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A Short Story Long.....stayed with the misses last weekend and seeing as she was busy teaching at her home i decided to out for a few beers.

Which actually turned in to one to many beers to be honest with you,,,,rolleyes.gifwhen i arrived home later in the day my teerak was waiting for me,,I want to go into town she said,,so i said come on then lets go and when she went to start her car,,.there was nothing the car was dead as a door nail,,,now this is where the fun starts ,,she had left the car lights on all day..Arghhhhhhhhh grhhhhhhh.

So spanners out,,,removed the battery then we took it around the corner to the local mechanic to charge it for us.

Can pick it back up in a couple of hours he said..took her into town for a little bit of shopping.

Went back later to pick up the battery paid the man a measly sum of 30 baht for charging it for us,,then i noticed 2 Thai dogs one was a little white dog and was jumping about and to be honest with you wanted to take the little fellow home,,,the other dog was typical scabby mutt who just so happens to be sleeping on the garage floor and was covered in grease and oil..

MAMA was busy knitting some sort of hat and scarf in the corner,,,so i said mama what is the dogs name,,she replied dog name is tængmo ,,tængmo i said to the misses what does that mean ,,she then replied it means Watermelon,cheesy.gif, so i said to mama what is the other dogs name,,she then replied to me dogs names is k̄ĥāwphod h̄wān,,,,,k̄ĥāwphod h̄wān i said to the misses what does that mean and she said it means Sweetcorn cheesy.gif.

I have named my 2 dogs after my Favorite beer back home..named one dog stella and the other dog his name is Bow.biggrin.gif.so maybe the Thais think that they are stupid names for dogs.

Do any of you ?? have or know of maybe family members with unusual or bizarre names they have given to there pets ??

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Relatives thought one of our dogs was called "Four", something to do with golf maybe?

One of the best dog names I heard translated as "Black light".


We called our dog "Nye" because we found her years ago on Beach99, Koh Phangan... and nine was to complicated to be pronounced by locales.

Incidentally, our gardener here, in Nonthaburi is named Nye as well... So when we are calling that name, we always have two replies.

A month ago, we adopted a kitty that we found in a box at the back of a phone repair shop, on the BigC parking lot.... So we called her "Nokia". cool.gif


My own dog's tale from some years ago, with apologies for the wordiness:


We just got a new pet dog. For me, it's the first time in 38 years to have one. My last experience with owning a dog wasn't good. I had promised to look after it and take full responsibility. My father actually took me at my word and dumped a puppy on me that he'd picked up at a pound.


It was a black, ugly mongrel, but I loved him with all my heart. We lived on the fourth floor of a four storey building near Yee Wo Street in Causeway Bay. We had just one neighbor and so had the roof mostly to ourselves, which was great for Bobby, the dog. The adjoining building had a similar roof and a low wall separated the two.


As part of a strictly vegetarian family, Bobby had to eat lentils and rice and chapatti, along with milk. I loved the stuff and couldn't understand why Bobby wouldn't eat much and why he was thriving on so little food. The reason was revealed when I spotted the neighbor sheepishly feeding him fish one afternoon. It was our little secret and my mom never found out. My mom went on and on about how good 'ol vegetarian food is what every creature could thrive on. If the phrase had existed then, I would've said, "yeah, right."


Bobby was soon spending more time next doors than with us, which was fine by my mom, who never liked him in the house anyway. My little brother and I were spending a lot of time at the neighbors' as well. My mom's only concern was that we might be eating forbidden food, like chicken, which my brother, in fact, was, and with relish. I would've told on him, but didn't for fear he'd spill the beans on what Bobby was eating (not beans).


In those days neighbors kept their doors open and kids would run in and out of each others' homes. Our neighbor was a kindly lady who had six daughters. The husband was a ship's engineer and mostly away. He'd always return with exotic toys from far-away lands, like Taiwan. Even though these toys weren't strictly for us, my brother and I would happily play with them, unless they were dolls. Well, allright, we played with the dolls too, but Hey! we turned out OK (didn't we?)


Anyway, no one really knew how to look after a dog properly and Bobby was soon crawling with ticks. Consequently, he was banned from both houses and the neighbor girls stopped playing with him. My brother and I were the only ones that still cared. The neighbor stopped feeding him.


As Bobby got thinner and weaker, I convinced my mom to at least mix in some  scrambled eggs with his rice and she reluctantly agreed. Even in his weakened state, Bobby would just pick the eggs and leave the rice. Eventually, when he got big enough, he just jumped over to the adjoining roof and disappeared. He probably figured he had a better chance of finding edible food on the streets. My mom felt guilty (my brother and I made sure of that) and we missed him dearly.


So it was with some trepidation that I agreed to get a dog.


Abia, our eldest, swore she'd take full responsibility, which meant that Mrs. T would be doing all the work, so I told Abia she'd have to convince her mom.  Mrs. T would have none of it, even after Abia spent weeks doing the dishes and dusting. Yet, somehow we found ourselves at a pet shop checking prices for Golden Retrievers. They were too expensive, and, besides, would grow to be too big and produce huge dollops of poop that Abia said she'd be happy to clean up.


