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In Defence Of Chalong Pier Road

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Karen was this to me because I mentioned in another tread that I was surprised to see so many look alike beer bars on the road to the pier!

Just an observation from my side and I have no interest in prove anything about Chalong and as said I don’t like the area and last time I was over there was between 2001-2003. When that’s said I can’t see that more bars of any kind which there are too much of already on this island can enrich the society.

You probably have another view and interest in Chalong and the nightlife than me, fine!

Guessing it was aimed at me also. I mean, does every bloody sexpat find this sleazy strip 'entertaining? (for I've yet to see any 'family types' at these Godawful shacks). Merely because the locals have no other idea. Where are the seafood restaurants/lounge bars sans tarts et el one would see in a similar locale anywhere else in the world apart from those whose predominant idea of attempting, pathetically, (most of them are empty) to lure 'tourists' is to play 10 year old disco at a rate of decibels with accompanying 'hello,welcomes' from some bored chick from the sticks who knows no better and is simply looking for some sad old git to fleece and pay their bar fines? Which go further UP the food chain.

Yes. That soi was quite dark and dreary. BUT. A little intelligence (ha!) and thought would have made it a very nice spot to enjoy an evening out for those of us who are not prepared/willing to pay for the amazing conversational, and er, otherwise skills of some sad uneducated farmgirl. Or 'boy'.

If the planning authorities (no, don't laugh) can only come up with that or bulldozing the lot down, I'd go for the latter.

Sounds like you have never been to Kaneng @the pier and Vijit,one of the best restaurants on Phuket with great views and good owners,like KB says if you dont like it dont come ....


Sounds like you have never been to Kaneng @the pier and Vijit,one of the best restaurants on Phuket with great views and good owners,like KB says if you dont like it dont come we wont miss you...

Don't you get it. Some people love Kaneng @ pier, and would have preferred the road to have some more businesses befitting of being on the same road as a class establishment as Kaneng. And as someone pointed out, they would more than likely make the proprietor more money than the unimaginative, ten to the dozen shacks do.

I agree with KB's point that if you don't like it, don't go, but that doesn't mean you can't have an opinion about it and say that you preferred it before. But I certainly don't agree with his 'moral high ground' comment. I think believing prostitutes and prostitute bars are unfortunate and it would be better if they weren't everywhere, has nothing to do with 'moral high ground' that's just normal, level ground morality as far as I'm concerned. I guess everything's relative.

When you have proper red light areas like Bangla, little roads with crappy girlie bars like that just reek of desperation to me.

The area in question is prodomenently an ex-pat, local, non tourist area.


Don't like it? Stay away and keep your moral high-ground (snigger)

Easy innit?

What exactly is the need for girlie bars in Chalong? Is it for people who can't afford the ones in Patong? I thought girlie bars were for holiday makers anyway?


Don't like it? Stay away and keep your moral high-ground (snigger)

Easy innit?

What exactly is the need for girlie bars in Chalong? Is it for people who can't afford the ones in Patong? I thought girlie bars were for holiday makers anyway?

It's a long ride from Patong for East coast dwellers/holidaymakers when you're pissed and a girlie is grabbing your goolies.


Don't like it? Stay away and keep your moral high-ground (snigger)

Easy innit?

What exactly is the need for girlie bars in Chalong? Is it for people who can't afford the ones in Patong? I thought girlie bars were for holiday makers anyway?

It's a long ride from Patong for East coast dwellers/holidaymakers when you're pissed and a girlie is grabbing your goolies.

That's just it. The amount of people who let (normally minging) prostitutes grab their gonads, compared to people who don't, is very very small. Which is why most people would prefer a row of normal bars and restaurants instead. I don't understand why people feel so hard done by when this opinion is voiced.

If you use girlie bars as an expat, good for you, but I believe you will be in a small minority. As someone mentioned before, a lack of imagination means the minority get their needs catered for more than the majority. It's not a big deal, just how some people feel. If you're one of the lucky ones like Karon Bravo who enjoy the bars, then you've had a result. If you're not, then you are likely to be a bit disappointed that it isn't the same as before, or other, better businesses didn't spring up instead.

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