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Adsl Questions Asked By A Dummy


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can somebody please educate me about ADSL?

We have currently a 3 PC (2 WinXP, 1Win98) on a home LAN via a LAN switch which can handle up to 8 PCs and we have 2 TOT and 1 True Telephone line.

(Location: Tungkruh, BKK10140)

I have read all the negative info about TRUE ADSL service and am now looking to TOT (or does anybody have to say something positive about TRUE?).

Budget is not above 1,000.- Baht/month (mostly used for games by my son!!!!)

TOT lists two modems on their site (DB108-E (USB) and DB120 (4-port Ethernet ADSL)).....which one should I go for?

I know where to plug the USB modem in, but where do I connect the DB120?

Would I have to pull additional cables in order to connect the DB120 to other PCs or are the current LAN cables sufficient?

Currently my son connects via his own dial-up connection if our main PC which has the shared dial-up set-up is still off. With ADSL will he be able to use the connection even if the main PC is off?

Please give me all the advise you can about how to set this up and what is required.



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Guest DragonStar

I'd go for the Ethernet modem. With the USB, the one PC to witch it is connected, has to be on for the other two PC's to have Internet access.

Unless your equipment is some kind of unusual, your current setup actually is an Ethernet LAN. As far as I understand from your description, you're almost done. You just connect one port on the modem with your phone jack (you might need a filter) and another port on on the modem to a free port on your switch and then any of your three computers will have Internet access at the same time. Any of your computer will have Internet access, also when the other two are off.


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The first thing to determine is if ADSL is in fact available on your fixed line(s). Many of the providers offer a look-up service where you enter your 02 phone number and then they tell you if it's available.

This site has a "coverage area" section over on the left-hand side.


TOT lookup -->

CSLoxInfo, offers ADSL on TOT lines for a reasonable fee.

CSLoxInfo lookup --> http://www.csloxinfo.com/adsl/index_en.asp (in addition, scroll down for pricing)

You can buy your own modem/router/WiFi AP, or any combination thereof. If you are confident your LAN switch can handle the necessary routing and firewall applications then all you need is an ethernet (not USB) ADSL modem.

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Thanks for all the info you provided.

Though TOT rewired our entire Soi 3 years ago and we have a brand new TOT exchange only 500m from our house they still do not provide ADSL in our area - strange!?!

True does provide ADSL here but apperently they do not allow CSloxinfo and others ISPs to use their network here in our location (tel. 02-870-****) even more strange!?!

So now the only option left is direct TRUE.

Their web-site at least English version is not very clear.

Can somebody tell me if they also have ethernet/router modems or is USB their only option?

On their site is stated that only one computer is allowed, does this mean I can not share the connection on our 3-PC LAN?


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I signed up for true about 3 months ago - the package cost me 1070 baht to sign up which had them install a true phone line and provided me with a smartAX MT800 ethernet modem realtek pci network interface card and apparently the first 2 months free. As I left for work the next week and only got back last week I have not had too much of a play but it seems they have given me the 256/128 package rather than the 512/256 package but I can probably sort it when I am ready. the 256/128 package is supposed to be 500baht a month while the 512/256 is supposed to be 800baht a month.

I originally used the ethernet modem provided by true as I could not get the SMC barricade 7904WBRA to work with true - but as you can see by the other post I got it going this afternoon. If you use the ethernet modem you will need 2 NICs ( network cards ) in the machine connected to the modem - one for the modem and one for the your LAN ( local area network ) and you will need to enable internet connection sharing or run a proxy server on that machine ( proxyplus recommended ) and as it runs the PPPoE client it will need to be on for other machines on your lan to access the internet.

This is one of the reasons I went out and purchased the SMC barricade ( 3-4000 baht ) , its a ADSL modem / 4 port router / wireless access point / firewall which will maintain your ADSL connection without a computer having to be on . This allows me to fire up my PDA ( dell axim X50v ) anywhere in the house/outside and access the internet without another box being on + many other benefits

not sure if that ramble answered any of your questions - but its a start :o

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Thanks for all the info you provided.

Though TOT rewired our entire Soi 3 years ago and we have a brand new TOT exchange only 500m from our house they still do not provide ADSL in our area - strange!?!

True does provide ADSL here but apperently they do not allow CSloxinfo and others ISPs to use their network here in our location (tel. 02-870-****) even more strange!?!

So now the only option left is direct TRUE.

Their web-site at least English version is not very clear.

Can somebody tell me if they also have ethernet/router modems or is USB their only option?

On their site is stated that only one computer is allowed, does this mean I can not share the connection on our 3-PC LAN?


TOT has probably not yet installed the required DSL equipment (DSLAM) into the new CO, not so strange.

Other ISPs have not yet installed the same equipment. Again not really strange.

Evidently True have installed a DSLAM. Now that may be strange?

You can buy your own ethernet ADSL modem, and plug that into your existing switch. Or you can buy your own integrated ADSL modem/multi-port ethernet switch/router, and plug your exisitng switch and/or PCs into that?

Re: the one computer "rule", this is really more a "one IP address" rule. You'll get one IP address from TRUE for your router, then your router will dole out "local" IP addresses to one, three or fifty PCs locally. So yes, you can share that one ADSL line amongst your three PCs.

You want an external, free-standing (i.e. NOT a pci card)ethernet ADSL modem, or an ethernet ADSL modem/router, or even an ethernet ADSL modem/router, WiFi AP (if WiFi is in your future). I think it's best to buy your own CPE (customer premise equipment, i.e. the modem/router) but that's just my inclination.

I am willing to wager that True does have an ethernet ADSL modem and/or router combo but that may be extra (to buy or lease) but they probably give the USB modem away for free?

Edited by lomatopo
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