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Riots and looting spreads to Greater Manchester on fourth day of violence


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There is a very good article today in the UKs Daily Telegraph by a guy called Peter Oborne which has struck a chord with many many people there. He is their chief political correspondent so is hardly a hand wringing Liberal, quite the opposite. I strongly recommend that anybody here who has an open mind, and cares about the Uk and what it has become, and why, has a look at it. Some real home truths which i am sure will have some of their traditional readers spluttering into their gin and tonics, but it needed to be said. As i said, if you have an open mind go to The Daily Telegraph website, the article is under the heading, Comment. For all of you "shoot em on sight- forcibly sterilize em- brand scum on their foreheads etc" brigade out there, who are so blinded by your racism, hatred and ignorant bigotry, there is probably not much point. It will probably go straight over your heads.

Sorry i cant post a link, but i am fairly new to this computer malarky and don't know how! Someone did explain it to me but it was over the phone and every time i try i <deleted>> it up! Oh dear.

In my earlier post, I didn't advocate sterilizing them forthwith. I suggested there be a program where adults can get sterilized for free (gov't clinic) if they so choose. I recommend such programs for Africa and the dunes first off. Perhaps later, implement the program in other, slighly less primitive places, like London.

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who are so blinded by your racism, hatred and ignorant bigotry, there is probably not much point. It will probably go straight over your heads.


Don't take it personally. Kind of an all purpose,standard attack these days. :whistling:

Edited by Ulysses G.
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There is a very good article today in the UKs Daily Telegraph by a guy called Peter Oborne which has struck a chord with many many people there. He is their chief political correspondent so is hardly a hand wringing Liberal, quite the opposite. I strongly recommend that anybody here who has an open mind, and cares about the Uk and what it has become, and why, has a look at it. Some real home truths which i am sure will have some of their traditional readers spluttering into their gin and tonics, but it needed to be said. As i said, if you have an open mind go to The Daily Telegraph website, the article is under the heading, Comment. For all of you "shoot em on sight- forcibly sterilize em- brand scum on their foreheads etc" brigade out there, who are so blinded by your racism, hatred and ignorant bigotry, there is probably not much point. It will probably go straight over your heads.

Sorry i cant post a link, but i am fairly new to this computer malarky and don't know how! Someone did explain it to me but it was over the phone and every time i try i <deleted>> it up! Oh dear.

Thanks for pointing out that article


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There is a very good article today in the UKs Daily Telegraph by a guy called Peter Oborne which has struck a chord with many many people there. He is their chief political correspondent so is hardly a hand wringing Liberal, quite the opposite. I strongly recommend that anybody here who has an open mind, and cares about the Uk and what it has become, and why, has a look at it. Some real home truths which i am sure will have some of their traditional readers spluttering into their gin and tonics, but it needed to be said. As i said, if you have an open mind go to The Daily Telegraph website, the article is under the heading, Comment. For all of you "shoot em on sight- forcibly sterilize em- brand scum on their foreheads etc" brigade out there, who are so blinded by your racism, hatred and ignorant bigotry, there is probably not much point. It will probably go straight over your heads.

Sorry i cant post a link, but i am fairly new to this computer malarky and don't know how! Someone did explain it to me but it was over the phone and every time i try i <deleted>> it up! Oh dear.

Thanks for pointing out that article



Another one of those "Well they did it as well" type articles.

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This is how civilisations die. It can happen overnight as it did in Revolutionary France.

If Britain of 1939 were composed of the current motley crew, the entirety of Europe would today be doing the 'Heil Hitler' salute and singing the 'Horst Wessel Song'.

What a drama Queen . The way things are now couldn't be any worse . Lets face it capitalism is for the rich & the few that have abit of luck .

Still the poor in capitalist countries are much better off than elsewhere. It isn't about economics - it's bad parenting.

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Why are people so determined to make this a race thing?

Because after 20 years of blaming 'immigrants' for everything it comes as something of a surprise to them that white folks can be <deleted> too.

