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Another "Rip Off" Restaurant


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At Huay Kaew falls (near Sivichai shrine) there is a local style barbecue restaurant. Please avoid eating here on "general principal" because if you are a falang they will find a way to cheat you.

I've eaten here several times over the last few years and apparently repeat patronage means nothing. When we went there today I mentioned to my wife to be careful about the prices as the last time we were there, there seemed to be something "fishy" about the bill. There is no written menu. She asked the young lady there the cost of a 1/4 chicken thigh and was told 40 baht. Sounded fair so we ordered and ate. When we went for the "check" the owner was now there. Off the top of her head she gave us the bill total, and it seemed very high, so my Thai wife asked for an itemized bill much to the displeasure of the owner. She had to run the total twice on her calculator to get it to add up to the quoted total. The 40 baht chicken was now 79 baht. My wife told her the young lady had told us 40 baht, to which she replied that that was not possible, all the while the younger lady was silent. Though this does happen occasionally it never ceases to infuriate me. This practice is despicable.

More unfortunate is that their food is excellent and the place though very "rustic" has an impressive view of the lower falls. I will never go there again. I suggest that if you go to the falls, please boycott this place.

I know I must "tham jai" and write it off as tambon, but it still bothers me when Thais treat us in such a fashion.:realangry:

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1/4 of a chicken thigh? That makes me hungry just thinking about it.

If it was a place I enjoyed, I would probably try it one more time and be super obnoxious about it just for sport.

Ask the price, when it arrives, confirm the price, then when you ask to pay, just have the money ready and TELL THEM the price, well that's 49 baht and that's 20 baht and the total is whatever, so here's your money. Goodbye. But I'm easily amused.

Not saying that would always work, but if it did, they would learn you're on to them and may have trained them they can't try their games again on you.

If it was a place I didn't enjoy, of course, forget about it.

Edited by Jingthing
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I would suggest everyone ignores the OP's gripe and find out for yourself. We are talking about miniscule amounts of baht. jeez.

I disagree. There are plenty of Thai establishments that do not cheat. I support their honesty via patronage, and avoid thievery, no matter the cost. However, if you wish to ignore being taken, go for it.

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I would suggest everyone ignores the OP's gripe and find out for yourself. We are talking about miniscule amounts of baht. jeez.

I highly doubt that it's about the amount of bahts, but rather the principal that he is deliberately being ripped off. Being quoted one price from an employee and then having to pay a completely different sum, in this case: twice as much.

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Maybe the girl made a mistake and was afraid to admit?

Sometimes we feel mistreated when we are not. I agree with Chamezz: in a country with falang prices it is never about the few bahts, but because we feel discriminated, lied to, etc etc.

I have become sensitive as well.

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Maybe the girl made a mistake and was afraid to admit?

Sometimes we feel mistreated when we are not.

I am not accusing anyone, but I have seen so many Westerners misunderstand such situations and wrongly blame the Thais that I am always skeptical of this kind of claim.

I am not saying that the OP is wrong, but am keeping an open mind. :wai:

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Maybe the girl made a mistake and was afraid to admit?

Sometimes we feel mistreated when we are not.

I am not accusing anyone, but I have seen so many Westerners misunderstand such situations and wrongly blame the Thais that I am always skeptical of this kind of claim.

I am not saying that the OP is wrong, but am keeping an open mind. :wai:

Yep, I've see the same thing almost every time ;)

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I would suggest everyone ignores the OP's gripe and find out for yourself. We are talking about miniscule amounts of baht. jeez.

So you think a 100% hike is ok, I can tell you that my family would climb the wall if they got ripped off like this. Takes sister in law an hour to make that minuscule amount, and thats on a good day! I for one don't like to be taken in, it's the principle not the money. Thanks for the report OP we will not be visiting such a place.

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I would suggest everyone ignores the OP's gripe and find out for yourself. We are talking about miniscule amounts of baht. jeez.

Well you suggest very wrongly then. Whether or not its 10baht or 1000baht the reason he got ripped off is because of the color of his skin. If you dont believe him you go and find out and report back...jeez.

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Maybe the girl made a mistake and was afraid to admit?

Sometimes we feel mistreated when we are not.

I am not accusing anyone, but I have seen so many Westerners misunderstand such situations and wrongly blame the Thais that I am always skeptical of this kind of claim.

I am not saying that the OP is wrong, but am keeping an open mind. :wai:

Yep, I've see the same thing almost every time ;)

The thing that I've noticed when I have misunderstandings with Thais over price is that the misunderstanding never goes in my favor - it always turns out to be more expensive than I thought, not less.

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Why do you blame the restaurant? Seems like your wife is one of the main problems here. Did she have a mis-communication with the server? Why didn't she explain this price discrepancy to the owner?

BTW, What kind of lunch did you get? Was it a 40B lunch or a 79B lunch? Considering the location etc, did you actually overpay or is it possible you still got a fair deal?

Also, to all the posters worried about being taken because we are foreigners, he has a Thai wife! There is no way in Hell that my wife will let anyone overcharge me, why would his wife allow it? I don't believe that this is due to him being "white", it was a mis-communication.

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Why do you blame the restaurant? Seems like your wife is one of the main problems here. Did she have a mis-communication with the server? Why didn't she explain this price discrepancy to the owner?

BTW, What kind of lunch did you get? Was it a 40B lunch or a 79B lunch? Considering the location etc, did you actually overpay or is it possible you still got a fair deal?

