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File Sharing For Dummies

The Coder

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Over time there are discussions about file sharing, bit torrents, and download of tv programs that all seem kind of related. But every time there is a thread about it, it goes right over my head. Can someone make a nice concise post in laymens terms about what it is and what are the steps to get started? I am in BKK and have adsl.

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Over time there are discussions about file sharing, bit torrents, and download of tv programs that all seem kind of related. But every time there is a thread about it, it goes right over my head. Can someone make a nice concise post in laymens terms about what it is and what are the steps to get started? I am in BKK and have adsl.

My recommendation is BitComet . I downloaded and installed it and immediately started downloading tv shows (Lost, Deadwood), movies and games. I am in Bangkok, with ADSL (CSLoxInfo on a TOT fixed line). I am running Windows Xp Pro which supports UPnP as does my router (Linksys WAG54G) so no worries about static IP addresses, port forwarding etc. Once I have to start mucking about changing TCP/IP "properties" and configuring my router frequently, I get lost. I did try to set up port forwarding but then I lost my internet connetion! I went back to UPnP. BitComet tells me I am currently downloading at 33 Kilo-Bytes per second and uploading at 30 Kilo-Bytes per second.

Anyway I think the steps are:

install a client

configure the client, your PC and your router

search for content (find a torrent)

start the torrent (download)

share your content with others (upload)

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OK, altho I am fairly computer geeky, file sharing is beyond me too. How difficult is it to configure your router? What about viruses? What about the firewall? What if I don't have that many files to share? Will I be penalized for not having much?

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OK, altho I am fairly computer geeky, file sharing is beyond me too. How difficult is it to configure your router? What about viruses? What about the firewall? What if I don't have that many files to share? Will I be penalized for not having much?

to configure your router, comes mostly to port forwarding, what means on what port your router should listnen/talk, imagine the firewall part from your router as a controler which lets communications happen through the specified channels

all these items should be in the manual provided with your router and loads of website's are here just to show you to that for your router, pls read these sites/manuals

viruses are always a risk, you can minimize getting infected by installing a virus scanner and no to open unknown executables

configuring your firewall comes down to what program do you allow to go online and what port it should use

for filesharing programs you would normally not be penalized for not having not much to share, but it wold be appreciated if you let your computer running for those who are downloading your shares

as for the expathub quote Users are required to share a minimum of 10 gigs of video files for the sake of participation. Music is welcome as an extra to the minimum share. If you don't have any files to share you are welcome to join first and then add things as you go. unquote

pls note that if you are located in thailand download speeds may be disapointing as the international link is not that fast (rather slow actually)

answers might be incomplete as i tried to simplify them

Edited by bangbuathong
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Everyone is welcome to the Expathub, but must have the spirit of sharing - which means, doing your best to find new stuff, share it and be helpful. This is the whole point of the system. ATM, you need to share 2 GB to get in. Anyone interested is welcome to PM me for specific advice.

I remember the first time I had to configure a firewall, I thought it was rocket science, but it really is not difficult at all, it is just a matter of learning the terminology. Since I could do it, pretty much everyone can. Remember Google is your friend. Most problems you have are not unique, which means answers to your questions are available out there with a little searching.

The first steps to joining the Expathub are described HERE. You need to download a client (program) that lets you connect to the hub. You also need to enter settings in this client. Any problems you have can be googled, if you are none the wiser, just ask in the thread above. Once inside the hub, everyone there will be happy to do their best to help you. Don't be afraid to ask.

BitTorrent is a great system but lacks the personal touch of DC, which has a chat interface that allows people to communicate with each other, 1 on 1 or in a big main group (the program looks similar to mIRC and other chats you may have been in).

Occasionally hub members will play online games together, and on some other occasions you will be able to listen to Hub Radio that broadcasts everything under the sun from music to comedy, to talks on Buddhism. In other words, there is a community feeling in DC that you dont get with BitTorrent.

Another issue is that some ISPs block or severely throttle the speed of BitTorrent transfers. Does not affect everyone though. Personally, I have been happiest with the client BitTornado. It is much more basic than the biggies like Azureus and BitComet, but it does the job superbly.

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Frustrating! :o I installed BitComet, browsed some torrents, started some downloads and they all just sat there saying "Connecting...". A few hours later it crashed. I removed BitComet and downloaded Azureus, went to two other torrent sites and started 4 downloads of around 300MB each. I let it run all night and all day and I don't have anything finished transferring--I might not have anything until tomorrow!!! Fricking slow as molasses. I have a true 1mbit package (no router) and leave my computer on all the time but it is just a trickle. I read about expathub, but getting 10gb to share could take weeks, even months to join so I am in a catch 22 on that one. Azureus crashed once so far, but continued where it left off after restarting it. Am I missing anything that would improve the experience or is this all normal??? :D

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some of them torrents are terrible, the older they get - seeders the less. it;s terrible waiting for the last bit of a 4.2 Gb download and it does not come.

highest speed i encountered was 55kB/s on 718 MB (3hr 40 min) depending on the amount of seeders

on the expathub you can start with less than 10gig, you might have some movies in your collection you can share.


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