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A Thai girl who I met recently in Soi Cowboy told me she is a math student, and being a helpful soul, suggested I could help her. Some Old Hens Can Always Hide Their Old Age sort of stuff I thought.

She gave me these 3 problems, is she having me on, or should I make my excuses and leave?

1. 131 slips of paper, 2 are "good". Allowing one drawn at a time and the option of accepting or rejecting to view, and no replacement, what is the best strategy to achieve the highest probability of accepting a "good" one, and what is that probability.

2. A ladder is placed against a wall and touches the wall, the ground and the edge of a structure which abuts the wall and is 2mx2mx2m.

How far up the wall can the ladder reach, by calculation ?

3. The image shows a ribbon, show 'a' to 15 consecutive decimal places.


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This tasks are high school level, not univerity level. You are no Thai, so why not ask her to show in front of you how she calculate this. If she is able to, she surely got a good education, if not, she just plays a show....


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Achieve the highest probability of accepting a "good" one, and what is that probability.

Answer 1. Highest probability is 32.75 to 2 chance.

2. A 32.75 % probability.

Calculus of how far up the wall can the ladder reach, by calculation ?

Let (L ) be one such tangent line i.e. ladder with y - wall ( 2m, yL ) and x - edge ( xL, 2m ); therefore slope of L is ( yL - 2m) / (2m - yL) = (yL - 2m) / (2m - ayL) = -1/a, as long as (xL, yL) = (2,0sqm); therefore the slope of the tangent line of L is independent of the point, giving us the equation dy/dx = -1/a, y = (-1/a)x + c, for arbitrary constant c. In the exceptional case, the x - intercept edge and y – intercept wall of every tangent line ( L )are zero so y = mx,= ( 1.7267795 m.)

With the last one the answer is in the picture.:)

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Achieve the highest probability of accepting a "good" one, and what is that probability.

Answer 1. Highest probability is 32.75 to 2 chance.

2. A 32.75 % probability.

Calculus of how far up the wall can the ladder reach, by calculation ?

Let (L ) be one such tangent line i.e. ladder with y - wall ( 2m, yL ) and x - edge ( xL, 2m ); therefore slope of L is ( yL - 2m) / (2m - yL) = (yL - 2m) / (2m - ayL) = -1/a, as long as (xL, yL) = (2,0sqm); therefore the slope of the tangent line of L is independent of the point, giving us the equation dy/dx = -1/a, y = (-1/a)x + c, for arbitrary constant c. In the exceptional case, the x - intercept edge and y – intercept wall of every tangent line ( L )are zero so y = mx,= ( 1.7267795 m.)

With the last one the answer is in the picture.:)

Sh says no probabiliy is greater than 1

She likes the ladder answer

She says if the answer is in the picture, what is it ?

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Achieve the highest probability of accepting a "good" one, and what is that probability.

Answer 1. Highest probability is 32.75 to 2 chance.

2. A 32.75 % probability.

Calculus of how far up the wall can the ladder reach, by calculation ?

Let (L ) be one such tangent line i.e. ladder with y - wall ( 2m, yL ) and x - edge ( xL, 2m ); therefore slope of L is ( yL - 2m) / (2m - yL) = (yL - 2m) / (2m - ayL) = -1/a, as long as (xL, yL) = (2,0sqm); therefore the slope of the tangent line of L is independent of the point, giving us the equation dy/dx = -1/a, y = (-1/a)x + c, for arbitrary constant c. In the exceptional case, the x - intercept edge and y – intercept wall of every tangent line ( L )are zero so y = mx,= ( 1.7267795 m.)With the

last one the answer is in the picture.:)

Sh says no probabiliy is greater than 1

She likes the ladder answer

She says if the answer is in the picture, what is it ?

Of course the answer is more than one it could be as much as 4 but the mean probability calculus is 37.5 to 2 which also has a probability of 18.75.

The ladder answer took the longest.

