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Getting Off The Bottle


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If she's not interested in abstaining, it will not happen. If she is, then I believe I read long ago on TV about AA groups (or the equivalent) available in Chiang Mai.

Don't think 2 year old's are welcome at AA meetings.

:lol: Sorry about that. You can see where my mind is, can't you.

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It's like getting off the fags, and breaking the nicotine addiction. You just have to bite the bullet and stop, cold turkey.

We did this with our children and after a day, they started accepting the substituted milk in a box with straw type deal. Giving them a doll or cushion to hold when they are going to sleep helps as well.

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It's like getting off the fags, and breaking the nicotine addiction. You just have to bite the bullet and stop, cold turkey.

We did this with our children and after a day, they started accepting the substituted milk in a box with straw type deal. Giving them a doll or cushion to hold when they are going to sleep helps as well.


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idisagree witht the cold turkey system with kids; if she is still drinking milk in a bottle, then mvoe over slowly to milk and water and then water... then offer water or juice in a special cup for toddlers or in an 'adult' cup whichever is more persuasive. forget about getting rid of bottle at night for the moment.

stop the bottle in the middle of the day first, and keep the bottle for morning and nighttime and when sick...

ask her when she's ready to stop bottle in the morning, and replace with one of those box/straw or special cups with whatever she's used to drinking in the morning... most kids at some time stop on their own, apart from night time and sometimes nap times. most kids revert back to bottle when stressed, sick or changes in routine but give it up again just as easily. night time bottle before bed is the hardest to do and also makes potty training at night the hardest to do.

some kids might sleep with a bottle with water in it, but the nipple with a the cap on/covered, 'just in case'.. and eventually give it up themselves.

most of the child care folks here say that by age 3 most kids have weaned themselves from the bottle except for at night for some kids, but most day care places here will not allow a child to carry a bottle all over theplace . if a child wants his/her bottle, then its in the napping room, or equivalent. and nothing but water is offered, or at the most, mint tea (leaves of mint or louisa lemon flavoured leaves, no sugar added.)

some kids can use the 'star' method: stars for every time they dont take the bottle but drink from a cup.

some use the brushing the teeth method: once teeth have been brushed, only water from a cup is offerred, this at night.




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