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Campaign For Impeachment Of Thai FM Surapong


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The Thai people knew EXACTLY what they were getting when the (s)elected this pig in a poke. The last thing they need is another foreigner telling them they don't know what's good for them.

Thaksin IS the next big thing for Thailand, always has been, always will be and there's bugger all that all these disaffected gum-beaters can do about it.

Actually I think you are quite wrong. In the old days guys like Thaksin could do whatever they wanted and people just assumed whatever he said was true, when he couldn't do what he promised it always someone else's fault. But these days with social media and Thai youth much more plugged in and people in the red shirt movement are aware of the fact that they actually do have some power and sooner or later when the PTP party (Thaksin's proxy) does NOT deliver what they have promised over and over again. The same poor people are going to wonder why should they keep voting the way they do.. in fact they might be the ones in the street next time having peaceful protests AGAINST PTP

PTP is in a very tough spot now they have the red shirts breathing down their backs to do the things they said they would in order to get elected, the DEMS will play their part of course (not saying they are any better) but the general public is going to throw their hands up at some point and say enough of all of them and the silent majority is going to not be silent anymore.. that is going to be a very very interesting time indeed...

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The Thai people knew EXACTLY what they were getting when the (s)elected this pig in a poke. The last thing they need is another foreigner telling them they don't know what's good for them.

Thaksin IS the next big thing for Thailand, always has been, always will be and there's bugger all that all these disaffected gum-beaters can do about it.

Actually I think you are quite wrong. In the old days guys like Thaksin could do whatever they wanted and people just assumed whatever he said was true, when he couldn't do what he promised it always someone else's fault. But these days with social media and Thai youth much more plugged in and people in the red shirt movement are aware of the fact that they actually do have some power and sooner or later when the PTP party (Thaksin's proxy) does NOT deliver what they have promised over and over again. The same poor people are going to wonder why should they keep voting the way they do.. in fact they might be the ones in the street next time having peaceful protests AGAINST PTP

PTP is in a very tough spot now they have the red shirts breathing down their backs to do the things they said they would in order to get elected, the DEMS will play their part of course (not saying they are any better) but the general public is going to throw their hands up at some point and say enough of all of them and the silent majority is going to not be silent anymore.. that is going to be a very very interesting time indeed...

The old days? When did they end? When has ANY Thai government delivered on what they promised? Thaksin's greatest coup was giving the great unwashed some things that were totally new and novel and it set the existing Bangkok-based hierarchy on it's ear and dragged Somchai not quite kicking and screaming into the 21st Century. But instead of 'Why didn't we think of that?' being the opposition's mantra and trying to deliver more stuff that the socially connected read about as being available in neigbouring 'less-developed' countries, they go for 'more of the same' and see nothing at all wrong with letting their favourites get on the gravy train and bugger those who aint. It's not that Thaksin and his cronies were doing it, it was the fact that the 'traditional' top-feeders were getting squeezed out and there was (still is) a very old clock ticking somewhere that hasn't been wound for a while.

As long as Somchai has a roof over his head, a bag of mama instant noodles in the cupboard when he gets home half-cut from karaoke night out, easy credit terms on his 3-series Beemer and interest-free terms on the new condo off Ratchada, he doesn't care who gets richer of the backs of 'the rest if the country' now does he? He's also still happy to bung the cop the odd hah-loy when he takes a liberty in traffic and gets 'caught'.

He does really, really want 3G though. You know, the important stuff for his facebooking and twittering.

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Foreign Minister to file defamantion lawsuit against Democrats

BANGKOK, 20 August 2011 (NNT)-Pheu Thai Spokesperson, Mr Prompong Nopparit said the Foreign Minister, Mr Surapong Tovichakchaikul, would file a lawsuit against the Democrat Party for accusing him of lobbying for Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra’s visa entry into Japan.

According to the Spokesperson, the Foreign Minister will travel to Watprayakrai Police Station on Monday (22 August) to file a defamation lawsuit against the Democrats. Mr Surapong claimed the approval of entry visa into Japan for Mr Thaksin was the sole authority of the Japanese government, and that the Prime Minister, Ms Yingluck Shinawatra, and he were not the mastermind.

Meanwhile, Pheu Thai will convene a meeting on Monday to assign roles its MPs will perform in Parliament during the debate on the government’s policy statement. Mr Prompong reminded the Democrats to keep their arguments within the agenda during the debate.