It's not a ribbon it's the " infinity sign " calculas is :- If ' a ' = 1, then the arc length to the logical sequence of 15 decimal places = 5.244115108584240.

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Achieve the highest probability of accepting a "good" one, and what is that probability.

Answer 1. Highest probability is 32.75 to 2 chance.

2. A 32.75 % probability.

Calculus of how far up the wall can the ladder reach, by calculation ?

Let (L ) be one such tangent line i.e. ladder with y - wall ( 2m, yL ) and x - edge ( xL, 2m ); therefore slope of L is ( yL - 2m) / (2m - yL) = (yL - 2m) / (2m - ayL) = -1/a, as long as (xL, yL) = (2,0sqm); therefore the slope of the tangent line of L is independent of the point, giving us the equation dy/dx = -1/a, y = (-1/a)x + c, for arbitrary constant c. In the exceptional case, the x - intercept edge and y – intercept wall of every tangent line ( L )are zero so y = mx,= ( 1.7267795 m.)With the

last one the answer is in the picture.:)

Sh says no probabiliy is greater than 1

She likes the ladder answer

She says if the answer is in the picture, what is it ?

Of course the answer is more than one it could be as much as 4 but the mean probability calculus is 37.5 to 2 which also has a probability of 18.75.

The ladder answer took the longest.

It's not a ribbon it's the " infinity sign " calculas is :- If ' a ' = 1, then the arc length to the logical sequence of 15 decimal places = 5.244115108584240.

Probability is ordinarily used to describe an attitude of mind towards some proposition of whose truth we are not certain.[1] The proposition of interest is usually of the form "Will a specific event occur?" The attitude of mind is of the form "How certain are we that the event will occur?" The certainty we adopt can be described in terms of a numerical measure and this number, between 0 and 1, we call probability.[2] The higher the probability of an event, the more certain we are that the event will occur. Thus, probability in an applied sense is a measure of the likeliness that a random event will occur.

The concept has been given an axiomatic mathematical derivation in probability theory, which is used extensively in such areas of study as mathematics, statistics, finance, gambling, science, artificial intelligence/machine learning and philosophy to, for example, draw inferences about the likeliness of events. Probability is used to describe the underlying mechanics and regularities of complex systems.

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If she can figure out the answers on her own...marry her.

Haha! If she can figure it out on her own run for the hills! If so she's alot smarter than you and a Thai hooker to boot so you have no chance! Heads up dude - Soi Cowboy! Sort of says it all!

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Achieve the highest probability of accepting a "good" one, and what is that probability.

Answer 1. Highest probability is 32.75 to 2 chance.

2. A 32.75 % probability.

Calculus of how far up the wall can the ladder reach, by calculation ?

Let (L ) be one such tangent line i.e. ladder with y - wall ( 2m, yL ) and x - edge ( xL, 2m ); therefore slope of L is ( yL - 2m) / (2m - yL) = (yL - 2m) / (2m - ayL) = -1/a, as long as (xL, yL) = (2,0sqm); therefore the slope of the tangent line of L is independent of the point, giving us the equation dy/dx = -1/a, y = (-1/a)x + c, for arbitrary constant c. In the exceptional case, the x - intercept edge and y – intercept wall of every tangent line ( L )are zero so y = mx,= ( 1.7267795 m.)With the

last one the answer is in the picture.:)

Sh says no probabiliy is greater than 1

She likes the ladder answer

She says if the answer is in the picture, what is it ?

Of course the answer is more than one it could be as much as 4 but the mean probability calculus is 37.5 to 2 which also has a probability of 18.75.

The ladder answer took the longest.

It's not a ribbon it's the " infinity sign " calculas is :- If ' a ' = 1, then the arc length to the logical sequence of 15 decimal places = 5.244115108584240.

It sure is a ribbon, the infinity sign was originally from the Latin word Lemniscus, which means ribbon. ( Lemniscate) just an eight on its side really..!