Indeed, it is not about race, it is about a combination of entitlement, lack of upbringing (for some) and a political agenda (for some).

The white upper-class girl being caught is most likely a red wine leftie and sees this riots as part of the struggle against the 'man' (which might be her dad).

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There is a very good article today in the UKs Daily Telegraph by a guy called Peter Oborne which has struck a chord with many many people there. He is their chief political correspondent so is hardly a hand wringing Liberal, quite the opposite. I strongly recommend that anybody here who has an open mind, and cares about the Uk and what it has become, and why, has a look at it. Some real home truths which i am sure will have some of their traditional readers spluttering into their gin and tonics, but it needed to be said. As i said, if you have an open mind go to The Daily Telegraph website, the article is under the heading, Comment. For all of you "shoot em on sight- forcibly sterilize em- brand scum on their foreheads etc" brigade out there, who are so blinded by your racism, hatred and ignorant bigotry, there is probably not much point. It will probably go straight over your heads.

Sorry i cant post a link, but i am fairly new to this computer malarky and don't know how! Someone did explain it to me but it was over the phone and every time i try i <deleted>> it up! Oh dear.

Thanks for pointing out that article


It actually is a good article, the moral decay does run from top to bottom, which does not excuse the behavior of either. One of the consequences of liberal democracy seems to be that those in the middle actually get away with far less than those at the extremes. The wealthy can stuff their money into tax havens and buy influence, sue people who upset them etc, the underclass have access to legal aid giving them more access to legal representation than the middle classes. The same applies to criminal sanctions, at the bottom of the heap no sanction makes a jot of difference, they have nothing to lose. The middle class can lose jobs, houses, indeed all the things people work for years to obtain. If there should be a revolution it should by rights come from those in the middle not those at the poles of society.

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Here is one of the few Britons who has the balls to call it as it really is, if only he were prime minister. :annoyed:

Part of the sentence for those arrested should be to memorize the part from 3:00 to 3:45 and be able to recite it word for word.

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You miss the point entirely

These people do NOTHING, NADA, ZILCH. They deserve NOTHING. Benefits are supposed to help people in genuine need of assistance, they are not intended to support lazy tossers who want a free ride in life given to them by everybody else.

And yeah, I want more but guess what....... I WORK for more.


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I grew up in chav-ville, I know what makes these people tick. I've experienced the benefit thing, single parent family, domestic violence and all that shizzle.

They appreciate nothing. The fact that they are handed free money and housing for doing absolutely sweet FA doesn't seem to register. They just complain that they want more.

They resent anybody that has more than they do, despite the fact that those who have more go out and actually work for what they have. They feel as though they are entitled to the same as everybody else that works hard, for doing absolutely f*ckall.

You get big chav families in free chav housing. Collectively their benefits add up to a tidy sum so they have a better standard of living than many who do work for a living. Still though, of course, it isn't enough and they expect it for yet again doing absolutely f*ckall.

Every now and then the government might have the temerity to suggest they should at least try to get jobs or do some kind of work in exchange for their benefits. These poor oppressed chavs then complain complain that their RIGHTS are being abused because they are expected to do something just like everybody else in the world. Try to give a chav a job, they'll run a fookin mile.

They are sponging oxygen thieves, nothing more. And they were created largely by the welfare state and the namby pamby lefty politically correct idiots.

+infinity -one.... anyone care to add?

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The police in most countries are in many instances hamstrung by department policy, when it comes to dealing with situations like this. These policies are in some part a result of mistakes made in the past, past settlements, etc. Having never dealt with the police in the UK except a couple times on a social level, I can not know their mindset, training, education, reasoning, etc.

From what I can gather, they have locked up over 2,000 rioter/looters. If you figure they only catch 5% of the total culprits, thats a lot of people out to do mischief. They are scattered and mixed amongst the gawkers/whatever. The military probably have more resources to put to use and coupled with a curfew, could get things sorted fairly quickly.