-- NNT 2011-08-20

I would have thought he would be filing charges against the Japanese. They're the ones that said that the Thai government requested the them to give Thaksin a visa.

The Japanese ARE the sole authority for issuing Japanese visas, but that doesn't stop the Thai government from requesting one for Thaksin.

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Using my favourite phrase of the moment in the interests of fairness and balance I seem to recall a certain ex-Deputy PM who gave the job as his secretary to his common law wife's son. A lad who by his own admission after studying abroad for a number of years wasn't too sharp at writing Thai.

Cronyism? Nah. Suitability for the job? I guess so. :unsure:

Nepotism, indeed.

But as it was a secretary-job for himself we can hope that the only person that was suffering in the end was himself and maybe the son grew up and learned something.

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Foreign Minister to file defamantion lawsuit against Democrats

BANGKOK, 20 August 2011 (NNT)-Pheu Thai Spokesperson, Mr Prompong Nopparit said the Foreign Minister, Mr Surapong Tovichakchaikul, would file a lawsuit against the Democrat Party for accusing him of lobbying for Mr. Thaksin Shinawatras visa entry into Japan.

So we are back to Thaksin's golden days with filing lawsuits against anyone that dare to speak out or expose the lies...

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^ True

Foreign Minister to file defamantion lawsuit against Democrats

BANGKOK, 20 August 2011 (NNT)-Pheu Thai Spokesperson, Mr Prompong Nopparit said the Foreign Minister, Mr Surapong Tovichakchaikul, would file a lawsuit against the Democrat Party for accusing him of lobbying for Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra’s visa entry into Japan.

According to the Spokesperson, the Foreign Minister will travel to Watprayakrai Police Station on Monday (22 August) to file a defamation lawsuit against the Democrats. Mr Surapong claimed the approval of entry visa into Japan for Mr Thaksin was the sole authority of the Japanese government, and that the Prime Minister, Ms Yingluck Shinawatra, and he were not the mastermind.

And so the swirling down the crapper going round in circles never ending shitfest that is Thai politics continues on its merry way. :(

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Democrats to push ahead with impeachment bid

BANGKOK, 21 August 2011 (NNT)- The Democrat Party’s legal team has voiced its readiness to push ahead with the attempt to seek impeachment of the Foreign Minister, despite Pheu Thai Party’s plan to fight back.

Pheu Thai Party Spokesperson, Prompong Nopparit on Saturday revealed that Foreign Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul had planned to file defamation lawsuit against the Democrat Party for accusing him lobbying for former PM Thaksin Shinawatra’s visa entry into Japan.

The head of the Democrat Party' legal team, Wirat Kalayasiri said Pheu Thai’s latest move would not deter the Democrat Party from its intention as the party had enough evidence to seek the impeachment of Mr. Surapong.

The Foreign Minister is expected to lodge a complaint against the Democrat Party at Phayathai police station on Monday.


-- NNT 2011-08-21 footer_n.gif

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Foreign Minister to file defamantion lawsuit against Democrats

BANGKOK, 20 August 2011 (NNT)-Pheu Thai Spokesperson, Mr Prompong Nopparit said the Foreign Minister, Mr Surapong Tovichakchaikul, would file a lawsuit against the Democrat Party for accusing him of lobbying for Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra’s visa entry into Japan.

So we are back to Thaksin's golden days with filing lawsuits against anyone that dare to speak out or expose the lies...

Well, what did you expect? Democracy?

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"It is widely known that Thaksin is escaping a jail sentence for a criminal offence. The Democrat-led government tried to bring him back to serve his term. But the Pheu Thai government is now offering Thaksin the convenience of going to different places without being arrested," Virut said.

This is hilarious considering the other report that the Dems didnt do athing to try and bring Thaksin back. Maybe they should impeach themselves too

It's as believable that the Dems requested that Ministries and Police do their jobs, and that qualifies as doing their part, but afterwards the massive stalling and incompetence, such as alleged inability to translate a legal thai extradition request to legal french or English for Interpols use, lead to the request sitting on many Thaksin friendly desks and not moving. And in classic Thai way no one volunteers the bad news back up the chain for fear of displeasing the superior.

One has to wonder how many pastry boxes does it take to stall a extradition request crossing a dozen desks?