No dice, said her mom.


The next weekend, we mysteriously found ourselves at a flea market where sellers brought whatever they wanted to sell, paying 50 baht to rent a three by four plot. There were people selling rabbits, hamsters, garden veggies, home-made pottery, etc. We stopped at a stall selling goldfish in little jam jars. I could see Mrs. T was thinking: 'fish are easy to care for, they wag their tails, they're pets too...'


The girls and I quickly steered her to the next booth where a lady was selling a cute, but sad-looking little puppy. I picked up the pup and put it into Mrs. T's arms. Her maternal instincts instantly kicked in, and her face softened to look just as it did when she first gazed upon the faces of our babies at the hospital.


All calculations about cost of feeding and the work to care for the mutt for the next thirteen years evaporated. She was sold, but a bit too soon; I hadn't had the chance to bargain the price yet and she was already asking about detailed care instructions. 


I walked away angrily, saying there was not gonna be any dog. "Buy a fish" I said. The girls were aghast at this turn of events; the most difficult hurdle (Mommy) had been miraculously crossed and now Papa turns on us.


Meanwhile, eager to begin nurturing, Mrs. T was fishing for her wallet. Fortunately, she didn't have enough cash and turned to me. I seized the opportunity and got us a 300 baht discount. It wasn't much, but look at what I had to work with; I was the only one among us with my wits about me.


We asked what kind of dog she was.


"American Hawker" said the lady. Not knowing anything about dogs, I went home and googled (at Yahoo) 'American Hawker'




Not discouraged, I googled on for another half hour, found some porn, moved on (after a while), till I discovered that what we'd brought home was possibly an American Cocker Spaniel. 


The Vet we took her to told us that she wasn't a pure-bred but appeared to be from good stock, and, in any case, was healthy and would be ready for her shots soon. 


Of course, everyone was already in love with her and didn't care that she might be a mutt. 


So we have new baby in the family, one who's got us all by the heartstrings. And Mrs. T? You'll find her in the pets section of the supermarket.



Did we need the all story with the wife and the car and the mechanic ?

just enlightening people with a story..you didnt have to read it ...

PS..when ever i post some thing...you always make a snarly reply......go away <deleted>


PS..though members would like to hear a little story...makes a change from all theses where can i buy toothpaste threads rolleyes.gif


A neighbor named his 2(!) Huskies (<deleted>, we are in Thailand, not freezing Alaska!!!!) "Skoopie" and "Fino"; we hope he comes to his senses before he gets himself a "Vespa".


Did we need the all story with the wife and the car and the mechanic ?

just enlightening people with a story..you didnt have to read it ...

PS..when ever i post some thing...you always make a snarly reply......go away

To snarl = To utter with anger or hostility:

I am very sorry that you took my comment that way.

For I can assure you there is no anger or hostility in me when I read your post ... boredom surely, but that's not an offense is it?

The fact is your story had nothing to do with your post.

And your post, well I personally think that Watermelon or Sweetcorn is a beautiful name for a dog, and I don't really understand the need to make a post about that.

Nevertheless, I recognize for every each of us the right to express one self in a safe and harmonious environment, even if it's to ask if Watermelon is a suitable name for a dog, so I restrained my comment about this not to hurt anyone's feeling.

I am not sure why you want me to go away or what <deleted> means, but I have a feeling that there is indeed some anger and hostility in that,

Actually, the anger seems to be more on your side ... regarding some previous post ?

I honesty don't remember

If you have some unresolved issues regarding some previous post, feel free to contact me on pm ...

Please note that if my comments bother you people, you are very welcome to include me into your ignore list.

Oh and contrary to a vague title such as "Dog name" where you do need to read the all bleeding thing to get to your point, "where can I buy toothpaste" title says it all and is efficient and those who don't know/aren't interested don't even have to open it


And can we not hijack a perfectly polite thread with extraneous issues?

Back to the nice innocent topic at hand:

My dog was named Donut by her previous owner. She didn't much look like a donut tho. We ended up with my sister in laws dog (one in a long line of many she got as puppies for her son and then when they weren't cute little puppies anymore she dumped on me) who was named Kao (white). We called her Mum cause she had a huge litter (pre-veterinarian, as soon as we got one, she was sterilized) of puppies and so was "Mum".


I'm going to name my next dog "Toothpaste", and Thakkar.....what did you end up naming your dog???


I thought I'd never get asked.



we have 2 jungle dogs.. Moowan & Moochem. ( sweet & salt pork )

One of the neighbors poisined Moochem last year and he's buried next to the klong on the far side of the property.

Moowan likes to go for runs with me, hang out in the road...