According to today's Times the PM wanted to bring the military in but senior officers in the Met objected very strongly and said they'd refuse to work with them.

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This is how civilisations die. It can happen overnight as it did in Revolutionary France.

If Britain of 1939 were composed of the current motley crew, the entirety of Europe would today be doing the 'Heil Hitler' salute and singing the 'Horst Wessel Song'.

What a drama Queen . The way things are now couldn't be any worse . Lets face it capitalism is for the rich & the few that have abit of luck .

Still the poor in capitalist countries are much better off than elsewhere. It isn't about economics - it's bad parenting.

I hate to have to say this but I totally agree with you :lol:

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who are so blinded by your racism, hatred and ignorant bigotry, there is probably not much point. It will probably go straight over your heads.


No 67 and 124 to start with. There are are a few more, especially in the thread that preceded this one that was locked and then moved here. David Cameron was a "yobbo", along with Boris Johnson and George Osbourne when they were at Oxford. Check out the Bullingdon Club on google. Getting pissed on several bottles of champers and wrecking restaurants, running through the streets of Oxford pursued by the police. Cameron hiding in the bushes to evade arrest. But hey. restaurant wrecked, send the bill to daddy, Ya. Hypocrites the lot of them. The sight of MPs standing up yesterday, pretending they were holier than thou was truly nauseating. People have selective amnesia, this time last year the only topic in the UK newspapers was MPs stealing huge amounts of public money, thousands of pounds in some cases. Just one example yesterday was an MP from Manchester who claimed nearly 9,000 pounds for a Bang and Olufsun music system. Another claimed 8,000 pounds for EIGHT laptop computers. Many more examples, too numerous to mention. But hey, they stole this money by mistake, by accident, and when they got caught out they just wrote cheques out and paid it back. No prison for them,(well a few of them did a few weeks in an open prison). Most of them are out already after serving three months of an eighteen month sentence. Will probably be taken on now by multi national companies, banking houses etc, on the strength of their contacts, with six figure salaries. There was a time when politicians who had to resign in disgrace were never heard of again. Not any more. Six months later they are back in the fold, back in the cabinet making the laws that the rest of us have to live by. ( Think Peter Mandleson to name but one). The bottom line is this. Theft is theft. There is no difference between a public servant stealing a 9,000 pound music system and a council estate kid looting one from Curry"s. In fact the Public Servant is probably worse. He is stealing it from you and me. And has no excuse. The two MPs i have referred to here both stood up in parliament yesterday calling for draconian measures against the people looting. What hypocrites they are. Thank goodness there are still journalists with integrity like Peter Oborne, who are prepared to stick their heads above the parapet and stand up to the hypocrites and bigots and try to educate people who are open minded enough to listen to the other side of the arguments. But sadly i do accept that most people are sheep, who follow the agenda set by The Daily Mail and The Sun, Fox News etc, who have no mind of their own and just go along with the baying horde. What a shame.

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I just look at what is happening in the UK and know that unless the politicians in my own country stop pandering to the do gooders I will see the same thing in my backyard in about 10 years.

I know we had the Cronulla riots but that was the aussies taking back the streets for aussies. Multiculturalism, just for the sake of it, clearly isn't working. Lack of discipline on the young folk, clearly isn't working.

It's time some of these little sh*ts learn a bit about being a community and that there is a price to pay for unsocial activities and civil disobedience.

I heard on the news this morning that the British PM is basically allowing the police to use whatever they like, however they like. Go get em lads.

'Taking back the streets for Aussies', eh ?! You sound like a white supremacist. Cronulla riots were shameful acts against Lebanese Australians, many of whom were targeted and beaten just due to their ethnicity.

I am not defending Lebanese Australians just for the sake of defending them. If they had been ones in the wrong in the riots, I would have pointed the finger at them.

The UK riots proved to be an excuse for right-wing, anti-multiculturalism folks to speak out their bigotry and also hatred for left-wingers. Many of the rioters were white folks, in case you weren't aware.