Though this topic is about the legal standing of the new FM designate to actually negotiate with Japan for Thaksin benefit. Or simply Thailands for that matter. How can he articulate policy if the government has yet to make it's policy statement to the legislature which is constitutionally the starting gun firing for all their jobs?

It seems he jumped the gun, and like Noppadom, didn't read on up on his job description enough to not be 'making probably illegal actions' as his FIRST actions.

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Pheu Thai Party Spokesperson, Prompong Nopparit on Saturday revealed that Foreign Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul had planned to file defamation lawsuit against the Democrat Party for accusing him lobbying for former PM Thaksin Shinawatra’s visa entry into Japan.

Does this mean we will no longer have those interesting censure debates in which members of the cabinet are accused of not having done their duty, having lied, or committed other offences. What's next, no awkward questions at question time, submit questions two days before for scrutiny, no need to ask questions?

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Chuwit lambasts Surapong for helping Thaksin

BANGKOK, 20 August 2011 (NNT) – Rak Thailand Party leader Chuwit Kamolvisit has denounced Foreign Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul for asking Japan to issue an entry visa for former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

Following the Japanese government’s claim that Mr Surapong had requested a special entry visa to Japan for Mr Thaksin, Mr Chuwit stated that the Minister’s action was extremely inappropriate as he only took office recently.

The Rak Thailand leader also recommended Mr Thaksin, who was scheduled to visit Japan during 22-26 August, to stop causing a political stir as it could shorten the life of the Pheu Thai-led government.


-- NNT 2011-08-20 footer_n.gif

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BANGKOK, 20 August 2011 (NNT) – Rak Thailand Party leader Chuwit Kamolvisit has denounced Foreign Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul for asking Japan to issue an entry visa for former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

I guess on Monday k. Surapong will also file a defamation case against k. Chuwit?

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Ah yes..... the visa BS, same same the passport BS, along the same lines as the 'Interpol warrant' BS....

Never, in the history of Thailand has so much BS been created by so many people about one man.

Isn't Public-Relations wonderful ?! :lol:

Politics is all PR

Largely so, it seems. B)

But what about after a party wins an election, and forms a new government, aren't they supposed to do some ... erm ... governing then, you know ... devise & implement strategies & keeping pre-election promises, rather than just spinning faster than a load of whirling-Dervishes ? :blink:

Humm ... 'Hub of Whirling Dervishes !' does have a ring to it ?! :lol:

Meanwhile Khun Chuwit MP starts the fun part of his new job ! Yoiks, Tally-Ho ! :D

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BANGKOK, 20 August 2011 (NNT) – Rak Thailand Party leader Chuwit Kamolvisit has denounced Foreign Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul for asking Japan to issue an entry visa for former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

I guess on Monday k. Surapong will also file a defamation case against k. Chuwit?

To not do so would violate the much vaunted "Double Standards"...


Edited by Buchholz
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BANGKOK, 20 August 2011 (NNT) – Rak Thailand Party leader Chuwit Kamolvisit has denounced Foreign Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul for asking Japan to issue an entry visa for former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

I guess on Monday k. Surapong will also file a defamation case against k. Chuwit?

and yet another for Surapong's defamation suit blitzkrieg:

he should also sue the Japanese government too for saying the Thai government had asked for a favor over a visa entry for Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra.


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From Manager, August 16, 2011

On the sign: Thailand

Thaksin, hiding behind Foreign Minister Surapong: Stop complaining Ai Ping [referring to Foreign Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul]. This is the price to pay for the Foreign Minister post.

[This refers to the criticism that Surapong has faced for the apparent quick moves on Thaksin's behalf including the request for a Japanese visa.]


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PM defending foreign minister

Ms Yingluck said, besides, that it was normal for the foreign minister to meet with ambassadors of any countries

Her troubles began on August 9 when she announced the name of Thailand’s new foreign minister — a distant relative loyal to Thaksin with no diplomatic or ministerial experience.

Surapong Towichukchaikul did himself no favours when he called a meeting two days later — his first as a minister — with a Japanese diplomat to request a visa for Thaksin to visit Japan.


Reuters - August 19, 2011

The above action was taken even before he assumed his office spaces last Wednesday.

Surapong is as qualified and experienced for his post as the new PM is for hers, so he's a perfect match for this new government.

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