Also, to all the posters worried about being taken because we are foreigners, he has a Thai wife! There is no way in Hell that my wife will let anyone overcharge me, why would his wife allow it? I don't believe that this is due to him being "white", it was a mis-communication.

Well you may or may not be rite with what you say. I tend to agree with you. I am not familiar with the restaurant but from the description I would be very surprised at a 40 Baht meal. 79 Baht sounds more reasonable. At any rate I do not see the need to publicly berate them over it. There could be a honest mistake here. Let us remember this was not the first time the OP had eaten here. It must have a redeeming feature.

1 time out of 4 times or 3 times does not sound like a good reason to condemn some one for ever on a public forum. Mind you I am not a Thai basher.

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This doesn't add up for me.

40 baht is what I pay for a leg quarter at Tanin or Warorot, and they hand it to me in a plastic bag.

Why would a nicely appointed restaurant be selling a meal based on that same item for 40 baht?

I love the chicken there for 40 baht in the red sauce the stall in the middle yum yum makes me hungry .

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This doesn't add up for me.

40 baht is what I pay for a leg quarter at Tanin or Warorot, and they hand it to me in a plastic bag.

Why would a nicely appointed restaurant be selling a meal based on that same item for 40 baht?

I love the chicken there for 40 baht in the red sauce the stall in the middle yum yum makes me hungry .

Thanks, I'll try that!

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If it's the place with the nice view of the lower falls and has a few different levels with views to choose from then I can tell you I've eaten there many times and they do have a menu. The prices are a bit more than standard but that's fair enough because of the view mainly and the food is mostly really good also. I always take friends there who visit.

Maybe your wife just asked for what she felt to eat rather than for a menu? If she asked how much and the waitress gave her a price off the top of her head then could well of just been an honest mistake. 79 bht for chicken sounds about right given the location. Not a ridiculas over inflated Falang price; I can think of many Thai restaurants where they charge similar.

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I would suggest everyone ignores the OP's gripe and find out for yourself. We are talking about miniscule amounts of baht. jeez.

I agree with our mhortig.

It`s not the amount of overcharging that concerns me, but they’re attitude of whatever happens, the farang should pay more, which really irritates me.

Of course there are genuine and innocent errors, but I have found that these mistakes are usually in the business owners favour.

When this happens to me and the over charging appears to be an obvious rip-off, that’s it as far as I’m concerned, I will then avoid that establishment forever.

Over the years, many farangs have wised up to these rip-offs, not so gullible anymore.

Thank you, mhortig for the tip off and you can count me as another possible customer who will stay away from that place.

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If it's the place with the nice view of the lower falls and has a few different levels with views to choose from then I can tell you I've eaten there many times and they do have a menu. The prices are a bit more than standard but that's fair enough because of the view mainly and the food is mostly really good also. I always take friends there who visit.

Maybe your wife just asked for what she felt to eat rather than for a menu? If she asked how much and the waitress gave her a price off the top of her head then could well of just been an honest mistake. 79 bht for chicken sounds about right given the location. Not a ridiculas over inflated Falang price; I can think of many Thai restaurants where they charge similar.

I'm pretty sure I know the place too and am also sure it has a menu. Almost every Thai restaurant I know above the level of a noodle stall has a menu - i think you'll find they have to by law. Now you know why.

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I would suggest everyone ignores the OP's gripe and find out for yourself. We are talking about miniscule amounts of baht. jeez.

So you think a 100% hike is ok, I can tell you that my family would climb the wall if they got ripped off like this. Takes sister in law an hour to make that minuscule amount, and thats on a good day! I for one don't like to be taken in, it's the principle not the money. Thanks for the report OP we will not be visiting such a place.

Agreed, it's not the amount, it IS the principle....my GF would go ape! She scrutinises every bill and asks for a copy of the bill and has done for 3/4 years, at first it annoyed me but now I appreciate what she is doing. If you wanna get 'tucked up' at every opportunity because it's just a few baht...down to the individual BUT in the UK (or wherever) would you accept the same? Ie. the bill is GBP3.50 for a coffee but you get charged GBP7.00.....all hunky dory?

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The waitresses in most low-end restaurants are uneducated immigrants whose first language isn't Thai. In my experience when asked a question in Thai, they give contradictory responses. I think this was possibly a contributing factor to the problem.

In addition, quite a few foreigners are married to women from the NE, a hill-tribe or Burma. They may not be able to communicate in the local Thai dialect or even central Thai effectively. It's not clear if this isn't the case in the OP.

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I have found that a priced menu is no deterrent to special thai pricing for farangs

the last 99 baht bbq buffet i had cost us 150 baht each...

We just couldn't be bothered arguing about it....food was hardly worth coming back for anyway laugh.gif

9 out of ten times , or more, there isn't a problem

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Thank you all for your feedback. It's always interesting to see such varied response from the falang community. There was no misunderstanding, I would never complain casually, and on our previous visit we were suspicious of the check but paid it. This is most certainly not about the money, it is the principal, but also 79 baht in this type of restaurant is way out of line. I simply wanted to make other falangs aware of their business practice. I've been cheated for a few baht at other places where the guy right next to me has exactly the same thing as me, he pays 15 baht and I'm charged 20. I will never return to such a place. Complaining will not yield a satisfactory response, very unlike our falang bossiness practices.

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^ I've never encountered anything like that. Only double pricing I've come across is the official kind ie zoo, royal flora etc but show my thai bank card and get in on local rates anyway. Not being funny but you think agemight have something to do with it?

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