The police did a poor job overall. Speak out against them...not against multiculturalism ! And, of course, do speak out against rioters (who should be punished heavily, I also think) but without racist/racial tones.

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who are so blinded by your racism, hatred and ignorant bigotry, there is probably not much point. It will probably go straight over your heads.


No 67 and 124 to start with. There are are a few more, especially in the thread that preceded this one that was locked and then moved here. David Cameron was a "yobbo", along with Boris Johnson and George Osbourne when they were at Oxford. Check out the Bullingdon Club on google. Getting pissed on several bottles of champers and wrecking restaurants, running through the streets of Oxford pursued by the police. Cameron hiding in the bushes to evade arrest. But hey. restaurant wrecked, send the bill to daddy, Ya. Hypocrites the lot of them. The sight of MPs standing up yesterday, pretending they were holier than thou was truly nauseating. People have selective amnesia, this time last year the only topic in the UK newspapers was MPs stealing huge amounts of public money, thousands of pounds in some cases. Just one example yesterday was an MP from Manchester who claimed nearly 9,000 pounds for a Bang and Olufsun music system. Another claimed 8,000 pounds for EIGHT laptop computers. Many more examples, too numerous to mention. But hey, they stole this money by mistake, by accident, and when they got caught out they just wrote cheques out and paid it back. No prison for them,(well a few of them did a few weeks in an open prison). Most of them are out already after serving three months of an eighteen month sentence. Will probably be taken on now by multi national companies, banking houses etc, on the strength of their contacts, with six figure salaries. There was a time when politicians who had to resign in disgrace were never heard of again. Not any more. Six months later they are back in the fold, back in the cabinet making the laws that the rest of us have to live by. ( Think Peter Mandleson to name but one). The bottom line is this. Theft is theft. There is no difference between a public servant stealing a 9,000 pound music system and a council estate kid looting one from Curry"s. In fact the Public Servant is probably worse. He is stealing it from you and me. And has no excuse. The two MPs i have referred to here both stood up in parliament yesterday calling for draconian measures against the people looting. What hypocrites they are. Thank goodness there are still journalists with integrity like Peter Oborne, who are prepared to stick their heads above the parapet and stand up to the hypocrites and bigots and try to educate people who are open minded enough to listen to the other side of the arguments. But sadly i do accept that most people are sheep, who follow the agenda set by The Daily Mail and The Sun, Fox News etc, who have no mind of their own and just go along with the baying horde. What a shame.

Odd. You are saying that theft by politicians is inexcusable while at the same time using it to justify the looting and destruction of property by the rioters. Politicians are crooks. But the 8k for computers and 9k for a sound system are nothing compared to the estimated 200 million pounds damage caused by the riots. In addition, what price can you put on the shame and embarrassment these punk criminals in the street brought upon the entire nation?

Edited by koheesti
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In addition, what price can you put on the shame and embarrassment these punk criminals in the street brought upon the entire nation?

Let's get one thing clear. These thugs might have been born in England but they bought no shame on me. I take no responsibility for other people's actions just because they happened to have been born on the same lump of land as me. I may have done things that I'm ashamed off. I'm never willing to accept responsibility for other people's shame.

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In addition, what price can you put on the shame and embarrassment these punk criminals in the street brought upon the entire nation?

Let's get one thing clear. These thugs might have been born in England but they bought no shame on me. I take no responsibility for other people's actions just because they happened to have been born on the same lump of land as me. I may have done things that I'm ashamed off. I'm never willing to accept responsibility for other people's shame.

Two views of riots that shame UK

AS riots shame the nation for a fourth night, questions remain about how to overcome the anarchy on our streets.


Britain shamed by night of violence as more cities hit


London riots 'an embarrassment'

Needless to say, these riots come as a great embarrassment to England and all other people outside Britain who hold themselves out as adherents to the "higher" British socio-political and cultural values.


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I just look at what is happening in the UK and know that unless the politicians in my own country stop pandering to the do gooders I will see the same thing in my backyard in about 10 years.

