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Big Trouble In Thailand.


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Today I received an e.mail from a friend in Australia [Queensland] telling me of a show running there at the moment titled Big trouble in Thailand. I can't ask him what it is about as he is about to leave the country. Anyone know what this show is about? Rather sounds like yet another attempt at ruining Thailand's immage.

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Paul its just that, a beat up.

I posted a thread about it a last week . It has a lot of people talking about Thailand to the point that if my parents had of seen it befrore my wedding in Thailand they never would have come. As it happens my normaly paronoid mother can't wait to go back to Thailand for a holiday and her friends a telling her she's mad. I have to say, to learn about the jet ski scams was great cause I had no idea, mostly because I never go to tourist beaches. But all the other rot about the full moon parties and violence is just rot. Inner City Melbourne on a Saturday night is far more dangerous.

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This program has been on Aussie TV for some time now. It sounds like a Brit production that mainly centres around Brits behaving badly in Thailand.

Nothing i saw would in any way tarnish the reputation of Thailand or its tourism industry, if anything it shows the standard of idiot Brit tourists the Thai authorities have to deal with.

One program centred around the full moon party at Koh Samui, where Brits were showing such sterling behaviour as running around with no clothes on, getting busted taking drugs, fighting, and pulling their tossles out for the camera..and generally stumbling around so drunk they couldnt walk...great stuff.

On the same program was the story of a punter who urinated on the bonnet of a Taxi, while the Thai driver looked on, and then punched the bonnet, leaving a fist sized dent in it. Said punter then cried and pleaded when they arrested him and took him away. I think he ended up paying 3k baht compensation to the driver and was let go, instead of getting arrested for "drunk and disorderly" and thrown in the can for the night as you would in many other countries.

They show the infamous Howard Miller character and and another Tourist police guy quite regulary, liasing between the BiB and the pisssed up tourists. I'd say he does a pretty handy job, as most of these fools have got no idea what serious repercussions could come from certain offences. One young girl caught with drugs was looking at the possibility of a long stretch in a Thai prison, just waiting for her case to be heard, yet they let her off with what must have been a sizeable donation and sent home.

Another Brit pleading his innocence was (allegedly) caught on camera trying to tamper with a ATM machine in the (alleged) possession of skimming equipment. He is still in gaol and looks lke he might be a long term resident.

The print media here has also reported that most Brit tourists believe that they will be prosecuted under what is equivalent to Brit laws, and get a rude shock when they realise what deep doo-doo they can get in from their hi-jinks in LOS.


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