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Any Seo Geeks Out There That Can Help Me?


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Hi All,

Is SEO an abbreviation of Search Engine Optimisation and...

...if so, is there any SEO geeks out there that can explain how the Search Engine stuff works? I was under the impression that the search engines just crawled sites and gleaned information from static webpages.

My site is only a single page that displays search results from a database when the user clicks on a button or does a search. According to my webstats for example:


Strictly for research purposes only!


Position/found Search engine

========= =========

1/3 Yahoo

4/13 Excite

1/46 MSN

1/3 Alt-Vista

0/88 Google

I know that I could do a search and find umpteen references to plough through to try and find the answers but after a long session, less than three hours sleep and a visa-run I would appreciate a quick simple answer. Isn't Thailand wonderful:)



Edited by John_Betong
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Hi All,

Is SEO an abbreviation of Search Engine Optimisation and...


...if so, is there any SEO geeks out there that can explain how the Search Engine stuff works? I was under the impression that the search engines just crawled sites and gleaned information from static webpages.

They glean information from static webpages, and any documents on a webserver they can open (pdf, doc, etc). They can also search through databases.

After getting the information, search engines need to sort it. They do so mainly by evaluating the number of external links pointing to a page (or a document) and by descriptions used in those links.

That's all I know about the subject (I guess I did not pass my geek test :o )

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Hi All,

Is SEO an abbreviation of Search Engine Optimisation and...

...if so, is there any SEO geeks out there that can explain how the Search Engine stuff works? I was under the impression that the search engines just crawled sites and gleaned information from static webpages.

My site is only a single page that displays search results from a database when the user clicks on a button or does a search. According to my webstats for example:


Strictly for research purposes only!


Position/found Search engine

========= =========

1/3 Yahoo

4/13 Excite

1/46 MSN

1/3 Alt-Vista

0/88 Google

I know that I could do a search and find umpteen references to plough through to try and find the answers but after a long session, less than three hours sleep and a visa-run I would appreciate a quick simple answer. Isn't Thailand wonderful:)



Search engines use dedicated programs that read web sites on a regular basis and they look for specific information. The searche engines also track changes to the web site to make it more difficult to trick them into higher rankings. Page rank improvement takes time and effort and good coding and be wary of anyone/thing that offers top 10 placement.


Congratulations on being 1st in "Ejaculation..."

...though personally it wouldn't have been my choice :o

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Hi BangBuaThong,

The search was to try and find http://anetizer.com/index.php?joke=241. I copied the words from the relevant content from the database. I was quite successful in coming very near to the top of thousands of other sites on more than one Search Engine.

What were the results of your search?

As I say it was strictly for research purposes, honest!




what kind of research is it  john?

how to fill your bathtub? :o

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Search engines use dedicated programs that read web sites on a regular basis and they look for specific information. The searche engines also track changes to the web site to make it more difficult to trick them into higher rankings. Page rank improvement takes time and effort and good coding and be wary of anyone/thing that offers top 10 placement.


Congratulations on being 1st in "Ejaculation..."

...though personally it wouldn't have been my choice  :o

Hi KidTongue,

Other searches that were successful from the webstats program:

Referring Link

5 search.msn.com/results.aspx?q=mrs williams webpage&first=71&FORM=PERE5

4 www.betsprint.com/index.php?joke=m_previous

2 justjoolz.com/

2 www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=justjoolz&btnG=Search&meta=cr%3DcountryUK%7CcountryGB

2 www.betsprint.com/index.php?joke=m_title

2 www.betsprint.com/index.php?joke=m_addjoke

2 www.betsprint.com/index.php?joke=liners

2 justjoolz.com/index.php?joke=nurs

2 www.betsprint.com/index.php?joke=m_search

2 justjoolz.com/index.php?joke=m_home

2 www.justjoolz.com/

2 www.betsprint.com/index.php?joke=m_last

1 anetizer.com/

1 search.yahoo.com/search?p=ronnie%20barker%20porridge%20bad%20feet%20sketch&fr=FP-tab-web-t&toggle=1&cop=&ei=UTF-8

1 www.betsprint.com/index.php?joke=husband

1 search.msn.com/results.aspx?q=posting good jokes to friends&FORM=QBRE

1 www.betsprint.com/index.php?joke=m_savejoke

1 www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?showuser=21917

1 search.msn.com/results.aspx?q=joke public service announcements&first=21&FORM=PORE

1 www.betsprint.com/index.php?joke=court

1 search.yahoo.com/search?p=how many teaspoons are in a ejaculation&prssweb=Search&ei=UTF-8&fl=0&fr=slv1-wave&b=21

1 justjoolz.com/index.php?joke=condom

1 uk.search.yahoo.com/search?p=fork handles joke&ei=UTF-8&fl=0&meta=vc%3D&pstart=1&fr=fp-tab-web-t-1&b=11