I know we had the Cronulla riots but that was the aussies taking back the streets for aussies. Multiculturalism, just for the sake of it, clearly isn't working. Lack of discipline on the young folk, clearly isn't working.

It's time some of these little sh*ts learn a bit about being a community and that there is a price to pay for unsocial activities and civil disobedience.

I heard on the news this morning that the British PM is basically allowing the police to use whatever they like, however they like. Go get em lads.

'Taking back the streets for Aussies', eh ?! You sound like a white supremacist. Cronulla riots were shameful acts against Lebanese Australians, many of whom were targeted and beaten just due to their ethnicity.

I am not defending Lebanese Australians just for the sake of defending them. If they had been ones in the wrong in the riots, I would have pointed the finger at them.

The UK riots proved to be an excuse for right-wing, anti-multiculturalism folks to speak out their bigotry and also hatred for left-wingers. Many of the rioters were white folks, in case you weren't aware.

The police did a poor job overall. Speak out against them...not against multiculturalism ! And, of course, do speak out against rioters (who should be punished heavily, I also think) but without racist/racial tones.

'white supremist? Taking Back the Streets was the catchcry of the rioters, that was the reason they gave for rioting. I'm afraid I wasn't involved in the naming process..

The Lebanese had been assaulting and harrassing, mainly women, on and around the beach for years. The locals finally had enough and the bubble burst.

Please familiarise yourself with things before making derogatory comments.

Back on topic, firstly I would like to see the rioters made to do community service by cleaning up the mess they have caused. After they finish with that they can then go and have a year holiday at one of Her Majesty's prisons.

Edited by Wallaby
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In addition, what price can you put on the shame and embarrassment these punk criminals in the street brought upon the entire nation?

Let's get one thing clear. These thugs might have been born in England but they bought no shame on me. I take no responsibility for other people's actions just because they happened to have been born on the same lump of land as me. I may have done things that I'm ashamed off. I'm never willing to accept responsibility for other people's shame.

Two views of riots that shame UK

AS riots shame the nation for a fourth night, questions remain about how to overcome the anarchy on our streets.


Britain shamed by night of violence as more cities hit


London riots 'an embarrassment'

Needless to say, these riots come as a great embarrassment to England and all other people outside Britain who hold themselves out as adherents to the "higher" British socio-political and cultural values.


Did Rodney King make you ashamed of the USA?

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In addition, what price can you put on the shame and embarrassment these punk criminals in the street brought upon the entire nation?

Let's get one thing clear. These thugs might have been born in England but they bought no shame on me. I take no responsibility for other people's actions just because they happened to have been born on the same lump of land as me. I may have done things that I'm ashamed off. I'm never willing to accept responsibility for other people's shame.

Two views of riots that shame UK

AS riots shame the nation for a fourth night, questions remain about how to overcome the anarchy on our streets.


Britain shamed by night of violence as more cities hit


London riots 'an embarrassment'

Needless to say, these riots come as a great embarrassment to England and all other people outside Britain who hold themselves out as adherents to the "higher" British socio-political and cultural values.


Did Rodney King make you ashamed of the USA?

It was a great embarrassment for sure. Almost as much as the election result a year and a half later.

[edit - I was living in the USA at the time of the LA riots and probably never thought about how people around the world looked at it so I'msure I didn't feel embarrassed. If it happened while living overseas then I would be embarrassed for my country. Some for the beating and some for the rioting.]

Edited by koheesti
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Here is one of the few Britons who has the balls to call it as it really is, if only he were prime minister. :annoyed:

Hey Steely Dan ,any prize on the top shelf for this classic, yeah the guy is just saying what millions feel but are afraid to say it as they will be branded as rabid right wingers by the left wing politically correct "do gooders", the results of that thinking are now all too plain to see , Pat Condell is one of my hero's and says it as it really is ,I particularly enjoy his video's on the utter failure of multiculturalism throughout Europe.
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Pat Condell is one of my hero's

Me too. Pat Condell is a genius. :thumbsup:

Mind you in one forum (which I have just left) they say the guy is "evil" , but their judgments don't amount to much as 95% of them are Thaksin Arse lickers too,LOL

Anyone so hated by the liberal left must be doing something right. He surgically demolishes their naive, dishonest and hypocritical attitudes and they lamely and falsely accuse him of racism, which is of course their default defense mechanism when they can't bear the cognitive dissonance he has set off in their heads.

