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London police deploys armored vehicles amid escalating riots


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London police deploys armored vehicles amid escalating riots

2011-08-09 14:27:54 GMT+7 (ICT)

LONDON (BNO NEWS) -- Armored police vehicles were deployed in the British capital of London on late Monday evening to push back more than 150 people amid escalating riots, Scotland Yard said on Tuesday.

It was the first time that police in London used armored vehicles to control a riot. "The vehicles were used in support of officers on the ground and resulted in the disorder in [the] Lavender Hill area [of London] being brought under control," a spokesperson for Scotland Yard said.

Scotland Yard, which said more than 150 rioters had caused substantial damage in the area, called the new tactic a success. "We will consider its use elsewhere as required," the spokesperson said. Sky News reported that the armored vehicles were again deployed on early Tuesday morning in other areas of London.

Police Commander Christine Jones warned rioters against causing further problems. "We are using tactics flexibly to respond to the disorder we are still seeing in different areas of the capital. Anyone involved in criminality should be under no illusion that we will pursue you," Jones said.

The unrest began on Saturday in the Tottenham area of London in protest over the death of 29-year-old Mark Duggan, who was shot and killed by police on Thursday when they attempted to arrest him. A gun belonging to Duggan, who was an alleged cocaine dealer, was reportedly recovered at the scene.

Although the unrest initially focused on the fatal shooting of Duggan, the riots quickly escalated when youth and criminal opportunists joined in. Nearly 40 police officers have been injured and more than 400 people have been arrested since the violence began on Saturday, and riots also spread to other UK cities on late Monday.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-08-09

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I think the hang 'em high comments that we've seen on other threads about the rioting are a bit over the top... but I do reckon that some of the kids involved with the rioting could have benefited from a few bloody good hidings in their formative years...

But of course no one is allowed to give a kid a bloody good hiding these days... They just get benefit!

I do find it amusing that many of the looters seem to have forgotten that they're on candid camera. I guess they'll all feel a bit indignant when they are quietly arrested at home in the coming weeks after all the CCTV footage has been checked out. I don't think the courts are going to be inclined towards leniency this time round.

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After the moron that is the media, reporting that there were riots and a few miles away mass scale looting as the police were concentrating on other things.

Its the oldest scam in the book, cause a diversion and aim for the valubles.

The UK's potically correctness makes my sick......

If my business had been ruined or at least at risk I'ld be calling for rubber bullets and tear gas.

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Being a Brit myself, this gives me more foundation in my stand of turning my back on living in my country of birth.

same here ! these people are not so dumb because it's reported on BBC they are communicating using encrypted messaging

on BlackBerry devices which can make it extremely hard for the police to monitor things.

have you seen this shocking video


Edited by midas
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London rioters: 'Showing the rich we do what we want'

9 August 2011 Last updated at 13:35

A BBC journalist has spoken to two girls that took part in Monday night's riots in Croydon, who boasted that they were showing police and "the rich" that "we can do what we want".

Read more (with video): www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-14458424

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I do not believe it is over the top to use lethal force on out of control mobs armed with lethal projectiles and fire bombs. Harsh measures are allowed from both a moral and legal perspective when one is confronted with violent mobs intent on causing serious harm to the general population. It is for all intents and purposes a civil insurrection mounted by criminals. These are not people protesting for their basic civil liberties, but are selfish folk trying to hurt others and to loot.. The general public has a right to look to the government to protect their rights and liberties. PM Cameron is about to meet his Waterloo and I anticipate that he will soon face an uprising in his caucus for his milquetoast response.

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I agree GK.

But they are so spineless and sh*t scared about being held responsible if anything goes wrong that nothing will be done along the lines you are stating.

One of the reasons I left the country in the early 90's.

( .. I,m not a retiree, I,m now 46 )

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London rioters: 'Showing the rich we do what we want'

9 August 2011 Last updated at 13:35

A BBC journalist has spoken to two girls that took part in Monday night's riots in Croydon, who boasted that they were showing police and "the rich" that "we can do what we want".

Read more (with video): www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-14458424

These girls, "just people who have businesses".

Of course it would never dawn on them that businesses employ people, because these dirt bags have probably never worked, never will and will most likely get knocked up in the family way before much longer. Why wouldn't they destroy whatever they want - it doesn't affect them, with their government handouts. Drastic situations call for drastic measures, let's see our PM hit these layabouts where it hurts, in the pocket and utilising their free time clearing rubbish, shit anything and if necessary 'chain gang style' for public humiliation.

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To the two chav girls on the BBC as the whole nation who actually work for a living will be paying for the cost of these riots through taxes I would suggest the cost be shared by those not working in the form of a temporary cut to their benefit allowance. Share and share alike, eh girls?

Edited by bigbamboo
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I do not believe it is over the top to use lethal force on out of control mobs armed with lethal projectiles and fire bombs. Harsh measures are allowed from both a moral and legal perspective when one is confronted with violent mobs intent on causing serious harm to the general population. It is for all intents and purposes a civil insurrection mounted by criminals. These are not people protesting for their basic civil liberties, but are selfish folk trying to hurt others and to loot.. The general public has a right to look to the government to protect their rights and liberties. PM Cameron is about to meet his Waterloo and I anticipate that he will soon face an uprising in his caucus for his milquetoast response.