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Ask her how many sick water buffalo,tea money,gambling debts,new phones, broken bikes, brothers in jail, moms whacked out on yaba does it take to drain your bank account :).

I feel very blessed to have a nice woman with a decent job here the horror stories I have seen, read about and heard about make the above statement seem tame.

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It sure is a ribbon, the infinity sign was originally from the Latin word Lemniscus, which means ribbon. ( Lemniscate) just an eight on its side really..!

In mathematics and physics infinity is from Latin too like many words.

The infinity symbol ( or sign ) is sometimes referred to as a ribbon but in mathematics and physics the correct term is infinity .

The symbol is used in finding values of slopes and curved shapes as in Infinitesimal calculus.

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Probability is ordinarily used to describe an attitude of mind towards some proposition of whose truth we are not certain.[1] The proposition of interest is usually of the form "Will a specific event occur?" The attitude of mind is of the form "How certain are we that the event will occur?" The certainty we adopt can be described in terms of a numerical measure and this number, between 0 and 1, we call probability.[2] The higher the probability of an event, the more certain we are that the event will occur. Thus, probability in an applied sense is a measure of the likeliness that a random event will occur.

The concept has been given an axiomatic mathematical derivation in probability theory, which is used extensively in such areas of study as mathematics, statistics, finance, gambling, science, artificial intelligence/machine learning and philosophy to, for example, draw inferences about the likeliness of events. Probability is used to describe the underlying mechanics and regularities of complex systems.

She is wrong probability can be greater than '1' when other figures are brought into the calculus.

Probability is the measure of mathematic theory and how likely an event is.

The number of ways event ( a = 131 )+( y = 2 )+( x = 1 x 2 x 2 x1 ) times can occur is the total number of possible outcomes.

Edited by Kwasaki
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Probability is ordinarily used to describe an attitude of mind towards some proposition of whose truth we are not certain.[1] The proposition of interest is usually of the form "Will a specific event occur?" The attitude of mind is of the form "How certain are we that the event will occur?" The certainty we adopt can be described in terms of a numerical measure and this number, between 0 and 1, we call probability.[2] The higher the probability of an event, the more certain we are that the event will occur. Thus, probability in an applied sense is a measure of the likeliness that a random event will occur.

The concept has been given an axiomatic mathematical derivation in probability theory, which is used extensively in such areas of study as mathematics, statistics, finance, gambling, science, artificial intelligence/machine learning and philosophy to, for example, draw inferences about the likeliness of events. Probability is used to describe the underlying mechanics and regularities of complex systems.

She is wrong probability can be greater than '1' when other figures are brought into the calculus.

Probability is the measure of mathematic theory and how likely an event is.

The number of ways event ( a = 131 )+( y = 2 )+( x = 1 x 2 x 2 x1 ) times can occur is the total number of possible outcomes.

Yes but now she says that such trivial problems were just to to test me and unknowingly TV

She says a more interesting problem is ... Every year on the King’s birthday a prisoner is pardoned if he correctly can pick the highest number or the lowest number among 131 different numbers that are read aloud.

The numbers are written on 131 slips of paper and mixed. The warden draws a slip at random and announces the number and the prisoner decides whether it is the highest, the lowest or neither, in which case a new slip is drawn. This goes on until the prisoner makes a choice or the slips are exhausted.

What strategy should the prisoner follow to optimize his chance for pardon and what is the probability for that?

Edited by metisdead
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She now says that the ribbon is a lemniscate and knowledge of it's properties are necessary for arterial branching in heart surgery...stone me I

A ribbon is not a lemniscate, a lemniscate is a lemniscate, the shape shown in the diagram is a infinity symbol, sometimes called a lemniscate because of its shape.

We are not really getting through to her are we. :rolleyes:

Finally with this post you have proved that she is pulling your plonker.:lol: :lol:

Maybe the best thing is to get stoned.:lol: :lol:

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Told me to google "The Secretary Problem" I did but I'm less wiser now

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