1 search.msn.com/results.aspx?FORM=MSN8A&q=joke public service announcements

1 search.yahoo.com/search?p=%22yes sir%22 jokes for wives&fr=FP-tab-web-t&toggle=1&cop=&ei=UTF-8

1 search.yahoo.com/bin/search?fr=ybr_vzn&p=Jokes%20about%20personal%20titles

1 board.nanaplaza.com//showflat.php?Cat=&Number=442441&page=0&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=&fpart=1

1 www.justjoolz.com

1 www.justjoolz.com/index.php?joke=beer

1 anetizer.com/index.php?joke=compute

1 search.msn.com/results.aspx?q=mrs%20williams%20webpage&first=71&FORM=PERE5

1 search.yahoo.com/search?p=personal jokes&ei=UTF-8&fr=FP-tab-web-t&fl=0&x=wrt

1 uk.search.yahoo.com/search?p=candles Ronnies&prssweb=Search&ei=UTF-8&fl=0&meta=vc%3D&pstart=1&fr=ieas&b=31

I find it fascinating to see what people search for:)

By the way, I have three URL's all linked to the site, betsprint.com, justjoolz.com and anetizer.com



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To improve your page ranking (other than by having the most relevant content to the search) you need to have other sites linking to yours. You are on the right track with having the other sites point to the one, but I wonder if it would be better to just have links? You could test and see, giving Google a few days to crawl it and discover the links. You could start a weblog and link to it from there. You can bribe your friends to link to the website from their blogs.

And that's all I know on that topic.

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Hi John

If you want to get a good idea about SEO, take a look at webmasterworld forum.

start here webmaster world - link development and read and read and read.

Lots of good stuff in the other sections too, but if you want to rank well in the top 3 search engines, its pretty much all about inbound links.

Inbound links are links from other sites to yours. Most sites have a link exchange program, where they will link to you if you link back to them.

Avoid linking with sites that are related to pornography, gambling, drugs (viagra etc.) and any sites that have anything to do with SEO. You dont want to be associated with so-called "bad neighbourhoods".

Quantity of inbound links is important but quality is probably more so. By quality links i mean links from good sites that are related to your keywords. Relevancy is key.

How u define a quality site is subjective, but good a indicator is Google Page Rank. Install Google Toolbar and it will tell u the page rank of each page of a site. The higher the better. Other quality indicators are sites that do well in search engines, sites that have been around for a while, and especially sites that do not use any spam techniques.

The important thing about inbound links is the anchor text. This is the text that is usually underlined and is blue by default. You want to make sure your keywords are included in your anchor text. You should also try to vary your anchor text so that your inbound links aren't all the same.

To start off you could also try to get yourself listed in some directories such as Yahoo Directory and DMOZ. Some you have to pay for but it is sometimes worth it. However, be wary of link farms and other directories that are there just for SEO. Google and other search engines are beginning to penalise these sites and possibly sites that are listed within them.

As you can see, SEO is huge topic and we've only scratched the tip of the iceberg. The most difficult thing i find is that there are no hard and fast answers. Google et al understandably dont tell you how to manipulate their search results. Be wary of anyone proclaiming to be an SEO expert. Most likely they know a little and sometimes a little is worse than nothing.

My advice is to read webmaster world religiously. You have to sift through a lot of junk sometimes, but there is gold there.

PM me if you have any questions, i will try to help best i can.

Good luck.

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I have four comments:

One: Read about how Google works, because not much else matters.

Two: As the previous poster said, *quality* inbound links matter a lot.

Three: Google ignores keywords, because they do not trust metadata supplied by webmasters. Because you're not biased at all, right?

Four: If any company offers to 'optimise' your search engine ranking for dollars, pour a bucket of petrol over the bastards and flick a cigarette butt their way, because of three. They know, they're just ripping you off.

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content is king, thats all there is to it, everything else is just a 'trick' that the SE's are making harder and harder to do. I have a 3 month old website with less than 5 inbound links, and its google PR 5, but it has lots of good content, no key words, mete tags yes, but basic

content is king

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Yep I agree, Just make sure that the content is high quality and dont spam key words within the text too much. Also make sure that each page links to every other page on your website.

Links are cool, but ONLY if they are high quality and relevant, irrelevant links harm your website in terms of rankings, Also reciprication of links can also be important.

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Hi All and especially the posters that replied,

I read avidly all the posts and followed the suggested links and it appears as though this technolgy is rapidly changing and there does not seem any simple explanations.

The search criteria appears to be different for each individual search engine company but the majority seem to follow a similar pattern.

I will endeavour to increase the fixed content of my dynamic index page. Also try to anticipate the punters queries and include these words in my quality content. I will not forget to exclude contraversial content but should imagine this will be difficult since it is basically a jokes page.



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