Another great post there, `kid. Keep them coming!

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London rioters: 'Showing the rich we do what we want'

9 August 2011 Last updated at 13:35

A BBC journalist has spoken to two girls that took part in Monday night's riots in Croydon, who boasted that they were showing police and "the rich" that "we can do what we want".

Read more (with video): www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-14458424

That is shockingly sad.

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usually the other way around, with touring teams having security concerns in India/Pakistan/Sri Lanka.

Welcome to England!

England expect third Test to be played despite Birmingham riots

England are preparing for the third Test against India at Edgbaston as normal, despite concerns following the overnight riots in Birmingham.

Some shops in the city centre were attacked by looters, but captain Andrew Strauss said the team "fully expect" the match to go ahead on Wednesday.

"It's for the authorities to decide if it's unsafe to go ahead but we have no indication that's the case," he said.


and . . . a cycling road race through the streets of London on Sunday, 14 August . . . doesn't say whether the course will be affected. Could be risky business on a bicycle.

IOC 'confident' over safety at London 2012 Olympic Games

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) insists it has 'complete confidence' over safety at the 2012 Olympic Games. London was hit by a third night of violence on Monday with shops looted and cars and buildings set alight.

An IOC spokesman said security is a top priority but that it was not its direct responsibility.

"That is something for the authorities in London in whom we have complete confidence," he said.

There is also a series of Olympic tests events taking place around the capital from 9-14 August as part of the London Prepares Series.

Locog, the games organiser, says the events will go ahead as planned with 1,500 spectators expected for each of the 54 matches at the Horse Guards Parade for beach volleyball. The event will finish at 1915 BST instead of 2200 BST because of security concerns. Organisers say they will use two courts instead of one so that spectators, staff and volunteers can leave before dark. One of the two practice courts at Horse Guards Parade in central London will be opened for matches.

There is also a badminton test event at Wembley Arena, a marathon swimming event at Hyde Park on Saturday, 13 August and a cycling road race through the streets of London on Sunday, 14 August.

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TEHRAN (ISNA)-Iran called for London Police to exercise self-restraint in dealing with protesters in Tottenham, north of London.

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast referred to Saturday night massive protests in Tottenham which came following murder of a young black man by Scotland Yard Police and called for the UK government to avoid any police's harsh treatment with protesters.

He stressed return of peace and calm to London through talks and examining demands of the demonstrators.

Mehmanparast expressed hope independent human rights bodies would take measures to make clear facts behind murder of the black man soon.


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TEHRAN (ISNA)-Iran called for London Police to exercise self-restraint in dealing with protesters in Tottenham, north of London.

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast referred to Saturday night massive protests in Tottenham which came following murder of a young black man by Scotland Yard Police and called for the UK government to avoid any police's harsh treatment with protesters.

He stressed return of peace and calm to London through talks and examining demands of the demonstrators.

Mehmanparast expressed hope independent human rights bodies would take measures to make clear facts behind murder of the black man soon.


This shows just how low we have sunk.

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i think blackberry messages are encrypted automatically. Hence the reason they are banned in some countries.

3.41pm: Computer hackers have defaced the official website of BlackBerry owner Research In Motion, in a retaliatory attack over the company's pledge to assist the police investigation into the London riots.

Inside BlackBerry blog was hacked into on Tuesday afternoon by a group calling themselves TeamPoison. In a statement posted on the BlackBerry website, the hackers said:

Dear RIM;

You Will _NOT_ assist the UK Police because if u do innocent members of the public who were at the wrong place at the wrong time and owned a blackberry will get charged for no reason at all, the Police are looking to arrest as many people as possible to save themselves from embarrassment ... if you do assist the police by giving them chat logs, gps locations, customer information & access to peoples BlackBerryMessengers you will regret it, we have access to your database which includes your employees information; e.g – Addresses, Names, Phone Numbers etc. – now if u assist the police, we _WILL_ make this information public and pass it onto rioters…. do you really want a bunch of angry youths on your employees doorsteps? Think about it…. and don't think that the police will protect your employees, the police can't protect themselves let alone protect others….. if you make the wrong choice your database will be made public, save yourself the embarrassment and make the right choice. don't be a puppet..

p.s – we do not condone in innocent people being attacked in these riots nor do we condone in small businesses being looted, but we are all for the rioters that are engaging in attacks on the police and government…. and before anyone says "the blackberry employees are innocent" no they are not! They are the ones that would be assisting the police.

The hackers said they defaced the website "in response" to this statement made by RIM on Monday: "We feel for those impacted by the riots in London. We have engaged with the authorities to assist in any way we can."

A spokesman for RIM said the firm was looking into the apparent website hack.

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I'm Sick.

