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Pigmy Goats


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I visited the Kasetsart Agricultural Fair in Bangkok in 2009 and saw two Pigmy Goats. I did not have time to locate the owner. Does anyone know where I can buy Pigmy Goats from in Thailand? I have a small farm (24 rai) in Ubon. I have quite a lot of poultry but reckon goats will also help with regenerating the quality of the soil with their manure. Pigmy Goats the size of a god would be ideal. Better than water buffalo

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Hi Craig,

I checked with the Ministry of Agriculture in Bangkok and they said there are no Pygmy Goats in Thailand. Quite strange considering I saw them two years ago at the Kasetsart Agricultural Fair here in Bangkok. I just wish I had waited to get the owners contact details back then. I'll see if the Thai agricultural mags have any ads. There are plenty of regular size milk and meat goats but no one seems to know about Pygmy Goats. Perhaps I should consider officially importing them.

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try petting zooos no body else would keep them as they are difficult to milk for dairy use without having them up high on a milking stand; zoos like them as they are good for childrens' areas...

btwk there are several breeds of pygmies (nigerian dwarf and pygmy).and since they are a tropical breed, if u get a pair, u will find your self with many many kids since the does will cycle one and ahalf times within a year + (every nine to 12 months as opposed to only every 12 months (does are in heat 21 days and gestation is about 150 days plus or minus depending a bit on the breed... so most goats give birth about once a year, here its every august in heat, breed in september give birth between feb. to april depending when she was bred...if she is studded and takes in august for instance u will have an earlier birth. if she misses, she recycles again for 21 days so that the birth will be a bit later. once she has been bred, she wont cycle again and she immediately stops being in heat. (u can see by action of the buck).


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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for your advice. I am indeed after Nigerian Dwarf Goats. It's a challenge tracking them down in Thailand. I am after three as pets, not a commercial project and willing to pay a good price.

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again, try petting zoos /childrens' zoos,; or import. someone in israel imported frozen fetuses of boer goats and they succeeded. doubt anyone would that for a pygmy goat but u never know...

if u import make sure brucellosis free, johnnes disease (sub tuberculosis) free, mycoplasma free and CE free. if not, you will spend money on vet bills sick goats and lost babies not to mention heartache when your cute pet goats die

... the jerusalem zoo is always looking for homes for theirs, howver, they have possilbe johnnes disease in some bloodwork so u cannot keep the goats anywhere near a commercial dairy farm.. none are active or symptomatic but possible carriers. not sure if they would export to thailand but they do transfer animals internationally if certificats etc are cleared and u are a private enterprise... not sure how much $$$ it would cost. a pygmy is about 250 shekels or a trade for a few ducks/chickens/geese.. so rather costly.

sorry cant be of more help. no longer in the goat world and not in thailand... but good luck


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Thanks Bina,

I went to Chatuchak and an old lady there said she will have her scouts look for Pygmy Goats / West African Dwarf Goats / Nigerian Dwarf Goats and they will cost 8,000 baht each. I said I was after three and foolishly gave her a "refundable" 8,000 baht deposit. I have to wait around two weeks for her scouts to locate the goats. I just hope I don't see a headline in the newspaper "Goats stolen from zoo". I still have faith that I'll get three goats or get my refund.

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elgat: they arent mutant. they are the real thing. just a different bunch of breed/types/

if u do plan on breeding, make sure u know where your females came from: here in israel we had cameroon sheep. they were beautiful animals but almost every single sheep found in any petting zoo came from an original breeding pair and therefore develped lots of genetic problems...

breeding sons with mothers first generation is ok but after that u might end up with hermaphrodite sexed goats or other wierd things... so if u do get some animals , try to get info where there are males etc from different stock if possible...

u can always breed a small pygmy male with a regular female, though not the other way around... small males can climb and mate regular nannies no prob. seen it done at the zoo here.



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