nice pooping + feels oh so good when uninterrupted) = keep on doing (pun intended).

Action + nuetral result ( pooping + crazy farang screaming about something?) = not quite so plesant but I'll come back again and again.

Action + bad result (Half a poop hanging out + big bang outa nowhere) = choose a different toilet.


Try not to throw where the dog can see it. The more it is a surprise the better. Mid-poop is best. Try not to throw it on the dogs back :o .

Best not to be seen by the offending canine :ph34r: - more effective; nor the neighbors :angry: ;

No mumbling or mad scientist laughter before explosion. Dogs are smarter than you think.

An alternative is a gas boat horn, the kind they use at football games when people get really drunk. But I have no idea where to get them (the horns, I know where to get really drunk people in Thailand.)

You have to be present, (and unseen) but only a few times will be very effective. I have used them on many an occasion and dogs now cut a wide path around my garden.

Now, if I could just get the same result from using them on my neighbor, Khun Burnalot, everytime she decides to burn light bulbs and baby diapers.

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I walked my dogs on the lead, when they crapped I picked it up with plastic bags, one day someone on the estate just surmised that my dogs had crapped outside his house and he threw the dog crap at our house, the guards told me who it was, I knocked at his door, he would not come out, karma is great though as while I was waiting both my dogs decided to unload outside his gate, I left it at that.

I sympathize with the op, its a sense of being looked down on by neighbours, same as when they are noisy etc, its the lack of concern for other people that annoys. the other option is to but rubber gloves and some bags, collect the steaming turds, and leave them on the dog owner drive, minus the bags of course, it will soon stop.

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I walked my dogs on the lead, when they crapped I picked it up with plastic bags, one day someone on the estate just surmised that my dogs had crapped outside his house and he threw the dog crap at our house, the guards told me who it was, I knocked at his door, he would not come out, karma is great though as while I was waiting both my dogs decided to unload outside his gate, I left it at that.

I sympathize with the op, its a sense of being looked down on by neighbours, same as when they are noisy etc, its the lack of concern for other people that annoys. the other option is to but rubber gloves and some bags, collect the steaming turds, and leave them on the dog owner drive, minus the bags of course, it will soon stop.

Ha, ha. I just remembered what we used to do as kids to neighbors we didn't like.

Put nice fresh soggy turds in a big paper bag. Place on doorstep of neighbor. Light on fire. Run like hell. Locate yourself in a position where you can enjoy watching them stomp out the fire without being seen.

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20 years ago me and a mate of mine used to place dogs <deleted> outside another Farangs gate when we knew he had a prospective buyer coming round to view his property. !! :lol:

He had a hell of a job selling that place. :)

How about putting a dogs turd in a newspaper and lighting it. Then ringing the door and running away :D

That was what was done as kids

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20 years ago me and a mate of mine used to place dogs <deleted> outside another Farangs gate when we knew he had a prospective buyer coming round to view his property. !! :lol:

He had a hell of a job selling that place. :)

How about putting a dogs turd in a newspaper and lighting it. Then ringing the door and running away :D

That was what was done as kids


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20 years ago me and a mate of mine used to place dogs <deleted> outside another Farangs gate when we knew he had a prospective buyer coming round to view his property. !! :lol:

He had a hell of a job selling that place. :)

How about putting a dogs turd in a newspaper and lighting it. Then ringing the door and running away :D

That was what was done as kids


Just thinking of some of the pranks done when we were kids. :D Here i got much better things to do then to play with dog crap.

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I see dogs peeing against my cars wheels.

Put some bottles of water next to the tires. Don't know if it is a myth or not but I see Thais in our area do it to keep the dogs off it. Something about the reflection I guess. :)

Many house owners in our estate have done just that with the bottles filled with water. Don't know how it works but it does.

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I think the non-confrontational, Thai way is best. You don't want to stir up ill feelings with your neighbours. The bleach is a great idea. It will also sterilize the area. Maybe if you boil up some strong chilli and pour that liquid there it would also work ? Or perhaps chilli powder sprinkled after the bleach treatment ? Cheap, too. (be careful to wash hands after use !)

In Australia when I was younger, dogs roamed the streets and people burned their rubbish with no consideration for their neighbours, and it often smoldered for hours. All that has changed now, due to a gradual evolution of awareness....in my home town it is now a legal requirement for people to pick up their dog's turds when out in public, and burning rubbish within city limits is prohibited. The same may happen in Thailand eventually.

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I see dogs peeing against my cars wheels.

Put some bottles of water next to the tires. Don't know if it is a myth or not but I see Thais in our area do it to keep the dogs off it. Something about the reflection I guess. :)

Many house owners in our estate have done just that with the bottles filled with water. Don't know how it works but it does.

Yeah -- it's to do with the reflection. Some people also use plastic bags filled with water.

Dogs will see their reflection and think it's another dog.

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All posts advocating lethal solutions have been removed. Some of us do own dogs, including myself, and have lost one from such suggestions. <_<

Lol.... Don't worry, I certainly would not resort to harming the animals.

I already used the bleach. I did not use mild bleach, instead undiluted strong toilet cleaner. I thought that if its worth doing a job, its worth doing it properly.

I may also try a chili powder chaser, dogs always have a sniff of a place before they dump on it.

Hope it don't rain.

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All posts advocating lethal solutions have been removed. Some of us do own dogs, including myself, and have lost one from such suggestions.

I wouldn't harm dogs either I asked what the stuff was because if I saw it I would remove it.

Our local park has many dogs dumped there when they are no longer nice little pups.

They clear them every now and then so anyone wants a free dog take your pick.:D

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Can confirm the pepper works and the chilli works thoughdoes not seem as effective. I think thevolatile oils evaporate or something like that with the chilli. Does not need to be a lot of pepper, as stated already dogs always have aquick sniff before the act.

A friend of mine in Pattaya has an ultrasonic dog repellerthat works really well. Is about thesize of a cigarette packet and has a push button to activate. Great fun on a Sunday afternoon of a fewquiet beers and annoying the hell out of the Soi dog population. Apparently they take about a week to comeback and hello fido, here is another burst to help you on your way. Also works well on cats who act like theyhave been shot when hit with the beam at about 30 metres.

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Can confirm the pepper works and the chilli works thoughdoes not seem as effective. I think thevolatile oils evaporate or something like that with the chilli. Does not need to be a lot of pepper, as stated already dogs always have aquick sniff before the act.

A friend of mine in Pattaya has an ultrasonic dog repellerthat works really well. Is about thesize of a cigarette packet and has a push button to activate. Great fun on a Sunday afternoon of a fewquiet beers and annoying the hell out of the Soi dog population. Apparently they take about a week to comeback and hello fido, here is another burst to help you on your way. Also works well on cats who act like theyhave been shot when hit with the beam at about 30 metres.

I want one.....

I also wanted to add that the potent stink of bleach in the street appears to be annoying the neighbours. I caught one of them gesticulating towards my drive entrance and saying something with 'falang' in the sentence.....lol


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It really is best to go with the non-confrontational method here in Thailand. Resentment from the neighbours can come back and bite you in the future. I highly recommend you just go for the chilli and pepper powder. Or dilute the bleach....regardless of how satisfying it feels to have made them notice.....

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