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Pat Condell is one of my hero's

Me too. Pat Condell is a genius. :thumbsup:

Mind you in one forum (which I have just left) they say the guy is "evil" , but their judgments don't amount to much as 95% of them are Thaksin Arse lickers too,LOL

Anyone so hated by the liberal left must be doing something right. He surgically demolishes their naive, dishonest and hypocritical attitudes and they lamely and falsely accuse him of racism, which is of course their default defense mechanism when they can't bear the cognitive dissonance he has set off in their heads.

Yeah Dan, Condell is the voice and thoughts of millions in UKhanistan ,who are now fully aware that the "great experiment" has been a dismal failure , however now that its very much in vogue to be of the "trendy left" I can't see Pat being much of a threat ,apart from the "handwringers" being shown up to the common man just what a pathetic set of brainless tossers they really are!.
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I was on duty in the Totteham Riots in the 80s In SPG (if any of oldens its remember them)..... We didnt take priosners then BUT now its all on camera, I WILL GUARUANTEE YOU THAT SEVERAL OFFICERS IN ENGLAND WILL BE PROSECTED FOR GOING OVER THE TOP and "unfairly treating the poor youth" what the ********** is going on here.


Its pathetic to watch and listen to whats going on There will be a big public enquiry, how many more of these totally crap committees/ enquiries do we need to "establish" what went on. Normal people will just have had enough of these scum, I HOPE THE SITUATION WILL REVERSE FOR THE GOOD GUYS and not just a fightback but a 5 year sentence passed immediately for ANY body convicted of any criminal offense, (don't think that will happen not British way) Well it must happen to get back our way of life,,,, Watch the court sentenses this will be a laugh......

Anybody remember, Notting Hill Riots, Brixton riots, lewisham riots, Southall Riots etc That's just London not to mentioned Toxeth, bristol etc anything in common work it out for yourselves mmmmmmm?

It ain't rocket science is it ? Little S***** WHO WILL NICK ANYTHING AND KNOW THERE'S NO DETERRENT IF NICKED.

Ain't you glad your here is a largely peaceful and firm country, I KNOW I :D AM. and retired !!!!!

Cheers all

Have you never committed a crime in your life?

5 years , come on.

Have some compassion. Do you think these blacks will be able to retire to a tropical land?

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Strange that those who try and justify the riots, the PC crowd. Come up with the same reasons and answers as they have for over 30 years. No one can deny that money has been thrown at theses social issues, yet things are worse. If you have a rabid dog no matter how well you treat it, it will bite you. There are real things that can be done and there are airy fariy cloud in the sky things, which cost money. The UK has no money to spare. Put the dog down and there is no chance it will bite.

The rights of the individual or a minority can never be more than the rights of the majority, that includes the rich and powerful. The time has come in all western nations for Governments to stop dictating and start representing the wishes of the people. I fear that what is happening through out our world is going to escalate. Look at Yugoslavia, a stable nation for years, then in no time a butchers paradise.

These riots did not build up over time , but were spontaneous. No pre planning was involved, they just happened. What's next, snipers in high buildings protecting Muslim areas, Black no go areas for whites and walled white districts. Jim

Walled white districts mmmmmmmm

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Rioters being evicted from there council houses. Great news for British justice and the so called Nanny State!This is the first and there will be many more to follow according to the BBC news interview with the PM.

Poetic justice

Yeah but the big problem here is if they get evicted out of their Council house and are claiming social security the Tax payer will have to house them and the rents in private property's are always much more than council propertys so the Government will finish up loseing more revenue .
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