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I am sure a lot of you know about this new diet/lifestyle called the Paleolithic/Primal diet. Essentially, it is cutting out carbs/starches/refined sugars from your diet. The difficult part of it is the main focus is on fatty red meat. There must be a local place that has grass fed beef to buy that doesn't cost an arm and a leg, doesn't there? I heard about a place called Chiang Mai Farms off of the canal road in Mae Hia area, any info on that?


It depends a bit on who's subset of paleo your following. Paleo has evolved a bit and most consider it macronutrient ratio agnostic. I.E. doesn't have to be really low carb.

Some people like endurance athletes need more carbs. Some people need less.

The core ideas of Paleo are to eat unprocessed foods and avoid problematic foods like refined sugars, grains, legumes and some form of dairy.

True grassfed beef is hard to come by in Thailand. Tops and Rimping sell some fairly expensive Australian beef.

As has been noted in the farming forum the grass in Thailand grows very fast and is watery and not particularly nutritious for cattle. Grains are just the endosperm of mature grass species and not unnatural food for grazers. It's just unhealthy when the animal is fed a large percentage of grains because they increase the Omega 6 to 3 ratio which is pro inflammatory.

Keep in mind grassfed just means a large percentage of grass in the diet.

Cattle Feed wiki

A person can eat conventional grass/grain raised meats but would be wiser to eat leaner cuts and trim fat to avoid the excess omega 6 sources. Supplementing with a fish oil for Omega 3 would be helpful also.

Otherwise eating Paleo in Thailand is easy.

Coconut oil and milk

Great selection of low starch vegetables

Plenty of low sugar fruits like lime, cucumber, avocado, tomato, grapefruit etc (botanical fruits)

decent selection of nuts like coconut, cashews, macadamia, chestnuts

Paleo Diet wiki


Nearly all Thai beef is grass fed. Just go to your local market. Grain fed is more expensive so just look for the cheap stuff.


One guy that I know who has lectured everyone he knows to only eat vegetables for many years has now switched to only eating meat and now lectures everyone he knows about that.

I can't say that I blame him for changing to good steaks though. :lol:


One guy that I know who has lectured everyone he knows to only eat vegetables for many years has now switched to only eating meat and now lectures everyone he knows about that.

I can't say that I blame him for changing to good steaks though. :lol:

a meat only diet seems a bit extreme...

How does he look health wise?


One guy that I know who has lectured everyone he knows to only eat vegetables for many years has now switched to only eating meat and now lectures everyone he knows about that.

I can't say that I blame him for changing to good steaks though. :lol:


I know that story... very close friends of mine were strictly vegetarian. Last time I go visit them they suddenly pull a whole roast chicken out of the oven! Turns out one of them is gluten-allergic and must eat lots of meat in their gluten free diet.

I met a Paleo guy - the diet makes the most sense of all the diets, at least there's a reason to it. And I do distrust processed foods. He told me he lost weight - I said no wonder, I'd lose a lot of weight too if I didn't eat any sugar or wheat. I mean - obviously.


I don't know. He is angry because I made fun of him when he told me, so I have not seen how he is progressing. :D

OK I thought I'd find out a bit more about this diet googled and at random got this

She has a system. At Whole Foods, wearing a vintage-ish white dress over blue tights and tall black boots, she plops organic apples, ginger, avocado, parsley and crisp fennel into her cart, but skips quickly past the aisles stocked with bread and pasta. From the dairy sections she grabs only a half-gallon of coconut milk and a pint of Coconut Bliss ice cream made with coconut milk and agave ("Finding Paleo-friendly ice cream was like the holy grail for me," she says). She looks longingly at but bypasses a table of chocolate, considers turkey jerky for a snack, and picks wild-caught yellowfin tuna to cook for lunch. It's $19.99 a pound. http://www.washingto...0010101611.html

"Finding Paleo-friendly ice cream was like the holy grail for me" You couldn't make it up.....


'macronutrient ratio agnostic'. !! ... :( :( :(

If ever they wanted to confuse everybody,that would be the way to do it.


'macronutrient ratio agnostic'. !! ... :( :( :(

If ever they wanted to confuse everybody,that would be the way to do it.

sorry ..

okay the Macro Nutrients are Carbohyrdates, Protein and Fat

Various diet concepts have recommended ratios

For example "Zone Diet" would recommend 40:30:30

A low carb diet like Atkins would recommend a lower carb ratio. Low carb diets are considered Ketogenic because they stimulate the liver to break down adipose(fat) tissue to Ketones which are water soluble free fatty acids that are easy burned as energy.. Hence they are known as fat burning diets.

Early on Paleo would have been described as only low carb but more recently can be flexible with higher carb ratios based a persons needs and goals.

Agnostic is a person who holds neither of two opposing positions on a topic:

IE.. the optimal diet can be either high or low carbohydrate depending an individual's needs...



Thanks, I am a little leery about the "ahan" all the proprietors are telling me about feeding their cattle here. I only have heard about one farm that does grass fed exclusively, but don't know the name.

It depends a bit on who's subset of paleo your following. Paleo has evolved a bit and most consider it macronutrient ratio agnostic. I.E. doesn't have to be really low carb.

Some people like endurance athletes need more carbs. Some people need less.

The core ideas of Paleo are to eat unprocessed foods and avoid problematic foods like refined sugars, grains, legumes and some form of dairy.

True grassfed beef is hard to come by in Thailand. Tops and Rimping sell some fairly expensive Australian beef.

As has been noted in the farming forum the grass in Thailand grows very fast and is watery and not particularly nutritious for cattle. Grains are just the endosperm of mature grass species and not unnatural food for grazers. It's just unhealthy when the animal is fed a large percentage of grains because they increase the Omega 6 to 3 ratio which is pro inflammatory.

Keep in mind grassfed just means a large percentage of grass in the diet.

Cattle Feed wiki

A person can eat conventional grass/grain raised meats but would be wiser to eat leaner cuts and trim fat to avoid the excess omega 6 sources. Supplementing with a fish oil for Omega 3 would be helpful also.

Otherwise eating Paleo in Thailand is easy.

Coconut oil and milk

Great selection of low starch vegetables

Plenty of low sugar fruits like lime, cucumber, avocado, tomato, grapefruit etc (botanical fruits)

decent selection of nuts like coconut, cashews, macadamia, chestnuts

Paleo Diet wiki


That is unfortunately not true, I have asked around quite a bit.

Nearly all Thai beef is grass fed. Just go to your local market. Grain fed is more expensive so just look for the cheap stuff.


In this part of the world a SE Asian paelo diet makes alot more sense and may even involve rice to some degree. But it would for sure involve lots of coconuts and fish, be cheaper, and easier to access. Why not investigate early SE Asian diet (though you are genetically different and there are some paleo diet genetic-based arguments) and try that one on for awhile ?


Try the ants, scorpions, bee larva, and assorted bugs lots of protien. Any diet just get rid of the white stuff sugar, flour, rice

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