How many of us said that when the riots were going on here "this sort of thing would never happen in England"?...and here we go, now its US that are the laughing stock of the world, and with the Olympics just a year away...well this is really gonna inspire confidence :realangry:

At least the authorities in Thailand reacted, the protesters never got it all thier own way

In the UK the police are scared shitless to react in case they get into trouble.

As as been stated by other Brits...I'm glad I'm outta there

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TEHRAN (ISNA)-Iran called for London Police to exercise self-restraint in dealing with protesters in Tottenham, north of London.

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast referred to Saturday night massive protests in Tottenham which came following murder of a young black man by Scotland Yard Police and called for the UK government to avoid any police's harsh treatment with protesters.

He stressed return of peace and calm to London through talks and examining demands of the demonstrators.

Mehmanparast expressed hope independent human rights bodies would take measures to make clear facts behind murder of the black man soon.


This shows just how low we have sunk.

No, it shows that MisterDinnerJacket is taking advantage of the situation to drum up a bit of propaganda for local consumption.

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I'm Sick.

How many of us said that when the riots were going on here "this sort of thing would never happen in England"?...and here we go, now its US that are the laughing stock of the world, ...

I don't feel the UK is any kind of laughing stock here. This type of thing has been happening all over the world. A few years ago 300 cities were burning across France. It happens too often in the USA and remember the asshol_e "anarchists" who used to follow the G8 (G9 whatever) around and riot? Even tiny Estonia was attacked by rioters 4 years ago. This is no time for schadenfreude. It's time to start cracking down hard on this type of BS.

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TEHRAN (ISNA)-Iran called for London Police to exercise self-restraint in dealing with protesters in Tottenham, north of London.

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast referred to Saturday night massive protests in Tottenham which came following murder of a young black man by Scotland Yard Police and called for the UK government to avoid any police's harsh treatment with protesters.

He stressed return of peace and calm to London through talks and examining demands of the demonstrators.

Mehmanparast expressed hope independent human rights bodies would take measures to make clear facts behind murder of the black man soon.


This shows just how low we have sunk.

How do you mean?

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I'm Sick.

How many of us said that when the riots were going on here "this sort of thing would never happen in England"?...and here we go,

England has a history of riots stretching back through history. At times it's been a very violent place.

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I do not believe it is over the top to use lethal force on out of control mobs armed with lethal projectiles and fire bombs.

Oh, how different the tunes sound when it happens close to you...

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I'm Sick.

How many of us said that when the riots were going on here "this sort of thing would never happen in England"?...and here we go,

England has a history of riots stretching back through history. At times it's been a very violent place.

This is true. I remember in 1979 I lived 3 miles away from where the "Southall Riots" took place and a teacher named Blair Peach was killed. After that I decided to move my family to Oxford as I did not want my family to get caught up in it. Oxford has never experienced rioting.

Also I remember the Toxteth Riots in Liverpool and the last riots in north London where PC Kevin Blakelock had his head hacked off.

So I suppose it just needs a spark to ignite a flame then all the yougsters who hate authority will go onto the streets to protest for the smallest of reasons :annoyed:

It's a sad world.

I really felt sorry for the furniture shop owner who's business was razed to the gound. They had been trading for 5 generations, no mean achievment in todays uncertain business climate, he was close to tears when being interviewed and could not understand why his shop , a pillar of the community had been targeted.

The only good news is that last night was much quieter in London, but a new wave of attacks on police and property ignited in Manchester.

These yobs pobably have no idea why they are rioting, they see one city do it and feel compelled to join in...crazy :ph34r:

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I do not believe it is over the top to use lethal force on out of control mobs armed with lethal projectiles and fire bombs.

Oh, how different the tunes sound when it happens close to you...

There is a large land mass and a vast ocean that separates me form the savage mobs. Sowwwy.

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I do not believe it is over the top to use lethal force on out of control mobs armed with lethal projectiles and fire bombs.

Oh, how different the tunes sound when it happens close to you...

There is a large land mass and a vast ocean that separates me form the savage mobs. Sowwwy.

A stitch in time saves nine as they say, so it's a shame these kids grew up in a moral background of non-existent parenting and PC schools which refused to give them any discipline either. Now lethal force is indeed an option, suppose they set fire to a hospital and attack the fire crew - sure, shoot them on sight in such circumstances.

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I do not believe it is over the top to use lethal force on out of control mobs armed with lethal projectiles and fire bombs.

Oh, how different the tunes sound when it happens close to you...

There is a large land mass and a vast ocean that separates me form the savage mobs. Sowwwy.

And an exceptionally large gasbag.

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I do not believe it is over the top to use lethal force on out of control mobs armed with lethal projectiles and fire bombs.

Oh, how different the tunes sound when it happens close to you...

There is a large land mass and a vast ocean that separates me form the savage mobs. Sowwwy.

A stitch in time saves nine as they say, so it's a shame these kids grew up in a moral background of non-existent parenting and PC schools which refused to give them any discipline either. Now lethal force is indeed an option, suppose they set fire to a hospital and attack the fire crew - sure, shoot them on sight in such circumstances.

Sorry we don't kill people without a trial in the UK. We don't even kill then when they've had a trial especially not when all they've done is steal a tellie.

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