He got nailed by a car earlier this year and is now just gettin back to his normal self.


foofoo (isnt there a dog in the royal family with a dog like a shitzu named foofoo/-) dear hubby named him. i named lilee. ive always wanted to have a dog or a daughter named lily so now we have one.

had a goat named dok mai; had another, white and black goat named kao (play on words : khao in thai for white, and cow cause she was black and white . we had tik for a small black goat(an other thai girls name-- never really knew what it meant), and dam (black) for a larger black goat; phun (actually paul pronounced by thais- i found this out later, named after a guy on the kibbutz who worked with the thais, had red hair, the billy goat was a huge red coloured aggressive male, just like his namesake); lai (many coloured) one of my fave spotted goats; ...

had a (boxer girl)nala -taken from the lion king and a nero (boxer from finland came with the name); nala's pups were all named after alcoholic beverages: brandy, whiskey et al, and one donut .

named all our male goat kids after food: tbone, makluba (arabic goat meat and rice dish), labane (we ate hime also), steak (got stolen)... and various and sundry other food names. the females got named with a variety of arabic, hebrew, english and thai names: majnuna (crazy in arabic),

khao had a daughter named damke (checkers in hebrew) as she awas also black and white; dok mai had a girl named shemenet (cream) still at the zoo;

a pair of rats named thelma and loise (who ran away when someoen left their cage open, they lived in a wall in the caravan until one came back home, the other died in the wall).

had a group of ferrets named labane, pita, humous and tehina (dont ask why, i cant remember what we were thinking at the time).

frankly when u have a farm u have an oppurtinity to name everything any way u want and the animals dont care one way or an other... for instance, in cow sheds, even when they are numbered/tagged, here, they get names of all the females on the kibbutz. i had a cow in my name also (each group gets a letter, then a name)...

one of the elephants at the large zoo here was named after the vet that was successful in using AI and getting a thai female elephant pregnant from a doner elephant.. the vet crashed on a main highway going 160 , before gabi was born but while tamar was pregnant, so baby elephant was named after him.

had a donkey named rita, after a famous israeli woman singer who is well known for opeing her mouth very wide while singing... and donkeys also like to sing.

i have about 20 years worth of animals named, i remember all their names, and mostly why they were named that way... even snakes got names.

we used to get two lambs every year from a local breeder, to be bottle raised for the kids to learn about sheep, and then returned to his herd: they always got the same name to keep things simple, as the bottles always had the names written on them. it was easier to tell a child to go feed shahori 1 and shahori 2, i didnt have to remember new names: along the lines of my henriettas (red hens, a long line of them) henrietta one, henrietta two, etc..

the other interesting thing is that most people have more then one name for their pet: there is usually the more official pronounced same jack, black, donut or whatever. used most often in command or anger situations. then there are the jacky, blacki, nushnush type names... and most dogs answer perfectly well to bothe names. lilee is called khin khee by hubby (because she used to eat pigeon shit).




Nice stories.

Animal names are very important - the poor buggars have to live with them!!

At the moment in my family we have Jimmy, Sid and Spud (cats) and John the dog (chocolate lab), John's pedigree name is Wee Dram (some of our Scottish members may remember that!!)

Over the years, with Piggy the guinea pig to Suze (after a horrible French aperitif) my family have gone through lots of loved animals, with silly names. But they were loved and part of the family, which counts.

I can still name my pet cats since I was six - Simba, Tammy, Suze, Puss, Caramel, Tiggs, Princess, Saturna, Neptuna, Jupiter, Altair and wee Jimbo.

And the big wooly dug called Tufty...

I've only got Jimmy left now. And what a wonderful cat he is.

A bit odd like his mum, but that is life!!!

Jeez, I'm becoming one of this wild cat women...!!!!

Maybe the next cat i get i shall call Bubbles, try saying that in Swiss French.



nice innocent laid back thread...

was on a plane from Kl or someplace and got talking to the Kiwi lady next to me about the farm and stuff then dogs..she asked their names (5 of 'em)

Well I had to think but when I got to DAM, (our little black female sweet thing) ...she was shocked,,Why do you call her dam_n not very nice. Well we call her that cos she is a black bitch I said...you can guess the rest..all good fun...We have just been given a male "striped" dog to replace our ridge back bitten by a cobra. This dog looks like a bloody Thylacine ( extinct Tasmanian tiger)! You'll never guess his name of course! ...lol


We have a male Siberian Husky and the wife named him Moo Ping - BBQ or grilled Pork!!.

A couple of years back also had a good soi dog called LEO , after the beer, not with us now, went MIA.



nice innocent laid back thread...

was on a plane from Kl or someplace and got talking to the Kiwi lady next to me about the farm and stuff then dogs..she asked their names (5 of 'em)

Well I had to think but when I got to DAM, (our little black female sweet thing) ...she was shocked,,Why do you call her dam_n not very nice. Well we call her that cos she is a black bitch I said...you can guess the rest..all good fun...We have just been given a male "striped" dog to replace our ridge back bitten by a cobra. This dog looks like a bloody Thylacine ( extinct Tasmanian tiger)! You'll never guess his name of course! ...lol

I think your pronunciation might need a bit of work ;)

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