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Been having very frequent and ongoing disconnects all weekend. Wouldn't be much of an issue I realise, but it triggers my VPN mute meaning I have to manually reconnect each time.

Anyone else experiencing any issues with True?


Had extreme issues for several days mid week with disconnects and low speed connections/loss during day but for last 32 hours has been solid and connected at a higher than usual speed. Perhaps they are upgrading circuits somewhere along the line.


Thanks lop. Yeah, I had problems during the week as well, mostly seemed to be weird DNS and peering issues with European datacenters. Connection is also very choppy and all over the place speed-wise at the moment. I guess something must be going on.


Is this a new problem?

Can you provide any background?

Can you provide any line stats?

Some routers allow you to create, save, view a log. If so these can be examined for disconnects.

Here is a sample (really just a renewal of a 24 hr lease):

Aug 14 00:02:33 daemon crit pppd[573]: Clear IP addresses. Connection DOWN.

Aug 14 00:02:33 daemon crit pppd[573]: Clear IP addresses. PPP connection DOWN.

Aug 14 00:02:39 daemon notice pppd[573]: PPP: Start to connect ...

Aug 14 00:02:39 user notice dnsprobe[841]: Primary DNS server Is Down... Switching To Secondary DNS server

Aug 14 00:02:40 daemon crit pppd[573]: PPP server detected.

Aug 14 00:02:40 daemon crit pppd[573]: PPP session established.

Aug 14 00:02:40 daemon crit pppd[573]: PPP LCP UP.

Aug 14 00:02:40 daemon crit pppd[573]: Received valid IP address from server. Connection UP.

Not seeing any disconnects across many True DSL installs ( 6 currently ) in metro-Bangkok.


No line stats (WAG 120N), but connection is usually rock solid with 700-800 kB/s coming down by FTP pretty much continuously from my server in France.

Just enabled logging in the router. Will post log if the issue continues (suspect it will since I was disconnected while writing this post).


No line stats (WAG 120N),

You can see your line stats by checking out this hidden link:

And again, is this a new or recent problem? If so, for how long? Have you ever had any similar issues previously?

Possibly, although you've provided no details whatsoever to support my assertion, somewhere between your router and the DSLAM someone or something has created a cabling issue. (FWIW, my street-side cabinet is unlocked; every day there are people of some sort putting up ladders on the overhead cabling; and in the CO they are continually adding/deleting connections.


Thanks for the link. Never knew about that page, though there doesn't seem to be much helpful info in there (I am connected, despite the DSL stats):

--- System Information ---

Vendor: Linksys

ModelName: WAG120N

Firmware Version: A1.00.12 , 2010-01-26T06:39:37

GUI Version: A1.00.12_007

Boot Version: 1.0.37-5.4

Hardware Version: 0.01

--- DSL Information ---

DSL Driver Version:

DSL VPI/VCI: 0/100

DSL Status:

DSL Mode:

DSL Channel: 0

DSL Upstream Rate: 0

DSL Downstream Rate: 0

Down up

DSL Noise Margin: dB dB

DSL Attenuation: dB dB

DSL Transmit Power: dBm dBm

Here's the stats from the normal status page:

Status: Up

Downstream Rate: 10598 kbps

Upstream Rate: 605 kbps

Cisco Logo

PVC Connection

Encapsulation: RFC 2516 PPPoE

Multiplexing: LLC




Autodetect: Disable

VPI: 0

VCI: 100

Enable: 1

PVC Status: Up

In answer to your other questions:

1. It's a new problem. Started yesterday.

2. Had the occasional disconnect before, but nothing chronic like this. It's happening every few minutes.

I have a log file, but it's already insanely long so I won't post it here. I'll PM it to you if you want to look at it, but I'll totally understand if you can't be bothered.


Just as FYI this speed/connection may be affecting more than just ADSL connections.

I'm on the True Cable 20Mb/2Mb plan and late this week my speeds were way down from normal, but no disconnects or DNS issues. From doing some speedtests and general browsing it was obvious the speed was way down from normal. Example: in the evening I can normally pull almost 20Mb download speed from a Bangkok server using any speedtest program (True, TOT, 3BB, Speedtest.net, etc)...but late this week I could only pull 5-12Mb during a good portion of the day/night...it would start speeding up some late at night. Of course this 5-12Mb is more than good enough/still fast, but when you been use to 15-20Mb speeds you do easily/quickly notice the difference. Today/Sunday the speeds are generally better but not back to what I've been seeing (i.e., 15-20Mb). My modem Transmit/Receive Power Levels & SNR were all normal/like they have always been and nothing in the modem log other than the normal stuff.

Maybe it's just more people on the internet on this long holiday weekend with Mothers Day on Friday and Chinese Spirits Day on Sunday/today. Or, True is just having bandwidth issues.


Thanks for the info Pib. Disconnects seem to have abated (haven't had one in a couple of hours), but speeds are way down on BT, FTP, HTTP and SSH. Maybe it's a network issue with True or as you say, simply weight of numbers.


this week my speeds were way down from normal, but no disconnects or DNS issues. From doing some speedtests and general browsing it was obvious the speed was way down from normal. <snip> My modem Transmit/Receive Power Levels & SNR were all normal/like they have always been and nothing in the modem log other than the normal stuff.

No disconnect issues, just below par browsing and file transfer speeds. No problems streaming EPL matches though, which is good enough for me. :)



Well, today/Monday, my True Cable 20Mb plan is back to normal...been pulling 20Mb speeds all day (it's now 6:15pm) when checking against speedtest programs/Bangkok servers at TOT, True, 3BB, etc. Beyond these speedtest results my browsing is definitely faster and how streaming video buffers-ahead is additional proof of a faster/normal speed. Speed to international sites is also back to normal. Maybe the problem was the long holiday weekend with lots of people on the internet, maybe a technical problem somewhere, maybe ???, which was dragging my speed down to about half or less of what it normally is as mentioned in my above post....but fortunately, I still had more than enough speed for it not to really bother me; only notice the speed change....and I had no disconnects/DNS issues. True cable internet has been working real good for me...knock on wood. Hope the rest of you True folks got your full internet speed back.

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